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Lovingly married with kids edition

/dog/ leash law compliance and sporting gear:
/dog/ car safety:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman, larry krohn

/dog/ breath freshening:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G9IBQRsiW0 [Open]

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

This thread is being persistently raided in an attempt to kill it. Barkbuddy operatives have confirmed a bad faith argument all created by multiple people with a proxies. Remember to ignore them report ANY /dog/scussion of animal abuse, racism, dinosaurs, or litterboxes directly to the mods.
Bassetchads cannot stop winning.
You already rape, torture to death and then eat puppies and dogs, proven fact, so what's the difference if it is a cat this time?
>You already rape, torture to death and then eat puppies and dogs
I've quite literally never have done any of that.
I mean I wouldn't care if you did the first or the third thing, odd but you do you... but uh torture? who the fuck tortures dogs?
>Fine with rapping and eating dogs
>Not fine with torturing them
What were the signs?
You do rape and possibly torture your dog
He constantly lies and denies even after proving he actually does rape, torture, and consume dogs by posting images of such acts on this very general. Things so heinous they have even been removed from the archive.
My dog smells like corn chips sometimes. That's a bad thing, but I forget what it means
who cars
people that give a truck
You need to clean his paws. Also, any /toy/ anons with dogs? I want a small dog, but I don't it to chew on my figures. Any tips?
Yeast. It's that time of year, just picked up allergy meds for my boy.

A hunter once told me 'never trust your dog more than 60%; and I think that's a good rule to live by. 60% is already a lot more than you can trust most humans.
What I mean to say is, don't give your dog the chance if it means that much to you. My dog is incredibly soft with toys, doesn't even ruin plushie toys. But when I lived with a guy that had a fuck ton of hand painted war hammer figurines all over his floor, I didn't even risk leaving my dog out. He knows leave it, I'm fairly certain he knows what are 'his' toys, but when no one is around, there is no one to control what he does and doesn't do.
Figurines on the floor? Is he stupid?
Im confused about border collie coats. I know they come in smooth and rough but are there varying degrees of top coat thickness between rough coated border collies? When I see photos online some have very thick top coats but others have thinner top coats are these genetic or just how the dog is groomed?
OP doesn’t have a basset…
How do I stop my puppy from eating grass? Dude loves that stuff, making me think I have a goat and not a dog.
My dog does the same shit. He's fucking retarded
When he eats grass you bite him.
Take the grass and eat it yourself to show dominance
He has an upset tummy or is malnourished. Adjust your food and see if it stops.
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Back with a new puppy :)
(She's part racoon, pls no bully)
Unfathomably based.
>Female husky
The chad's choice
She isn't a husky :)
Absolutely adorable.
Seaweeds are delicious and nutritious. Coastal chads keep winning.
Why are she laying like that?
Why a female specifically?
They're gonna get parasites
She's just a silly lil girl
Distinguished gentlemen

Wish my dog was retarded in that way. I also wish I my dog had two different eye colors so I could be a very creative white girl and name him Bowie or something similar
I've met three wire haired dogs that I can remember. Two were total assholes and one was really really cool. What's yours like?

Is that a fox? Holy shit she's cute.
She has committed several heinous crimes. She must be rehabilitated before she returns to society.
And her name is Rouge(like the bat)
Part raccoon part dog I think
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Huskies have indulged in fresh food straight from the wild for thousands of years, including all sorts of seafood. Today they are one of the world's healthiest dog breeds, and the cheapest one to insure because of just that.
>Oy vey, muh parasites!
>her name is Rouge
Well that's not bad
>wire haired dogs
he's a broken coat, a mix of curly and straight hair, but yea he's a bit of an asshole who likes to bark alot, but he's a jack Russell so he's kinda like that, he's nice though if it's just you and him in a room.
Wow anons here were hating on Shadow's name but Rouge is fine?
Shadow is corny for an all black dog, but it technically works
He's become aware of strangers walking past the house, and the need to ward off such pedestrians.
why are your dogs in cages? We only put ours in cage when he's upset during a thunderstorm or something.
But he's named after Shadow the Hedgehog tho
He's being a little too rough, the cage is for her protection :)
>he's named after Shadow the Hedgehog tho
Yeah I know, so it makes it work a little but more
Because they like being in there
if my dog ate this i would scream and cry...
what are some cool and easy things to train my puppy.
Think he is getting bored of the small sit, down, stay (he sucks at this one), shake, touch.
only can do a few reps before he isn't having it anymore
Speak was pretty easy to train. Roll over is simple. I taught my dog to pick things up and give them to me
>Rouge(like the bat)
are you guptil13
Nope, no clue who that is
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But it's so tasty? She eats shells too, if she can find them. If I had her off leash she would possibly catch her own fish.
can dogs eat seashells

Short videos
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AI Overview
No, dogs should not eat seashells:

Choking hazard: Seashells can be a choking hazard, especially for small dogs.

