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Commie coins edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs




>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58965782
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Does anyone have a list of about what premium to expect for each weight of silver and gold?
To the anon saying buying things with gold because groceries aren't worth thousands of dollars, that's what silver, junk silver and fractionals are for.
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moon shot countdown begins now
this makes my silver go up
I went into a "Coin and Jewelry" shop today. They had like 30 silver coins tops, mostly Morgans. One single 1923 Peace Dollar. $50 BU, pretty nice looking with good luster, but a huge gash scratch across her cheek. Liberty looked like she had a facial scar. Asked if they had any more like it and the literal tweaker helping me say "yeah in the safe" and then points to a Morgan on the tray. So I'm like "no, a Peace Dollar." A different tweaker gets prompted. "No we have nothing else like that one."

Weirdest shit. The rest of the shop other than the one corner of a cabinet with their Peace/Morgan tray was dusty old ass jewelry.

Why put "coin" on the sign if they know nothing about coins and have no stock of coins?
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Hello Gentlemen
Happy Friday!
Today's news
>ETA for Pirate is here. Due to gold plate, ship date is on or before October 11th. I apologize for my aggressive expectations as I did not factor in the third party needed for that process
>78 Apurand's sold so far!
>2023 Anime Prospectors are on sale for $45. Once this stock is depleted a revised 2024/5 sculpt will be worked on
They sound like they are winding down the business.
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>1923 Peace Dollar. $50 BU, pretty nice looking with good luster, but a huge gash scratch across her cheek
You trollin' bro? A scar like this one?
No. It was an obvious scratch. Not bag chatter but as if someone scratched it with a knife.
I have a Peace dollar that was marked as a Scarface and it was only a couple bucks more than a normal one. Doesn't really look like a real one but still picked it up just because it was so cheap just in case.
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promise me you will never stop stacking, /pmg/
promise me
Ah ok, then all good.

Strange. WDYM it doesn't look like a real one? Normally you should be able to get between $100-200 for the coin, depending on the condition and the size of the scar.
Do you have a pic fren?
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can't make that promise fren
I'm probably going to be out of a job in May
gotta save up my fiat
and even when I get a new job I doubt my next employer will pay as much as my current one
shit sucks :/
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Doesn't seem legit unless maybe it's a really early example before the die really started fucking up the coins.
Won 16oz from my buddy's precious metal gambling website nonsense thing. 10oz Jew Street bar, 5 oz RCMP coin, and one silver maple
You get the silver physically right? I've never heard of online silver gambling.
I'm not a peace-die error pro, but it indeed seems like a stretch to call this one a scarface. It looks like the very early day of the die crack like you said, but idk at what point you can call it "scarfaced". It would require a peace dollar nerd to answer this, but i doubt die-errors chasers would pay a big extra for this one. Kinda scummy from the seller, even if not technically wrong i guess.
About the authenticity, since the scar is a metal surplus - do you feel any bump when you pass your finger over her cheek?
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Business thing he did. Is pretty cool. You can win a silver coin to go an ounce of gold.
bennys gettin a blowy
>precious metal gambling website
That sounds sketchy as fuck.
I've been wondering if you could run a legal casino by making all the chips from precious metals, sell the chips over spot and people just take the chips home instead of cashing out
I've seen all the PMs he's got and he's got one of those fancy testers.
In short, you pay x dollars and receive a packet that can have a varying value of silver or gold. It's fun and such. Not best for investing in PMs lol. But fun.
>you pay x dollars and receive a packet that can have a varying value of silver or gold
Oh so it's like a mystery box. When you said gambling I assumed it was like online poker or something. Doesn't seem that sketchy now.
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Got all these under spot today.
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love them peacies
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Fucking nice, anon.
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The model for the face was gorgeous
>under spot
So under $22 each for the Peace dollars?
Yeah. Old man at LCS had a bag of slick Morgan’s and a bag of vf peace dollars last week. I was gonna come back to get them all but was sold out. 22.5x FV on circulated constitutional fractional too.
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very nice anon
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How we looking /pmg/ chads?
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I like buying the neat stuff from the Mint when I have money to toss around.
>a revised 2024/5 sculpt will be worked on
What will you be revising? Anything in particular?
can't stop stacking
I want the 2024 BU so badly (it's the nicest of the three) but it's just. $91+shipping+tax for 0.859ozt of silver.

