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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

previous thread:
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
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Expect a lot of delays.
Anyone peddling the narrative that delays should be expected is a paid shill. You think just sitting around and waiting patiently for the system that is designed to funnel wealth to the top is going to suddenly pay out billions to retail investors? If someone is telling you that things will happen 'later' and you just need to sit back and wait they are relying on you doing nothing to obtain your generational wealth so that the system can quietly steal all your money.
yeah and i'm personally not investing more until i see concrete results with BBBYQ. RC and pulte can get fucked if they were just larping and taking advantage of retail investors.
What else can be done besides sit around and wait? Do you think filing shit is going to help? Do you really think Ryan Cohen or Carl Icahns plan depends on retail investors making claims/filings? Clogging up the courts is what the hedgies have been doing this entire time.
Ok shill, sit back and wait for rich people that have sucked money out of retail for the past decade to actually this time super seriously give you loads of money.
It’s honestly impressive how easy it is to notice the fake holders. It’s like I can’t help but cringe when they’re putting on a performance.
Exactly. We all need to prepare to wait 10+ years. It's unfortunate, but it is a necessary sacrifice for the new equity.
I've always been the exact opposite and the charts and happenings show this to be true: We live in constant chances for ultra spontaneous and extremely volatile market events. They can happen during trading hours, or outside of it, in different ways. I expect when we truly go into butterfly mode, that too will hit unexpected. The closest analog I have to refer to is the Friday we saw DK-Butterfly get revealed, remember how many docs just dropped out of nowhere? I imagine what comes next will be the same.

It's why I see all "expect delays" crap to just be another brand of fud.
They can't act for their lives lmfao
Spurious Spelunker you are such a whiny fucking faggot holy shit....and it sounds like you are sucking cock when you speak. Drink some water then shut the fuck up
What are you guys talking about
>DFV Tweets pic of OG Toy Story
>internet hive mind finds this scene
Could it be referencing the company that doesn't exist anymore, Dream on me or whatever?
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So I got roughly
> 100,000 2024s
> 175,000 2034s
> 250,000 2044s
What am I in for?
No. The lbo was reported before BBBY went bankrupt
MJL im not telling u how many bonds I have. Fuck u and your data collection tricks
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Didn’t ask about your stack asked what I’m in for
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It would’ve been cooler if you’d given some educated rough general estimates as to my position but I respect the sentiment and info you’ve added elsewhere itt. Wagmi.
can a nigga still buy bonds or no
asking for a fren
Yes. On IBKR, the 2034s are about $25 for $1000 of debt and the 2044s are like $20 after fees

You can’t buy the 2024s anymore
Think of this play as your retirement fund. You have to let it sit for a decade or two, but it will be worth it in the long run.
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So mfs is needing to put in 25k for a milly of debt these days?

Lmao it must be the thread picture that makes the more personally involved seethe and satirically post like these paid stock bashers. Expecting delays is the opposite of fud, if something happens soon then it will be a pleasant surprise but being prepared for bad actors to make more fake claims/filings to clog up the courts is a more prudent outlook as it lowers the probability that people run into financial trouble (because they expect it to be just around the corner) and be forced to sell some of their other favorite stocks.
>N-no guys trust me, I'm telling you to sit around and do nothing so that eventually something good will happen to you
>P-please expect delays
They aren't sending their best
Nice try, shill. This is a clear tactic to get people to expect things sooner rather than later so they feel fatigued at each new hype date. The true holders all know to be patient. How much are they paying you? It's clearly not a lot.
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>i'm personally not investing more until i see concrete results
Easy to say when you literally cannot buy shares of a cancelled stock.
oh DFV tweeted today, so the paid stock basher contracts were increased temporarily to control sentiments. Explains this thread so far.
Lmfaooo the FUD around bond prices is funny. I'm getting the 24s and 44s for $9-$10 a bond.

$1 million face value in bonds is literally $9-$10k not including commission which would cost another $1000 max assuming you aren't getting rebates like i am. Every time i buy bonds i get like 80-90% of the commission back in T + 2

Either you niggas are retarded or shills were told to start lying about bond prices.
It's been atleast 3 threads that I've called out the lying about bonds prices
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It's unbelievable. but it happened.
What broker can you get bonds that cheap?

I asked someone here about that before and they wouldn’t respond
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I’m not lying. The 2034s bid price is $23.51 on IBKR, so about $25 after fees.

Please let me know where it is cheaper. I am genuinely interested
Alright I'll answer assuming you guys are being truthful.

You can get them on Etrade for $9-$10 a bid but it's not the same as IBKR.

Etrade is a bit backwards in that you will do a reverse auction for your bonds. Basically you'll click a bond year, type the amount you want (minimum is 2) and hit send.

>This is not buying you a bond

You are sending a request for bids meaning it'll go to like 10-20 different people and they'll write the prices they're willing to send sell you a bond for.

I basically spam the request offers button (about 10 at a time) and once I get a $10 or lower prices, I execute.

You cannot counterbid or change the bond you're willing to buy. Its fill or kill. You execute the transaction or you cancel or let it expire. You'll have to send a new request if you want to buy at a different price or amount.

When I decide the amount of bonds I want, I'll reverse the math so I know how much bonds I want.

If I had a $1000 assuming I'll get it at $9 a bond, I'll do

$1000 / $9 = ~111 bonds

On Etrade it's roughly $1/bond so

111 x $9 + 111 = $1,110

This would put you over your limit so now you'll lower the amount of bonds you want until the math is correct.

100 bonds x $9 + $100 commission = $1000

Get it?