Sharp objects: Broken seashells and rocks can cut a dog's paw pads.

Intestinal obstructions: Seashells can cause intestinal obstructions.

Bacterial infections: Seashells can cause bacterial infections.

Cracked teeth: Seashells can crack a dog's teeth.

Esophageal obstructions: Seashells can cause esophageal obstructions.

Show more
Shells, crab legs and dead creatures are fun to lick and play with, but could cause bacterial infections, cracked teeth and intestinal obstructions if ingested.
I was refreshing the page to see my post too, but this is my post? Why does it look like that? This is what I wanted:
>Shells, crab legs and dead creatures are fun to lick and play with, but could cause bacterial infections, cracked teeth and intestinal obstructions if ingested.
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Drop it is an important one. An easy one is 'follow' or 'touch', where the dog touches your open palm with it's nose. good as a building block for other tricks.
There wasn't really a lot of space so the floor was his work space I guess.
His nails are too long
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Vet just rang me
He has done well overnight
He ate 160g of chicken but rejected more, but has responded well to fluids. He's still painmedded up and his diarrhea while still apparent is no longer bloody. They think he might be able to come home tomorrow so the bill would only be about $3000 total which I can eat without too much of an issue. Probably just end up working the Christmas day/New Years eve shifts at work and not going to family/friends.

In chronological order but cbf actually dating everything
>Went off his food but was still nibbling at it, just eating much less
>Got lethargic and flat, low energy - got worried here but decided not to go to vet yet
>started seeing him 'straining' to poo in the garden, didnt think much of it, he's just got a tummy bug or something I thought
>completely stopped eating - booked vet appointment for later that day
>he drank water and just immediately vomited it up 3 times in a row, couldn't keep a drop down
>straining to poo started to produce bloody diarrhea - took him to the emergency vet straight away
>triaged with vet nurse who took all the details
>vet came in, took about 15seconds to say 'This is Haemorrhagic Gastroeneteritis and he needs to be admitted'
>Did a parvo test cause apparently it's got similar symptoms - negative
My dog strains to poo sometimes too. It's only after he poops normally though, and if we stay outside longer than usual
>he's a broken coat
Huh. I don't actually know what the dogs I'm talking about were. Thank you for sparing me from potentially exposing my ignorance in front of people I know.

>he's a bit of an asshole who likes to bark alot
If those are his worst sins, you're doing alright. One of my two would piss on the kennel wall right after coming in from a walk every single time, and the other was very dog aggressive and big enough for it to matter.