Fuckin' mint.
yeah fuck those money grab 2024 remints. just get the real thing
how is bu the nicest?
Anything from the mint is BU technically unless someone actually used a $90 2024 Peace Dollar as currency for a dollar.
I considered it heavily. The proof makes her face ugly, and the reverse proof makes her face and the eagle an amorphous blob. Both proof versions are tacky as fuck.

Only the BU nuPeace really captures how beautiful the coin is supposed to be.
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I almost miss being a newfag when stacking was affordable. Pic related is my first order.
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Gotta catch em all
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It's painful now. I want to redo my kitchen, but don't want to spend 4k on new shit when I could be buying PM's. I used to could do two money spends, now I have to choose one.
>tfw you realize silver will never go below 20 dollars ever again.
It probably will. I bought my first tube of AGEs in fall 2020 and only TODAY has its value surpassed when I bought it.

The price of silver will dip again, probably to around $17-$19, because unlike gold it doesn't constantly appreciate in value. Silver is a true maintainer of value and its moonshots are once every 50 years.
Silver will go below 20 if JP morgan wants it to go below 20.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

they don't want it to because they can't have china buying up all the cheap silver
Audit COMEX and silver and gold absolutely skyrocket
Insane copers who waste their money on silver, a child's stacking metal, instead of buying gold.
Shills are funny. I already made a profit if I sold but why would I ever do that?
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got about 15 ounces of gold, 1000 ounces of silver
way more excited about my silver
Good pumping like crazy while silver teeters around $30 is really pissing me off.
>calls realism a shill
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The shills are panicking (and that's a good thing)
I don't know specifically but the original artist had some things in mind I guess
GSR is heading down, so don't know what you're complaining about
Silver still being around $30 for the past year while good went up $600 is fucking ridiculous. Silver should be at $50+ right now.
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Impressive. I'm still not sure I was able to afford one year.
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But I couldn't resist.
I keep saying "good" so pardon me but the gold to silver ratio should be 100:1 and it's not even 1000:1 yet.
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I'm glad it doubled in price since i purchased those. But i'm also sad it doubled in price. 2020 cheapies feels like it was forever ago.
nostalgia is just a form of depression
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Arks really are fun to have
you don't have to sell everything at once though do you?
You can just sell every month or so whenever you need something likes pay rent or groceries
I have 9 months to save cash. Plus my 2024 bonus will be paid in March, and if I'm 100% getting laid off in May I also get 3-6 months severance. I'm assuming 3 since I've been with the company for only 3 years. I'd sooner work a 3rd shift job in a factory and live paycheck to paycheck than sell my stack. I'll also have 15 years in my field by next summer and where I live there's no shortage of jobs. I'm optimistic.
>he doesn't know about the incoming depression
>he stacks
probably still GMI
Unemployment is a thing.
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Got two pretty nice ones, one with obvious PVC damage. Rest is meh/OK condition. I paid 17€/coin.
ça reviendra, dès que la bourse subira la grande guerre qui arrive, ou pire, les cyberattaques que le WEF à prophétisé, le métaux chuteront comme pendant le covid, un nouveau trou d'air se formera, et on pourra encore en profiter.


