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Monkey thread hit limit
Post your favourite monkey
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Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are!
I know what you want to see
yer a faggot
i'm going to arm wrestle a chimp
still doing it though
What are they then? I thought it was a gibbon but these lil guys got tails
You know the drill.
>A study of sifaka vocalizations found that roaring barks are associated with anti-raptor responses, in which the Coquerel's sifakas looked up and climbed down.[22] The "tchi-fak" vocalizations was associated with anti-terrestrial responses, in which the sifakas looked down and climbed up.[22]

The rest of these fuckers are too young to get it, sadly.
>Monkey Thread
Time for Kino weaning videos. Post the best ones, lads.

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I clicked this in horror thinkin it will be the scissors or drill video.
A part of me wants to see those purely for the sake of my morbid curiosity. I do miss shocksites. Of course, I would rather the monkeys had just been left alone, but people are cunts, so...
I get it, but only because of Looney Tunes and MST3K. Hinka-dinka-do, ha-cha-cha
Someone is literally holding the monkey this way to do this you piss poor 3rdy
it's pathologic behavior because the little monkey is under extreme stress / anxiety

suckling is a self soothing behavior
would you also want to kill a toddler for playing with his poo?
You hate seeing baby monkeys, yet you actively seek out pictures of baby monkeys to look at and get mad about.
Does anyone following the monkey drama knows if this one in the video got tortured?

I just feel realy bad for her being scared like that, very upsetting to think she is hurt.
You know the answer.
I can see something terrible has done to the little one but don't know the context of these videos.
Dude on holiday bought monkey mom and monkey baby at a market, brought them to his room and pitied them. What more context do you need? Of course he wouldn't upload the graphic torture on youtube but you can tell they've been beaten and there's a couple videos where he choked the baby.
I'd like to know if the perpetrator's asshole is being used as a spittoon in prison.
Macaques deserve death.
All other monkeys are cool though.
Indonesia is a poor country. Do you want to deprive them from the precious dollars that the baby monkey industry bring in?
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Indonesia isn't that poor lmao. They aren't living in hovels and eating grass, forced to torture monkeys against their will. The VOs gleefully record videos on their smartphones and upload them over their computer networks and receive electronic transfers of thousands of dollars on their apps.
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This thread is lacking weaning kino. I need my daily dose of tard rage.

This, the only tragedy is it became a muslim country when it should have been hindu or buddhist.

I don't know how people are so comfortable being zoosadists here, as if monkeys somehow an exception and torturing them is a cool meme.
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In your opinion, what do you think constitutes a zoosadist? By the way, OP, I see your kino choice in monke :D
>what do you think constitutes a zoosadist
enjoing animals being hurt directly or indirectly (fed to a snake for eg.) by humans
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>Live feedings
Yeah, never liked this and it always pisses me when they do the whole "DURRRRRRRRR IT'S NATURAL!!!" Yes, retard, in the wild, it is indeed natural - as is the incredibly high rate of failure most predators face when trying to catch and kill their prey. But the animals in question are not in the wild but in your house. The least you could do is ensure the feeder animal doesn't suffer. I don't count insects among this, as insects don't have the same mental functions, more like biological machines. But with things like mice, rats, or anything of a higher order, then you're a piece of shit if you don't kill them beforehand in a humane way. Now, in regards to monkies. I really like the weaning videos. I like watching the little guys flip their shit and their mothers dealing with their autistic little tantrums. I find it very funny. I don't, however, wish for any harm to befall the monkeys. They can be savage and nasty, but that doesn't mean they should be tortured. Also, Harry Harlow did nothing wrong.
Beating women on 4chan: Yes, that’s ok!
Mass shootings on 4chan: Yes please!
Gore and torture of people: Why not?
Gore and torture of dogs: Yes!
Pictures and webms of dying children: Yes!
Pedo threads: Yes!
Any degree of monkey torture: BAN THAT SICK FUCK

That’s why it’s a meme
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Please... I just want a normal monkey thread...
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Fren :D

the only reason animal crush and pedo content is removed because it is against US law to spread such content
I find the tantrums and weaning funny too, it's just how monkeys do and learn.
Provoking a troup to hurt an infant is not funny.
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I really want one of these lorax Lookin mfs to be chilling with me always
I have a feeling this comes from feeling like you're a baby monkey yourself. maybe it's a race thing.
>Provoking a troup to hurt an infant is not funny.
Yeah, that's fucking shit. Isn't that what happened to Leo and Daniela?
Based and Weanpilled, enjoy some of my favourites.



