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File: Skibidi Walnuts.jpg (392 KB, 640x560)
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“Get this, he was a skibity rizzler, he hawk tuah’d 12 sigmas”
File: gigidy.png (92 KB, 258x267)
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>Skibidi Walnuts.jpg
Here's a playful copypasta involving Haliey Welch, the "Hawk Tuah Girl," imagining her in a scenario inspired by The Sopranos:

Scene: Tony Soprano's living room. Carmela is out, and Tony is flipping through channels when he lands on a new reality TV show featuring none other than Haliey Welch, the Hawk Tuah Girl.

Tony: (muttering to himself) What's this now?

Haliey on TV: "You gotta give 'em that 'hawk tuah' and spit on that thang!"

Tony: (chuckles, then looks confused) This is what the world's comin' to?

Cut to: Paulie Walnuts and Silvio Dante in the Bada Bing! watching the same show on the big screen.

Paulie: Whoa, whoa, Sil, you hear that? She's got a mouth on her, this one!

Silvio: (shaking his head) It's not the opera, Paulie, but it's got its charm.

Scene: Haliey suddenly appears at the pork store, now somehow involved in a plot where she needs protection from the Soprano family.

Haliey: (with her thick Southern accent) I reckon I got myself in a bit of a pickle here, y'all got room for one more?

Christopher Moltisanti: (eyeing her suspiciously) You bringin' that 'hawk tuah' business into Jersey?

Haliey: Well, I figured if you can't beat 'em, join the family, right?

Tony walks in, looks at Haliey, then to his crew:

Tony: We're in waste management, not... whatever this is. But, family's family.

Haliey: (smiling) I'll teach ya'll the real meaning of 'spit on that thang'. It's a Southern thing, you wouldn't understand.

Bobby Baccalieri: (completely out of his depth) Is that like... cooking?

Haliey: (laughs) Not quite, darlin'.

Cut to credits rolling as the Sopranos theme plays, but mixed with a country twang.
skibidi toilet rizz no cap fr fr bruh ong dead ass gyatt fr blud
His apartment looked like shit

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