So I'll submit bids using my cash available and basing the math off of $9 and $10 a bond.

24s and 44s are the cheap ones at $9 and $10 a bond

34s are retardedly expensive for some reason
Thank you. I’m downloading E*trade on Monday and gonna make future purchases there if it’s that much cheaper

> 34s are retardedly expensive for some reason

I don’t understand the reasoning behind it, but I’ve heard from someone on theppshow that the 34s are the only bonds that will be in the debt for equity deal and the 24s will be paid in a lump sum, and the 44s will be paid according to schedule.

I’ve been only buying 34s for this reason even though they are more expensive
Pic rel is all of the prices I've paid and I'm still buying more. I have well over 7 figures face value lol

Reverse auction takes about 10-15 minutes to collect and they'll present you the best offer which is the lowest price.

If I paid $100 in commission they'll give me around $80 back in cash in T + 2. I save the cash for my next batch purchase. Its not a consistent rebate and I have no idea why I get it lmao. I assume everyone gets it
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Can anyone explain (semi coherently at least) what those threads are all about anymore? You have 7 cents on a dollar buyout, shit's over, the company is liquidated. What are you even waiting for?
>I don’t understand the reasoning behind it, but I’ve heard from someone on theppshow that the 34s are the only bonds that will be in the debt for equity deal and the 24s will be paid in a lump sum, and the 44s will be paid according to schedule
That is unsubstantiated speculation from a group of people that have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to bonds specifically lol

All three years, 24, 34, and 44 are all 2014 indentures and belong to the same claim by its trustee, NY Bank of Mellon. To say a specific year will get different treatment from the rest is pulled out of their asses when all 3 are grouped under the same claim. Whatever treatment the claim gets, should equally apply to all 3 bond years.

>I’ve been only buying 34s for this reason even though they are more expensive
Lol that's the problem when you follow people who don't know what they're talking about. 99% of retail buying BBBY bonds have no idea what they're buying. They think the bond obligations still apply and something will happen when certain dates hit.

When a bond is defaulted, all of its obligations are void. They are now trading without accrued interest. If you buy a defaulted bond, you are buying a debt claim. Since BBBY bonds trade in $1000 increments, you are buying $1000 in debt at a time.

When you own debt, you are now a creditor and have more rights than shareholders. Congratulations.

Of course this isn't financial advice. You do you. I've been buying all 3 years and my 34s were also bought at $9-$10 before the price went up which I assume is because people believe PP show of only the 34s will get equity.
>retail wins but majority have no idea what they're doing
No wonder Wall Streetd suicidal LMFAO. I love retail investors
We are waiting for shills like you to commit suicide, faggot
Bankruptcy is OFF the table!
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Why does there appear to be a statistically significant number of bad actors, that go above and beyond the explanation being trolls and useful idiots, surrounding all discussion spaces like twitter, reddit, and here. It would appear that there is a coordinate campaign to demoralize holders so they are more likely to sell the new equity for low prices when we are trading again. Also given the likelihood that bbbyq holders also hold gme shilling here and trying to sow distrust in RC & friends would encourage people to sell their gme, and hate RC.

Seems pretty silly if you ask me. Also RC met with Carl Icahn 2 months BEFORE RC offered to buy bbby in December 2022 for 400 million and 6 months later the board declared bankruptcy, that seems like it might be evidence of extremely illegal behavior but i'm no lawyer. The only media appearance RC has had since 2021 is https://www.gmedd.com which is a website dedicated to gme research, pretty silly isn't it. Also a current board member of GME, Larry Cheng, went onto the PPshow podcast, that satirizes dildo sex toys, and happens to be dedicated to the discussion of bed bath and beyond which happens to have Ryan Cohens name all over the dockets as a creditor and a debtor. Also platinum sparkles can attain live video conference interviews with the head of the SEC, gary gensler, and also would appear to have literally 8+ hours a day dedicated to commenting on twitter threads dedicated to the discussion of bbby, including notably, Jakes twitter content. This is all prettttty silly if you start to take in the bigger picture. "community members" and "experts" who seem to buzz around a supposedly dead and gone stock sure do seem to be pretty upset that people are still discussing it regularly.
There was NO dilution!
Ryan Cohen did NOT sell!
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Silly shills seem desperate to push a narrative lately. Sorry shills, you can't fool a patient holder like me.
Jake is setting up an equity committee. The guy who spent literally months reading every single docket and writing DD is doing things to secure his payout. Remind me again why anyone who is actually involved in this would want to just sit around and wait for RC/Pulte to give them money?
Jake was deep cover the whole time? He did get his start by stealing DD from here so I guess it makes sense.
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your id is already blown

source. Also looks like your id is already blown too.

everyone check out this post:

A lot of paid stock bashers surrounding a defunct towel store. I don't know why they even try ironic / satire posting here. I suppose it is just general disruption of communication, DFV tweeted yesterday and the shill flare-up was noticable.
Michael and jake said it to mock tranny sparkles and another shill called vinegar donuts who said we should do another Equity committee
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ok makes sense, I don't watch theppshow and ironically the shills do so i figured that would have been the source.