It's amazing the kind of shit dogs can get away with ingesting

Glad he's doing better
Adorable. Husky/Collie?
>playing with puppy
>given up on stopping him from biting me arm
>he's my dog anyways
>notice something lodged in my skin
>it's his tooth
>wiggle my finger into his mouth and start to feel
>it's his front tooth
should I start a collection?
Hug your best boys for me, /dog/.
Just got back from the vets having put ours down. Feels fucking terrible, man.
I never noticed when my puppies’ teeth fell out. I think they ate them.
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Dog beds are snake oil, mine is just a piece of black foam from my previous bed, and a really comfy blanket. Doggy loves it.
Orthopedic beds are great for dogs though. I let my dog sleep on my bed too.
Well your dog looks retarded
>not letting your dog sleep on your bed
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I've never owned a small dog breed. Which is a good one for a beginner?
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Maybe "shells" was the wrong word. I'm from Norway and we call them "blåskjell" here. That's "blue shells" directly translated, but I checked and they're called blue mussels in English.
Yeah, dead stuff(like old, half rotten crabs) are for playing with. Seaweed, mussels and other interesting things that are still alive are for snacking on.
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That's going to largely depend on your lifestyle and what your expectations are of a dog. Easy mode would be getting a retired breeder or older dog from a foster that already meets your needs personality wise.
I'm surprised the nails were the thing you noticed, and not that the dog is shaped like a fucking sausage.
Hell ya, might be the only one though because puppies usually swallow them.
>That's going to largely depend on your lifestyle
Well, I want to get one as a gift for an elderly relative. Nothing that would pull her down if being walked on a leash, that isn't too high energy, something that's a lazy cuddlebug.
By Exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti:
A man called me and said his house was infested. The previous owner did sinful things and occult rituals in the house. No surprise that he, the next owner, inherited the demons. The house had all sorts of typical house infestation signs, such as sudden drops in temperature, shadow figures, objects moving, strange sounds, and more. All hell broke loose... literally.
One of their first signs was that the family dog began to bark uncontrollably and uncharacteristically. It wasn't the dog's normal bark but something shrill and alarming. The dog was clearly sensing something dangerously evil.
Some dogs do see demons. I do not know if all do, but there are many stories of dogs sensing demons and barking uncontrollably. In the famous case from the book, "The Demon of Brownsville Road," the family dog barked.
Some dogs do see demons. I do not know if all do, but there are many stories of dogs sensing demons and barking uncontrollably. In the famous case from the book, "The Demon of Brownsville Road," the family dog parked himself at the door to the parents' bedroom at night and kept watch, barking wildly when the demon approached. We ourselves know of a dog in our area that can sense demons and barks alarmingly when one approaches. While demons are not repelled by the animals, they can act as sentries.
This is just one more example of how talented and loyal dogs are. They will stand between a family and a demon and howl to protect their loved ones. I remember in one exorcism session the demon complained to me that I was treating it like a dog. My response, "I wouldn't soil the name of these beloved creatures and compare you to them. They are loyal, faithful, and kind. You are none of these things. You do not deserve to be called a dog."
Exorcist Diary #33
Absolutely need an older dog then, preferably one that has already lived with older people or is well trained. Getting under-foot is a huge issue with smaller dogs and the elderly. Most of your small dogs were bred for companionship, however all these small dog puppies are going to require a lot of exercise and a lot of time out in public to make them not aggressive. So you're basically looking at the individual animal at this point. I'm assuming your elderly relative doesn't enjoy or is getting to the point where going out and about regularly is an effort? If so, avoid breeds that require a lot of grooming like yorkies, shih tzus, Pomeranians, Pekinese, Pappillions, Lhasa Apsos, poodles, Havanese... Honestly the short hair list would probably be smaller. All those long hair dogs require more than just daily brushing, they need their hair actually bathed and cut pretty regularly to prevent matting. Any dog you'll get will still need nails trimmed fairly regularly.
Also going out on a limb here to assume your elderly relative probably doesn't have the money for expensive medical bills, which is something to keep in mind when you're getting an older dog. Medical issues begin to pop up, even more so in these breeds that live close to 20 years. Avoid flat faced breeds like pugs and french bulldogs, and dogs with excessive wrinkles. Avoid dogs with very short legs and long backs (corgis, doxies), as they are prone to IVDD which is expensive af.
Senior chis, iggies, mini rat terriers, chinese crested (not poweder puffs), min pins, things in this kind of range I think would be good. The terriers and min pins specifically may still be wired into their old age and less cuddly so make sure to spend time with them. Iggies are really well known for small bladders. All of these guys are fragile and can't handle someone kicking them accidentally.
Every morning I walk my dog and usually play with him before work
Sometimes I'm too lazy to play with him
This morning I took my dog for a walk and the instant we got through the door he went crazy, rushed to get a toy and started running around the house
Maybe not a good idea to reward that behaviour but I did, because I am weak
Try biting him next time.
Team work
Are you bound to your couch?
Nope, she's a Yakutian Laika
Im sorry bro. I can imagine how terrible you feel
>I'm surprised the nails were the thing you noticed
My dog and I have been going through a nail phase
Are the dogs deepthroating something or eating a sandwich like shaggy and Scooby? I should stop watching porn...
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This dog has never had a nail trim not once in their entire life.

Would you like to know more?
Quite the opposite, I spend most hours outside, just a coincidence that when I'm on the couch I am free to observe the pups while my phone is close at hand.
Double teaming a big 24 inch bone I got when the pup was at petsmart for his shots.
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That's his name don't wear it out
Going to get him from the vet hospital in 30minutes
They say he's doing really well and is out of the woods, but I will be 'dealing with diarrhea for a few days'. Not looking forward to it but at $1500 every 24hrs I'll deal
I really like that breed but never went with it cause they're too rare
Gorgeous dogs tho
Nice eyes :)
>never went with it cause they're too rare
Why does that matter?
Finding a good breeder close to me for rarer breeds is extremely difficult
>close to me
Shadow was bred in Mexico, I paid the breeder to take him up to California, then I flew out there from Texas, rented a car, and drove back with him.
And fyi, pet transportation services are about $1/mile iirc.
Coworker was selling pups, that's how I got my dog . How do normal people get dogs?
Make a necklace

