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Ukraine is hopelessly fucked.
I don't care, I don't live there.
Literally /pol/

Go away, election tourist.
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You'd let Putin fuck your ass, faggot
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They won't stop. The US isn't sending money, they're sending outdated rockets that are about to expire. It'a cheaper to ship them over to ukraine instead of letting them go past the date and have to hire technicians to dispose of them.
Back when trump was president he launched a bunch of tomahawk missles on some syrian airfield that did nothing to assad. Those missles were also about to expire so he was told to just shoot them and save a few million. Same thing will happen now.
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>The US isn't sending money
It costs money to send anything, even old stuff. Old stuff has to be refurbished, people have to be trained to use it, etc. The "just old stuff" cope expired long ago too btw. It was largely true at first, but those old stockpiles have since been depleted. Sending anything now at this point means that it has to be manufactured. This of course isn't free.
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Wrong vodka nigger. Get droned in the ass.
Remember your sunflower seeds, you're going to the front soon.
Even sending new MIC shit is a boon to the US. The MIC is monopoly based because of the double blast of regulations and lowest bidder, so it has to be regularly fed money or capability goes bye-bye. All the MIC companies have their little piece of the pie and do their own thing.

Those taxpayer bux just go to MIC employees sans material costs, which are now DEI cunts so it's going to minorities now. Everyone in Democrat land is happy.
Ukraine was fucked when they hitched their wagon to the democrat party. Three years in, tens of thousands of their young men dead, Euros starting to balk at the cost, and the faction in the US that talking them into this war is about to lose power.
Don't get me wrong, the Russians suck and I'm glad they've taken such heavy losses, but Ukraine was stupid to trust the democrats.when they already knew how corrupt and self serving Biden is.
lol what a fucking jew
backed by even jewier jews
get this man a white girl
It was fucked when Nuland torpedoed the peace deal in 2022. It was fucked when Nuland and co. instigated the coup in 2014.
They had a bit of a reprieve in 2016 when Trump won. They'd planned to precipitate this war in the first year of Hillary's administration.
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Hey Ivan. Another bad day on the battlefield I see.
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Hey samefag.
Hey retard!
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>Ukraine is hopelessly fucked.
Just glass the fucking place. US or Putin, I dont give a single shit. GLASS IT!

Long since we had the fucking nuclear war
lmao. Stupid fucker blames everything on Russians and then gets caught being a dumbass and accusing multiple people of being samefags.
You're an incredibly stupid person.
>Kill millions of people because I'm bored
KYS you stupid fuck
Then there is this stupid Jew who sees Russians and Nazis around every corner.
Take your meds, schizo.
>>Kill millions of people because I'm bored
>KYS you stupid fuck
I dont give a single shit if your are bored or what. Its far past time for war. Time for death. Time for glassing the world. Im tired of this shit show. Glass everything.
who cares? let’s focus on america and let europe grow the fuck up and solve its own problems like adults. it’s crazy to me that it used to be lefties who said america was overly policing the world by interfering in wars that aren’t ours

also it’s not ukraine is a spotless country. they’re known for corruption and literal nazis.
Bo back to Russia you Commie Cocksucker
>your are
It's far past time for you to learn proper English you illiterate fuck.
Russia hasn't been communist in over 30 years you stupid fuck.
>It's far past time for you to learn proper English you illiterate fuck.
Nukes don't give a shit about spelling you moron. This is /b/ you retarded fuck
>Rages when someone notices
Low IQ dumbfuck
Hey Ivan, I've got something for you to tell your commissar: 21 days. In 21 days, Maskva will fall. There's a separatist group that's been building a network inside the city, and their focus has been on explosives planted all over the metro system and the power infrastructure soft points throughout the city. On the same day, there will be simultaneous strikes across the entire Ukrainian front, as well as from other groups in Kalin, Volgograd and Gelendz. If Uncle Vlad manages to escape the initial wave of attacks, rest assured that he will be intercepted on his way to his eastern bunkers. He will be hung by his own people, and they will string him up in the center of Maskva.