If Ryan Cohens plan was dependent on retail taking certain actions with certain timings then we were never going to make it and this was failed from the start. A very expensive M&A software suite listed bbby as carved up in january 2023, a month after Ryan Cohen offered 400 million for the company. ~3 months before (jan 2023) was when Ryan Cohen posts a photo of him having a meet with Carl Icahn. Then in February 2023 Ryan Cohen posts his "hey government stop shooting down my balloons tweet" clearly alluding to the fact that we are delayed. Expect delays everyone and know that paid stock bashers want you as demoralized as possible before new equity hits our accounts. They want you to not trust Ryan Cohen. Watching prices route through the carnival-pools whenever DFV tweets is a sight to behold.
Typical delay posting fudder
I'm content waiting 10 years to receive my new equity. Funny how mentioning this really bothers some people. Almost as if they need constant hype dates to keep the grift going. Interesting.
>they dropped the rite aid script once they realized normal retail holders don't keep up with every single stock out there because they aren't paid to do so
>new script is attacking delay anon while simultaneously pushing that it's a decade long hold kek
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Good riddance
>Call everything he doesn't like a script
Classic shill tactic. You really need to push that hype fatigue, don't you?
Sounds like a great way to throw your money away, since you will be lucky to get even a few cents per bond.
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I wonder if


Is even a paid stock basher or an actual higher up in one of these hedge funds. The ironic/satirical/passive aggressive style of posting is like they come from a place of personal outrage. It is like they have been told by bigger fish that if they don't get people to sell GME/new equity for low prices they will be thrown under the bus. So they get emotionally involved because no tactics have worked so far, and people are continuing to hold and buy GME.
Oh wow, look at you go. Very subtle. Trying to infer that somehow I want "people to sell GME/new equity for low prices" despite never mentioning GME nor selling. In fact I have said the exact opposite in that I want to hold my equity. Nice try. Please keep insisting that I am a "paid stock basher" though. Please point to a single post where I have "bashed" a stock. You really are disingenuous. You really really really need to make people impatient, don't you?
>GMEmaxxer trying to throw off BBBY shareholders
try harder to stop people getting their equity
No one is being paid to bash a stock that no longer exists.

> if they don't get people to sell GME/new equity for low prices they will be thrown under the bus. So they get emotionally involved because no tactics have worked so far

I think the tactics have mostly worked. All of my IRL friends who bought in Jan 2021 have either sold or stopped buying by April 2021.

They are powerless to the 10-100k people who have been buying GME for years, but that’s a small fraction of the likely millions of people who got GME in January 2021
>All of my IRL friends who bought in Jan 2021 have either sold or stopped buying by April 2021.
Same. Whatever family I had in, sold and got out. My friends all still hold a small amount as far as I know but otherwise have no real interest in GME. When it popped off in May when DFV returned, one of them told me their selling.

I'm glad it took this long though desu. When MOASS happens I'm going to tell everyone i sold before it began as i thought it was over

Stealth wealth is key
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Why are BBBYQ bag holders still here for a dying company? You do know RC sold after they refused to listen to his advice to turn the company around right?

Fucking stupid idiots.

> When it popped off in May when DFV returned, one of them told me their selling.

When that May thing happened, a friend told me he’s selling at $100. He didn’t sell because it didn’t go that high.

The funny thing is that since then he has sold his startup for $800k. He’d be so rich if he put a lot of that into gme but instead he’s not getting any more gme and putting half into crypto
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You seem upset.
>putting half into crypto
NGMI lol
If you still think you are getting even a single penny for your canceled bbbyq shares (coming up on a year now) then you are both physically and mentally retarded. Even if something happened with the IP or some other asset of the company, as a shareholder you still wouldn't get anything from it. And at this point they've liquidated everything that was left.

If you're just here pretending to be retarded to troll people then carry on
Are the BBBYQ shares in the portfolio right now baggies?
DFV brother followed Pulte
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larry cheng, who is a current board member at the publicly traded company GameStop, was a guest on a podcast dedicated to discussing the company Bed Bath & Beyond, where the podcast is named theppshow, and the company being discussed (bbbyq) was given at least a 5 billion dollar valuation by holly etlin in december 2023(restructuring roundtable on 12/15/23). Holly Etlin also states the FILO (Sixth Street) is still looking for recovery there and that hasn't happened in retail for a long time except from fraud cases.

Shills spend incalculable amounts of time keeping up to date on a podcast called theppshow with dildo themes etc, legal filings, twitter space calls, social media happenings in general, so they can come here and not respond with intelligible factual statements, oh no no no, to respond with the lowest ragebait garbage to slide the thread and cause discontinuity in any discussions around this stock or gme.
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Expect delays
The hype pushers really should start taking this to heart. Remember all of the people that said "soon" or "we won" last year? If you had told them all this would still be going on a year later, they would have called you a shill.
spamming "expect delays" even when it doesn't remotely fit in the conversation is demoralizing. we had enough of "two more weeks" Qanon tier larping after the 2020 election and now we're having the 2024 election. RC is going to run out of excuses to stay silent as the lawsuits get dismissed etc. either he delivers or he's a fraud. the plan administrator said the claims will keep going after the company emerges from chapter 11 so what's that about, is it unreasonable to have hope that RC or one of the other speculated white hats is going to show up and allow the company to emerge?
redditors say fuck pulte but RC should also get fucked if nothing happens with BBBYQ because RC very clearly suggested that pulte is relevant to the play and that pulte was speaking for RC.
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You guys don’t blend in. There is obviously a difference between demoralization about trusting RC or pulte and demoralization about our shares are gone forever. Your bosses have clogged up the courts big time so nothing his happening in september. 10 years is also way too long and doesn’t make any sense, Ryan Cohens pump and dump lawsuit is most likely the reason why we haven’t emerged yet. Also there could be claims that are stopping buy buy baby being allowed to be carved out formally until they are resolved. The current objection bar claims date is September 30th and plan man wants it pushed to March 2025. Being mentally and financially prepared for RC’s pump and dump suite to take a while is not demoralization it is clearly different than what you lot are sent here to do. Your also here to cause chaos and disrupt effective communication.