He's still hatching, retard

What if I buy a rare breed and find that the breed is annoying and I hate it?
Bite him.
>What if I buy a rare breed and find that the breed is annoying and I hate it?
Then don't get a puppy
But anon told me to
>picked up pup
>breeder removed dewclaws
>didn't ask because wasn't on my mind
why do they do this? Wasn't until I was chilling with the pup that I noticed he didn't have them. Can this lead to some form of trauma later on in the dogs life?
Breeders remove those? fucking why?
Ok I read and the logic is either the breed standard calls for it or the dewclaw is can get snagged and break off which can lead to infection.
They used in hard turns, but aside from that they're mostly a liability. Unless you're talking about rear dewclaws, which are completely useless and are naturally absent on a lot of dogs. I wouldn't request it be done, and I'd decline if offered, but I wouldn't be mad if the breeder did it as a matter of course.
I read about it being a liability but I regularly trim my puppies nails, at this point he doesn't mind the WRRRYYYING machine. But I can see the issue with them, also it's his front dewclaws.
can you people take back your local schizo? he's shitting up /ck/.
>You people
Anyarapist belongs to /horse/. He only touched upon /dog/ because he realized he could not keep a "pleasure pony" in a truck cabin. He doesn't post about them much because they're visible from the highway, but he managed to get two old horses (likely for free, or captured/stolen) he uses for abuse.
/horse/ and /tv/ gave us anya schizo and reddit cat schizo, and now you can take them both

no refunds
can you people keep the local zoophile out of /kot/, he was talking about chasing a stray up a tree so he could cook it
>Can you control a /horse/ transplant
You want us to go down to morrison and kick bugguys ass while we're at it?

Even after showing extensive confessions and photo evidence of what he does to his dog and those horses to his local police department he's still free.
Curly-tailed dogs are cool because you don't have to bend down to bop their tails, they're naturally right there at hand level
He made a thread on ck and posted pictures of the butchered cat with time stamp.
That's the haitians
>bop their tails
Why would you do that? What kind of sicko are you, deriving pleasure from bopping dogs' tails??
Are Beagles good dogs for first time owners?
What an overt act of zoosadism.
Aaaaaaaand, unsuprisingly, he actually cooked it, posted a picture of it, and ate it...
>catches, cooks, and eats an animal
>"What an overt act of zoosadism."
I wonder what you think of /k/
If he killed it humanely, he is just chinese and that's ok. It's not like people care deeply about outdoor cats, like they do with yard dogs.
america has a mental health crisis, the constant exposure to media going on and on about wether haitian immigrants eat pets will definitely cause more schizos to kill and eat cats and dogs

Anyas abuser probably got the idea from the radio in his truck
I pull on their cheeks and make them look silly too. Try to stop me, I dare you.
Do you ever scrunch up their faces, or hold their muzzle?
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do your dogs tolerate hats
Of course. You have to squish to reverse the stretching from the cheek thing. I also make their eyes chinky and say "look, a shiba inu."

Hats too big / dogs too small. Sad.
how many times an hour do I have to brush my dog so he doesn't shed all over the play? Just petting him releases hair all over the place and I just brushed him. He is a German Shepard
Chris christenson long hair dog slicker brush. Once or twice a week.
Thanks bro
They're popular enough that you can probably find a rescue in your area and foster one as a sort of test drive
I wanna teach my dog to crawl. You guys got suggestions?
I taught my dog scoot. Watch a YouTube video guide. It helps if they know down first.
Lol scoot? I will avoid teaching him that. I don't want him to realize how good scratching his ass is....
yeah ive cut my dogs nails once but the amount of pavement we walk now will never let them grow back
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My labrador is 22 months old soon, and i'm still feeding him puppy food atm. Is it necessary to switch to adult food?
He's slim, strong, full of energy and he doesn't beg for food or anything. He weighs around 30-31kg, which is pretty average for males.
What are the actual pros and cons of switching to adult food?
When my dog shits twice I don't know how to pick it up. It's rare though. Should I just let it there on those rare occasions, or carry 2 bags?
Get doggy bags. Multiple bags come in that tiny roll. Or bring 3 bags with you
I didn’t realize scoot meant that they dragged their bottom on the ground. It’s just another name for crawling to me.
Psyop, pavement shouldn’t make any abrasion unless the nails are dagger length.
Define psyop
I think the adult food is more adjusted to the caloric and nutritional needs of an adult dog.
Fun to uncurl the tail
When people don't post things for discussion, they're posting them for attention. It is easy to get rid of these people by not engaging.
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Bassets if they were less fat and scheming and more psychotic and murderous (but still scheming)

Need it or keep it?
My dog just ate half a jar of peanut butter. Anything I gotta worry about besides bad shits over the next few days?
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Anya and I finally caught a cat you guys.
I'm going to go to a vet first to double check it doesn't have a tag.
How did he open the jar?
One of my kids left it open near the edge of the kitchen table.
I would make them clean up the poop. How long was it left unattended for him to lick half a jar of peanut butter gone?
Make sure it doesn't have xylitol in it
Only oldcums should be allowed in this genny.
I'm 20 and I've been using 4chan since I was 13-14
I think I am going to kill myself after all this. Life is horrible and it always what with suffering. I can't watch anyone else die it is sad and horrifying
Join the military
you were here before covid? holy oldfag i was in middle school
Did your dog die?
Yeah. Believe it or not, the maga 2016 politics shot didn't bring it here. I just really liked r/4chan lol
You should not have admitted that. I see a months ban in your future
Probably a couple hours. Come down from my study around mid-day to make some lunch only to find a big fucking mess and peanut butter footprints all over the kitchen.