lol This is how I feel when pityfags try to use "uncanny valley" as an excuse for why they torture animals.
I'm so sorry you guys resemble monkeys and consider them your evolutionary competition. I'm glad I don't have that issue.
I hate monkeys. Nothing to do with uncanny valley, they're just awful animals to live around.
All the same, I've never watched a torture video and never will. The very idea that any human, supposedly endowed with the potential for empathy, would either do that to a relatively defenseless animal or enjoy watching someone else do it, to put it frankly, sickens me.
I don't understand why anyone would want to.
I hate to bring religion into it, being an atheist myself, but maybe my religious upbringing taught me empathy. I certainly believe so, anyway, and it's very much a big part of why my own family and I attend services most Sundays (ngl; I don't always go). I would hope that, even if he ultimately decides he doesn't believe, like I did as a young kid, my son would learn something good from our faith community. I like being a dad but I remember from my own childhood that I learned things and mores from my friends, from the faith I was raised in and from respectable adults in my life besides my own parents do I like my son to have just as many sources as I did.
I can't think of any animal I hate enough to want to see it tortured or even really harmed in any way. At worst I might not feel that bad if something bad naturally occurs to it but I wouldn't want to see it. And even then, having been on 4chan for a decade and change, I've never felt comfortable with gore shit of any kind except the explicitly fake kind of a campy horror movie.

It's one thing to think that some animals should be culled or even exterminated for the greater good (I'm thinking rabbits in australia or cane toads or so on) but it's one thing to accept that a dangerous animal has to be put down and another to get a weird glee from inflicting harm unto it. I fucking hate mosquitos but it would still feel cruel and pointless to pluck one out of the sky and fucking rip limbs off it. I flushed a fucking ant down the toilet and felt bad when it sunk in that it'd just drown when I could have just crushed it immediately. It's needless suffering, is what it is. Nobody should enjoy it.
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So, peeps, what are some of your favourite monkeys?
From The Amazon to Africa - The Secret Code of Monkeys

I understand that for indonesian farmers these are pests, but what's with the slavs creaming themselves in the comment? They have no reason to feel strong about macaques. It was heartbreaking to see them scared coddled up like that, even if they are pests humans are much more cruel than the macaques are capable of being.
holy shit. this is another level of fuck up. i guess i gonna filter this thread forever.
I just wish zoosadists were banned from /an/ but they get away with anything as long as it's not an image posted
o janusz
Macaques: Life Inside A Japanese Monkey Gang

have you seen their doxes? they unironically look like missing links
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The Incredible Story of Piak Nam Yai Macaques - From Tsunami to Toolmakers | Full Documentary

japanese macaques also discovered salt fairly recently and actually use it as seasoning.
That's neat :D

Monkeying Around: The Macaques Of Huangshan | Go Wild

Eastern slavs, specifically. West and South slavs don't, in my experience, pull that shit (except Serbs, who are universally some of the shittiest people on earth and unofficial East slavs).
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I don't see you ignoring or steering the conversation away from it. I just see you complaining and whining. If you're tired of these threads being hijacked, then post actual content that is engaging - like I did.
If not, then you have zero right to complain. By the way, I'm also posting the kino weaning videos - because they're funny.
Wait till they figure out it makes meat last longer too, maybe we could show them how to make jerky.
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Link to this tg pitybro?
Have any of you ever pet a monkey? What do they feel like?
macaques look like they have really rough fur
Damn, it's monkey Treblinka. All adult shots, two juveniles drowned after faking death among the pile of corpses and three more including a baby kept alive to be sold to Pitywood studios.
Basically this. They're kinda like humans but less fragile so prickly with a more smoother silky feel when going with the fur.
There was a video where a cinese girl teased to baby monkeys in napkins with milk, the one in Yellow spazzed out at every sham, It was good, sadly It got taken down
That does sound Kino. Any backups?

They fucking killed him wtf.

At least the end where the monkeys had fun making sounds with rolling rocks was interesting and cute.
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Monkeys can be vicious. Anyway, on a happier note - 7hrs of Weaning BB monke Kino :D (I haven't watched much, but it's entertaining to see the babies not take "No" for an answer)

You give off closet perv vibes.
and you give off bitch vibes.
I advocate for total macaque death.
What method?
Who is this duende and what kind of food are they using to appease him?
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That, fren, is a golden snub-nosed monkey. They are really cute and the goodest of monke bois
I've been watching a fantastic documentary and thought I would share it with you guys.