it will come back, as soon as the stock market suffers the great war that is coming, or worse, the cyberattacks that the WEF prophesied, the metals will fall like during the covid, a new air pocket will form, and we will still be able to take advantage of it.
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im working on an excell sheat currently but i have some trouble with power query
Some Anon from the previous thread made a suggestion and maybe i try it later on but for now im just gonna enjoy my Saturday
Anyone betting on gold skyrocketing once the FED begins continuously slashing rates?
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why tf is silver so expensive
I can only wish I knew.
What if you knew with 100% certainty that the last week in October of 2025 gold was going to be $3000, silver was going to be $55 and Platinum was going to be $2800?
should i buy 1kg at £800? (1050 usd)
Fellas, buy silver privately through personal owners
Yup that's a better way to put it. Although your idea of the poker chips with silver would be so cool. But we live with niggers and Jews sooooo ....
Yeah but I still need fiat for now to keep my house.
If I have to, yes. But I'd rather avoid it.
But it's cheap?
Definitely a good possibility when a recession happens next year. The fact that unemployment is rising consistently means we're already at the start of a downturn.
Consider using Google Sheets for the final product so you can share your spreadsheet with people. It has built in features for interacting with website APIs.
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It feels good having 3500 ounces of silver right now.
I'm going to go buy two more kilos this weekend for the road. The price is still cheap compared to where it's going imminently.
how bout some pix
I will do pix later today after I buy one kilo. Will buy another kilo on Sunday.
If shit absolutely moons will the coin shops shut down?
probably. or they will only sell their worst inventory, like santa rounds or some crap like that lol. silver will become unobtainium. that's no joke
Also just in terms of the security costs. I assumed it's easier to at least attempt to rob a shop than steal crypto.
>I assumed it's easier to at least attempt to rob a shop than steal crypto.
I'd put forth that it depends on the thief's skills.
One can build a basic website and fake airdrop account on social media for dummies to click on, draining their crypto wallets passively. I think that would be easier than storming a well-armed coin shop.
>I think that would be easier than storming a well-armed coin shop
The actual brick and mortar lcs I go to has a rather hefty looking wall between where the customers stand and where the product comes from. I often wonder what is behind that wall other than a bunch of gold, silver and platinum.
Is this them telling you where silver is headed? Note that Jeremy Clarkson is a freemason.

>pay in USD
>get 50 million Zimbabwe note as change
That LCS must be run by absolute memelords.
I'm confused. Where did the silver come into play?
It's a video clip from the last episode of The Grand Tour, and Jeremy Clarkson and his friends buy 45kg of silver and whip out a 50 million Zimbabwe dollar note and hint at hyperinflation.
Ohh they were buying the bags of silver. Cool. Thanks for explaining.
Elon shills for crypto but has he ever shilled gold and silver or does he keep his stack a secret?
lol of course not. one of his main objectives is to keep people away from gold and silver, like all elites
>has he ever shilled gold and silver
No. In fact he probably funded the guy who defrauded and derailed the silver squeeze movement on r/wallstreetsilver.
true, that fat fuck turned it into some gay silver miner stock thing
for anyone interested in Elon's twitter buddy...serial extortionist/fraudster James Morrison aka Jim Lewis who subverted r/wallstreetsilver
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Who is Elon really?
I don't know, but he's part of the big club, it's all about symbolism and rituals, always.
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So we’re back?
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Ah, beans. It’s been a long time, I forgot.
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>So we’re back?
We never left
getting fucked by ex-tenant... prob ~$20k in repairs b/c of this feather wearing, wagon burning wannabe White trash
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31 2580
make it stop
my fomo is bigger than fomo over fumo
just bought a kg silver bar at 2% under spot lads let's go
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Lol, landie problems
How much do you have?
where's the update on his new coin. i hope you guys didn't bully him out of doing it
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shouldn't have overcharged rent
what kind of damage did he leave for it to cost 20k?
must be nice being an American where silver is vat free
I'm a Briton in Britain
not enough
Why would he shill for SIlver? His entire Operation relies on Silver being priced Cheaply
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ALL operations do
everything relies on tech
and tech relies on silver
just imagine not buying silver right now
it's the easiest investment of a life time
do silverfags even realize how much of the economy depends on silver being cheap?
that alone tells me silver will forever be artificially suppressed
silver simply will not be allowed to moon
it IS controlled, and it WILL continue to be so
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that explains all the downward pressure
but here's the problem: the fed ain't the only game in town no more
thanks to russia and china, the world is now in a silver accumulation race
they simply can't afford to keep the price suppressed. that's why we're $30 and not $15.
there's only so much silver in the world. It's being used now more than it's being produced. Things always change
>Google Sheets
i tried it earlier with importxml but had no luck
Im not the most tech literate person so i might try it later on but for now no luck
If it works il post it here for you guys tonuse but i don't think it will help you out much
Its specific for the Degussa shop which is a german seller so unless you're From Europe i dont think it will help you that much
make sure you select the option that makes all the google sheet viewers anonymous
Not when the control measures themselves are dying off, nothing lasts forever

>just give up goy

>Things always change
Absolutely. For the worst for most normies, for the better for all silver stackers who play their cards right.
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>implying any rentoids own notable amounts of PMs
i raped and pillaged but her (ex)husband was making a fortune and it was more than affordable if she didn't go off the rails.
holes in the wall, broken cabinet doors, broken window glass, filthy carpet (oil, soil, etc stains)... needs to be ripped out and replaced, broken light switches, rolling closet doors left outside for months (aka: swollen by rain and unusable), etc etc.