No issues on that front it was the all natural no added sugar or salt stuff.
Anything's better than Big the Cat.
Wait. Shadow kun got a new puppy?
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>I'm 20 and I've been using 4chan since I was 13-14
>you were here before covid? holy oldfag i was in middle school
20 is old now?
That guy said he was 17, so yeah 20 is old
Anyone taught their dog on buttons? I see it on youtube sometimes and seems extreme but maybe a few simple ones would be helpful?
How accurate are these, if at all?
Number 2
Maybe I should get a cat
So it seems
If my dachshund curls up right next to me in my bed is that a sign of a strong bond or lack of security. Do I count as a weird looking dog?
So I'm not supposed to give BONES to my dog?? Aren't those little retards supposed to be hunters? What kind of hunter chokes and dies with the bones of their victim? Or was I just gaslit by cartoons and they didn't use to chew on the bones too in the wild?
I was searching on whether I could give small-ish rib bones to my dog and every single website tells you to not give ANY type of bone.
Dogs don't eat cooked bones in the wild. They chew the marrow out of raw bones and learn how to do it properly by watching other dogs who already survived in the wild without choking on bones.

Kind of like how if you were born into a family o a different species, in a different world, you might lack some basic human skills like cooking meat.

Social animals trade being born already knowing how to do things for the ability to think consciously.
Gotta start chewing uncooked bones in front of them from now on then, thanks bwo.
how do I stop my puppy from breaking his neck on his collar?
>put collar on
>does fine
>put leash on collar
>starts to act erratic
>pulling and jumping
feels like he's going to snap his neck with HIS OWN movement not me pulling on him but HE HIMSELF. Would be nice to know how to stop this I want to be able to walk him soon without him doing anything retarded. Never owned a dog as worse as this guy, hell even the "stubborn" Dachshund I had was more well behaved than this guy, starting to think all brachycephalic dog breeds are terminally retarded dogs bred for fighting.
Harness and positive reinforcement+negative punishment (stopping and going back home) to teach leash manners

