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>ywn have a bratty anime girl sister that's lazy, eats junk food, and plays vidya all day
Why even live?
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Next time if I'm awake I'm doing early bake to counter these canadian flag shitskins with their shitty low-effort threads. Unfortunately we have to police ourselves in this way.
>pic unrelated
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shockingly antisemitic Canadian op
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Up 9.25% in the fake and gay hours!
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I'm doing some quick searches on MSTR and for the love of god I cannot figure out how they are not just simply overleveraged bitcoin long.

>how does MSTR meet its debt obligations
>how does MSTR generate yield from bitcoin
Haven't seen a single source explaining clearly what happens when bitcoin price goes down significantly. It's either a word salad or a dumb appeal to emotion presented as patronising dismissal.

I would love to be wrong though. Anyone smarter than me looked into MSTR?
Jesus christ it really is true that no matter how attractive a Mexican chick is, she'll eventually turn into a goblina sooner or later. I thought it was just a meme.
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>no links
>early bake
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>no links
Fake Canadian thread. We might be into futa and giantess but we're not racists.
look up punterjeff or ryquant on x
How is Trudeau this based? Compare him to Orban, this gigantic faggot.
I have mixed feelings about this. Trudeau is a giant cuck so it makes me want to support israel instead.
why did MSTR have a little baby pump about 5 minutes before after hour close even though bitcoin was going down at the time?
based Justin, feels good to be proud of my cunt for once
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Post sharpe ratio
I made money this week
Well.. have a good weekend everyone. If we sell off on Monday Iā€™ll buy back in. Nothing is stopping America.
It's just hot air, he knows Netanyahu is never coming to Canada for any reason.
>Hates Muslims
>Meanwhile supports Russia, opposes Ukraine
>Russia has a not minor muslim population
>Russia is actually heavily multiethnic (logically due to its size)
>Supports Israel despite the countless theories Jews import Muslims and Thirdies into EU
>Poor as fuck
>All the while thinking they are white
>All the while speaking a noneuropean language
>All the while calling themselves like a noneuropean people
>Were part of Austria-Hungary in WW1(beaten the shit out of them)
>Were friendly towards Nazigermany in WW2, actually allied even (KEK)

They are bootlicker niggers

>Fidel Castro's son

Tonight... it's sushi (rainbow roll)
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i made some stir fry using the new stir fry sauce I bought at H Mart
it was pretty good
do you think asians get a kick out of their store being called H mart? Do they make jokes about them keeping the blue rays and figurines in the back?
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There's too much stuff on Alibaba... I'll never finish shopping...
i have no idea, I don't talk to any asians
How to be normal?
Thinking about children again aren't you turkroach?
I only saw people with white hands taking pictures of it in their review.
Why does it have a penis coming out of it's belly button?
I think that is supposed to be just a belly button. Severely botched. I for one have an "innie"-belly button, although I only know that term in the context of pussies and not bellybuttons, but let's use it here too.
innie/outie for navel predates the use for vagina. i'm pretty sure.
i'm starting to suspect that the russia/ukraine conflict is being partly orchestrated to get the markets to gap up on monday's because of the
>no war over the weekend, yaay!
and to push oil down, too.

let's take this to a test:
>if no war escalation over the weekend, the SPX will gap up within a stones throw of 6000pts for the RMH on monday.
The best part about this is:
>Ukraine uses new weapon
>market dumps for 10-30min
>repump and pump higher
Ich sehe weder in der Tagesschau noch im heute journal Berichte zu den Massen-Protest-Bewegungen gegen den Krieg. Weder aus der Ukraine, noch aus Russland. Oder sonstwo her.
Kein Interesse an Frieden.
Scheinen alle noch (viel zu) zufrienden damit zu sein! Die Bevƶlkerung der Konfliktpartein eingeschlossen.

Aber Saint Floyd hat die Massen weltweit mobilisiert...

Honk! Honk!
pic vergessen
Welcher Frieden aber? Russlands Ziele begrenzen sich wohl nicht auf die ƶstlichen Provinzen. Und wenn die Ukrainer sich als anderes Volk ansehen, dann ist das wohl zu respektieren. Geographisch ist die Distanz zwischen Moskau und Kiew grĆ¶ĆŸer als zwischen Berlin und Warschau. Es ist also nachvollziehbar, dass sie sich nicht als ein Volk betrachten und dementsprechend auch nicht mehr "unterjocht" bzw. eingegliedert werden mƶchten. Zumindest wenn wir annehmen, dass sie tatsƤchlich auch ohne Putin frei wƤren oder sich zumindest als frei empfinden (man muss ja auch immer das subjektive Empfinden berĆ¼cksichtigen, auch wenn sie objektiv vielleicht auch unter Selensky unfrei sind).