Going after the cunt for absolutely everything kek. Even the Goo Gone I bought for $9 haha

she also owes me a month's rent and the cost of disposal of her belongs (U haul, dump fees, etc)
Hopefully i get this money back and throw a bunch into AuAgCuFuckYOU
Total Tenant Death
sounds like basic wear and tear to me. cry more
The answers that tells us nothing yet always rings true.
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Get crackin', get stackin
Would I be a retard for buying an oz of gold this weekend
I hate chuck so much it's unreal.
i bought right after the first spike but before the second spike so its to late for you now to save anything
It just wait and see how things are doing till wednesday if prices fall it just wait a while and buy then if it contines to rise id buy a few ounces then
I already went all in in PM and have no money to spend anymore
in hindsight i should have waited a bit and see what happens but i paniched and bought will i still could
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Twenty-two hours and 10 minutes until market open. What's going to happen next week?
I buy more.
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left the bank, on the way to get some silver...
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getting closer...
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arrived at the bullion exchange!
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heading back home with today's silver in hand
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starting to get the stack setup...
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The stack is ready!

3420 ounces of silver
15 ounces of platinum
15 ounces of gold
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What's this?
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another view
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more memes
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close up on some gold and platinum
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Last shot.

Have a great weekend and keep on stacking anons. Cheers!
>sounds like basic wear and tear to me. cry more
when i say holes in the wall, i mean the size of your head being shoved into my drywall and then you paying me for the damage, faggot. kys
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cool walkthrough and amazing stack, fren
That is indeed a wonderful show - thanks for sharing!
Very nice, mpressive!
newfag stacker here. 120 oz silver, 2 oz gold. With the way the prices have been for both metals, it seems gold is a better investment, since growth is steady and gradual, whereas silver is seemingly random, key word seemingly. Is the main reason for stacking silver simply for boog situations? I hate that ive been buying silver since summer '23 and have barely made profit because of these damn 4 dollar premiums
they're both good. just keep stackin em both at your own pace
I don't mind Beth much because I do not even notice her on coins anymore, she is always here so I'm kinda blind about her. But maybe is it because her portrait is not intrusive in the first place? Is Chuck irredeemably ugly or is this a matter of habit?
yes, his dumb face uglies up the coins. no doubt
Never bought a commonwealth coin because of Elizabeth's stupid mug. She seemed like the most evil person imaginable because of how much dirty shit she let her family get away with.

Might buy one now that Charles is on it. He seems more genuine as a person than his mom.
>it seems gold is a better investment
Gold leads and silver spot and metal miner equities follow in precious metals bull markets. You want to track the gold-to-silver (GSR) price ratio. It's heading back down in the charts. By the time gold gets to $3000 and silver above $40, we'll probably see the GSR at around 1:65.

During this bull market, when gold is heading to $5000, we should see the GSR reach or drop below 1:40. That's when you want to sell your silver. Silver is the better investment, but you need to be both patience and ready to move when the price spikes and the GSR hits your target.

As for platinum, once it picks up speed, it can move faster than both gold and silver, it's a lot more volatile.
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Fantastic stack, Johnny Canuck.
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All that silver
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>Is Chuck irredeemably ugly or is this a matter of habit?
He ain't pretty, but his mug is on some pretty
coins. So I put up with Chuck.
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This anon stacks AND fuggs!
>well done, very nice good sir!
i have a little coin collection - just international coins without any value mostly, coins i found randomly or took with me from travels as a keepsake - but i realised i actually had some silver coins in there that i got from my granny when i was a wee lad

honestly this fucking general has me itching for precious metals. sucks that there's a 20% tax on silver here, but with the gold/silver ratio being as it is and more inflation seeming likely i might buy some regardless.

perhaps one day i'll be a real stacker like you guys
3:1 gold to silver ratio coming to a future near you
Isreal's reparations for doing 9/11 and spending SIX MILLION dollars on the war in Iraq can start with letting us see Ghislaine Maxwell's butthole.
There’s only one refinery in my cunt and they charge an arm and a leg. $45 per kg of silver coins melted down (avg content is about .83 I guess) plus $70 per kg .999 bar
And taxes on top ofc

