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what are some less well known animal sports?
Rumanian dog spinning. The dog is spun to frighten away evil spirits.
>bunny running faster than femoid
bros.... I hate that women exist so fr*cking much.......
There's skijoring
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Does pig racing count?
I think it's called Bull Fighters Only (or maybe that's just the company) but it's basically rodeo clowns trying to out-do each other on stupid shit. It's a lot safer for the bull than bull riding although there already isn't much risk to the bull to begin with. Seems to be a lot safer for the people too somehow, there haven't been too many injuries and 0 deaths but it might be because it's still new.
It's now the main thing I look for when going to rodeos. So much more entertaining. It's really hard to find shit about it though because the dumbasses decided to name it after an already existing and extremely popular bloodsport.
like Ancient Minoan "Bull Flipping", but with ugly, methed-out cowboys.
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Sea otter basketball
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Lechoke bro... it's over for us
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Cane toad racing. Can you guess where this takes place?
Equine endurance riding. Some races can last days over unforgiving terrain, testing the planning, preparedness and stamina of the rider and fitness and soundness of the horse.
>testing the ability of the horse to not die of exhaustion, and the ability of the rider to sit on their ass for 4 days, stuff their mug with camping food while moving slightly, and use google maps
>50 or 100 miles
>often multiple days
Pretty much my thoughts, no way this is at all safe for those horses
wasnt it bulgarian?
kill yourself
Cringe, you can't even enjoy a funny animal from your pol brainrot
Would you consider Flyball to be a lesser known sport? I don't think normies know about it, but animal autists generally do.
I love that there is already a meta for this, you have a team of mainly fast dogs with high endurance, and then a single small athletic dog (almost always a Papillion) because the hurdles they jump over are based off of the smallest dog in the team
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Barn hunts! Made for terriers, but it looks like a lot of different breeds participate.
Basically there's a fenced off arena that they put a bunch of hay bales in. Many higher stake competitions require dogs must go under the hay bale tunnel and walk over a hay bale pyramid, I guess to show that they aren't afraid to do such tasks. Then there are 3 PVC (or metal or whatever) tubes - one is empty, one has rat piss and shit, and one has the actual rat. Obviously they need to find the rat. It's a timed competition.
What happens to the rat?
he'll be cheesed to meet whichever dog finds him
They don't kill it. It has to be a fairly well trained rat because if it's freaking out in the tube, it makes it a lot easier for ratters to find it. I do worry about how humane this is for the rat, though.
chek'd and let me guess. Port Douglas, Australia?
I'm sure it's not to happy in any case, best case scenario it's in an opaque tube and it can't see the giant predators lurking all around it, and it just needs to deal with the fact that it can't see anything and it's trapped.
For some reason this sounds really fun, and I'm not even a dog.
>Verifying you are human, this may take several seconds
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Dock diving. There's actually 3 sub categories within dock diving; Competition for how far they jump, how high they jump, and how fast they retrieve the toy.
watched some youtube videos, this looks fun
Do they get to rape smaller otters after every basket they score? That'd certainly be the quickest way to train them.

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