Holders trust Ryan Cohen, holders trust pulte because of all the nods rc has made towards pulte. Larry cheng has gone onto theppshow, your ironic/satirical posting tone is not a good strategy.
>redditors say
I don’t know if I care what Redditors say.
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You faggots will never blend in.
The idea of the plan of reorganization and emergence from bankruptcy being contingent on the Claims Objection Bar Date made sense given the information at the time. So the deadline getting pushed back made the "expect delays" rhetoric extremely rational.

The information stating emergence can happen at any time regardless of claims being fully resolved was literally discovered the day after the plan administrator pushing back the Claims Objection Bar Date.

As new information comes out, the consensus will obviously change while you shill glowniggers will cry that retail is moving goal posts.
>muh expect delays
>muh don't expect delays
Anything can happen
I'm still hyped for September/October
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they know Icahn has taken loans using his IEP as collateral so they are trying to force a margin call against him. This is why he is diluting at all time lows, Icahn has to hold the loan against rapidly deteriorating collateral, and it is also why shorts are going extra hard, and it is also why the delays are being pushed by bad actors.

The times are uniquely bad in financial markets, even with Icahns ownership levels he cannot confirm how many shares are actually circulating of his majority owned stock. The only entity that has that information is a private entity under the umbrella of the DTC. The entire legal structure of the market was setup from the beginning to facilitate the siphoning of retail/retirement accounts and also to elicit total control by having the ability to raise or lower prices almost arbitrarily. It seems innocuous from the outside but this is a firework show taking place because shorty - and the system overall - knows it is game over if new equity is issued to bbbyq holders, which smells like is already going to happen but they want to delay is for as long as possible and also fuck up the other M&A activities rc & Icahn have planned.

Also The only sources I could find that Icahn shorted GME was a Reuters article - who referenced a bloomberg article - who referenced "sources familiar with the matter". So lets assume it is true and icahn shorted GME in 2021, he would now be up big and his moves being made on buy buy baby and bbby in general would be very secure as his short position is up big and they cant squeeze him out because they would blow their own portfolios up. Assume he DID NOT have a short position on GME, then I would figure RC, Icahn and friends would have plans to hold things together if IEP is shorted into the gutter (which is what is happening). It is going to be fascinating watching what happens as Ryan Cohens pump and dump lawsuit concludes. I hope it is soon but expect it to take a long time. Financial wars are taking place
>Just sit back and do nothing trust rich people who took money from retail to give money to retail
Holy shit you are too obvious
I appreciate this sentiment and but would like to add the delineation that while the plan man is requesting 3/25 as the new claims date, there is docket language from a year and a half ago now which not only allows for bankruptcy emergence prior to claims settlement but may seem to imply that indeed the plan man’s job will go on beyond a reemergence.
Same. What’s up with Pulte saying keep an eye on the bonds? Also dfvs bro started following him on ig.
Really interesting thoughts vis a vi a possible pincer Icahn may have them in if he’s getting wrecked on IEP by similar parties that would suffer if gme were to run while also possibly sitting on a massive short position gain himself. Does anyone know the dates on rc’s p&d lawsuit?
I don't get why having to wait longer upsets you all so much. It's already been more than a year and since then I've seen so many posts hyping that it would be soon. Any time you people hear something you don't like, you cover your ears and cry about shills and paid stock bashers. I can wait. I've already lost the shares and money so there is nothing I can do. If you want to keep hyping every day and every month, go ahead. But calling out anything you disagree with as being a shill is just pathetic. Get a grip.
This "community" is stuck in a mental purgatory. You are delusional if you think hedge funds are sending paid employees to 4chan of all places to sway sentiment over a stock that can't even be traded. You need something to be happening because you are powerless to do anything in this situation, so you create fake conflict in order to reassure yourselves.
"Heh there are shills here so I must be right!"
The outcome is entirely out of anyone's hands. Either it happens eventually or it doesn't. Nobody knows how long it will take. If you need to fight against "shills" to cope with having to wait, keep at it I guess. But if you aren't mentally prepared for all outcomes, including having to wait a long time, you are in for a bad time.
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Just here to ONCE AGAIN tell you I TOLD YOU SO. You called me a shill, and here you are. What a dummy. Serious miscalculation. I am gloating and having a good time. Almost all of the baggies are gone, the reddit teenagers who ran a game on ya are gone, but I guess your losses are just a bit too much to cope. Here, have a bump on me, baggot. I'll be back to gloat some more in a couple of threads. That should take only a year or so. Ha! My man Kenny sure pulled a number on ya. You gotta appreciate your predicament here. Because your assets will no longer appreciate in value. How could you get in this position, baglet? I can only spare a measly bump in your hard, long journey of self reflection and acceptance. I will not be accepting any (yous) today.
The sensible people left and are strictly GME nowadays. Dont waste your time on these long winded posts because the people (2 people with multiple IDs) remaining are too far gone mentally.
Kek baggies
Interesting how active it got in here once DFV tweeted. Shill contracts got renewed.

