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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58969698

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 279.215B, 58P = 4.814B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 294.464B, 58P = 5.077B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 284.951B, 62P = 4.596B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
Once RC dilutes the remaining 400M shares, MOASS will begin and we will all be richer than all our wildest dreams!
kek dumbfuck weekend baggies
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Checked and WAGMI
Last week:
Monday RRP: No
Start of September Tuesday RRP: 349.808B, 69P = 5.070B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 337.312B, 64P = 5.2705B per
Thursday RRP: 291.091B, 59P = 4.934B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 299.271B, 57P = 5.250B per (roughly)

>This week:
Monday RRP: 292.158B, 57P = 5.126B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 281.392B, 60P = 4.690B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 279.215B, 58P = 4.814B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 294.464B, 58P = 5.077B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 284.951B, 62P = 4.596B per (roughly)

thank god he can't fucking dilute on a weekend.
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There are, at minimum, 5-6 billion shares of GameStop circulating, that number is likely much higher. The street decided long ago to push for online everything (amazon) and began bankrupting names like sears, blockbuster, toys r us and many many more. GameStop short interest has been high for 15 years, and that is the REPORTED SHORT INTEREST. There is some crazy shit taking place behind the scenes right now because the system is a scam and they can't just wave their hands and make the retail problem disappear. Diluting when the actual shares circulating is at least 15x the shares issued by the company doesn't actually change the TRUE short interest by much.
>nipples protruding. Very disrespectful!
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This is the big OC i was planning. Search long enough, you will find the picture you provided some threads ago.
Cheers and wagmi
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Beautiful, excellent work
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>he didn’t make it

Look again
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morning you fucking shills, i know your there. ligma ballz after you kek them bags.
too bad he diluted and now all the shorts are out.

moass is over
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>made it
Kek stupidfaggotfuck weekend baggies
Checked. Aile confirmed Queen of /GME/.
nice. good job anon.
reminds me how i've seen anons in other /biz/ threads being jealous of the good vibes in /gme/ threads which are a shining beacon among a sea of negativity and demoralization.
the will of gamestop holders is unbreakable.

Reminds me of how their jealous that they got diluted on...three times...by their CEO..?
uhhh...this one may be retarded.
$4.5Billion in CASH.
RC is going to scale up operations and we are slurping up cheapies. The hedgies are seething because they want to long, just like us. But they literally went in the wrong direction and went SHORT! No wonder they are so mad.
Kek coping baggot
Remember 1 billion went to the NFT marketplace
>could have had 5.5 billion
Shit why you gotta do me dirty like that dog?
We can literally close up ALL of the stores and just sit and earn interest and we'll be profitable. We have the perfect investment. All of the safety of cash and all of the upside of a turnaround and the looming short squeeze known as MOASS.
We don't need anything else. We don't need 401ks, we don't need insurance, or a house or even an education. We can bide our time flipping hamburgers and doing scratch off lottery tickets while we pick up some Steel Reserves at the gas station and fall asleep in the gutter. None of it matters so long as we have GME shares. We'll be transformed into the Monopoly man just as magically and abruptly as Cinderalla transforming from a peasant girl in to a princess. Hedgies will ring our doorbells and crawl on their hands and knees before us in complete deference to our superior trading and investing acumen. Knowing their cash is not enough, they will hand over gold and silver bars just for the privilege to speak to us. They will offer their wives and even themselves to be taken for our pleasure for even a fraction of a share. Those hedgies who opt-not for the ledge will be the most wretched and miserable specimens alive. And with a furrowed brow we will cast them aside like vermin unfit for our presence as our shares are not for sale. And with cruel command we will yell "Seize them!" to our armed guards who will carry their miserable selves off for a first class ride through the justice system.
This is our destiny.
You know what happens when you raise the floor? The ceiling gets that much closer
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in the future they will have to close all the stores to replace them with giant superstore e-game arenas.
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>dilution as a form of infinite rising floor price
Cohen, I kneel. You are a GENIUS.
Checked. Like being trapped between a rock and a hard place.
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This is exactly what is going on. RC is literally twisting the screws on the hedgies. Every time they think they can deal with the pain and they can ignore the improving balance sheet he walks up and turns the screws another quarter turn.
It's almost absurd at this point. It is like that scene in Monty Python where Arthur cuts off both of the arms and then the legs of the black knight and he is still sitting there wanting to fight.
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checked and correct.
Best part is it's hilariously legal and he hasn't said a single thing that would "trigger" the MOASS.
except it's not legal
and you're all goin to jail
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Flat kings were always right.
I predict that dfv will tweet again between now and Jan. 1st 2025.
Kenny would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids
Odds of DFV having a BBBY position? High
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And your stupid dog.
>DFV made billions on GME that he rolled into BBBY and bankrupted it because…