21 days, Ivan. See you soon <3
Why would we want to replace a corrupt dipshit like Putin? Look how badly he keeps fucking everything up.
You know that Russia hasn't been communist in over 30 years, right? Why would the have a chekist?
Time to exterminate the Russkie web brigade trash? Sure sounds like it. These fuckers are getting really uppity lately.
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Clear back, folks. We got an internet tough guy here.
Says the republican retard who backs a Commie Cocksucker who would kneel before his God Putin and give him his soul
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Putin is a pathetic whiny bitch and the entire Russian military, once feared worldwide, is a complete laughingstock in every way possible and some ways we didn't even think were possible to boot.
Of course it's communist you dumb nigger.Putin wants to raise the Soviet Flag again.He is an authoritarian of course,but is setting up his Country in the old SU style of commie gov after he dies.Russia lost its freedom when Putin took control.
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Do you even know what communism is?
Because it sure seems like you don't. It's a far left authoritarian ideology more akin to what Democrats espouse.
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>more akin to what Democrats espouse.
Well, with that statement we know YOU'RE a fucking retard.
>Doesn't know what communism is.
>Feels free to blather his stupidity all over the internet
Look dude, Putin is a bloated faggot and Russia is a worthless shithole, but they aren't commies.
You utter moron.
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What motivates people to come up with this kind of insane larp?
Awwww. The lefty faggot had his feefees hurt because someone noted that they're espousing marxist theory.
A retard is you and retarded you are.
start with the GOP then
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Any day after his personal bitch gets his ass kicked in election, Parkinsons Pansy Putin will be taken out or puss out like all dictators eventually do. It's inevitable.
>Reeeee! The Democrats are really right wing!
Well, either you're a euro faggot or an idiot. I'm going with idiot.
Dems are more Israel shills than the Reps.
Democrats are a right of center party.

Republicans are far right extremists off the chart
flirting with dystopian Plutocracy and theocracy.

MAGAts are literally the Nazi Party 2.0.
Biden is besties with Netenyahu
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Not even close. Both of them shill for Israel but compared to Democrats, the Republicans bend over, lube themselves out, deepthroat and go ass to mouth with Bibi then get on their knees with their tongues out.
It is a mafia government controlled by ultra capitalists who got rich from pyramid schemes and organized crime.
Commie is more than authoritarian.
And Kamala is married to a zionist jew.
No they aren't. They're leftist. Just because they're right of you commie faggots doesn't make them right wing, you utter fucking moron.
>Hurrr! Look at my propaganda chart! It says the people I hate are nazis! Durrrrr!
You're literally a straight up fucking idiot.
But they actually literally are.

Hint: No true "leftist" party would be beholden to major industries and corporations, nor would they abide our pathetic sham healthcare system.
except they actually are. No hyperbole whatsoever.
>Hurrrrr! No one is a real leftist!
KYS commie fag. Save us the money from having to take you on a helicopter ride.
If the United States wasn't around, none of this war would be happening.

Ukraine wouldn't have violated the treaty about joining NATO, causing the war

Israel wouldn't be genociding Palestinians and trying to escalate with their neighbors

Hundreds of thousands of people are now dead because of the US
And if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass every time they hop.
There are real leftists. There is no leftist party in the United States. How hard is this fact to grasp for you?
>tens of thousands
More like hundreds of thousands. I wouldn't even be surprised if its even like 1-2 million.
so Russia invaded Ukraine and commited illegal war crimes because the US exists? are you fucking mental?
>Sending anything now at this point means that it has to be manufactured. This of course isn't free.
No, it isn't free. It is beneficial to the US economy. By providing old hardware and training to a conflict zone we save on disposal, employ instructors, and train our own personnel to handle and ship hardware. We also are given an opportunity to collect practical data on the weapon systems and tactics with minimal risk to our own people. And by depleting our reserves we create a justifiable reason to manufacture new hardware.

At every step of the process there is some portion of the US economy that benefits. Which is why it is silly to think that Harris or Trump would, or could, stop it. At best they might have plans to shift the focus and make it appear they are pushing for peace while continuing to provide armaments through back channels.
>everyone I don't like is a commie!

A Complete Retard's Guide to Using a 70 year old Catch-All insult based on a Complex Utopian System of Economics Because of Cold War Hysterics to Describe Literally Anyone or Anything He Doesn't Like or Understand.
You're a moron. Fucking Eurofags are idiots.
Because it's the commies that always pull this dumb shit. Democrats are right wing! Republicans are Nazi! The USSR was really right wing!"
KYS you stupid fucking commie faggot.
Define commie. Right now.
Of course I know but it sounds as if you know very little.Yes communism is far left,but equating Communism and Dems is like me equating Nazis with Republicans.
We can wish, but realistically it's more like 100-150k dead and probably a total of 500k casualties.
>They'd planned to precipitate this war in the first year of Hillary's administration.
You're right. There's a video on youtube of Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Amy Klobuchar over there where they state that "2017 will be the year of offense". It wasn't, though. Trump's presidency derailed their plans.

