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Hey /an/ this is my cat Rupert, he's doing a grand tour of 4chan for his 4th birthday!

I'm sure he will be very welcome on this board, as theres lots of other cades already here, here is a picture

tour progress so far
Hi Rupert, safe travels
luberd :------DDDDDDD
/an/ is the perfect board for rupert but which one was the hardest for him to fit into?
Hi Rupert, happy birthday! I'll keep an eye out for u on other boards
Rupert's dead yes we know /s4s/
hey ruber still traveling the boards =^•^=
beary nice to see you :^)
Stay safe, Rupert
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thank you for the birthday wishes

hes only visited 5 so far /aco/ was the most risky but the thread wasnt removed... in terms of hardest im not sure i skipped boards last time but hes going everywhere this tour

the only board he got removed from was /lit/ i think
stupid faggot cat
le heckin cool rude poster. Everyone think you are so cool
I wanna kiss him deeply on the lips
rupert is becoming quite famous
he's starting to be posted on lots of social media groups and sites
god bless you lad
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Rupert is based, safe travels gato
Rupert deserves a cat treat for all this adventuring.
Happy barfday Rupert!
Happy birthday to Rupert. He's a very handsome boy.
Happy birthday Rupert
Give him a head kiss for me
Have you thought of making the posts semi-related to the board so you don't get b&? I feel like lit couldn't kick you off if you made your post rhyme.
also can i see rupert's teeth, specifically his molars?
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yeah i do that, some boards have pretty strict rules mostly the image ones

He didnt like this pic he thinks im trying to give him a pill so kept moving

ok done!
thanks for the birthday wishes

ive seen some of them
Based Rupie, give him a good ole backrub for me, hes such a gentlecat
It is hard to tell, but his teeth appear to be in decent condition. Keep an eye on those chompers, dental disease is a bitch
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the same rupert from /t/? I remember you uploaded a collection of pics a while back, I still have them saved
>he seeks attention from 3 different boards
Jeez dude make a friend already.
Hi from /vst/
Tell Rupert I said hi
happy birthday Rupert
Does he go outdoors a lot or does he prefer to stay indoors?
You gotta adopt a cat gf for rupert
Hi Rupert! Happy birthday!
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indoors and my garden hes almost always inside
i have another cat called tux, he is older

rupert has lots of friends

ill pass on the message
You're strange
I never care about this shit but I must admit he looks very cute.
Rupert is your cade!
I love you Rupert! I love you so much you good kitty, hope you have a great birthday
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Godspeed, Rupert!
Happy fourth birthday, Rupert!
*scares kitten*
oops I scared kitten. Sorry, kitten.
Happy birthday handsome boy! Much love for the tour!
TAKE HIM TO THE VET.... fuck sakes anon...
I also saved that collection. What a sweet boy.
He looks just like that cat that has the meow turned into various songs.
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Rupert cat anon? You're a real nigga my man. I saw a post of Rupert and your posts some time ago and thanks for making the internet a better place

Kudos to you and Rupert!
That's a good cat. I can tell from the look in his eyes that he's a clever guy.
What the heck is your problellm, pal? Stop being so rude
for what
He is spamming his cat on every board that won't ban him. I find that rude.
its not spam its a tour you uncultured swine
besides its only one thread per board i doubt its that noticeable
Rupert is love
Rupert is life
kute kot
probably noticable to someone who for some reason is looking for rupert on every board

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