Great anon, great work…
last 2 digits is next EOW price
Hey faggot from the BBBY thread
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>BBBY thread
>8 day old thread
>loses his reddit
>loses his twitter
>loses his mind
The preddit to avatarfag pipeline must be studied
He literally isn’t allowed to talk about anything other than bbby.
Shits fucking funny, they got nothing, no wonder they need to latch to GME
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>they find something remotely (this is being generous) related to BBBY
>interesting (they don't know what it means)
>gets pushed for an explanation
>spoonfeeding time's over nigger (they don't know the answer)
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Lol lmao.
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Can you fucking niggers let VIX rip?
I mean FUCK
I never thought about it that way. He's a fucking genius.
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Literally this.
Hedgies on ledgies soon.
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Thread reminder.
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Holy. This needs to be posted more often as it shows clearly how RC is squeezing hedgefunds.
I didn't understood the meaning behind thumb war though.
Thumbwar. Neither SHFs or RC expect to buy shares as promised. One has to, and if its RC the SHFs will be forced to soon afterwards.
Oh shit it makes sense now. Thank you.
You won’t do shit
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
Israel can't wait to be bankrupted.
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This OC honors the Sixth House and the tribe unmourned.
Come, Moon and Star!
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Come and look upon the thread theme:
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Here I thought I was the one fed up with bathniggers
close your shorts hedgecuck.
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Lmao Sneed hedgecucks
They certainly act like that's the case
Checked, execute Order 66
>110 soon
Meme magic is alive
that "all shorts covered" gif is top tier. good work
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I've come to the conclusion that RC cannot do anything that can even be vaguely construed as courting a technical run. He has to be seen giving shorts every out possible. He knew going in this to be the case; that's why he resolved from jump to build solid and traditional value: low costs (done), high revenue (in progress), consistent profits (done), and resiliency against downturns (done) and market shifts (in progress). After all of that, if it squeezes... it squeezes.
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not slurping will make the price go up and up, i trust my plan even if i missed 100K last runup lmao
What really bakes my noodle is, did RC come to this idea before or after seeing what DFV saw?
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I would like to be rich on Monday.
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>>58975488 cxhecked,
did you see that article from '13 saying gamestop was the most heavily shorted stock?
make the rounds, hit the bonfires, at a certain point the path unwinds itself and all is revealed.
The gorillameat account is gone gone. Did the next round of shillies finally get their door knock?
Maybe. Whichever hedgie is in the other thread seems to have taken this personally.
>I don’t like BBBY retarded ideals
>I must be a hedgie
Think McFly think.
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So you’re just an autist that isn’t actually as smart as he thinks?
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Saint Jiub will eradicate the hedgies.
I own GME, I am indefinitely smarter than thee
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>I own GME
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Excellent work anon. Perhaps the only criticism I can find is that there aren't schitzo strings on thumbtacks connecting Ryan and Publix anon.
fek bumb kuck daggies
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oh nonononono
Apparently she's giving [REDACTED] sloppy toppies
that's a man, baby
dek fumb buck kaggies
Apparently he's giving [REDACTED] AIDS
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>driving home
>look at time
>its 7:41 again
It’s all so tiresome.
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Embrace it
GME I'm growing out of all the things I used to enjoy without finding new things to replace them with. When MOASS happens I will make new stuff.
Don’t let the promise of MOASS dictate your life. Live like it may never happen. Rc is guiding the business as though it’s not a sure thing, because in reality nobody knows what will happen. I have as many shares as I’ve been able to afford and I don’t think much about them. Simply being exposed to the wealth of information that comes through the streams related to GME has helped me make some really great moves on my 401K. I’ve tried playing other stocks/options but at best I usually end up breaking even over the long term. I live my life as though there will be no MOASS. I stopped talking about it to anyone irl other than a close friend who has been holding since the beginning with me. If it happens I’ll likely end up sitting on the money for a while, making sure everything is in order and monitoring the shockwaves before I do anything else. The old guard will go down kicking and screaming and there’s no telling what that will look like until after it’s already happened.