collars are stupid and inferior to harnesses in every way.
Most mastiffs were originally used for weight pulling at least as an auxillary activity. Do not use a prong or shock collar. They will make your dog develop random fearful associations and turn bitey.
Damn. That's cool. How is the retard doing btw?
I need to get my saluki puppy ASAP now.
I stopped using a harness because he would shutdown altogether. While as with a collar he at least engages somewhat, before he starts trying to remove his neck from his shoulders. I don't leave home and I won't until he learns to walk somewhat by my side and to stop biting the leash. I've tried to do the kikopup method to stop him from biting the leash over the past month but no luck as he just loves to bite the leash sometimes turning it into a game of tug even after a training session.
I don't plan on using those, but I'm getting rather annoyed that the positive methods are not pulling their weight.
Being nice to a dog takes a lot of time and dedication, not just 5 minutes a day, especially if your dog is extremely stupid or has extremely strong instincts that dont fit because you bought the wrong dog. Literally everything learns faster through fear, it's just that they also learn to reach a point where they lash out just as fast.
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I'm just feeling a bit discouraged is all, as one would think multiple training sessions a day over the past month on something I've been trying to stop would bear some sort of fruit.
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Some retard is selling supposed Caucasian shepherds in some Houston ghetto, where it is often 95F & 80% humidity. Love to see how that's going to turn out.
I actually had a beagle as my first dog as a kid. It really depends on what you're looking for in a dog. I don't think there is a breed of dog that is a one size fits all deal for new owners, but it's not like a Caucasian shepherd where most people shouldn't own one.
Tolerate at best
GSDs naturally have a lot of hair to shed. I use a mix of a rubber curry brush, a metal comb to get the deep tight-knit tufts out, and an equigroomer to finish off the top coat. The slicker brushes hurts my dog in thinner areas or if I use it too much and make the area thin. Ignore the de-shedders - they work by actually pulling out hairs, not necessarily removing just loose hairs. Also slightly off topic but I love the rubber texture gloves and rubber curry brush to really get soap and water deep in the coat.
try teaching 'touch' (touch hand with snout) and lay down, and combine those. Make sure when getting the dog to 'touch' you are very close so they don't feel like they need to get up.
> Is it necessary to switch to adult food?
Yes. Main problem I can think of is puppy food has around 10%+ more fat than dog food, which can cause pancreatic and gallbladder issues long-term. There is also much more calcium and phosphorus in puppy food, which puppies need while rapidly growing but in excess can actually cause bone and joint issues. Feeding really high protein diets will also cause more damage to the kidneys over time.
If your dog needs a higher calorie diet to maintain weight, you might need to get a working/sport dog diet.
Pros -
>less risk of early arthritis, dysplasia, bone deformities, other bone & joint issues
>Less risk of early renal failure
>lowering the risk of pancreatitis, gall bladder issues
Cons -
>I think working/sport dog food is more expensive than puppy food
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Idk why I'm about to bitch at you for not having one of these when I've been meaning to get one for like 2 years now, but just get a fucking dog poop bag holder. They come in a ton of styles. I've seen metal ones with just 2 slots to slide bags in, plastic X designs, clip ones, etc. But I think pic related seems to make the most sense. It's way fucking overpriced for something that uses 50 cents worth of plastic, but even then it's like $6.
Before I took my dog in he lived outdoors only in an area with mostly brick ground and his nails were short as fuck. Now that he lives indoors and on grass they grow pretty long. I know for damn sure the previous owner wasn't trimming them.
This, if you ignore them they get bored and move on,, or at the very least it minimizes their engagement. Some of y'all act like you never had older siblings and it shows. God knows the mods and jannies don't help for shit.
If there's no added sugar, should be good. Might have some pooping issues and bloating for the next day or so depending how much he ate.
FWIW lots of wild animals choke and die, and dogs are largely not the hunters their wolf companions are - they mostly hunt for us.
Bones are really discouraged due to risk of foreign body and ripping the esophagus and intestines. If you must give bones, never ever give cooked bones and never ever any chicken bones raw or cooked. Rib bones are also very prone to cracking which is bad.
I wouldn't put too much stock in this. Just because your dog is sleeping like the donut doesn't necessarily mean it is cold or fearful for example. But a fearful dog most certainly won't be on their back. This kinda gives me Barnum Effect vibes.
He's still a scared idiot, but he's a little better now. His separation anxiety got worse though; I had him stay in the garage for a few days while he was sick, and when he got better and I let him back into the house, he chewed his way out of his crate one day while I was gone and hurt himself quite a bit in the process. So no more crates for him.
Other than that he had a little bit of trouble adjusting to the puppy, but they play together now
I remember someone talking about those, but can't recall who. Who dis
puppy trafficking is fucking cruel I hate this world so much
Oh sweet a new schizo?
Hes the Pete
A little guy
Who brings me joy,
He makes me cry

Hes the Pete
Hes such a treat
Playing with this guy
And his little feet

Hes the guy
A baby dude
Pete has so much puppy attitude


sing in the tune of spiderman
When he bites the leash, try redirection to something else he likes to bite on. As for the harness, you likely need to slowly introduce the dog to the harness - most puppies don't just take to wearing a harness, as it's different and it's also a lot of fabric on them. If kikopup methods aren't working, try another trainer - not all methods will work for all dogs. Despite the OP, I honestly like Zak George; all of his shit is very simple and easy to follow, it follows Least Intrusive minimally Aversive, and it's all free. I'm sure the other approved trainers are also good if you want to check them out, I just haven't heard of most.
Puppies are going to always act like puppies, I've never seen a well-behaved puppy that wasn't tired. What you're doing is creating the building blocks to make training easier as the pup gets older. This is kinda why I prefer to train older dogs instead of puppies.
IDK if I used this analogy ITT but it's like getting a kid to wash their hands - when they're young, you are always on their ass to wash .their hands before dinner, after taking a dump, etc. You'll do this for years when they are toddlers, they won't do it by themselves most of the time even though you make them do it several times a day. But once they get older, they now automatically wash their hands because you've been drilling it in their heads.

