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Rewarded Fur Good Behaviour Edition

Love Foxes, Pawst Foxes
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Previously on /fox/:
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Love the silver photos, why don't people use "silver fox" anymore when describing men and gentlemen?
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the woke mob hates foxes
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I'm going to say it
Based and cringe.
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Boomer lingo.
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Only a gay man could find this “woman” attractive. No wonder even the straight furries are fags.
>Sees the most fertile woman ever
>"You're gay if you like this"
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Delete this
Fuck off furfag
Imagine the screams of the tossed foxes.
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>>4879836 So long gay fogger
>muscle gut
Looks like a fat man with implants. Average “straight” furry.
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What's with the tourists?
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Report, hide, and ignore.
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Also ignore /pol/ kvetching.
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Easier to get attention here than on /trash/ with hundreds of other boring porn spammers
This is what happens when you let foggers into your community
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Shut up the fuck up FOGGER
If you're gonna waifu any foxgrill make it a cute one at least, like Averi or Haruhime (my beloved), not an overinflated mess.
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Vole: /fox/
Fogger: tourists
Unseen Hunter: jannies
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>replace cute fox snout with ugu uwu sugoiii desu desu flatface faggotry absolutely generic animu
Yeah no, fuck off.
Is it an optical illusion or are those incredibly red Russian red foxes absolutely enormous in size?
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not a huge disparity between this and a wild fox, they're definitely bred for bigger fluffier coats alongside the red color
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also winter coats make a big difference, summer foxes look shrink-wrapped in comparison
poofy vulpas
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>Alf falling asleep again after a couple seconds
Some things never change
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A couple years ago:
Kemono is superior
Kemono is barely a step above those nekomimi animus. Also kemono is often looking really weird and unappealing and things turn bara really quick too.
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Ay, stop posting cartoons and other nonsense. This board is for real animals, it's not /b/ or whatever the fuck.
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If you don't like the rules here, hate having to look at animals and just want to post furry images, there's a board for you
I'm not the one posting lewd cartoon foxes yet you equate me with a zoophile

also, furry "fandom" goes on >>>/trash/
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The fox general on the animals and nature board. Your furry OCs do not fit within the topic of this board, and your gay little tiptoeing around the fact, trying to pretend that your avatarfag posts are harmless contributions to the board, is not very effective when you sperg out and outright post furry porn when the mods rightfully delete your trash. You are perfectly aware that you're not even attempting to stick to the topic of the thread. This isn't your le epic random shitposting board, you have /b/ and /trash/ for that. Why don't you just go there?
And shoutouts to the retarded tripfag encouraging this behavior.
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What you are posting is not in fact a fox; furry OCs do not pertain to the topic of real life animals and nature which is what this board is about.
Clearly the mods agree on this ruling since your posts have been getting deleted.
Now that you understand why your posts are off-topic and do not belong in the /fox/ general of the Animals & Nature board, maybe you should be the one explaining why your opposing view is the one that should be accepted instead of crying and spamming porn like a sperg.
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victim of cia mind control
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>dude I'm gonna have my fox be both black and white and able to change between the two depending on the situation.
Unrealistic character design.
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Nice camouflage. I wonder what it's designed for.
She needs more "art."
>Only two colors
>"Gray foxes aren't real foxes"
I didn't know arctic foxes were chuds
September 17th was national Fox day, for the UK at least. Foxes are great. I love foxes
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What do you love about foxes?
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is kissing every inch of a fox good for you
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Yes, when you're another Fox.
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How do you not smooch that face?
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They're intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor.
They are cute, gorgeous and clever creatures with expressive personalities. I like how they laugh when they are being mischievous and vixens are usually great moms for their kits. Great creatures, I love them
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Nihilism is the very last aspect that I would ever attribute to the haecciety of the fox.

They are too curious about life, and too ready to be overjoyed by it, too prone to outbursts of... And too quick to attempt to receive more from it.

They are closer to Nietzche's ideals than many have ever understood them.

The only beings I sooner relate to existentialism or the romance movement would be weasels or other mustelids, who seemingly know nothing else nor care to know anything else then that they are alive.

And all the more happier than even foxes in that insight.
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>kisses for me but not for thee
Yeah nope
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God I wish foxes were real.
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postan starfox in a fox general
>throwing balls at foxes
how fucking rude
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Dhey like it behind dhe ears dhe most because dhat/s where mammy and pappy would normally pick dhem up as cubs widh dheir teeth.
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Fogger YES!
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I love their tails.
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>no tail
Fuckin' weak. You should be banned for having shit taste.
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damn girl
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These are the kinds of foxes I want to kiss (french) really bad.
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Fun Fox(monkey) Fact: Did you know that these allegedly pear-scented creatures are actually not closely related to foxes? I just checked Wikipedia, so I would know!
heh, where have you been hiding?
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Why would anyone think that?
This fox DESPERATELY needs a smooch
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There's intelligence behind those eyes.
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You ever think about how foxes should DEFINITELY be at least like 50% bigger?
when coyotes fully evolve to adopt the large predator niche that wolves currently occupy, red foxes will start coyotemaxxing inshallah
God I want to french kiss that fox.

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