/nip/ is short for Nippon(Japan) or something
>>21316036Japan is the white man’s paradise.
>>21316044hurry up and raise our birth rate
>>21316057japan and korea needs to import more BLACK BVLLS to fix birthrate
>>21316071plz black heifers instead
>>21316103doesnt matterthe amount of black bvlls impregnating asian women (with or without wedlock) would greatly dwarf the very few asians who get into a le traditional marriage with a brownskin girl
>>21316122black cuckolds cant fix our birthrate only black heifers can
dt got btfo. hard.
i havent been learning nipponese in a long time, im still a mere gaijin
>>21316206you will never breed you tiny asian pecker cuckoldonly BLACK BVLLS can fix your pathetic cuckold birthratecommit suicide
>>21316245tiny white pecker cuckold pedo delusioni have a BIG FAT BLACK HORSEDICK and HUGE BLACK BALLS
tiny white pecker and tiny asian pecker cuckolds got btfo hard LOL
dt meltdown in progress lmao
/nip/ seems to be slowing down and that makes me sad
>>21316036>>21316103>>21316206>>21316245>>21317304>>21317528fucking pedophiles
>>21317362>>21317526tiny white pecker LOL
>>21317528busy times :(
why are aryan races so interested in female children under the age of 12?
>>21317528sorry ive been busy jerking off to >>21316245 >>21317095 >>21317304 >>21317528
>>21317750Girls are best just before they turn into adults, it is only natural to enjoy the peak female
>>21317750 tiny pecker syndrome causes that
Nanjing Massacre
>>21317536sir this is the japanese cultural appreciation thread
nip morning gentlemen
hiroshima nagasaki
>>21316206I need an Iori gf. She has me even considering latinas for the first time in my life, just so I could have a brown girl cosplay her for me.
i want to learn nipponese but need to learn words firstgimme nipponese word reccomendations
>>21324617ive been thinking about it since last night but come up with nothing yet
>>21329142im wondering if she still has room for my 15 liter massive cumshot
oyasumi with ui chan
>>21329579she doesnt seem to be bothered at all by her belly nearly tearing apart so even if she doesnt have space she probably wont mind
>>21317808Based cunny>>21317771Based humping>>21316103Based dark mesugaki material>>21316122Nigger
>190 rolls and a 10 roll ticketlets gooo
>i did 100 rolls and got only one 3 star studentim suffering
damn damn damn fuck fuck fuck rape rape rape correction correction correction
she sucked me dry
>>21334161finally, you did it! ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ
>>21334175200回ガチャ回した最低保証でピックアップキャラ貰えただけだから旨味ゼロなんだよなぁfuck yostar
>>21334209あらら天井まで行っちゃったんか… ToT
oyasumi with kisaki
what do nippons think about italian gaijins and would they be opposed to hosting one?
>>21336400>the image of Italians in my mindhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlq6fFOqI28Japs might be hosting you if you don't destroy their house :P
>>21336486i promise i'm not that kind of guy, i'm very polite and respectful ( ´ ▽ ` )
>>21339964firm butt
>>21343965i would!.... do nothing because im married
>>21344383but bant tan would
>>21344512ペニス where?
>>21344522カニ, even
new Japenis video just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pzq0URbL2M
>>21344482no she wouldnt! ヽ( `д´*)ノ
>>21344980Perfect child
>>21346834i saw her kissing a girl tho
>>21348365fake bant-tan, this is the real one
obese カニ
You missed your chance to put a J in the periodic table, but no, you guys had to name the element Nihonium. I will never forgive you. Yes, I know that's what you natively call it, but I'm still upset. This is your fault, I'm angry at your personally.
>>21350069god morning
>>21350106its not good to seduce adults