Bassets don't have to be terrible though, pic related. Their short stature actually provided use that taller dogs didn't.
It's just a joke bro
It reminded me of humans getting locked in cages is all
Im gonna lock your mom in a cage haha, if you get what I mean
>return of Pete and shadow
Regression to the mean (death of schizos inbound)
the schizos terms are no leo and no heather because they were too mean to zoobros. they post the schizos spam. its that simple.
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We stopped seeing those two after the truth came out
>Who's Leo? Is that the janny’s dog?
>The real “heathers owner”s dog. The whole larp was just leo’s owner taking pictures while visiting his relatives and their per husky. Visiting his relatives husky inspired him to adopt leo later, but he maintained the heathers owner larp to have an excuse to test out all the shitty digital cameras he was buying without looking like a camera addict.
>Eventually he killed off the persona because he was having a hard time coming up with new ideas and making it look like they werent the same person. The last straw was he bought a new camera he wanted to use for leo but only realized that after he used it for heather first, and it was a unique film format, so he had to sell it to avoid ruining his 4chan social life.
>Source: deleted telegram chat
It was one guy pretending to be two people. Leofag admitted, as himself, that it was his uncles dog and stopped posting on /an/.
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I tried to put Pete in a cage and he would just SCREAM all night, and when I would go to let him out he would just growl, huff, puff, then bite me so I said fuck it no cage

I got him the open air pen and he screamed and then climbed out, came over and bit me, so I just let him have the run of the house, he's a brat
>dog growls and bites the owner on multiple occasions
are you sure this dog is worth having
>so autistic he pretended to own a dog
>lock dog in cage
>it bites you for revenge
seems like a smart dog he’s even sporting a brain
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I'd really like to have a borzoi because I find them cute but with so many shelter dogs in need of a home I find it really hard to justify paying for one.
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Damn, crazy. That really sucks, maybe the new dog will help out with that eventually. Good to see him regardless.

There was a saluki puppy posted on one of those puppy websites about 400 miles away. I was close, but things are crazy enough over here. Maybe next year...

It is always a joyous occasion when there is a Pete post.

Leo is crate trained, but I've never forced him to sleep in there. He made a huge fuss about it, so I just puppy proofed my bedroom. Worked out fine.
Please post more heather
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Okay. Here.
>Just because your dog is sleeping like the donut doesn't necessarily mean it is cold
He might do that because he's cold, actually. It does get cold in my room, and I try to put a blanket on him, when every time I do he gets out of bed and knocks the blanket off
Not fat enough sorry
>So much dog hair on the bed
This is why my dog stays on the floor. Maybe if he was bald, he could sleep with me, but no
>I'd really like a home cooked meal but with so much edible trash in my neighbor's garbage can I find it really hard to justify paying for groceries
You're comparing abandoned dogs to garbage?
Kill yourself.
Most of them are shitbull mixes. They are garbage.

Leo is more than fat enough for the both of them.
I didn't know bobblehead dog breeds were a thing
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Jannies hate this one
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iktf anon, there are borzoi rescues but what is much more common are lurcher rescues, which I think look much more similar. You could foster with a borzoi but they tend to not be the best around dogs, especially small dogs, so it might be difficult.
I want an Azawakh but alas it will never happen, and if it did, it probably shouldn't.
Ignore dog hating ledditors
Please stop posting this dog. It's making me hate mine for not being cute enough, and they're like a 7 and and 8 easy.

Denying yourself the dog you want because there are other dogs out there is retarded. Buying a big weird dog just because you think it's cool looking is even more retarded. If you meant "because I find them cute and also because I like their behavioral traits", then go for it you fag.

When was the last time you looked at adoptable animals?

Even the ones that aren't polluted with shitbull genes are mostly garbage. There are a few good ones to be had, but it's not worth the time and effort to find them unless you don't have anything else to do with your life.
>Want to cuddle with puppy
>everytime I lay down near him he begins to bite me
>even when I try to redirect him to his toys
>still goes after hands/arms
I'm becoming sad, he does this everytime, all I want to do chill next to him. If I get to pet him cool, if not oh well. But this bite, bite, and more bite is tiring as I already have bruises from him biting me on my arms and it just hurts at this point. Worst part is he does this on my bed, and dunno if this will lead to behavior issues down the road.
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meet wilbur. (he'll probably be sideways because it was taken portrait)
he's teething. his teeth hurt. he'll grow out of it but keep redirecting. also when he bites you yelp and pull back. he has to learn it hurts you, he's not trying to hurt you.
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They are more prevalent than you could imagine. Maybe not in your part of the world. Sad!