Nach knapp 3 Jahren, muss Russland gezwungen werden aufzuhƶren, und dass dann eben mit Feuerkraft, weil sie ja sonst wohl nicht aufhƶren.
In Anbetracht der UmstƤnde, insbesondere der NICHTfolgen/Nonhappening, hƤtte man diese Waffen auch eher liefern kƶnnen.

Ich kann Russlands Verhalten gegenĆ¼ber der NATO nachvollziehen. Sie fĆ¼hlen sich eingekreist. Aber dann hƤtten sie auch gegenĆ¼ber Finnland handeln mĆ¼ssen, was sie nicht getan haben. Und fĆ¼r die Zukunft stellt sich die Frage, insbesondere fĆ¼r "CIS"-LƤnder bzw. Ex-Sovjet, wie Russland sich ihnen gegenĆ¼ber verhalten wird. Wenn die freiwillig wieder eingegliedert werden wollen, gut, kann mir egal sein.
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Man kƶnnte auƟerdem sagen die Krim war lƤnger griechisch als russisch.

>Sewastopol (ukrainisch und russisch CeŠ²acтoĢŠæoŠ»ŃŒ, wissenschaftliche Transliteration SevastopolŹ¹, von altgriechisch Ī£ĪµĪ²Ī±ĻƒĻ„ĪæĻĻ€ĪæĪ»Ī¹Ļ‚ (Sebastoupolis),

>Der griechische Name Sebastoupolis (Ī£ĪµĪ²Ī±ĻƒĻ„ĪæĻĻ€ĪæĪ»Ī¹Ļ‚) ist zusammengesetzt aus sebastĆ³s (griech. ĻƒĪµĪ²Ī±ĻƒĻ„Ć³Ļ‚, ā€žehrwĆ¼rdig, erhabenā€œ) und pĆ³lis (altgriechisch Ļ€ĻŒĪ»Ī¹Ļ‚ ā€žStadt, Staatā€œ).
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Finished my filing
It's always fun going through my files and seeing old documents
Ja, aber was nun?
Weiteres eskalieren ist bisher nicht passiert; die schmeiƟen sich gegenseitig ziemlich hƶflich mit Bomben zu und schlachten sich weitestgehend zivilisiert munter gegenseitig ab.
Ich kann da aber ehrlich gesagt kein definiertes, zu erreichendes Ziel erkennen. Von beiden seiten nicht.
Beiden Bevƶlkerungen scheint das ganze auch nach drei Jahren noch nicht so zu schmerzen, dass man sich bewegt und ein Ende "fordert."
Sei es auf die StraƟe gehen, irgendwas anzĆ¼nden, remmidemmi machen.
Ne, business as usual.
Und das ist meiner Ansicht nach der springende Punkt. Das ist "business" dort drĆ¼ben und nicht maƟgeblich ein Konflikt zwischen zwei Parteien mit sich Ć¼berschneidenden BedĆ¼rfnissen.

Man kƶnnte ja mal auch einen anderen Weg einschlagen. Zelensky soll mal einen github Account auf machen und dort in ein paar commits seine Ziele open source formulieren. Das gleiche kann dann Putin tun und die community soll nach einem Weg suchen (forken) wie sich beides in einem GefĆ¼ge vereinbaren lassen kƶnnte.
Ja, nƶ, hat keiner Bock drauf.

Weder eine Ansprache von Zelensky noch Putin mit persƶnlicher Einladung zu "Verhandlungen"... gabs auch noch nicht, iirc.

Big business eben.
Rubel rollt.
Weitere ā‚¬100b fĆ¼r die Bundeswehr werden kommen.
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a free investment, just need to make sure I follow the rules this time
I love my wife too much to kill her no matter what she does but if she were to cheat on me I'd make her watch me kill the man and myself in a murder suicide
>Weitere ā‚¬100b fĆ¼r die Bundeswehr werden kommen.
Entmilitarisierung wĆ¼rde ja Sinn machen, wƤre erstrebenswert, wĆ¼nschenswert. Aber dann mĆ¼ssten das auch alle machen.

