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Capybara edition

Back by popular demand, or at least the demand of a couple Anons, Jefrey (with one F) is back.

DOB: 2nd half of June 2024?
Found in some bushes covered in fleas in mid-July
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Climbing trees, having a blast
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hanging out at a friends house while we are gone
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weird lookin squirrel
based anon continuing the Jefrey Saga. Thanks for this blessing.

How did the gremlin handle being at your friend's place ? Any notable shenanigans?
im gonna grow up to become a gremlin
I'm a newfag to the saga. what did I miss?
He was fine but they took him back because their cats were having a fit about him being over there.

TL;DR my wife was walking home one night and heard him screaming in some bushes, brought him home, we cleaned him up and ended up keeping him. Was initially worried he was a Scottish Fold because his ears were still flat even after 3-4 weeks old. His ears became semi-normal but here we are now, I post pics of his progress into adulthood almost on the daily now.
jefrey is a very precious young lad. for some reason i feel like i can kind of envision what he'd look like as a human child. i want to put him in a little tom sawyer getup or a paperboy outfit and feed him small minnows
his name is Peanut

his name is Peanut
You seriously have to get a collar/harness or whatever on him, he gets spooked and bolts and there's no telling him from a regular stray.
We already got one since those pics were taken, when we get back home it’s waiting for us
Peanus the triangle monkey shall live for ever
Ak Boh dá
are there breathing holes on the sides? looks like a suffocation bag, which I know you'd never do to your beloved Jeffrey jelly bean
What a climber!
Of course there are
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Jefrey is a faggot
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not nice
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Gotta say seeing the little goober update multiple times/week is really nice, thanks OP. Also >>4886483 is completely adorable.
you can see some of the light coming through the air holes in the side.
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How many more will have to die for this?
as many as it takes
I wonder if the couch tasted good

I like how pink his nose and beans are
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I know that feel bro
it's like he has his own ghillie suit
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Jefrey in another tree
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Welcome back !
It's so cute to see that he has a favorite toy ! My cat never was receptive to toys and other distractions.
Are the other cats playful like he is ?
Is he receptive to treats ?
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With some neighborhood cat
Yes they all have their favorites, one’s favorite is just a shoelace, Jefrey’s is the capybara and the red cushy ball
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With his new airtag collar
When he goes out he’s gonna need it. Just in case.
Fancy boy.
teach him how to steal that battery
that shit looks uncomfortable. abuts too much into his chin
Yeah, we’ll get something else. But for now we gotta use it if we let him outside
>He loves it!
I love Jefrey
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At the burger place again
Fuck you for doing this
Thank you for doing this
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sleep tight Jeffer
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the sleeper has awakened.............
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To the person still freaking out over Jefrey being in the burger place - that is the owner’s dog’s water bowl and chew toy right next to where he’s drinking some water
looks like he's growing well; good-looking fur too
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He’s growing up into a handsome young man, man
what an ugly kitten lmao
I'm not even really a cat person, but this is a delightful little guy.
Glad you're taking good care of him, OP.
he's seen some shit
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do you live in a fucking warzone? what's with the concertina wire everywhere?
They're trying to keep Jefrey contained but it is futile.

Gonna try to give him a badass life and see who he can grow up to be. He’s a type A personality so far
lil' jeffer
>Peanut Jefrey, attorney at law
made me unreasonably happy when i first saw it and i still smile every time it comes to mind. don't even really know why either.
probably south Africa or something
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Give us this day our daily Jefrey
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Same here lol

Not South Africa. Barbed wire is not a common thing here but for some reason the gated community my wife’s office is in has it, probably just leftovers from decades ago.

Here is a fresh Jefrey
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His ears are still a little bit wonky, I’m starting to think that maybe he had a grandparent who was a Scottish fold, or even a parent who was. You guys think he’ll be alright?
nah he's fucked m8
The doritos are getting soggy
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I don't know much about Scottish folds, but I'd imagine even having half of their genetics wouldn't really be a serious issue to his health.
doesn't seem to slow him down, I think he'll be fine
peanus is back yahooooooo
That orange shorthair looks a lot like one of my cats.
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Imagine dressing like this, bringing your cat to a restaurant and then blogging about it on 4chan
Very handsome
he ded
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Calm down, just didn’t do anything noteworthy yesterday

That’s my wife, she always dresses weird as fuck and claims it’s fashion

not ded yet
how long is he now
I'm not sure, you want me to stick a ruler up to him or something?
the classic way will suffice
she dressed to match Peanut, it's aesthetic
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Climbing trees is his favorite
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he's just living
wish I could do the same...
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look at him go !

Thanks for the pics, OP. These updates are always a little treat for my heart.

How did the gremlin react to the collar ?
He hated it but now he’s just used to it.

He was running through some grass and went right through a mud puddle and splashed mud all over him so we had to give him a bath when we got home
I wish I could live like this.
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What’s stopping you?
I couldn’t imagine the horror of being a rodent running through that grass while Jefrey’s on the prowl
Living a human life with human responsibilities. Nice balls, though.
You could still bring your cat / dog / alligator whatever to the park and let them run around and climb trees too at least
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Is this a completely new environment to Jefrey ?
He seems so well behaved, not running off.
I feel like my cat wound zoom off into the sunset and not stay close like Peanuts seems to do.
such an educated young lad.
That's a happy tail, that guy sure it's enjoying himself.
We’ve taken him here a couple times before, we just keep an eye on him and he doesn’t get out of our sight, he usually jumps around in the grass, and runs up and down all the trees at full speed, one after the other
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He loves going to the park
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This is his favorite state of being
we want bathing pics
of your wife
He does have wonky ears
Did you glue him to that tree?
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New jumbo capybara
he's learning to take down larger prey... it's over for the rest of us
Never let him get a taste of human flesh
He's gonna go feral if he ever comes across a live capybara
oh nooooo
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He’s a fucking maniac. He absolutely destroyed this cat bed scratching post thing
No I just used a staple gun
He shall do as he pleases
This little boy is so damn cute.
he craves violence
He’s kind of an asshole though, especially to the other cats. He’s been able to out-wrestle both of them since he’s been about 5-6 weeks old. He can take any and all punishment they can dish out, and he bites super hard with his super sharp teeth. I’m hoping he grows out of it.
this pic goes hard. mind if i save it?
Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
what a menace
it is great that cats tolerate him
how do they get along usually?
They're mature neutered females, one, the all-orange one, has a lot of patience but does end up fighting back when she loses her patience, the other one hates it when any other cat so much as even touches her, so she loses her fucking shit and runs away any time Jefrey even touches her, let alone tries to wrestle her.

He's just a troublemaker, I'm hoping it's just because of his age
>an ancient evil imprisoned...
Something about his face makes him look like a completely different cat in each photo.
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>biblically accurate Jeff

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