Heather-san, he is quite lean.
Forgot to say ULTRA BASED. Sorry.
thanks. he's got the hang of sit and lay down and is nearly crate trained :)
he goes harder when I do this
Amazing. Poodles are smart dogs. You can train them to do most anything.
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Yea, I love nothing more then to enter into pitched combat with my dog son
his eyes are always so round
Leo is so fat they changed his breed to american shepherd
leo is so fat he herds sheep by gravitational pull alone
Leo’s so fat that when he steps on a scale it just says “damn”
leo so fat the cows accept him as one of their own
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After eating that much cheese, he has become the chosen one - the cowsatz udderach!
>return of Pete and Shadow
coincidence? i think not
Plot twist, I'm also Leo's owner. And Pete's owner.
Just ignore his screams for a few days, he'll get the idea
Definitely planning on Rouge setting him straight. If not, she's probably gonna be the one bullying him.
>saluki puppy
Why tho? They're so ugly
No. You should hate yours, give Rouge all their treats :)
More like the toofatz lardass
he is so cute
you taught him that every time he bites you, you will play with him and now he sees it as a game.

they usually grow out of it, but you have to let him know that some behavior you will not tolerate.

in the future do what older dogs do and give him a correction.
growl the "no" command, like growl "nien" and pinch him on his neck.

also you need to start treating him like a dog and don't let him sleep on your bed, get him a crate, give him his alone time.
>taught him
was doing the bite redirection method which falls under the non aversive method.
he has one but he wouldn't sleep through the night but when he slept on the bed he would. I don't mind putting him in his crate as he doesn't make a fuss over it, and only cries when he needs to go potty
Wrong. Even if their looks do not appeal to your foul sensibilities they are undeniably one of the most based breeds in existence for a variety of reasons.
They are just smelly greyhounds with more grooming needs

But hey at least they aren’t bassets
Another ignorant and foolhardy poster? And they're putting real and concerted effort into making themselves look as stupid as can be?

What a suprise!
Tiny head, no brain inside
Salukis are smarter than huskies. Fact. You just lost everything. How does that feel?
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Lol fuck no they aren't.
you gotta wake up a couple of times at night to let him out to potty and put him back in.

the bite redirection method doesn't work unless you escalate punishment.

to give better help always say the breed and age.
Your diminutive opinion makes no difference in the face of truth, facts, and freedom. Sorry bud.
Bassets are smarter than huskies. Fact.
It has been declared and so it is.
>totally unprompted they start seething about huskies
You know huskies are wicked smart when they make people this insecure. It’s like unemployed conspiracy theorists seething about hebrew chads. Success breeds jealousy.

For all your anger huskies would still welcome you with kindness and woo-woos. Sad.
>seething about huskies.
Reading comprehension at 0, or too autistic to understand true emotion. Did not read. The real problem came when a superior dog was mentioned, the saluki. Fact.
There are greyhounds that need you more than a fashion dog for arabs
Maybe there is a saluki at one of the hound rescues in my state. Would that acceptable? Also how dare you reduce the all powerful and ever intelligent saluki to a mere fashion statement?
sure looks like one
I propose you study the saluki and you may just understand how foolish a statement you have just made. I will only be accepting handwritten apologies.
Its just a greyhound with stupid ears?

Its like
>is that a husky
>is that a german shepherd
>kind shepherd: *acts like a german shepherd*
From now on we call bassets fat beagles and huskies loud snow shibas
Get writing chump.
Bassets and huskies are types of dogs too, so it’s funnier. All low rider scent hounds are bassets, all sledding fluff balls are huskies.
wow, so it's an older Greyhound with some more hair. big whoop de doo.
>all spitz dogs are the same
might as well just say all dogs are the same
Why did the husky do those things?
He just treated the undermensch the way they deserve to be treated
Huskies are the Naruto of dog breeds.
Long term abuse by the chinese kennel owners.
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Huskies really are the small hat of the dog world.
The most intelligent and successful? Responsible for a disproportionate amount of scientific and cultural advancements?
yeah, exactly. huskies should get rightful rule over the siberian mandate.
No no. Not the fake Jews that use real jews as a liability shield for all sorts of blood libel tier shenanigans. I'm saying they're completely impractical hats with zero functional purpose aside from signaling some sort of in group preference.

Never trust someone who wears a hat that serves no real purpose. It is a simple fact of life.

We don't sign our posts here bro
do hats with propellers serve a real purpose
A simple misunderstanding by a simple mensch. That was meant for you. :)

It depends how much lift they produce.
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Much lift AND the hat provides adequate shade. A trustworthy dog indeed.
Clearly it wasn't meant for me, because you're the only one talking like a retard here
Got a source for that one? Oh yeah, me. I wrote it.

I am telling you that you are wrong, retard. Now get back to swinging chickens around your head.
I'm not interested in this back and forth because wasting anymore time with a mentally ill fuck like you seems unenjoyable. I'll let you have the last word
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This movie got a 6 million on rotten tomatoes.

My only question is why do some posters say "hero dog" while others say "Jewish dog"?
What kinda dog is this?
>Huskies are hats
Appalachia pls go

Husktralian Gerperd

It almost looks like a normal dog, but its owner looks like they're 40 years too old to be on 4chan
Fatsset hound
That's just his winter coat.

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