>Beiden Bevƶlkerungen scheint das ganze auch nach drei Jahren noch nicht so zu schmerzen, dass man sich bewegt und ein Ende "fordert."
>Sei es auf die StraƟe gehen, irgendwas anzĆ¼nden, remmidemmi machen.

Ja, das sprƤche ja eher dafĆ¼r die Ukraine weiter zu unterstĆ¼tzen.
Keine Ahnung, vielleicht ist moderne KriegsfĆ¼hrung anders. Hinzu kommt, dass Russen eben eine andere Lebensphilosophie haben. Die haben sich ja auch wie Zerglinge gegen die Wehrmacht geworfen.
Die haben da eine anderen Einstellung gegenĆ¼ber als Wessis.

Die Ukrainer haben wahrscheinlich schon verstanden, dass sie die Gebiete nicht zurĆ¼ckerobern werden kƶnnen, auch wenn das mal eine Vorstellung war.

>Weder eine Ansprache von Zelensky noch Putin mit persƶnlicher Einladung zu "Verhandlungen"... gabs auch noch nicht, iirc

Ja, Verhandlungen wĆ¼nschen sich AfD und BSW. Aber WIE man verhandeln kann, hƤngt von den MachtverhƤltnissen ab. Und das ist das Argument der Altparteien: Die Ukraine darf nicht um Frieden winseln, sondern muss ihn verlangen kƶnnen, weil anderenfalls Russland ebenso heftig blutet. Und das geht eben nur mit stƤrkeren Waffen.
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>Free Bee
??? This should be written together.
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we're gonna sanction canada.
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Say that to my face, Lindsay!
what happened to the biz thread
I've wanted an India/Canada war ever since they started their immigration fiasco. That would be the funniest conflict in the history of conflicts.
Does anyone have the picture of the sexy girl in a red dress eating ice cream and then another picture of her a few years later fat as fuck?
Trudeau redemption arc?
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Grocery outlet has a better deal.

$3.99 for a whole ass turkey (if you purchase $35 or more). Pay money for stocks, not food.
they exist IRL, they're just annoying fat retards
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I'm only buying a frozen turkey breast since It's just me
it's gonna be december in no time. time sure does fly.
im just gonna have a frozen pizza probably. turkey is not good food. and i never understood stuffing or cranberry sauce.
I like white turkey meat because it's bland just like me
Anything that goes into the Thanksgiving meal is simply a vehicle for gravy. Turkey/stuffing/mashers on their own are bland, but when drizzled in fresh made gravy are iconic.
Iā€™m doing surf and turf for thanksgiving this year since nobody really likes turkey..
Nobody takes Canada seriously. This is the equivalent of your 2 year old brother threatening to beat you up.
The key to turkey is the gravy and having the leftover for meals as well as sandwiches. That's like when a company splits and you end up with two tickers for the price of one.
Karaoke night again. Going to try some Rod Stewart.
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i like gravy
>but when drizzled in fresh made gravy are iconic.
like a yt girl covered in dog semen
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I love how my qt 2nd wife shakes her hips
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Tell your cousins next time to use more durable plastic. I'm awaiting my new shipment.
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Where is that lil qt scoopsies? I've been drinking and I want to pinch his tooshie.
big gay
What's your slots strat Rorckler? I'm going to Vegas in a month and haven't played slots for more than 5 minutes.
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Don't fuck around. Rather than sit there and pump quarters into a machine, just buy the bonus round outright. You'll have a lot more success that way. The casinos prefer a slow bleed out of you. That's why you have to come at them hard. Enjoy your trip and don't forget to visit the top tier restaurants there.
My mom likes the machine called "Quick Hits"
Idk why exactly, something about how the bonus mode is structured.
big cake face
Rocker they want us to do another interview video

Cashnado is the GOAT
Quick hits is an old school machine, I have a lot of respect for the old machines. They had a lot of character.
who is u?
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>who is u?
>buy a bunch of shitty Garmin watches that are 6 years old on clearance for $10 each
>sell them online for $80, market price
>have broke even with another 6 to go
>took profit on WMT leaps

