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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58973933

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 279.215B, 58P = 4.814B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 294.464B, 58P = 5.077B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 284.951B, 62P = 4.596B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
He hates us
What makes you say that anon? He is autistic, he does not know how to communicate with people.
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Are they too scared to simply do their jobs and review a movie?
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Yes. They hate this movie and what it's implying about their bullshit.
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I'm convinced RC saw this post many years ago and thought "that's not a bad idea"
yeah I'll check that
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What was the fucked drs numbers leak that was posted here? Someone mentioned it last thread
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>Why are we dumping?
Market is anally prepping for -50 bepis
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
I think it's worse
casino is open! finally.

Don’t worry he’ll be going back
It's 2%
Sometimes forget he's in prison.
Whole lotta nothing happening today
It was always Tuesday Morning
so flaaaaaaaat. flat like flatland.
i feel squished but also euphoric.
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Thread reminder.
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kek nice stablecoin you have there, dumbfuck baggies
the woke mind virus! They aren't ready for the nuanced socio-political analysis that Matt Walsh is known for.
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the age of illegal naked short selling is coming to an end.
the wallstreet criminals ruining society will be held accountable.
ps: mayo man makes an appearance towards the end.
>he missed the Thursday AND Monday 19 dip
Walsh's lame, tepid critique is in fact more than they can handle.
I agree, it's just too much for those sensitive pussy liberals to handle and that's why they're enforcing a media blackout on Matt Walsh
The irony is Walsh is a dirty stupid uneducated jew but his audience is too tepid to hate jews openly so they refuse to challenge what he says
I'm very much looking forward to bankrupting Israel
I should have sold when it was $60...
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You weren’t awake when it was $60.
get off the internet every once and a while please
>listening to Matt "Gender-Affirming Beard" Walsh, who is employed by Benjamin "My Grandfather is one of the original Chinese politburo member" Shapiro
Do you fags really?
Larry Cheng helped Ryan Cohen build chewy.

Larry Cheng is a current board member of GameStop.

Ryan Cohen, in October 2022, posts a now famous photo having a sit down meeting with Carl Icahn.

Ryan Cohen tried to buy Bed Bath & Beyond for 400 million in December 2022, 2 months after meeting with Icahn.

Theppshow is a podcast dedicated to discussing Bed Bath & Beyond.

Larry Cheng went onto the ppshow in December 2023.

Platinum Sparkles has had teleconference meetings with the head of the SEC (Gary Gensler) and, to this day,
willingly engages with bbby discussions in a sad attempt to debunk a possible restructuring, almost daily, on twitter.

Paid stock bashers swarm over any and all discussions surrounding gme or bbby, and RC's general activities.
>posted it again award
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>t. shabbos goy
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k-kek baggies, back to $5 pre-split soon...

...my god I'm wasting my life, bag lekker sissies, what went so horribly wrong? I thought this was a quick in and out kek in 2020, but I've been getting proven wrong like a fucking retard for years.

I told my family Gamestop would be BANKRUPT by the end of 2020, Thanksgiving 2024 is coming up and I don't think I'll be able to handle the questions this year. They started calling me their little Michael Burry last year, my cousin has me as Shorts King in his phone. I don't think I have the heart to continue keking gamestop baggies in 2025 guys...

...if gamestop doesn't go bankrupt by end of the 2024, tell me father I'm sorry...
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I know what the american flag denotes, it has to be something for DFV to be able to predict back in May and a predecessor to a crash.

Powell announces his rate cut which lines up nicely with the microphone and the american flag. Each rate cut has led to a recession since the FED can see the economy shifting, unemployment rising, credit card delinquencies going up, bankruptcies, credit defaults, etc.

DFV will tweet something this week in relation to the rate cut on the18th, screencap this
me this Thanksgiving telling my dad and uncle this is the year gamestop goes bankrupt because there are no new games being released. I just hope they haven't heard about the ps5 disc drives sold out or the new switch rumors

...my god, I might have to skip Thanksgiving this year
For you, it's fan fiction, for me - it's the 4th year praying for gamestop to go bankrupt... I'm so tired, I don't know of I have the will to keep keking.

You wouldn't know the pain of coming in here and watching "baggies" reduce their cost average from $130 to $20, $15, I've even seen $12 average portfolios.

...there has to be hope for a gamestop bankruptcy right? So what if they beat 2q earnings for the first time in years, if the market crashes before Christmas, than no one will have money for games. That's what I'm going to lead with in Thanksgiving.
I can't imagine the pain a hedge fund manager or employee might feel right now realizing the situation is untenable
>AI casualy animate an actor with dozen of people and screen behind it
>can't fucking write gamestop
what did they mean by this ?
For you, it's fan fiction, for me - it's the 4th year praying for gamestop to squeeze... I'm so tired, I don't know of I have the will to keep holding.