Why is "keking" BBBY part of the job description?
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I wait because I must, but time is a precious resource that can never be regained.
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in case there's still someone who hasn't figured it out, expect delays anon is the most obvious shill ever (very high bar btw). implications of this should be clear.
Possibly but I’m not sure what the goal is. It’s not like I can do anything other than wait. I’m starting to think both the expect delays guy and the “moass better happen or we’re all gonna sue Ryan right guys” poster are obviously shill.
If expecting delays is fudding and shilling, you must have a reasonable timeline for when this all finally ends, right?
Was there another jake2b and platinum shambles, twitter space call recently? If so, anyone got the link?
Ya fags keep screaming "shill" but riddle me this. If all you can do is wait and literally nothing else, why have a general at all, why debate and discuss if you are so sure you DONT need to do anything. Sounds like you bbbytards know it isnt guaranteed youll get anything out of this. You are so insecure you WILL respond to this
expect infinite delays.
GME is totally fucked if BBBYQ doesn't make it because it exposes that RC isn't infallible, there is no team of white hats backing him. it was revealed that DFV was probably the one who's been pumping the stock with his options trade and profiting at retail investors expense. it's questionable if RC knows anything special about short sellers or if he's just shitposting to take advantage of retail investors hype. RC diluted not once but twice into DFVs last pump while stating in the SEC filings that they don't have a plan for acquisitions. larry cheng is exhibiting narcissistic brain rot behavior (much like the rest of the GME community) with his linkedin blogposting, he might as well be one the chronic shitposter anons in one of the 4chan hobby general threads who go on for years without making meaningful progress.
This post just feels like you’re flailing and throwing out more fud because someone correctly clocked you as a paid poster.
>paid poster.
Doesn't exist, just like the stock.
I will continue to trust the retail investors doing work to get equity. I will continue to call out shills who support RC (who diluted retail) and Pulte (who pays people to like him on Twitter)
There are people who are paid stock bashers who are currently bashing a stock that doesn’t exist? Huh?

But >you do it for free. >you I’m most worried about. Stock bashers clock in and out like a job they don’t care if it’s 7 cents or trading at multiple thousands per share. It’s just a pay cheque

But >you I’m most worried for. Because >you do it for free. Rent free.
Kek paid stockbashers
It changed on my Bank phone app and on yahoo finance also.
Shill faggots, your response?
Just confirmed with my Schwab shares. ChatGPT says to expect a filing within... 1-2 weeks.
The ticker was literally preserved
Even if the ticker was reused, you wouldn't get anything.
I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when we get new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq shares that were removed from our accounts due to a pending corporate action, I will surely sell the new stock for any price I can get, given how relieved I will be. Why would I, or anyone else hold the new equity and use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more? Who would behave like this?
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>Illuminaughty dubs
Nice try, glowie

What was Goldman Sach's involvement in the Bed Bath and Beyond bankruptcy?

Not all platinum sparkle. But it sho' DOES GLOWWWWW

>JPM coaching BBBY board on how to deal with RC
Goldman Sachs? No.

In 2021, BBBY board sought out JPM, GS, UBS, and a few other consultants on the threat of activist investors. Nothing implicates anyone beyond JPM (yet)
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What a time to be alive
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I think we get our tendies in two more weeks
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I hodl for her! #justiceforashli
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$2,500 fine is too little for Michael's dumbass antics
One of the delay-shillies?
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I miss this comfy hectic timeline with Kais. Something crazy happened almost daily
Good luck y'all
Hopefully you don't get bought out by Buffett and its at least Simon Property Group so you get that sweet dividend.
the 10q is bad
I will be buying the dip
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Holy fuck they are trying to margin call uncle Carl. The moment they sniffed out he was likely involved (likely is just what we know, wallstreet has insiders at sec who see the filings and know for certain) his stock and even the companies it holds/owns have been aggressively naked shorted. Seems like a reemergence/restructuring of bbby/buy buy baby/gme is going to be disastrous for the financial system, shorts specifically.
is that a bulletproof vest kek
he's worried about people showing up at his office and started to straight up make shit up like he posted a meme of DK butterfly shaking hands with putin and a Q larp namedropping microsoft, dell, peterson (presumably ryan petersen of flexport), elon musk etc
he should admit he doesn't know anything and blame RC for the larp or some redditor is going to shoot up his office lmao
GME sold within days of the last two share offerings. Will it continue the streak for the third offering?

Right now the TSO's match with GME at 426 million and BBBY at an estimated 430 million.

Another share offering would throw off the balance. I wonder what RC is doing
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The same month our equity is removed GME tweets butterflies and all GME insiders stop buying the stock. 6 months later only Larry buys.

Equity was fully removed from our accounts in October. This is one of many tweets about butterflies pertaining to GME. GameStop also posted a meme with butterfree as Bobby hill.

All insiders stop buying GME by October (would love to know if anyone knows the exact date of the last buy from insiders). 6 months go by and Larry cheng is the only insider able to buy the stock. No other board members buying and Larry is the only one. Next month will mark a full year since any GME insiders besides Larry has made a buy.

>So expect something by October ya?

Yeah Oct 29th cat day. 69 trading days after RC tweeted mocha 2069 and T+35 from DFV recent tweet about not playing with chewy anymore. Anniversary of the Oct 29 1929 crash, VW peak was oct 28/29. It’s a Tuesday. Election week in USA will overshadow the news cycle so no normal person knows about it. I dunno… this is the date for me!

He’s spelled it out for years with his avocado-in-my-anus account. Idk why no one is chilling waiting for Oct 29th. Or that hasn’t really been targeted as a hype date yet?

It literally fits all the TA for people looking at a melt up since his return in May thanks to daily, weekly, monthly moving averages crossing over etc.

>Damn 2 more months again

Look, probably gonna be 10-20 years like a Tesla slow squeeze if we’re completely honest. But it’s nice having a small chance of MOASS and having some hype dates along the way.