God i love capitalism
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Oh hello poem anon! I agree, I think me, you, and scoopsies should make a video. Scoopsies seems to have a chip on his shoulder when it comes to coding and you need to knock that chip off his shoulder.
He's probably a better coder than me anyway
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My best performing stock is up 312%
My worst performing one is up 24%
All up, my portfolio is up 187%

I want to have sex with brown girls
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Don't ever say that. You'll prove otherwise when we all meet up at his Seattle villa. He said he would buy us some clown pussy when we visit. If you don't want to indulge that's fine, but you still have to be naked.
i'm allergic to dogs, so i'll pass
>My worst performing one is up 24%
that is pretty lucky
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Poem anon, you're a sweet bb boi. Stop fighting destiny and join forces with me and scoopsies. You're already a richfag, all you have to do is follow us and you'll be guaranteed with success.
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Switched from robinhood to Webull and couldn't be happier
>Walmart signals it will raise prices if tariffs are implemented

That sounds...bullish(?) for Walmart
Tried playing Madden 20 which I bought.. EA turned off support for it in april. Thatā€™s why I pirate everything I play and watch.
Madden hasn't been good since '18
it's VOO btw
>Kai cenat claims that he has been coughing up blood during his subathon and only after he made 500k subs, highest ever for a Twitch streamer

I think its bullshit but can you imagine one of the biggest earning streamers on Twitch dying during the adpocalypse? Very bullish for AMZN kek
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Bitcoin status?
top and you don't get any halts on the way down, just freefall until you pay a million coins for pizza again. I will not tell anyone I told them so, I will be selling my stocks and setting higher stops, bitcoin is now the buffer to a crash. happened with the yen carry
I should have, tried ā€˜you it wear it wellā€™ (your weight) but the lyrics came on too fast and I was unprepared
congrats bro, I would say the same if I focused more on learning the ins and outs of the market earlier, but hey I got 4 months of knowledge and that should carry me in these transitory times, but won't be good enough when the crash comes 2027 according to economist survey, meaning it will happen 2026 at latest.
>just sanction everybody and push them into the arms of China
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Our sisters own us sex.
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So is this an actual competitor to TwitterX or some Tumblr bullshit? I noticed TONS of hentai porn artists fled to that shit recently.
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Brought to you by the creators of Sneedacity of Redot comes the next big thing filled with all your favorite chris chan impersonators
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I think we're on the verge of a major market break. No more two weeks shit.
this was supposed to be another 2X run, and he just had to fuck us like that!
RORKLER, have you ever considered a career in competitive eating??
I think this career avenue will present highly prosperous opportunities for you

With people making all this money inflation has to go back up right? Or does it just mean strong consumer spending. After all people tend to buy a car and a house after getting a windfall.
yo whats good
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>With people making all this money
What money?
What do you mean by this? Elaborate.
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Lazy bake. I got out of bed for this?
Why do Americans keep voting for these blatant fifth columns?
Whatā€™s your biggest fail this year? Mine is crox. -21% atm. The numbers are just too damn good, so I stuck with it. Normally sell losers within -6%
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If I had made two trades a year in the last 2-3 years- buying in mid september/early february during off years like 2023 and early november/early february during US election years, while working at least part time and cycling into stocks/crypto, I would have 10xd my money.

There is really zero point to trading/investing during the spring dump, summer or the mid-winter flat period.
Reminder: SJIM blew up pretty quickly.
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MFA, down 22.63% but itā€™s nothing compared to 2023 when I went full retard with First Republic Bank.
Would have made 10k last week if I didn't sell early. I don't feel so good.
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ngl, seeing the people who were touting ICC's arrest warrant against putler and are now frothing at their mouths about this is kinda funny.
its hard to understand how jews could get and maintain to this day this special protected class status. worse things have happened around the world than what happened to them
Weā€™re not supposed to mention those things. Anyway, itā€™s been nice posting with you. Expect a knock at your door any minute now.
dying in a nuclear war wouldnt be so bad.
It federates with Mastodon apparently. All the liberal retards left Twitter because of "nazis" for literal anarchy. Talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
it might be federated but i remember it being heavily censored too. if you don't share their ideologies they would just block your node
don't stand next to any beepers
wtf even is that
They're fancy earbuds
ageing population doesn't understand the extent of what it will take to right the course, and even if they did, they still wouldn't vote for it because old people especially would be screwed. just the way the democracy cookie crumbles; so everyone bitches and moans while being too afraid to so much as stub their toe. so we get "but duh hardwine wepubreecan mahn sae he wou depart all da illeguhl peepo an beeld dah wahl, why aint dat happen?" also
from a fag piss orgy
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I need to get a controller for my PC vidya my Xbox one died. Any suggestions? What do you guys use?
just look at you posting things belittling others when YOU ARE A VIDYA PLAYING NIGGER.