Baby Monkeys Fighting For Survival - Vervet Forest Documentary


And now I return to look for kino weaning videos because watching these little autists sperging out is hilarious.
For me, it's the mandrill
Anon if you're into drilling men that's your business, we don't need to know about it.
If they had >>4896725's face, they'd be cuter. I hate their faces.
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Dont have any, I dont download that stuff, try searching on Archived platforms, the title was "Zoosadism in the form of tormenting baby monkeys for fun" or something like that
>tucked in warm bed, enjoying the documentary
>suddenly 2 monkeys grab a baby and start licking it's genitals
>"this behavior is called bridging"

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>Monkeys are Animals
I know, I was shocked too. But I get what you mean, that scene took me by surprise.

I found a good documentary, and the channel is actually Kino and super interesting.

Baby Monkeys Fighting For Survival - Vervet Forest Documentary

They obviously learnt that behaviour from watching homosexuals.
Stop showing them what to do then, faggot
Post cute BB Monki drinking bby
>Turns out the monkeys are Democrat voters
Checks out.
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We know, and it's hilarious.
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Wow, monkeys flip out easily.
I mean, the monkeys were doing the same work and getting different rewards.

How would you feel if you handed over the rock and received a lame bland cucumber instead of a delicious juicy grape? And then your neighbor did the same thing and got the grape for no reason? And it kept happening, and you didn't understand why? How is that fucking fair? In what universe does a pathetic cucumber, a goddamned VEGETABLE, compare to a sweet juicy delectable grape? That scientist can take her cucumbers and shove them up her ass.
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>I mean, the monkeys were doing the same work and getting different rewards.

>How would you feel if you handed over the rock and received a lame bland cucumber instead of a delicious juicy grape? And then your neighbor did the same thing and got the grape for no reason? And it kept happening, and you didn't understand why? How is that fucking fair? In what universe does a pathetic cucumber, a goddamned VEGETABLE, compare to a sweet juicy delectable grape? That scientist can take her cucumbers and shove them up her ass.
is it over?
What is over?
meant for >>4897313
I just watched a YouTube short where monkeys are hired in Thailand to pick coconuts. It is very degrading to realize that monkeys are more useful to humans than I am.
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>monkeys are hired in Thailand to pick coconuts
I think it's that they're more expendable, anon. And after all, if you've never climbed a tree to pick coconuts, who knows if you'd be good at it or not?
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Mozu: The Snow Monkey (1989)

>that FB tier image
you just know these psychotic boomers from facebook are on here, posting monkey gore
What are you on about?
Monkey Menace FULL MOVIE | The Dock

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Are rhesus monkeys the smartest non-ape primates?
Capuchins are pretty clever too. I don't know which one is smarter
some monkeys are excellent fishermonkeys
>thousands of these smart monkey suffer unbearable lives inside chinese research faculties

how to cope with such injustice
>ywn snatch a blanket from a baby monkey, leaving it hysterical and screeching in the cold loneliness of its cage
how to cope with such injustice
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<3 Pony
Life is full of cruelty...
How about alternating between oneself and the blanket?
And give it a new blanket covered in fire ants
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anyone have the 2 monkes that pretend they are ems and carry away the third monke on a stretcher except they leave him behind and hes confused
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I know what you want and I know that I have it saved but I must not have named it so I can't find it
Imagine just chillin on the beach and then a giant creature comes out of nowhere, picks you up, and eats you alive ass first

im glad you know it anon, let me know if you find it, would love to see the 2 monkes that pretend they are EMS and carry away the third monke on a stretcher except they leave him behind and hes confused
Time for more autistic reeing as the babies are weaned.