But seriously, Oct 29th is when it’s gonna happen though

>Sounds like a plan
>Equity was fully removed from our accounts in October.
How this happened is reflected on your 1099-B especially in the instructions section. I keep bringing this up, but not explaining it because I know all the shills are ESL.
We are in agreement
Also that anon literally reposted 3 different comments in Teddy to here lmfao. Of course I would notice
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Wasn’t the whole point that teddy would buy dk-butterfly with the help of outside investors and teddy merges with GameStop?

I don’t think the plan was ever for GameStop to directly acquire the bbby shell
My IEP calls are up 100% today and the underlying stock is down 3%.
Something is up
Why did that speech include a section clarifying that debt to equity may be a tax free occurrence relative to the ‘33 securities act
The leaked GG speech?
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Do it Garysan
Yeah nice try. First day as a hedgie intern? GameStop isn't going to announce a merger just so hedgies learn about their plans and manipulate with front running. When it happens, it'll be a complete surprise out of nowhere that catches everyone off guard.

Ryan Cohen knows exactly how he is viewed by retail investors: an activist investor who hates shorts. He wouldn't knowingly put hints to butterflies and teddy bears in his tweets and books if they didn't mean anything. Otherwise he should be arrested for stringing investors along and tricking them into buying a mismanaged bankrupt stock on false information.
A major problem with the economy is the debt levels and finding ways to deleverage the economy in pragmatic ways so as to spread out value rather than fire-sale/write it off is a plan likely in the works,
Debt to equity would basically mean shareholders get mass-diluted all across the board.
Bonds trade based on their yields. It is also likely that coupons over 1% get slashed down to 1% and then revalued. This would slow down the capital-siphoning effects of debt/interest.
I am not exactly sure what you are talking about, but given the financial systems exist on a multigenerational timelines, we are figuratively standing on the edge of a cliff and the big event we are all waiting on could be days, months or even years away - which is nothing for an event this size.
see jerry seinfeld for an example of how out of touch these people can be
if RC is a savior for retail investors as opposed to a shameless egotistical capitalist a la chamath palihapitiya, he's an extreme outlier
we've overlooked a lot of cringe tweets and things that don't make sense (such as him investing in nordstrom), giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's communicating in code
>Otherwise he should be arrested for stringing investors along and tricking them into buying a mismanaged bankrupt stock on false information.
yes or if nothing comes out of the BBBYQ chapter 11 he should face vigilante justice in minecraft, because it's completely insane how he has taken everything away from thousands of people after giving them hope for a better life with his cryptic tweets that he should have known gave the appearance that he had special powers to make stocks squeeze and that he has business connections that would help keep BBBY from failing, he could at least have cared to communicate better to shareholders, it's an inept self-own if he rugpulled his own fanbase, now he won't be the next elon musk or warren icahn like it seems he wanted to be, even a lot of the GME maxis are turning on him for diluting them over and over without communicating if there's any plan for the business besides sitting on cash and collecting interest and acting as a pawn shop for graded pokemon cards
god, it’s going to be so funny when nothing happens and it’s november and you hopeless dorks have to move on to your next baseless copium. dumb fucking baggies lmao
I’m tired of you weak minded bbby holders saying if Ryan doesn’t do X then Y should happen.

Stop with the soft threats you fucking neckbeards. You invested in a play for generational wealth you fucking pussies will be the first to lose it.

You faggots even said you will curse him if it doesn’t pan out? Go fuck yourself you dumb adopted redditor from a gay couple. No one owes you god damn shit.

It would take you life cycles upon life cycles to make in your current shirt ass job what you would receive on JPM settlement alone. So sit the fuck down.

And let Ryan cook.
BiggySmallzzz is on the PP show right now.
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It would be nice to still have some life cycle left to enjoy by then.
Guys what's going on? Another dilution and the company says there's no plans for a merger or acquisition? What about the New Class stock?
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People trust RC, you and your handlers fucking hate that. And the “gme holders” who are “turning on RC” are your kind who are paid stock bashers to shill/play both sides, and just in general cause chaos as best as you can.

Also Ryan Cohen liked a tweet of
>pic related
Someone with bonds apparently got shares converted into bbby shares. On their Etrade account.
Anyone else with bonds on Etrade can they confirm?
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>pic related
it could've been that he's depicted as the hero and pulte posted it so it showed up in his feed. twitter crops the pic into a square unless you click on it so he might not have seen the BBBY cart lady. holly etlin said she never interacted with RC. RC deleted his like of pic related after it turned out that the full version of the meme is centered around a BBBY store.
and RC uses an iphone so the BBBY cart lady could easily be overlooked on a small screen
I see it but it seems to be issued in 2023 before bankruptcy. Idk if it means anything
Ya fags keep screaming "shill" but riddle me this. If all you can do is wait and literally nothing else, why have a general at all, why debate and discuss if you are so sure you DONT need to do anything. Sounds like you bbbytards know it isnt guaranteed youll get anything out of this. You are so insecure you WILL respond to this
Because a lot of us are also in GME and we like dissecting the dockets from the bankruptcy and sharing our findings. Also bankruptcy has yet to conclude
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>riddle me this, fatman
You will never be a schizophrenic
who's that little guy
PridefulAnon, kek. Just fucking kek.
We are going to be so fucking rich.
Lol to all the shills!
Glad I bought the dip. Nice boost today.
There’s no way you are still thinking anything will happen. There’s only bots in this thread
Did we win again?
Yes. Where's PlATnium SpARKLES?
These glitches are fun. This still doesn't mean you are getting anything.
lol sad whilly willy
Yes we will. And you missed out. But thanks for keeping us company everyday.
Buy at open
buy what?
The glitches keep falling out of the sky, at what point is it not a sign?
i wish something would happen but it's looking bleak. RC is so unbelievably cringe. the reddit cult is dying, the remaining holders are unhinged and in denial.
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>unhinged and in denial
You rang?
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debt waterfall status?
did the objection claims bar date get pushed to march 25 2025?
It's been requested. I think the court hearing for it is 9/24/24
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Doug, take this....
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Creditors were a higher priority than taxes? Is that how it works?
No one knows.
Just bought more, I can’t be stopped
DK Butterfly is signing on new suppliers with dates being after filing for bankruptcy.