From what they said it seems like they intended for Ukraine to go on the offensive against the two Donbass separatist republics. If this is how things had played out then it would have made it a lot harder for the MSM to spin Ukraine as some "innocent victim" like they have done since 2022 with Putin's invasion. Now they can say that Putin is the aggressor and normies will believe that. But if what McCain and Graham had plotted to do was carried out then it would have been much harder to spin it that way.
Which people are literally doing ITT
>Trump's presidency derailed their plans.
yet another reason he's a fucking lowlife subhuman piece of Manchurian niggershit who needs to die yesterday.
they're so hopelessly fucked they're having to beg for weapons off iran, n korea and chynaaa
hold on a second, that's russia, isn't it?
>He kept us from starting a war! He's the bad guy!
Remember when you fuckers used to pretend to be anti-war? It was only ten 16 years ago.
ITT ???
ITT= in this thread
How newfag are you?
>spin Ukraine as some "innocent victim
They are. Sovereignty exists and is the right of all established nations. Russia violated theirs unprovoked under laughably false pretenses and murdered tons of civilians. They are the enemy, unequivocally. Actually, war actions and offenses are rarely as cut-and-dried right vs wrong as this one has been.

Russia is literally force-conscripting their own people to go get slaughtered now all so Putin can try to save face. It's deplorable.
no one said Republicans are Nazis. Only that the psychopathic Trump cult are. And.....yeah, that boot does kinda fit.
what war? There are no American boots in Ukraine. All we're doing is training them and supplying them with weapons and support so they can defend their homeland from the enemy.
Fuck you. You're a crazy piece of shit. If anyone is psychopathic, it's you crazy fucking democrats and your constant lies and slandering and name calling.
The democrat party attracts you sociopaths like flies to shit. Evil motherfuckers. You've been lying about people so long you have no fucking clue what the truth even is as a concept.
>Time to exterminate
You won't do shit, nogunz.
>It's only a war if Americans are fighting!
You're dumb as dogshit.
talking of pootin's face, have you noticed that he's either started wearing make-up, or has had plastic surgery?
it's that or he's forcing tv stations to put filters on their cameras to make him look younger
the point of being "anti-war" back in the time you referenced was that we were actually the instigators in middle east countries that we occupied under false claims from a corrupt Republican administration. No war means American not being involved in needless conflict, ESPECIALLY as the invaders. That was the entire point of the "no war" movement even going as far back as the Vietnam era.
>It is beneficial to the US economy.
If you own stock in the MIC then it is beneficial to you. It is not beneficial to the taxpayers who are being fleeced, however.
Despots and dictators are pretty much always vain narcissists. That tracks. He's always cartoonishly obsessed with pretend shows of masculinity in much thes ame way his personal bitch Trump is obsessed with appearing cartoonishly extravagantly wealthy.
Thank you for your impartial opinion, Ivan.
to the retards claiming democrats are somehow right wing: no
in fact they are far left while republicans are left
because dems are authoritarians who want as much control over you as possible
reps want to slow and reverse government overreach
>realistically it's more like 100-150k dead and probably a total of 500k casualties.
Von Der Leyen leaked there were more than 100k Ukrainian officers killed back in 2022. Others at that time stated similar figures. Since then two years have passed. It could only have gone up since then, and since we've seen the bloody battles of Bakhmut (which has been compared to WW1's Somme) and Avdeevka, and the failed Zaporozhye offensive in the summer of last year when Ukraine went on the offensive so they didn't even have a defender's bonus in their favor, its logical that its not only higher, but more likely massively higher. Plus there are tons of videos of people being grabbed off the streets in Ukraine and forced into military service. And they keep passing new laws to loosen eligibility requirements for conscription. None of this would be the case if their losses were light. Nor would their defensive lines by collapsing as they are either.
over the last year he's looked like a wax work dummy that can talk and move, very odd
wouldn't be surprised if it's a look-a-like, while putin and his family hide away in their 3 billion $ underground nuclear bunker
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>yet another reason he's a fucking lowlife subhuman piece of Manchurian niggershit who needs to die yesterday.
The fact he makes losers like you seethe so much just makes me want to vote for him even harder.
>Sovereignty exists
Except when the CIA comes and does a coup.

Ukraine is an American vassal. It is no longer sovereign.
>It's deplorable.
Hilldawg fag detected. Whatever you find "deplorable" is a mark of pride.
Very new
Conservative commentator Mary Katharine Ham characterized Trump as a "casual authoritarian," saying "he is a candidate who has happily and proudly spurned the entire idea of limits on his power as an executive and doesn't have any interest in the Constitution and what it allows him to do and what [it] does not allow him to do. That is concerning for people who are interested in limited government."