Trying to sell as many coins as possible to minimize loss when I eventually just melt down all remaining silver
I should have just bought the paper version

One of many stupid financial decisions on my part. But I’m doing it right going forward. All net worth into profitable stonks with low p/es in tax deferred accounts

Thanks for reading my blog, sign the guest book pls
>I should have just bought the paper version
paper? leave this general.
Nah I have more physical than anyone itt
Should've started sooner but things will only go up for the rest of your life so might as well buy when you can afford it
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>damn 4 dollar premiums
Stop buying from Apmex.
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Have any pics of your fiata in the snow?
Now that I scrolled more, I know you do.
In fact, you went with the fiata over the regular nd for the meme.
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this is some FEIN ass SILBER
nothing like buying a beautiful poured bar from a boomer and immediately taking it out of the condom and fondling its curves
Do you guys really touch your Silver?
I keep all of mine stuff in the protective plastic bag it comes sealed in with
Wouldn't touching those bars ruin their value?
it's only the literal surface layer of atoms that tarnishes
and even then only to a silver compound that you can turn back into pure silver with baking soda and tin foil
refiners don't even bother; they just chuck tarnished bars in the crucible with the rest because the sulfides and oxides are just completely negligible
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Spot is the price of the metal. The premium is what you pay for BU stuff or rare production or cost of carry. There's a lot of factors.
>Nah I have more physical than anyone itt
Nope. Time for you to leave.

>1 pbtid just to shit on Apmex
Should I be taking out my silver coins/bars from the plastic pouches or whatever that they came in?
Generally no.
Specifically not if they came with a high premium unless you have something better for storage.
Ok because I wanted to do I could fondle them and put them into a big plastic bin
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Sometimes you can find bullion in a jewelry piece. Its YOUR bullion.
>... that you can turn back into pure silver with baking soda and tin foil
does that work? is it safe? i'd like to clean my coins
It was 1:15 most of historical time. Your 3:1 shit is like ancient Egypt or something.
But on the other hand, it had been spoken by KeK. 1:3 confirmed.
are they:
>over about .800?
>absolutely for certain only worth their bullion weight?
in that case go for it. just mix a tbsp of sodium bicarbonate into a litre of boiling water, line a baking tray with uncoated aluminium foil and put your coins (cleaned) in it, then pour it over
the tarnish magically disappears and reappears on the foil
Wait, you cut the seals on that monster box?
Make me or stay mad
If it smells bad you're doing it right.
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I use vinegar and sea salt for my pickle solution for jewelry making. This will eat your copper leading to putting if you're too long.
I hate the gst tax mark up for buying non pure gold bullion in australia.
>non pure gold
Aussie gold sovereigns, American gold eagles for example have a large mark up tax here to buy because they are under a certain amount of gold purity.

>And it sucks koala turds.
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look at what i found for 40 euros at the flea market
One ounce American Eagle and this nice treasure chest
Looks suspicious
Buy a cheap silver test kit before you buy random silver.
Why can’t you greedy boomers just be content with your list of reputable bullion dealers and buy stuff when it goes on sale? Why do you have to risk outright scams and even getting robbed for the sake of saving a buck?
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you think so?
Im it an American so i don't know what a Silver Eagle is supposed to look like exactly down to the last detail
Its a bit older so that might be it
I did the sound test with an other coin and it does the ping sound
better than nothing. how much was the coin ?
dont you think youre overacting a bit Anon
I just went to the flee market to have a nice sunday and bought a bunch of games and this coin just stuck out to me so i bought it since my buillon dealer of choice doesnt sell silver eagles sadly and i always wanted one
30 and 10 for the box
So which type of silver should be stacked?
Ehh... premium is too high almost always. Unless you buy a bunch in bulk and get it near larger fractional types of premiums and don't buy them all that often.

feel like i've seen this box before and already commented on it. no matter, neat pickup. my aunt and uncle bought me a similar looking box when i was a little kid and it reminds me of that.

i was going to post about these bars asking if anyone had one the other day.

nice :)

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>It was 1:15 most of historical time. Your 3:1 shit is like ancient Egypt or something.

my 3:1 claim is merely the logical conclusion to the long term consequences of the Jews Manipulation.