Of course not. Uncle Sam gets his cut before anyone else.
Please tell me more
Google chapter 11 reorganization
Already done that over past 2 years of being constantly informed about a stock I do not own
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We're so getting paid
>captcha 4SSSAD
Okbet said someone from Goldman Sachs told him that a 100 dollar per share fraud settlement was possible. But he didn't believe it.
Which is funny cause it's closer to the 150 dollar per share by the Anon leaker.
>leaker said it was $150 per share of my .20c shares that got deleted
Checks out
>100 dollar per share fraud settlement was possible
I grow weary of the teasing and I wish to see results
>I wish to see my stock valued at nil replaced with $100 each
Fascinating, these leaks are confirmed correct yeah? You’ve seen court documents to back this figure up? And it’s coming in the next 14 days too?
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how are you holding up baggies?
Who would camp a thread for a cancelled towel stock?
Who would have a continued thread about a dead stock?
While we’re asking questions and it seems like you’re claim is you do it for free can you tell me why Larry Cheng would go on the pp show?
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The hedgies are mad that BBBYchads will get paid out for the proven fraud investigation and they are going to take all of that money and slurp GME.
Are you mentally ill?
>why did Larry do a thing
I don’t know and I don’t care
You ain’t slurping shit.
I ain’t the one that held large amounts of cash to 0

This is the part where you tell me I am a retard and that BBBY will be coming back and showering you in wealth never before seen.
>I don’t know and I don’t care
But you care enough to squat a thread for a stock you don’t hold on a Saturday?
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He can never leave
Dead thread dead stock that all hinges on dream dust yet I’m the lunatic.
No one called you a lunatic. I’m merely asking what motivates you to do vs literally anything else on a Saturday. It makes sense why the schizos are here. You don’t seem to suffer from autism so it doesn’t really makes sense why you are.
I have been forcefully raped by BBBY information without consent for too long
>I have been forcefully raped by BBBY information without consent
So now you choose to spend time in the thread for bbby? You are not autistic. You are a disingenuous faggot and im not sure who you’re trying to fool. I will say I appreciate the new homer motif.
It’s approx 20 seconds each post, maybe 30. Surprised this thread is allowed to continue, a crypto thread dies for this.
The difference between me and you, you get paid for this.
Wow you’re actually just a retard who thinks he’s right. I don’t know how you will ever cope when you learn you’re wrong.
Look into my eye
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So you’re theory is that people holding out hope that fraud gets proven in this thread are being paid to post in here?
My theory is there’s alot of mutual masturbation going on in this thread which is cool and everything, but when I’ve got to read your daily updates on a dead stock in GME it becomes exhausting, it’s 8 days old, there’s nothing happening with it, it’s weird and unhealthy. You guys need to find a healthy stock.
There is no fraud investigation, its another delusional baggie cope.
>mutual masturbation
Yeah I agree and nothing about that makes me think they’re paid posters trying to psyop someone. I’m not even sure what the goal would be considering the stock cannot be bought. Your attempt to accuse anyone as being paid to post here is bizarre and only makes your motivation seem more suspicious.
>Your attempt to accuse anyone as being paid to post here is bizarre and only makes your motivation seem more suspicious.

Sorry Mr Cheapskate didn’t mean to stand on your toes
>The "dude trust me" guy with his 2 lawyers says in his opinion that cash payout of $20-$60 will happen this month
Feels like more hype fatigue
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>take all of that money and slurp GME
going to link to my previous post:
funny how paid stock bashers of all kinds still show up here every single day. Very interesting.
Pretty good considering the Department of Justice may have canceled trading due to fraud from Execs, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs on an American retailer

Looking forward to seeing why this exec offed himself.

So comfy.
Are you comfy though? It takes more than saying “so comfy” to be comfy, I mean your stock needs to defy all odds and win ever roll of the dice in a rigged game where it can be buried in legal proceedings, decades of court cases, many judges, are you prepared for the generational hold?
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> your stock needs to defy all odds and win ever roll of the dice in a rigged game
I thought the stock already lost? This post feels less like you getting back at bath holders for defiling your precious gme thread and more like you trying to fud them. Strange.
Why would you as a gme holder be rooting against bbby holders?
You seem upset.
Silly shilly with no Willy.
Ah you got me, I’m a multi dollar shill hired to stop you from buying BBBY ah! You clever investors you!
Because you dumb fuckers have wasted storage space with dumb pointless bullshit, god damn you fucks are annoying.
>god damn you fucks are annoying.
He says in a thread for a stock that doesn’t exist anymore that he could leave at any point.
>Because you dumb fuckers have wasted storage space with dumb pointless bullshit, god damn you fucks are annoying.
Ironic coming from someone who has been spamming different cropped versions of the same picture over and over again
Yes, and I do it for free, because this is what you want, every time you come into GME you want this, I am giving you what you want, I am basically GME Jesus
It’s provocative isn’t it? Most active member in this thread now with you fellow natural organic BBBY holders
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>with you fellow natural organic BBBY holders
No one holds bbby. Kek. Remember?
Wait, are you agreeing with me that this entire stock is inorganic and it’s finished? But what about the court cases anons… the fraud? The fraud!
Is it really that much fun? Whatever this is?
You’re far too informed for me to think you’re being retarded. Also please stop putting words in my posts.
Yes, trying to keep it as simple and digestible as possible, like a cartoon. >>58975484
By using BBBY holders logics, if you watch the episode 5 of season 11 you can see a reference to the upcoming butterfly.
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No! What are you doing! My weakness! Arrrrgh! The power of posts compels me, the power of posts compels me, save me Pulte!
Some Gme Elitists aren’t going to take this well.