The Toddler is spoiled.
baby macaques know the drill all too well
Are there any good bbc documentaries on monkeys that you guys would recommend?
Does anyone know of a good site or add-on for Firefox that lets you download big videos and doesn't break halfway through or randomly stop working? I have been trying to download monkey documentaries from YouTube, and they keep breaking. At first, I thought it was my internet, but no. I tried on different computers with different connections, and it is the exact same.
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I wanna have a monkey groom me. It seems super relaxing.

use this https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
Bruh, look at these DOODS
Never gets old
The weirdest thing about that stuff is how all the recent arrests show how normal they look. Usually people with a fetish that gruesome look how you'd imagine, but the pity lot, a recent one was a perfectly presentable lawyer. You just never know with people.
Why was he arrested?
I think he was paying a man in some Jungle Asian country to film abuse of monkeys, which he'd then share. So not just distribution of the material, but production. I might have him mixed up with one of the others. But it's weird how so many look normal, and that there's so many middle aged white trash women involved as well. Sad, farmers don't torture the mice and rats they kill as pests, so it's just psycho stuff.
Capuchins use tools so probably them
Do monkey exists just so humans can traumatize them?
That's an ape you dumb nigger.
Longtail macaques should be bred globally and donated to all households so everyone has their little pityling to torment as stress relief. I bet it would reduce the levels of violence in society
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It's never not entertaining.

Damn even monkeys themselves know about the "back away from baby monkey desperate for comfort" classic
I think they were just playing, realistically, but it would be funny if monkeys began pitying them because they found it amusing.
You put that blanket back, NOW!!!
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this Anon has you covered.
i think i know what guy you're talking about and he's BARELY a lawyer. the rest all look like inbred and have histories of meth abuse and shit. unsurprising. some are even nurses, which is scary.

>makes plapping sounds with its mouth as it looks for lice on your head
Sweetpea is like a brother to me
Why do some longtails have mustaches and others don't?
they killed him
Then how is he next to me right now?
Those fuckers better NOT have hurt KING Sweet Pea
based Budda Sweetpea.
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Why did monkeys never make it to europe or north america?
it can't be just the temperature. There are monkeys that live in cold climates
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I don't know about europe. But in north america the primate niche was already taken
Says here there had been monkeys, but they died from a climate shift. The tropical monkeys from South American didn't move in because there was a gap between the continents and because they didn't feel like it.
Well they sure are making it to Europe rn
sweetpea is the funniest awesomest macaque ever https://youtu.be/Y0esTu0v2Yw
>Time for weaning kino

Don't mind me, I'm just posting baby monkeys being cute.


what were his crimes
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Man, I love watching these lil dudes flip their shit.

I find monkeys cute, but find great apes creepy.
Is that normal?
Pretty normal. Great apes look vaguely human but are still clearly animals so they give an uncanny valley feeling
epic spazz out is epic

So that's why they wrap their hands with tape in the torture videos... It's to prevent them from clinging and suckling on their fingers.
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I like the funny moustache monkey
the little "Ooo" face when its brought back kills me.
Engaging in monkey business. Money laundering and fraud, specifically.
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Kek. Proper little spazz out. Love it.

I haven't been about, but here is a neat documentary I found I thought I would share :D

>Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La - Go Wild
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Gotta get some protein
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macaques >>>>> baboons
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So what exactly makes the mandrill more man than the drill?
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With gular inflated, o macaco cantador
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Love these guys, and brush heads
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That’s an ape, bro
more pics of bridging, pls
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See? there it is again. No matter how different the adult macaques are, the babies always look the same
Do you think they can also experience pity the same?
>A state where beastiality is legal
I'm pretty sure animal abuse is illegal in most states.

>Hookers will give him aids
... And he doesn't expect to catch something from an animal? There are literally colonies of monkeys with the clap in Florida. AIDS didn't come from people fucking monkeys like some people think but you can still catch a fucking disease from the damn things.

>Pretty damn sure that they do not look like that forever, just when nursing
Yes to my understanding this is true of most mammals, humans included.

Honestly, if the safety of the animal wasn't a concern I'd say the moron deserves to have a monkey rip his dick off. Logic clearly isn't an effective tactic. Can you drop an anonymous tip to PETA to go fuck him up or something?
That dude needs to get hit by a bus.
I thought monkeys only had babies once a year, those 2 only look a couple months apart
You talk like this isn't some integral part of human behavior. Almost everything we do is based on the concept of "fairness" in a group. It's why we have ego problems as a species.
A primate gotta eat
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These baboons are smart, they know how to open car doors!
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They're not just "hired" dumbass they're enslaved. They parents are murdered and they're kidnapped then chained up, beaten, drugged and forced to work long hours.
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>Howler monkey
>Moans and grunts instead
What idiot thought their calls sounded like a howl?
Hooter monkey sounded like a different thing.
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By the thumbnail I thought they were playing with Legos
same lol
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