You wouldn't know the pain of coming in here and watching "hedgies" kek my cost average from $400 to $380, $360, I've even seen $300 average portfolios.

...there has to be hope for a gamestop squeeze right? So what if sales fell 30% in 2q earnings for the first time in years, if the market crashes before Christmas, than we will surely squeeze this time. That's what I'm going to lead with in Thanksgiving.
Redeemable ticket to the sharty
haha yeah! That's what baggies sound like! Who cares if gamestop has 5b cash, no debt, and improving their company fundementals!! They didn't have a hecking moass, so they'll never be filthy rich! They might be a little green, but once the market crashes for Christmas, they'll be forced to spend all that money to stay afloat and we'll finally crash gamestop to $0!!!!

Let's go shill bro, #BackTo20presplitAGAIN!!!!
Why was both [redacted] shooters in blackrock commercials?
haha yeah! That's what hedgies sound like! Who cares if gamestop lost 33% of sales YoY, no plan, and diluting their company stock!! They didn't have a hecking bankruptcy, so they'll never go to zero! They might be a little red, but once the market crashes for Christmas, they'll be forced to close those secret shorted shares to stay afloat and we'll finally pump gamestop to infinity!!!

Let's go baggie bro, #BackTo400presplitAGAIN!!!!
please do not notice, btw did shlomo fund also bet on his dead for this week ?
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They learned nothing from the failure of the Wii U
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b-rock is still (despite claiming otherwise) naked shorting [redacted] media stock and if [redacted] wins the presidency it'll very likely squeeze. b-rock must prevent that at all costs. that's also the reason that [redacted] wanted to get L. Fink (or let's better call him Larry F.) onto board: he was trying to make a deal with the devil to end the illegal shorting of his own voice in the media. essentially behind the scenes it's all about who's getting all the money from the free money tap and who doesn't. illegal nakes short selling plays a huge part in this kind of political maneuvering.
haha, baggies can only get back to $320 presplit, and it was because the roaring kitty illegally hyped and pumped the stock - not because the shorts didn't close or any of that cope they've been saying for years
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of course
still edging myself while Kenny edges towards the ledge
They didn’t have the stones to call it the super switch. Cowards.
there is no fucking way what? give me links to both videos of the commercials now
>just in, we made a big oopsie, thank sec for canceling the bet and giving our money back
Here's the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnDOaOsFFlk
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Well the "2" implies it's a sequel. It worked for Playstation 2 through 5, so I think Nintendo will be fine. People understand numbers. The "U" did not properly convey what exactly the Wii U was meant to be.
It's either this or its the 13G filing that already happened
The Wii U was basically a prototype of the switch. Previous R&D made the massive success of the switch possible.
>The NFT marketplace is gamestop their Wii U
So many retarded shills/bots in this daily.
Warms my heart every time I get called a baggie by some loser in Shitistan or the literal boot-boy bitch in some hedge fund.
Nintendo had been gradually moving towards mobile/console integration since the GBA/GC generation. The Wii wagglan was the outlier, basically a half gen bump for the GC.
The stock was headed lower regardless of whatever ritual played out over the weekend.
>this was always a 20 year hold
how long until the cope is
>at least my great grandchildren will be unimaginably wealthy
I am sick and tired of this stupid DFK emoji timeline being posted. If there is any credence at all, explain all the emojis leading up to the current one. You can’t? Then stop fucking posting it.
>retard realizing he's invested with retards starts getting mad about his realization
you made your bed retard
This is brootal, it's high-powered, high-speed economic violence.
>The algo can't ladder the price down if there's a sell wall of an offering right there
or at least can't do it efficiently, it would cost a shitton of money, instead of reloading its ammo, so it doesn't do it.
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>Be me
>Invest in Brain Stop
>4 years go by
>Lose time
>Lose money
>Lose hair
>Lose sanity
>Lose Patience
What did Ryan Cohen mean by this?
>f there is any credence at all
You could've made a killing if you saw the signs and invested in CHWY before the big pumps

Just like I see the signs. Flame, boom, cheers in $GME
post buy and sell averages baggies
>inb4 no
kek baggie
Yeah! Post your portfolio too so you can dab on them with your pro trades!!
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Done it plenty of times. 4400 shares at an average of $26. 35 long dated call contracts between $25 and $40 strikes
nice digits and i'm just here to laugh at financially stupid people during my more boring classes or between them, does that upset you?
oh, nice red portfolio, baggie
i guess we'll just take what you said on the internet without any proof at face value too
i have 9052 shares at an average of $10.50 and i also shorted that same amount of shares at $80
get fucking rekt
But imagine the insult to injury if you provided a glowing green portfolio to dab on them with. It doesn't even need to be yours! What are the baggies going to do, cross reference it to verify authenticity? When have they ever done that this entire saga???
I am a holder that was only prepared to sell for a price in the 5 digits. That was back in january 2021. My ask has been upped considerably since then.