There is no shortage of Gold, Gold is everywhere and the majority of Gold mined throughout human history still exists

Silver has been brutally raped due to the manipulation. Silver is consumed faster than it gets pulled out of the ground and sources are drying up.
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>Should I be taking out my silver coins/bars from the plastic pouches
The flips help protect the stuff from dents and scratches, but they will tarnish/tone unevenly - mostly along the exposed edge. If toning is not an issue for you , the flips are fine.
>a box and fake eagle for $40
Is there a benefit to buying Eagles if you don't live in Burgerstan? Do coin shops everywhere go crazy for the damn things?
Lots, especially stuff with security features.
Big boys to save on premiums once you have a decent stack of ~1 ouncers? Lots.
The purpose of fractionals can arguably be better served by constitutional, but maybe a few.
If you're getting it with no premium, go for it, otherwise still get some, I guess? The need for fractionals as small as some coins go can feel like schizo fantasy but fuck it, silver is silver.
Not unless you're making jewelry or shot shells.
it doesn't actually matter. Condition of the metal only matters when you're talking about numanistics. A tarnished ozt of silver is still worth one ozt
>American gold eagles for example have a large mark up tax here to buy because they are under a certain amount of gold purity.
what? Are they not 999? Am I going crazy
pretty bold claim, with someone posting 3000 ounces of silver just above. how about a pic
they're something like 92 gold, 3 silver, 5 copper
Personally I only like rounds and coins. Might do some bars when I just want to put on a bunch of weight all at once. Don't like 90% because its annoying to calculate actual silver content. Might eventually get a bit in the future just to have it. My stack isn't that big so I'm not worried about it
wow what a load of bullshit. The gold buffalo is 9999 though if you like american coins for some reason. Why not just get a kookaburra or something if you're in australia?
>its annoying to calculate actual silver content
>weight x 0.9 = ASW
Done, it's easy.
Pretty soon, poor nigs are going to be talking about stacking copper and talking about the silver to copper ratio.
I don't bother counting the weight of my constitutional. For that matter, I don't even count the face value. I just want a fat fucking pile and that's all that matters.
In a theoretical SHTF scenario where Gold and Silver become the norm for bartering how would you easily proof that your Metals are actually real and not just fake because as >>58977507 said he doesn't think my eagle is real?

This is the sound it made for the clang test when i struck it with a regular coin I had laying around and it sounds convincing to me but im not an expert about this sort of things so how would thr avarage person proof it without a hundred dollar induction testing kit?
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>Are they not 999?
No. Anon got it right:
However, they weigh more overall so the actual gold weight (AGW) is guaranteed to be full ounces (or halves, quarters, depending on denomination).
They usually have low premiums and sometimes even the lowest. Occasionally the only cheaper coins available are something gay like Wieners.
just doesn't satisfy my autism

there is an app on your phone that listens to the sound and lets you know if it's real
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>doesn't satisfy
I enjoy using calculators since I can't to math that well in my head. I personally find a level of satisfaction to it. Any junk really, but the odd Swiss 83.5% I really enjoy.
Is it worth buying silver roughly $6 above spot? Do I need to get it somewhere local to avoid markup?
Bullion can mean as low as 90% depending on the region.
That's a ripoff.
nice platter
That's what Eagles cost and they're only worth it if you're American since it's tax free. So no it's not worth it
Too high pitch and short in tonal length. Sorry bro. It's a fake.
it's really not bullshit at all. you still get 1 troy oz of gold with an AGE. impurity is fine as long as it doesn't go below 90%
also AGEs are not "tax free" unless you're buying them as part of a gold IRA.
It's plated unfortunately :/
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>silver is up so much that the guy who whined on /pmg/ about his scottsdale bars that he bought for 6 dollars over spot per ounce can net him a profit
In my state at least they are tax free
If you go check fake silver eagles on temu and Ali express they have that very specific look with the dark around the details and washed elsewhere. I could be wrong because a real one could also look like that in certain situations. But you can easily determine if it’s real silver: balance the coin on one of your fingers and gently hit it with another coin or metal object. Silver has a very distinctive ring sound. Lots of examples on YouTube — it’s unmistakable. You can also run a neodymium magnet over the coin. If it’s silver then it will feel like the magnet is moving through syrup when over the silver coin (silver is diamagnetic).