Gamestop, Warren Buffet, countless senators and so on are making moves that show they expect a major correction in the near future. Plan for that. Make sure you don’t get washed away if it does come to pass. And hey, maybe it won’t happen either. Maybe we’re already in the slump and are about to hit another bull run on mainstream investments. Try to find a way to situate yourself so you can benefit or at least not lose in any scenario you can come up with.
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>Don’t let the promise of MOASS dictate your life
I WILL bankrupt Israel
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Embrace it
Too late, Jews beat you to it.
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Together we shall speak for the Law and the Land, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind.
Niggerfaggot hasn't posted since 2021.
>this cope
>in 2024
You're clearly not him, you consistently posted a different filename and you can't authenticate yourself with a new hand pic using the excuse you don't want to be doxxed, as though the actual niggerfaggot was scared of his hand appearing on 4chan.
>being so afraid of me that you need to construct this entire cope
So post your hand. Prove me wrong fake niggerfaggot.
Superstink weekend seething. I hope RC dilutes a fourth time to finish them off.

>Believes in MOASS but crying about dilution

Like I've said before, who knew the greatest source of FUD would be Ryan Cohen himself. From speaking about [REDACTED] to dilutions. Paid stock bashers were useless all along
>bro we just need to give cohen another 3 billion dollars to do cohen stuff with... okay?!
Post hand.
now that i'm settled in here (in the US) get ready for the keks to ramp back up
also thanks for the help ryan
What's up this fine weekend GME? Did I miss anything?
Agreed. Stock price needs that final gut punch to annihilate every single one of them.
Holy, this is a top tier post. Everyone knows what happened a month after Dec 2020. So... October? The same month yids always crash the economy? Cause it's their happy jewyear.
nice try yid.
as usual only telling half teh story in bad faith.
Post hand.
after you
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Post your hand.
It's fake niggerfaggot. He always backs out of posting his hand because it won't match niggerfaggot's.
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Threadly reminder that all Freemasonry and Jesuits follow Kabbalah. Gematria is 100% schizo bullshit with no correlation with reality and is only a tool for psychopaths to justify their inability to contribute to the world around them.
Always remember
>be 4th dimensional or higher ayynigger daemoniac retard consciousness and absolute moral nigger
>want to torture some 3rd dimensional corporeals from your manse outside space-time
>speak into the mind of some stoned apes on their way to hominidship and fuck with them through synchronicities
>set up a truly noxious inhuman tradition of monstrous human & child sacrifice cults
>do this because dead baby humor is funny, except when it gets too real, but it's not YOUR physical world so it's ALWAYS funny
>while doing so, feed these stupid fucking retards, the creme de la creme of the worst most subhuman shit of this hominid race, a pre-made nonsense language-number system that feeds them a variety of prebaked directives
>because you exist outside of their line of time-space, there isn't actually any effort or time limit involved in feeding them this gematric shit, you just insert it where you want, copy & paste
>it's not hard, you have a bigbrain super/post-corporeal consciousness and you can just compile an entire languages' worth of numerological non-coincidences 1000s of years in advance
>as you do this, the dumb fucking near-apes, inferior to their fellows, earnestly believe that you are revealing universal absolute truth to them as 'the initiated' and that they are the superhuman god-kings of the world
>this is because you have performed the metaphysical-linguistic-numerological equivalent of the 'be sure to drink your ovaltine' decoder ring scam, on a gigantic civilizational atemporal scale
>you, a complete faggotass trickster ghost in the machine, like a cosmic SomethingAwful inner circle goontard or Kiwifarms cow rapist, laugh as the inbred Phoenician pedo hyperlarpers bake another fetus
yes the numbers & letters all line up

Outside are the dogs the godless, the impure, those of low moral . Those who loveth the lie
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Sorcerers tongue my anus.
>hand-beggeranon won't post hand
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I wish I were schizophrenic. The world seems so much more interesting when you believe in inter dimensional beings and their influence on the world.
741 shares is the make it stack
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All you need to be successful in life is have a trust fund then grift 16 year olds for their mcdonalds pay while yelling JEWS occasionally. Also tell them to not smoke weed.
Post your hand fake Niggerfaggot.
Nice. I miss our friends.

I wish lawyer anon would pop in, shit is insane. Last time he was here the screeching was so bad he immediately left.
I also miss chart anon, and radio anon. If only you guys weren't so autistic.
>still begging
>I wish lawyer anon would pop in
they're still here. I think there's more than one, including corporate law anon.
Still lying claiming you're Niggerfaggot.
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Smoke some DMT. Also GME explodes next Wednesday.
thank you schizoanon. I welcome back this feeling of hope
As a fully diagnosed schizo, decently strong weed is enough to give me hallucinations and potentially send me on a complete psychotic breakdown if I don’t take a break and get some sleep. I can only imagine DMT would send me down a path from which there is no return.
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>funny number get
wgami w/ the baker and the gme frens
How is finance real?
>have problem
>ignore it
>no problem
haha wow bankruptcy ooo scary
>mfw niggers
>How is finance real?
How is anything real.
>paint it red
>it becomes more exploseive
>--,i think therefore i am
>i will it, it becomes.

