Veganbros, what's our plan B?
>> you gonna provide a link or quote the article or give us literally any explanation at all OP?
>>4906636Yees.... no. No i won't.
Do plants even have individual "selves" like animals?You can cut apart and replant some plant, and the parts will develop into complete new plants.
>>4906634>>4906641>Plants really do scream when we clone them
>>4906634You realize that nature is all violence and we're the least cruel specie on earth
>>4906641Most animals dont have selves. A cow does not know it is a being. It will watch you brain the whole herd and stand there waiting for its turn.
The article simply talks about how plants emit noise, when damaged. If you poke a hole into an inflatable pool animal it will also make a noise. Doesn't mean it's sentient.
Here's the weird thing: when I read about this last January or February or so, I was like "wait, this wasn't an already known thing?"My mother was a botanist and she told me about that shit in the early 90s but I dismissed it at the time as nonsense or exaggeration but when I read the article last year, I figured "well shit, guess it was accurate after all."
>>4906663There was the 1 bitch 9 pup video and the mother dog just watched her puppies killed one by one. The cow just doesn't comprehend what's happening.
Where do people get the idea that plants aren't living creatures that try to protect themselves?
Hopefully suicide.
>>4906720There was also the whistler sled dog massacre where the dogs immediately turned on their executioner. Some dog breeds were bred to be less self aware. It makes them more obedient, which people ironically mistake for intelligence. All cows were also bred like this, because no self aware animal would literally wait to die behind a weak rail fence. When self awareness arises in cattle they don’t stick around.
>>4906736It's more about if they have anything on par with consciousness and capability of any kind of suffering.
>>4906634Eat rocks>We thought Rocks didn't orgasm>we were wrong
>>4906663a cow isn’t like most animals, they’ve explicitly had all their survival instincts bred out, i always hear bullshit about herd animals like that they can’t recognize each other individually
>>4906634They are not conscious, so not that's not possible
>>4906704my brother was a horticulturist for 20 years, his wife's a florist, my mother and grandmother were involved in national fern and forestry organizations. All life can flinch away from threats even bacteria. We draw a line where the complexity of that reaction turns into what we call a response, then label that consciousness.
>>4906876When we can see something MUST thinkLike when dogs can figure out new words via deduction, generalize words as concepts, and interpret multiple facets of grammar through experience, we can assume that dogs, and therefore all minds at least as complex as theirs, have a consciousness. and they do, so that’s great news for horses and pigs! or should be.
>>4906636Not OP but plants "scream" via releasing chemicals when injured which serve to alert other plants that a "herbivore" is nearby and grazing on them, which activates their herbivore deterrence measures. They also release chemicals when attacked by pests that attract attention from animals who predate on those pests. When you smell a freshly mowed lawn, that is actually thousands of grasses collectively screaming in pain and calling for help
>>4906752The Rock absolutely can orgasm, ya jabroni.
>>4906634fructarians have it right as far as their morals go, if you view it from a vegan lens. Realistically there's several options that most people don't consider though - all sorts of fruit are fine, but so are nuts, seeds, and legumes - AND milk and eggs, because those are gonna come out regardless. Mushrooms are also on the table, they're fruiting bodies. Kinda surprised people haven't caught onto this particular angle yet. Heck, that would mean that most breads are fine - yeast is a single celled organism, eggs and milk are fine, wheat/corn/rice/whatever grains are all seeds, you can make nutty breads with a fruity salsa, or stuffed mushrooms, or pumpkin/apple soup, or bean and cheese tacos, or chiles rellenos, or whatever. It really wouldn't be that bad.
>>4906909>You’re killing babies and enslaving their parents if you eat fruit. Vegan logic.Most vegans are mildly autistic or sociopathic whites, jews, and east asians who score high in narcissism and low in empathy. Veganism necessarily puts all animals or “spirit having things” above humans. The chief concern is the dignity of the chicken, in whom the vegan type can see a friend, not the safety and humanity of the orchard worker, with whom the typical vegan can not really empathize with and may, strangely, feel slightly afraid of. It also attracts the most mentally vulnerable and easily manipulated yet preachy people on earth, those who connect ritualistic denial of material things with spiritual superiority. This majority autistic/schizo/psycho group is part of why adults who become vegans have higher than average IQ scores, but children raised as vegans do not. The other part is malnutrition. And they are exactly why you should not ever believe sane logic applies in veganism. It’s essentially a religion for mentally ill people and highly narcissistic manipulators.
Agriculture replaces natural forest communities with brutal monoculture prisons that breed innocent plants just so they can have children and be immediately slaughtered in the most brutal fashion imaginable, a fate that makes most herbivores look moderate and empathetic. It also genetically modifies them into sterile abominations that grow just to die for us. Through all this, our favorite thing to eat is their children. It is mankind’s moral duty to subsist entirely off symbiotic yeast.
If you think about it, there's no cruelty involved in eating the carcasses of animals that died of natural causes that are entirely unrelated to human involvement. Maybe carrion scavengers were the real vegans all along
>>4906922Based. I think we should adopt eating pets after they die of old age.
>>4906922When I was a child I thought animals lived on farms and when they died of old age, we eat them.Killing was incomprehensible
>>4906931Should adopt it. It's really the most humane way.
>another carnist "heh see this? plants are actually real living sentient things that cry and feel pain and have emotions and shit checkmate vegans" threadyawn
>>4906903>When you smell a freshly mowed lawn, that is actually thousands of grasses collectively screaming in pain and calling for help
>>4906903Why do they alert other plants?What are they gonna do?
>>4906917Eating fruit is more like eating semen and then spit out the sperms and the ground is covered in vaginas
>>4907041To attrackt something that eats pests allegedly.
>>4907041Attract pest predators, stimulate their immune systems, and pump themselves full of toxins that deter eating. They work best against insects
>>4906634Never heard a lettuce scream before? Frightening isn't it, never occurred to you that a lettuce might have dreams, hopes, ambitions, or a family
>>4907043No, eating honey is like eating semen that's been slurped up and spit out by beesFruit is like eating fetuses, womb and all
>>4907079You don't eat the seed
>>4906641You can do that with some animals, too.
>>4907079>>4907107Eating fuit is like eating a overgrown womb that wants you to eat it. The seed contains fetus and placenta and will savely develop if you spit or shit it in a suitable environment.
>>4907075>Never heard a lettuce scream before?This reminds me of the hidden track on Tool's first album Undertow. That track is unique in having a hidden track of its own. This is something I miss about CDs. Some had hidden tracks in the negative space BEFORE the CD actually started, accessible only by holding back as the first track plays and letting it "rewind" beyond the start of the album proper.Lemme see if I can find it.
>>4907383>>4907075>for you see, tomorrow is harvest day...>but to them...>it is...>the Holocaust...
All life feeds off death.It's the reason we should try to stop existing as beings of choice. An animal can't choose to not procreate, only we can do that.
>>4906903Seems more like a system that evolved over time without a consciousness steering it, like a venus fly trap closing when 2/3 of the hairs inside it's maw are touched at the same time. Saying they are "calling for help" is disingenuous and anthropomorphizing.