Please check now
And report back with the results. Interested to know if it’s real.
I find that hard to believe. I have about a third of that
i already did the sound test and compared ti to the sound of a real one yt and they sounded ideantical to me tough im not an expert
Im probably gonna go to an Coin Seller or a jewelry shop tomorow and get it tested there to be sure
just get the app on your phone anon it's free
I just did the ping test on two circulated peace dollars:
>I find that hard to believe
See >>58975800
I struck them with another large silver coin btw
It says its real
I struck it with a 2 Euro coin i had laying around
I don't know if that canges the outcome in any way so tell me whether to do it again woth just a pen or something similar
It does sound weird. So maybe it’s your mic then and it’s fine. Do you have a neodymium magnet?
I just tried a ping test with the silver coin balanced not on the fingertip but on a knuckle and partly touching the rest of the finger. It produced the shorter ping the anon had. So probably it’s real and he just has a weird way to hold the coin when he pings
>Do you have a neodymium magnet
All this talk about it being a possible fake has made me paranoid now i just wanted the Chest for my Gold desu but bough the coin when he offered to drop the price to 10 for the Chest if i bought the coin
The only way to really tell is by going to a coin seller or jewelry store so thats what im probably gonna do tomorow
Il make sure to post the results when i come back
Happy to help!
>has made me paranoid now
don't get all paranoid
people on 4chan exaggerate muh fake problem all the time, it's just stupid overblown fud.

buying a neodynium magnet is a good idea though. very good test. they're cheap
if you buy from reputable dealers online or from a brick and mortar store its probably fine. you can always take it to get verified somewhere. my shop has a sigma metalyics that i use to verify metals
nah don't be paranoid we're just autists trying to help. If you repeat the ping test a few times and it keeps coming up real then it's probably real. The coin is pretty old so it makes sense that it's tarnished
I'm personally constitutional pilled, got 200+FV today
Even if it’s fake it’s only $31 loss. Fintwit retards are currently shitting their pants because some of them yoloed 90% of portfolio into a Swedish toe fungus cream company that dropped 60% in value overnight on Friday. Kek
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Holy shit now that we're above $30, there sure are alot of newfags in here.
Especially britbong and eurofags complaining about VAT.
Where the hell were you 3 weeks ago?
i did the test again 3 or 4 times and the results where positive
So im assuming its real though im just gonna take it to a shop and test it to be 100 % sure
enjoy your eagle anon
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>"Nah I have more physical than anyone itt"
>only has 1000 oz
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that's not what your mother said last night
Just imagine how much less junk you'd have if that were the equivalent in gold.
Yeah - I was wondering if gold is added to be part of the stack?
having that much shiny metal is a privilege, faggot
Having that much silver is hoarding. Gold is reasonable wealth.
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Still going up
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i thought this was supposed to be an equitable hobby
>$0.60 a gram = <$19 per t. ounce
Damn they got a deal
this could turn out well
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Is this the official pmg tier list?
looks about right to me
The premiums are dogshit on gold unless you have a few grand to spend so silver is mostly a cope for people who have no money.
Honestly though with how fast gold is going up its still worth it in the long run to buy fractional if you have no other choice.
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>another newbie shows up saying silver le bad
the irony is, rich people tend to have this thing called "a big house" which means they aren't lacking storage space for their silver
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sup niggers
should i buy a half ounce and 40 silvers tonight?
Finally an anon who is cultured. US silver isn't worth shit. How many more NGC certified Nazi swastika coins are they making? Oh yeah that's right none. Fuck the US mint and fuck these fed shills.