Christ is king.
He posted it a third time under a 1PBTID
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
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Why was Citadel and Virtu working with FTX trading?
Didn't ftx have fake and gay GME tokens?

Did they also have BBBY ones?
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>Don’t let the promise of MOASS dictate your life. Live like it may never happen. Rc is guiding the business as though it’s not a sure thing, because in reality nobody knows what will happen. I have as many shares as I’ve been able to afford and I don’t think much about them. Simply being exposed to the wealth of information that comes through the streams related to GME has helped me make some really great moves on my 401K. I’ve tried playing other stocks/options but at best I usually end up breaking even over the long term. I live my life as though there will be no MOASS. I stopped talking about it to anyone irl other than a close friend who has been holding since the beginning with me. If it happens I’ll likely end up sitting on the money for a while, making sure everything is in order and monitoring the shockwaves before I do anything else. The old guard will go down kicking and screaming and there’s no telling what that will look like until after it’s already happened.

>Gamestop, Warren Buffet, countless senators and so on are making moves that show they expect a major correction in the near future. Plan for that. Make sure you don’t get washed away if it does come to pass. And hey, maybe it won’t happen either. Maybe we’re already in the slump and are about to hit another bull run on mainstream investments. Try to find a way to situate yourself so you can benefit or at least not lose in any scenario you can come up with.

The only useful post. Look fags, there’s never gonna be a moass.
I dont know whats funnier. The fact you're speculative investors, or that you have no clue what is actually going on, on the ground floor.
Its not like monopoly the game where you just restart.
Alot of bodies and blood come with it in the real world.
>I dont know whats funnier. The fact you're speculative investors

Mayhaps you can offer something other than speculation as well
good point but you have one problem with your thesis
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Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies...
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What should they make next?
How about a profitable business model
Stock holding company.
Customizable arcade cabinets
Don’t mix my words. I never said there WON’T be a MOASS, but the only way anyone will ever survive to see it through is to be realistic and logical. Sitting around feeling like the world is this horrible place and there’s nothing you can do to make your personal situation any better without making millions of dollars off of a single stock play will only lead directly to capitulation. I’m very much still holding and I see no reason to sell. Gamestop is making moves slowly and carefully and from my perspective they appear to be good ones. MOASS can only happen in the first place if the short thesis is wrong. The core business can’t rely on MOASS to save the company, the company has to save itself for MOASS to have so much as a chance of becoming a reality. If you believe that the most powerful forces in the financial markets will do anything in their power to prevent GME from succeeding, then you should be able to understand why every single decision has to be a well calculated one. Under these circumstances even a single false move could jeopardize the entire company. This has always been a high-risk high-reward play. The risk now is whether or not the company can hold its cards close enough to its chest to pull off a turnaround without falling into some trap along the way.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again for the kids in the back that forgot their glasses today: if MOASS is completely off the table then why is MSM still talking about Gamestop? Do you think they really care about you losing money on a ‘bad’ investment? As a schizoid my personal belief is that typical opportunistic human greed at the highest level is keeping this thing alive. How well do you think a bunch of sociopaths who orchestrate entire systems to steal from the poor ACTUALLY get along with eachother? Have you ever met a genuine sociopath? Don’t you think someone sees an opportunity here to 1up some colleagues? Who knows, maybe it’s RC himself.
Let me hear it
alternatively they can do another split via dividend and make sure it's filed correctly this time. Instant moass, plausible deniability because of the business turnaround. On paper there is no war in Ba sing se so there should be no reason at all this completely innocuous stock split should cause a cataclysmic level event and hard reset the market.