>"Russia! RUSSIA! R U S S I A !!!"
>slimy Mossad, or Zionist owned "security" state pedophilic shill, detected

The fact that Russia won't kowtow to the Zionist agenda of globalizing currency for control & will be a viable option to opposition is a solid bedrock fact now.
Your wretched conniving Moloch worshipping ilk have not, will not & can not defeat them.
If your puppeteers were actually "smart" they would realize that.
However they are not.
They are disgustingly greedy, weak & because of their weakness have a hellbent desire for complete control which they will never achieve.
What they will achieve is complete annihilation of everything & everyone, including their slave labor that serve them.
I hope Ukraine overthrows Trump if he wins. Zelensky would make a way better president of the US anyway.
LOL he just looks like a weedy faggot that would cry if you threatened to punch him.
Prolly got beaten up by trannies when he was younger
so why has he respected the constitution during his term then?
stop listening to propagandists and look at reality
"no one is above the law, not even the president"
while they never go after biden, not even impeach him for his age
you cant make this up
Wow. You guys really are either the dumbest mother fuckers the world has ever seen, or just plain liars.
Trump really has emboldened you to lie with no shame whatsoever.
notice how magafags can be lead around like dogs with the right words being uttered, much low how their dear leader was in that debate with kamala
>stop listening to propagandists and look at reality
she's a conservative commentator working at Fox.
Who the fuck are you again?
>you cant make this up
and yet you clearly just did
>but shes conservative
ever heard of rinos?
they are only republican by party affiliation, nothing else
like liz cheney
again, who the fuck are you again?
How's it going in Kiev, Dmitry? Looking kinda grim for you last remaining hohol trannys. Even the Azov brigade have started killing you Ukranian troons.
>claims i made easily verifiable claims up without even attempting to come up with a decent response
you must be a twitter user
I will now accept Ivan's "PROPAGANDA!!!112" responses.
why does it matter?
just someone with the ability to use my eyes and brain
with you left fags its always about identity huh?
already came up with a response
so you're a nobody
got it
meanwhile, Mary Katharine Ham is a conservative commentator working at Fox.
Wow. You couldn't possibly be more wrong. Not one thing you posted has any factual basis whatsoever.
Now THAT is some seriously low quality bait.
>muh experts
is all that can be said to that
she is what you base your whole trump policy opinions of off?
i expected nothing less
Am I supposed to see anything in that "leaked" post of yours that concerns me? I'm going to honest; shit looks like AI generated gobbledygook.
fuck off piss poor troll
Why do these anons scream and stomp their feet at the concept of someone having specialized knowledge in a field they only touch the surface?
>links jew/globalist controlled wikipedia
sure i will believe anything on there, especially about politics
>stop listening to propagandists
You mean like that one orange propagandist retard who literally says he would like to do away with parts of the Constitution, sue news channels that say bad things about him and be a dictator on day one?
what can you expect from a cult of subhumans who are so utterly fucking dumb they can listen to Trump ranting for a half hour about Hannibal Lecter, "windmills", electric boat batteries and sharks and a building-sized faucet and think that he's an intelligent and charismatic leader?
oh you mean the propagandists who told you exactly that?
i am sure you believe that project 2025 crap too (for that you have to be seriously retarded)
I'm sorry, but are you aware of the concept and existence of video recording technology, you complete fucking moron?
Why do right wingers continue to deny that project 2025 is a thing when trumps vp pick wrote the forward for the damn thing?
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trump supports putin over ukraine and so will I because I support trump

Project 2025 was written in part by over 100 trump associates. He gave speeches at the Heritage Foundation, which trump claims he never heard of.

The only "crap" about it is republican shills still denying it.
so link me a vid where trump said he wants to implement project 2025
a clip where he incites violence at j6
a clip where he calls nazis fine people
a court ruling showing russian collusion, him being a rapist or actually being a convicted felon
or anything else you might want to change my mind on (you wont link anything because it doesnt exist)
Being this much in denial...in list form.

Do a google search, you lazy fucking liar.
so that i get jew/globalist controlled media results?
no thanks
only the facts matter nigger
and the facts are trumps own words and not the medias misinterpretation of them
somehow "make your voices heard peacefully and patriotically" was grounds for an impeachment
like what
how can you take yourselfs seriously at this point?
but sure the republicans are the one abusing government power
i recognize your lack of a response as resignation
either you are a paid shill
or a NPC who just short circuited
its sad either way
im sorry for people who arent able to form their own opinions and have to adapt them from "people of higher status" instead

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