Ponzi. Will got 1628 dollars a share and then violently cascade back to 100 dollars.
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Ponzi scheme not the same as sucking jew dick though.
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I called Schwab little bit of chicken Frieday evening and got my account switched to CASH so I can GAY TRADE without PDT now. I'm going to start getting rich fast and when I do I'll call all of you NIGGERS because I'll be even richer than the richest here because
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This is how I am going to know what to do and you NIGGERS won't know any of it because you don't read these things at SCHWAB on account of being NIGGERS.
They cost 15-20ā‚¬, maybe 30-35 for a better model. They are just way better than any EU-US stuff at that price range. Like WAY better. They break because I lie with them in the bed, that bends the metaltubes for the connectors and eventually breaks the plastic holding the metaltubes. It's my fault to be honest, with proper use maybe none would be broken.

literal kids are now scamming people with crypto, kek

>3 Technical Trading Traps
>1. Learning about TA
>2. Doing TA
>3. Believing in TA
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I don't speak finance so I can't tell you if he's missing something, but here's one explanation:
I have a pair of Moondrop Starfields, but I rarely use them anymore. The filters inside always get moisture in them, so the sound gets unbalanced.
Haven't seen them on Alibaba. Thought about getting Moondrop Chu II. Bought CCA C12 and the newer KZ ZSN PRO 2 instead as most of my broken models are the ZSN PRO. I also have a CCA C10 and they fit well, so I assume the C12, since they are similar to also fit well, but also be an upgrade. I haven't ordered new headphones for 4-5 years or so. I can't even remember anymore when I all bought them. I think it's even further back in the past.
Get the new Xbox pro one or whatever its called.
The fact that there is enough people participating in all of that meme coin shit to begin with should be the final wake up call anyone should need to fully realize
I barely know anything at all about any of that because I knew from day one at first glance that it was just
Can you not just use the XBOX controller...?
>Haven't seen them on Alibaba.
I don't think they make the Starfields anymore. I paid like $150 for them. They sound amazing, but they have that moisture issue... So I only really use them when flying or traveling (which I don't do often). For daily use, I have a pair of Shure SRH840A headphones with giant angled replacement earpads, and they also sound really good.
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I have still never had meme flu.
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Oh ok. My limit is around 40-50ā‚¬ for an IEM. More than that won't make sense if I don't use a proper output device and files (FLAC etc whatever there is).

I also have AKG K702, but I pretty much never used them. Read too many audiophile forums and fell for the meme. Should have sticked with the DT770-990 (or whatever the numbers were) or the Sennheiser HD 600.

>when flying
I learned of this recently from a very helpful Anon here not long ago and am trying to understand it. I think the same Anon made a great point that most traders in general are using TA too so there's something to it based on just that fact alone.