We get rich, Gamestop gets rid of the shorts and the massive all encrouching weight of the entire media world blocking and spinning every bit of good news and can actually begin their turnaround properly, Satan's minions lose their hoarded stolen wealth and can no longer spread misery and death. Win for everyone involved.
Ryan can do a 2:1 split with the remaining shares left if he can resist the urge to dilute long enough
Maybe. But maybe there’s something preventing it from happening that way. Maybe the last split being ‘filed incorrectly’ was completely out of the hands of anyone at Gamestop. I’m aware the individual ‘responsible’ was fired, but perhaps that was a hasty decision. Again, if you believe in MOASS you more or less have to believe that nobody currently in control wants it to happen. Or at least the majority don’t want it to happen. MOASS means robbing the casino blind and somehow walking out the front door alive. I believe if it were so simple it would have happened by now. Whatever mechanism are at play behind the scenes undoubtably go much deeper than any of us have access to. So all we have in the end is faith. Faith in whatever you want to put it in, but faith nonetheless.

Personally, even without MOASS I see GME as a good investment. If you don’t see it that way—if all you see is a lottery ticket—then I’m not sure you’d even have the grit to see MOASS through to its conclusion.
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For me it's A Cruel Sharmat's Thesis:
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I think we can all agree on the american flag not being:
>Independence Day
>Labour Day
>Political Debate day
>Sirius and Liberty merger

Which leaves only one event that DFV could agree on which symbolises murrica which is Election Day in November. Now what could happen or what DFV will do as a result is anyone's guess.
Has anyone tried working backwards and assigning events to previous emojis?
Woah you glow like a nuclear reactor. Have you considered suicide?
This song is so good I had to jack off.
I’ve heard it’s painless.

>boomer military psyop propaganda
You should go fight in Vietnam or something. Only 100x as many soldiers die from suicide as combat!
I played COD BLOPS 1 in one sitting with my epileptic uncle 5ish years after its initial release, if that counts. I’ll never forget him turning to me and telling me “I’m pretty sure I had a seizure” while the credits were rolling.
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don't forget the original flag has a microphone on it, and that isn't a standard emoji. DFV purposely edited the mic on there. I don't think he would go through the effort if it was just the election since a flag would more than suffice. The microphone must be important in some fashion.
The national anthem
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>For (You)
Have we started the fire brother?
We are no closer to MOASS four years ago. Declining revenue, store closures, and further dilution. Yea, moass is not looking good. If you see this as a 10yr hodl that might no pan out then good for you. For people who are in for the squeeze, RC doesn’t seem to want MOASS.
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Yes, the fire rises.
Wow, just wow
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hey, what was the name of that bridge that got dropped earlier this year?
trapped some warships in harbor or something?
had a funny sounding crew perhaps?
lost it at Newman, kek
Here’s your (you) Panjeet. Don’t spend it all in one place, eh?
>Here’s your (you) Panjeet. Don’t spend it all in one place, eh?

Superstink is that way, stinky. Go type your ‘buy, hold, drs’ bs over there.
Delightfully devilish
What happened to you?
Here’s another one, on the house. Buy the little jeets some biryani with it, my treat.
Source on warships trapped, I live in the area and the ducking nonstop coverage of it never mentioned that.
There's another Citadel shitflick out.
Don't think the Navy would be docked at the port of Baltimore anon. They have their own facility outside Alexandria.
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Ok, so it’s over then? Ryan Cohen has forsaken us and people are selling first thing Monday morning.

Good to know.
IIRC basically everything got moved to Norfolk during realignment a few years ago.
Oh, speaking of. Glowies, can you do me a solid? Picrel, used to be an MWR resort; they closed it down, demolished the beach bar/officer's club, filled in the pool, cut off the boardwalk... But left the hotel and beach houses intact. Every aerial photo since has shown vehicles, in different places over the years. So... It's still being used. Always wondered for what. SF training or something?
NOOOO, you dont get it, when RC does it, its good. he has our best intentions at heart. It is the tough love that Daddy does!

> dont question the jew, goy
> jew is good
> no one ever got screwed by trusting them, right?
ill stop by later today and answer all your questions, "anon".
Sounds like this is your first time investing? Dw about it, in my 30 years investment experience I’ve bought plenty of duds. Don’t beat yourself up, just try to learn from it. As long as you took the advice you were supposed to and didn’t invest more than you were willing to lose you’ll be fine. Chalk it up to a learning experience and stick to index funds going forward. Hopefully you can still cash out of GME without losing to much, good luck.
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My friend mike just told me you guys got diuted on three times in a row and STILL think this 'gamestop" or whatever will go above $1000? wait wait. i gotta see this. HAHAHA YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING RETARDED AF NO WAY
kek dumbfuck dilution baggot
See you at the new floor of $30.
Cry about it.
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On a Sunday morning, of course.
'ppreciate it famalam.
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Cry about what? I love gme
>posts eye shit emoji
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now that's hilarious
It’s so cool how Ryan Cohen is always two steps ahead. Hedge funds make an unrelated move in the rest of the market like they’re involved? Cohen’s already diluted his shareholders, the perfect counter. Bravo sir, what a brilliant tactician.
Mike told me that he fucks you in the ass and you call him Daddy.
is that the same Mike that tells everyone to control the eccentric movement of their lifts for better muscle hypertrophy (I listen to him)?
Yeah you’re right, was my first time investing. Probs fell for the fomo if I’m honest. Yep, best to play it safe from her on out. I only lost a couple of grand on GameStop, so I can sell now and buy some index funds now and recoup my losses over the next 4 years.
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> lots of shills this weekend.
Surely you just really care about other peoples investments. Timer already started. You have less than T+35 left.