They're not really worth shit if they're not in mint condition
>silver up over 30%/$10 in past year
Anti-silver shills cope and seethe.
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in 20 years:
>gold up 536%
>silver up 397%
>say the GSR hits 1:50
whats your next move?
gsr doesn't mean anything its a made up number
hmm what should i believe, all of human history, or you, some idiot on 4chan

nothing, i will wait till 1:15 to sell my silver
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Just buy a full ounce of gold.
what are you going to buy?
youre living in le current year, not hundreds of years in the past.
i have 20.5/410 and that would put me at 21/450, which is more harmonious
Is that Poll Anon is still around who set up the survey to see how many of us are in what tiers?
Of course there will be liars, but still...
>i have 20.5/410 and that would put me at 21/450, which is more harmonious
Can't argue with that esoteric logic, honestly. Based.
reminds me of chemical bros
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I like Gold and Silver
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Made my first copper bars today
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Those are really cool. Good job!
sussiest eagle ever kek. Time to weight this chinkboy on a precision scale bro.
If you don't know what you are doing (yet), you shouldn't buy US coinage, they are by FAR the most faked out there. To give you an example, out of 6 morgan dollars i purchased on ebay from various lots over the past 2 years, 5 of those turned out to be fake lol.
But at least on ebay i got refunded by the sellers for each of those by opening reclamations, it's much harder to get anything back at a flea market... if not impossible.

On the other hand, i very rarely had to deal with fake european junk, out of hundreds of ozs (if not 1Koz) i purchased from private sellers, i ended up with 3 yuro fakes, weighting less than 0.5oz total (2 germans and a french).
It's another story when you deal with high value yuro numismatics, but with regular junk silver you are pretty much safe.
Then you are fine. If we all got suspicious about your coin it's because of this specific toning is very much liked by chink fakers (achieved artificially), and rarely occurs naturally. But it does happen sometimes and yours is a example.

And being paranoid is fine. All you need to test your coins is a precision scale and a precision caliper. Both will cost you like $20 total, and will bring you peace of mind 100% of the time. Can't cheat with density. Simple as.

You can also add a jeweler loupe (with LEDs) to complete your investigation set for 5-10 extra bux. All those are invaluable tools if you want to slurp on the secondary market.
Neat, cool stuff
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>silber just breached $31
Welcome back. Now go to 40 you lazy piece of shit.
cmon silver. let's see some big energy
Looks like a real ASE to me. I've got some from mint tubes that tarnished up like that.
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Just two more weeks until silver moons!!
I would lose my shit if I got rich from my stack. Almost a year unemployed and everything seems so hopeless.
Good slurp price, that's where I've been getting mine, and I've seen them get resold at that condition for $30 easily, well done anon.
Keep in mind you're already rich because you have real money - if the dollar (fiat) value goes up, it might mean that the dollar is actually inflating, not that your purchasing power is increasing. If you sell, make sure you're using that fiat for physical goods and your wellbeing in some manner. Especially important in times of hyperinflation - ideal to just skip the fiat entirely and see if you can trade the metal for whatever it is you're purchasing. Land or buildings would be ideal.
Silver just hit $500 and gold hit $20k!
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That's how I see it, too. I still can't say for sure yet but I suspect average quality for bulk RMs might actually be going down over time. I'll report back when I buy more.
How much would a loaf of Bread or a months rent be of Shit really hits the fan and gold and silver rise like crazy?
because they have lizard people on them and i like age's more.
Nope just like em. Gold is gold bro.
wouldn't want to be a rentoid in this scenario
I cant stack aussie sovs or age's because of the tax. But im going to fucking buy one any ways and albo can stick the tax money in right in his prolapsed anus.
Please do so i can end my suffering and unload my stack for gold.
mintAnon usually pokes his head in once a thread. I'm hoping there will be an update today.
>Hopefully i get this money back
Oh no no no. Haaaahahahahahahahahahhaha
> bfac box 41
you got a yotsuba?
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> Verification not required.
Extremely low Funko:Quality ratio. YAGMI
is this a good idea frens? (sdbullion---com)
the coins are not brand new but i dont care actually, all have 99.9% purity. i want to throw 10k at this
(i will pay with crypto)
Who cares?
Still better than still having any usd.
Always be stacking with any spare usd you have.
>everything I don’t like is a funkopop
Post stack pic (and nose)
Looks OK if you don't want to wait for a dip that might or might not ever come.
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>Post stack pic (and nose)
what do we think?
mouth breather girl?
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>Another woman on a coin
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we get it; you hate woman, and youre gay. you should have a pretty spicy opinion on design ideas tho, youre type is usually pretty solid in the arts arena.

Buy a rope
why does that use a 1:100 GSR when crust is 1:9, mined is 1:15 and floating monetary is 1:30?
Dunno what "floating monetary" means or how silver could be priced 30 times more than gold, but right now the spot price GSR is about 84:1

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