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Last week TA sure had meaning. But that likely happens only in weeks when there is no strong "NEWS". It bounced several times off of the MA 100 on the 4h and the daily MA20.
I usually talk with my neighbors on flights although the last one I was on I was next to this Muslim immigrant girl who told me I should leave the country. That was pretty weird. I stopped talking after that.
*ahem* niggers
Why did I invest in stocks? If I had put all my money into a polymarket election bet I'd have made 120,000 dollars.
I just assume it mostly works until it doesn't. When it comes to trading I just assume that mostly is what's important because there will never be an always.
Someone shilled CURV to me and within 2 days I was down 40%. I wonder what happened to TBLT anon.
There is an infinite supply of ifs. If you would have been a watermelon you might have gotten ate and shit back out by beyonce.
I use a GDP win max2 that has a built in controller and fits in my coat pocket.
>TBLT anon
He's here every day.
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>you will never be a watermelon that is ate and shit back out by BeyoncƩ
I tried asking a camgirl for that sort of thing and she immediately blocked me.
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>11.5 million to produce something that is even available in my country.
This canā€™t be real.
Well now I just have more regrets.
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Beyonce has never really been that attractive. She's just attractive for a black person which is basically a 5/10 of other race of woman.
I wonder if they even have the fan facing the right way.
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I feel like if you're going to do the nigger fucking thing they should be fatter.
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should i go see the new gladiator?
i got nothing else to do today
I have a lot of money to win on polymarket if it flops, so no.
During covid most office buildings bought air purifiers, they aren't new. Why they are giving this negress $11.5 million to build air filters made out of bubble gum and popsicle sticks is beyond me.
The opinions I read were not favourable.
There was absolutely no reason to make a sequel. The first movie was ended perfectly. This trend of making sequels to movies that didn't need a sequel 20 years later needs to stop.
yo wtf this might be the worst ywnb post ytd
agree but wont happen because some movies are brands now. its easier to make new slop with the name everyone knows than sell something completely new
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Unless she eats the rind not much is going to exit the butt hole. Might I suggest a nice Tavče Gravče and a Turkish coffee for the best viewing experience.
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I was going through my old files last night and saw my pay stubs from when I used to work at Sears
rip Sears
RIP generic mega-warehouse with B-Movie stage scenery entrance. Are these even real bricks?
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but son, we don't want to get anything on our RUBBAH BOOTS that won't just hose right on off real easy like, yah heeya?
Sears wasn't a "generic mega-warehouse" style store, it was a department store. At least at the location I worked at and others I visited. It was attached to a mall and had separate areas divided by walls and barriers. Like... there was the tools section, then through a doorway was the exercise stuff, then around the corner was men's wear, then upstairs was women's wear on one side and electronics on the other. It was closer to a cheap Macy's than a Walmart or Target. It's been like 20 years since I was last in Germany, but KaDeWe might be similar.
Eventually though, Sears merged with K-Mart, which was the original warehouse style store (though smaller than what Walmart/Target build today), and the whole company slowly collapsed after that.
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You get your ticket to Skopje booked yet? Thereā€™s a casino on every corner waiting for you. They always seem empty as well. I personally think they are for money laundering.
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These guys are too bullish. If MSTR keeps following bitcoin upwards then there will be a bumpy road the next two weeks. Bitcoin today and tomorrow will retest around as low as 87k. Since this is a low volume weekend retest it will regain that loss over the next week. This all falls within the historical November movements during a bitcoin bull run, with the end of november being crabbing/dumping. This itself portends a much larger move in december as bitcoin has fared well during Santa Rallies in bull runs- up to 40% gains on Bitcoin. If it is around 100k on december 1st it may end the month at 140k if this trend holds. Obviously past performance does not indicate future performance and a 40k move is about 3 times as great as the movement from 18k to 30k in 2020. In addition while bitcoin fared well initially in January, it dumped towards the end of the month.

Broadly if you were following past results, you should sell (or scale back your position) before Thanksgiving, as the end of the month will likely see a post-holiday selloff (unsurprisingly), which you should buy. The rest of december in this scenario- echoing previous bullruns- would be a long upwards climb. If bitcoin did go back to 90k (or lower) around the end of the month in a week, then ran up to 140k, this movement would push microstrategy downwards to 340 dollars a share before propelling it dramatically upwards to 800 or more a share.

But this assumes MSTR continues to act as a pseudo-LETF following Bitcoin's movements.
Ok sorry, from the outside it looks like a huge warehouse, something you could use for simply storing stuff.
While I am no longer invested in healthcare and therefore the worrying rise of anti-semitism in that sector. I have to wonder, what the fuck is their problem?
Yes, that's American suburban architecture for you... especially for buildings attached to shopping malls. The outside is nondescript and bland, and surrounded by parking lots, but the interior is subdivided, decorated, and "fun". Idk if you have American style malls in Germany, but surely you've seen some in movies or videos, like Commando (1985) which has a good interior mall scene. This pic >>21629158 is what the exteriors look like though. You can also see one in Back to the Future (1985), because Doc needs a big parking lot to get to 88 mph, and malls are mostly parking lots.
Those slot machines look mega comfy.
Yes, yes it is. Democrat ingenuity right there.
Have her eat the seeds and plant some new vines that way.
No, here they look more like assholes, kek. (people actually felt the need to coin it like that halfsincerely)
>german engineering
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But there is similar stuff, mostly outside of the cities. As you said, suburban.
its the same everywhere. people lost the skill to make beautiful buildings

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