Speaking of T+35, why is January 27th, 2021 T+35 from December 9th, 2020? When they sold 100,000,000 in today's shares?
What happened on July 16th? Why didn’t it run more then?
You keep spamming this collage you made of your own fucking posts as if its ground breaking information that you should be worshipped for.

This weekend I implore you to finally let those feelings take over and that you actually go through with killing yourself.
>Probs fell for the fomo if I’m honest.
Same here, but i managed to sell half of my port and the other half which has a higher cb of about $40 will be sold once price is around that neighborhood.
Someone's butthurt.
Flag microphone is america's got talent finale THIS TUESDAY
RC has diluted roughly 40 + 70 + 20m shares so far with another Q3 earnings later this year with another 20m ATM offering. He would have diluted 150m shares in 2024 but still has another 500m shares he can dilute, which will take another 3 years if he goes with the same trajectory.

Are people going to be happy holding another 3 years for RC master plan to pan out?
>Are people going to be happy holding another 3 years
I can’t speak for anyone else but I will. Does that make you mad?
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anything going on gents? been awhile since ive checked in and superstonk is being cringe as usually begging to the mods to do something about the "negativity"
>RC has diluted roughly 40 + 70 + 20m shares so far with another Q3 earnings later this year with another 20m ATM offering. He would have diluted 150m shares in 2024 but still has another 500m shares he can dilute, which will take another 3 years if he goes with the same trajectory.

>Are people going to be happy holding another 3 years for RC master plan to pan out?

bathniggers seems to be happy and coping well enough even though their stock has been delisted for fuck sakes. Ryan could finish diluting the remaining 400m+ and the apes will still approve another billy. And if you dare question the Jew, it just means you’re a shill.
>Are people going to be happy holding another 3 years for RC master plan to pan out?
RK has already kind of set the tone on that. RC has a year. Which isn't to say that people are taking orders or anything, but if someone makes a good suggestion... I'm not selling, but I would be less zen.
Quick tip for the mememasters: if you're looking to make a bunch of AI video shit for free, Runway is running a weekend-long film jam thing where they give everyone free credits to use their platform. You're supposed to make a short film with it, but, lol

>/here's why this was always an 8 year hold and cohen diluting every couple months while doing fuck all is actually all part of the master plan and also bbby is coming back too or something lol/ general
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People trust RC , this makes shills fucking big mad. People trust Larry Cheng (who went onto theppshow in December 2023)
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don't forget that RC also trusts fat retard pulte, therefore, i also trust fat retard pulte
>they missed [Redacted]
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>I'll never grow old!
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I hate reruns
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Hedgies are paying shills to spread fud here where everyone is ready to drink the enemy's blood as the final step in this whole saga.. Seems like the worst way to spend money.
I love reruns.
Wow they missed again
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>They keep sending Shadowscales
Should have sent the Morag Tong. If you want something done right, hire a Dunmer.
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T Coronae Borealis
triggers MOASS
but RC will then dump the 20M share and stop it
Another wildly inaccurate prediction. Has anything come true? #GMERICA
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I'm applying for fun longterm jobs to move on from the job I got "just to hold me over until the squeeze" so we will squizoozle by Thanksgiving.
I trust Ryan Cohen. He demonstrated interest in taking over BBBY multiple times. I trust that he knows how to fight and will still takeover BBBY through it's bankruptcy.