Hey don’t be mad you didn’t have the balls to follow cohen into Mariana’s trench.

You stayed at gameshire, while bbby chads went into battle for bathaway.

You will win too, just not 7 cents to $20-60 payout win.

You will win holding gme. Just not have a head start like bbby chads.

You will drs your paycheque like a good little boy, while bbby chads buy your whole stack 100X.

>>you know who you are
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>A wild faggot appears
>repeating the same thing gets annoying
I have no idea what you are on about, I’m hear to talk about the up and coming bath merge that’s super secret NDA in court but everyone knows about wink wink
Buck Broken Hedgies

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Fucking Kek.
Ya fags keep screaming "shill" but riddle me this. If all you can do is wait and literally nothing else, why have a general at all, why debate and discuss if you are so sure you DONT need to do anything. Sounds like you bbbytards know it isnt guaranteed youll get anything out of this. You are so insecure you WILL respond to this.
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comfy womfy
>2 week old thread
it's completely ridiculous for anyone to think that GME is going to a million dollars per share after RC turned out to be inept with his flailing in BBBY and nordstrom, RC was just larping and taking advantage of you while DFV was the one who pumped and dumped GME with his options trades, profiting off of retail investors while the share price has crabbed over time with dilution as well
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imagine still posting in this general
fucking lol
when's the next pulte event?
trust the plan
patriots are in control
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>goes out of his way to screenshot my id
>i am directly using up his hard drive space, slowly wearing it down, just so that he can refresh this page to see that i've called him a faggot
kek faggots
Ready to have the baby?
I don’t know why they do it, one day they will have to tell us, BBBYers are weird
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>retarded schizobabble
dilution didn't save BBBY
GME isn't likely to go bankrupt, sure, but sitting on the cash and collecting interest is laughable compared to the omnichannel ecommerce and NFTs techbro hype, you're better off collecting interest on your own cash instead of subsidizing RC's and larry cheng's brain rot
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larry cheng posts things like pic related while many investors are destitute because of GME and BBBY, they aren't really in a position to marry anyone. several prominent GME and BBBY influencers have gotten divorced.
If this isn’t mental illness I don’t know what else it might be.
Yeah its definitely mental illness to visit a thread everyday for over 2 years for a stock you don't like
Agreed not to even mention a stock that literally doesn’t exist anymore.
Really is bananas this is allowed to continue, belongs on /x/
Are you gonna cry?
what if i'm in my 40s and she's 19
she's getting up there buddy. time for a new lease
The only entity that has a ledger that contains the quantities, and locations of all shares in the system is controlled under the private umbrella of the DTC. How can any respectable person look at the way this is structured and think this is acceptable? I imagine this kind of stuff isn't even readily taught in finance/business schools (at least public universities anyway) or else people would start to wonder why it was built this way.

Pretty silly.
Yeah, I am man, can you pass me a towel to dry my eyes? Oh yeah, you can’t
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I think maybe you need to touch grass.
>touch grass
I don't do drugs anon, this is a thread about BBBY stock please keep on subject. What is on agenda for today to keep stock thread going?

>mention court case
>mention ryan cohen
>mention $400 million that got rejected

Still got a good few hours left in the day but I think if we all work together, we can get the dailies all ticked off. Get to it champs
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>What is on agenda for today to keep stock thread going?
So you have nothing to bring to the thread? BBBY is over? Huh How about that...
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I hope you are saving all my posts for when I am proved wrong in court July circa 2038, could you IMAGINE?
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Hey, where you all gone? Your working with a dedicated BBBY stock holder here, I am just trying to talk about all these different things that is happening with this dead stock you guys are so desperate to discuss about in the GME thread? ARGHHH!!!! TALK TO ME ABOUT BBBY!

Is this what happens when they take your twitter away? You beg for someone to talk to you? Sad.
Completely and utterly buck and mind broken hedgie. Jesus.
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nothing is happening this month or next most likely, I believe the plan mans hearing to extend the objection claims bar date is later this month, and I assume the delay will be granted. The delay is march 2025. Stay fiscally and mentally prepared to wait this out regardless of how the hype fatiguers and other categories of shills want you to think and behave.

stay comfy womfy cozy wozy.
>pic related

Hope we see new shares soon, but expect it to take a while. Shills are easily btfo when you remind them that nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has officially concluded.
Told you I am a GME holder who has been converted, this is what you wanted, I am a beleiber in BBBY, My desire to know more, is this not what you wanted? Feed me Seymour
So many threads, so many theories to run through, BBBY Eternal ammiright?
>Hope we see new shares soon,
Yes, new shares of a closed stock, this would be something special.. Perhaps a NFT token coin

Hey, don’t be like that… I’ll see you in the next one Imhotep

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