Somehow this makes GME "Maxis" angry
your mom says hi ranjeet.
having fun on the internet son?
>your mom says hi ranjeet.
>having fun on the internet son?
Yes, thank you for asking.
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is it sneed that you're looking for?
Zero, because no one has a BBBY position because the stock was canceled.
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I thought the Adele song was a cover of this and was disappointed.
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Unlikely since they explicitly told him to fuck off. They promptly went bankrupt and now it's ex-holders are begging Ryan to take them back. Really nigger? This is your narrative?
>Ryan please take my back I promise I won't go bankrupt again!!! :((((
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edging myself while Kenny edges towards the ledge
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On Superstink the towelgroids are STILL insisting there is double secret M&A happening despite THREE filings for ATM offerings saying it's not happening.
It means he has an account with them he forgot about.
Two 1PBTID immediately feeling the need to comment on a bankrupt towel stock kek
your idea of interesting is really fake and gay
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Those delusional bathniggers somehow still cope with their bankruptcy by acting up at every opportunity. This behavior is morally bankrupt
who's excited for tomorrow? i will probably sell all my shares right after the opening bell because all these strangers ITT who are concerned for my financial wellbeing despite not owning the stock have convinced me that the stock which i formerly liked is not good anymore.
o well, s'ell-a-vie, s'ell-a-vie.
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There's no way the share offering doesn't complete this week. I'm thinking it'll be Monday.
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Dis you?
>dead reddit
>dead twitter
>dead memes
>dead friend
RK gave RC a countdown of one year. What under of we’ll have the NFT marketplace by then?
*wonder if
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It's ok to say those things to bankrupt bathniggers
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tomorrow will be fun. i feel it deep inside my peepee.
No, I am not Kanye West
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Another rough weekend for the dumbfuck crypto baggies

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top friend
They aren't sending their best.
I watched Asmongolds stream too
just pulled in to remind everyone that moass will never happen, richard newman has taken the black pill, ryan cohen is a kike for dunking on you twice in 4 months and reddit has abandoned moass in favor of asset appreciation over the next 10 years. You will never see your bags come to fruition. You WILL wageslave for the next 60 years of your life (with no retirement) and you WILL lie awake at night haunted by your horrific financial decisions.
If gamestop does not file that it completed it's share offering next week, ryan is saving those 20 million shares in the chamber for either a run up or some deeper as implied by the cancellation of its credit line.
Who is Richard Newman?
The volume literally ballooned and then dried right up. I think they’ll be announcing they completed it tomorrow after market.
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your cat, sir
Ok surely THAT was the flag and the mic.
some guy who sells salad dressing
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cute little lesbian who talks about stocks
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>>58978484 84 84
>top friend
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>out with wife for breakfast this morning
>driving, chatting, with senpai etc,
>reach destination
>checks time
>its 7:41 again
Kek crypto baggies!
Oof. Kek crypto baggies.
Alright I’m too schizo for this. You’re telling me he did these dilutions:
7, 4, and 2? No… no no it’s 741. He’s only going to use half the ATM 742 just doesn’t jive
wow ur car has a cat button?

It’s Kek DUMBFUCK crypto baggies
7+4+2=13 finished on Friday the 13th
DFV flag and microphone emoji only leads to a few possibilities.

>4th of july (nope)
>[REDACTED] shooting (nope)
>Second [REDACTED] shooting (nope?)
>election results? (To be determined)
>Inauguration day? (TBD)
>A ryan cohen/GME/or roaring kitty himself announcement? (TBD)

All the superstonk fags are pushing it as the Siri and liberty m/a when it doesn't make any fucking sense and mods are allowing it to be discussed
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Checked and assuming the cat encoded esoteric secrets into his twitter shitposts pilled.
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It’s been almost 4 years and I still didn’t create a Reddit account to talk about gme.
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from what I understand you need a certain amount of points to even post in the gme threads there. So even making one wouldn't let you post about it. You'd need to go post about how you just transitioned or something to get enough likes.
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You have to earn good boy points before you can talk about GME?
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I have read halfway through maybe 4 total reddit links during this entire thing. Never post, never go. Feels good.

Spoonfeeding time is over except y'all do spoonfeed me.
>wondering if recent shooting is gonna have any effect on GME
>ctrl-f Trump
>0 results
>ctrl-f REDACTED
>6 results
Love you all. Laugh every time I read that stupid shit.
Awww Japan has a stock market holiday
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kek dilooties
summary of superstink posts
- ryan is good and smart and plays 4d chess
- wtf ryan why do u keep dilutin? stfu u shill. ryan is good. dont question him, goy.
-where is moass ryan? stfu shill, if you;re not in it for an 8 year hold, fuck off
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Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.
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kek hedgie spaghetti
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repost these on wednesday
Close, but wrong. He's going to dilute until there are 741 million shares. So we got another 341 million'ish shares coming at us
The girl I had a crush on from 1st grade through high school became a doctor and successfully defended her dissertation today. I lost my life savings and over 10% of my life obsessing over a meme stock
>woman doctor

Malpractice insurance premium through the roof
Damn why did you sell
She's chinese
does she eat dog and crickets?
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The only entity that has a ledger that contains the quantities, and locations of all shares in the system is controlled under the private umbrella of the DTC. Very interesting.

Pretty silly.
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I wouldn't worry about it.
We have gone past it pp
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the concept of 'unrealized' gains/losses is the most reddit-tier gigacope
you simply cannot sell a share of GME for $80 anymore
and neither can cohen KEK
daily reminder that instead of dilooting while the price was 4x more valuable he decided to kick your teeth in by selling shares at $80 pre-split in the year 20 fucking 24 (4 years post-moass)
lmao even
If she's defending a a dissertation she won't be a medical doctor.
Given this wasn't your response sounds fake and gay.
To be honest I don't know what she does exactly. She's a doctor, she defended her dissertation, she's chinese. I have another chinese doctor friend who is a medical doctor, I don't have a crush on him though
>I don't have a crush on him though
sure you don't faggot
>I don't have a crush on him though
You still talk to him. You don't talk to her.

Your words not mine. Homeo.
Yes. You need hundreds of updoots to comment and the place doesn't have GameStop or GME in the title. It's specifically designed to stop 1pbtid/throwaway whistleblower leaker accounts. That's why the last real major leak about the fucked DRS number reporting happened here rather than plebbit.
In retrospect, assuming this whole short squeeze thing had noble intentions was really naive.
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So you're saying I'm in an hive mind movement where people have more knowledge than the entire reddit and x combined? Shieeeeet monica that's all you had to say.
Good morning diluted baggie boys!

Ready for 550M more shares of dilution?

Who's this cute lesbian?
>thing had noble intentions
trusting someone with the name Cohen..
> has a respectable job as a doctor
> some fucking meme stock holder who got diluted on 3 times and is deep in the red who has no life thinks hes doing better than me

are you fucking tarded?
yeah you've said this 6 times now. gets funnier each time baggot. yep. your deep in the red with those meme stock bags fucking loser
try not to be too upset
try not to have too heavy bags.

fuckin idiot.
you seem upset, you should try not to be. Its a beautiful day to buy and hold GME
it's a beautiful day to get diluted on for the 3rd time this year.
correct your fucking sentence.
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its a beautiful day for the 3rd share offering to complete. I wonder if the price is going to go up like it did the first two times, that'd be dope
post average baggie
>its a beautiful day for the 3rd share offering to complete
i have the feeling it wont be complete. this batch is for the moass.
>this batch is for the moass
>he's not selling he's just filing to sell for during MOASS!!!!
where have i heard this before kek
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you've heard it here, the same place you've been for years, and possibly years to come. I like it here, you seem like you don't. Try not to be too upset.
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Why are shorties such deranged psychopaths?
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>MFW I get called a baggie
>It’s been almost 4 years and I still didn’t create a Reddit account to talk about gme.

Why would you wanna go

>>this batch is for the moass
>>he's not selling he's just filing to sell for during MOASS!!!!
>where have i heard this before kek

It’s funny seeing some of the apes getting called shills/getting banned, and finally coming to the realization that they’re in a cult. I even saw a comment talking up meltdown for allowing differing opinions that had 5 upvotes. Apes truly are in shambles.
>you seem like you don't
if i didn't like kekking baggies i wouldn't do it every day for 4 years now would i
unlike you, who pays cohen in order to be here
kek baggies
>heh shillies just don't know that 4 dilutions over 4 years of no moass is all part of the master plan
when will we learn shillbros
I am recognising patterns
can someone itt update me on the DRS numbers
how much longer until we've locked the float?
Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal
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>how much longer until we've locked the float?
2 more decades
that was the funniest trust me bro... even rnewton believed it.

also, remember the latest 'Class A New Shares' trust me bro just before earnings....
>be you
>try to live your best life
>"oh lets watch a long stream about some stock i dont own"
>that was the funniest trust me bro... even rnewton believed it.
doesnt make any sense. unless youre really retarded AND look like shit.
Kek Dumbfuck baggies amirite?
Please stop. I'm fucking poor now because I didn't listen to you. I can't sell everything for 80% loss. What do I do
>I can't sell everything for 80% loss.
That was 3 years ago. You seem to have found a solution to survive since then.
>20 years of doing nothing to become a quintillionaire
Sounds fine to me
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fucking beautiful, tyfys anon

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