I am not your average holder. My hands are forged, rock hard. These diamonds hands are built under the pressure of the years and will continue to do so. Do not fuck with me.
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Larry Cheng helped Ryan Cohen build chewy.

Larry Cheng is a current board member of GameStop.

Ryan Cohen, in October 2022, posts a now famous photo having a sit down meeting with Carl Icahn.

Ryan Cohen tried to buy Bed Bath & Beyond for 400 million in December 2022, 2 months after meeting with Icahn.

Theppshow is a podcast dedicated to discussing Bed Bath & Beyond.

Larry Cheng went onto the ppshow in December 2023.

Platinum Sparkles has had teleconference meetings with the head of the SEC (Gary Gensler) and, to this day,
willingly engages with bbby discussions in a sad attempt to debunk a possible restructuring, almost daily, on twitter.

Paid stock bashers swarm over any and all discussions surrounding gme or bbby, and RC's general activities
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>I'll never pass Calculus!
I'm holding on, but I don't know how long I can watch this stock ping pong
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I miss the days where a 10% move was no cause for excitement and people only started getting hyped up around 30% lol
flat law
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Return on 1M?
unlike baggies, i am not a disgusting fucking liar
kek reddities
It's truly maddening. Back and forth back and forth.
baggorts will call you a shilloid for questioning why cohen hasn't done fuck all but dilute for 4 years
>muh cutting costs
please continue to ignore the literal 9-figure decline in revenue YoY
always a good sign for a company that you claim should be worth hundreds of billions of dollars kek
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>dilute shares
>price go up
I voted for this
I'm so hard for gme. I want to put a baby in this woman.
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Ryan Cohen attempted to purchase Bed Bath & Beyond in December 2022 for 400 million, this was 2 months after he met with Carl Icahn (who stated he's going to give the shorts something they'll never forget).

One Month after Ryan Cohen offered 400 million for Bed Bath & Beyond the most prestigious M&A tracking software suite (Pitchbook) listed the company as sold. One month after Pitchbook listed it as sold, Ryan Cohen tweeted:
"someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons"

All very interesting. Its almost like government regulators, and hedge funds are purposefully delaying the inevitable restructuring of Bed Bath & Beyond because the moment that goes through, we have another 2008 style crisis on our hands. Pretty silly.
Get back to the BBBY thread homo, I haven't finished with you yet.
We are probably at the <.< emoji, as there are three of them and their have been three offerings. October 28th.
Back to the cuck cage for you
Unprofitable stores were unprofitable. The bottom line is in much better shape.
Why are options so cheap this week?
Stock has not bottomed yet.
>price go up
>barely holding $80 pre-split
>muh battle for $180 was 4 years ago
what did he mean by this shillbros?
The stock was at $10 a few months ago. Do you hate money more than you hate video game pawnshops?
the stock was at 400 when you bought though?
50bps being priced in across all security classes. Macro trend. Pay it no mind. The pivot has arrived exactly when intended.
but it's never going to 5 digits. i suggest a new plan fren
>the stock doubled
>only for those that only bought 3 months ago at $10 rather than 4 years ago at $300
nice moass
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>know everything that happened longing for 4 year
and you do it for free ?
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> part of your military service.
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How much did you bought at $10 then.
don't tell me you do it for free and didn't even slurp at this low price...
>ryan cohen
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
It’s either this or the tunnels
Yep. kek
No he doesn't. Why would he be trying to build long term value for the shareholders if he hated them? Sure, he probably could have let it squeeze back in May or whatever but that would only benefit the people here for MOASS and not GameStop the company
I hate that instead of letting the company go bankrupt in 2020 he turned it around, made it profitable, and is diluting the biggest shareholders (himself, the board, institutions) to raise money for the cash reserves. Who the fuck does that guy think he is, Warren buffet?
Weird part is, you can tell by the way the jidf shill posts, he has really low self esteem.
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Hahahahahahahaha Ryan Cohen brainwashed his own shareholders.
Get a load of this cult brain washed baggie!!!!
>The stock was at $10 a few months ago. Do you hate money more than you hate video game pawnshops?

Stop using the same shit talking points from superstink. It’s obvious that you aren’t capable of any original thought.
>diluting the biggest shareholders
today i learned that ryan cohen owns more shares than reddit kek
It's just niggerfaggot pussy footing around, or maybe the dick head that larps as him. I don't know anymore.
It's part of what makes the thread comfy.
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>Still getting angry over the video game store stock
>I don't know anymore
if you can't detect my posting style after 4 years of claiming your schizophrenia that's your problem
I’ve literally never been to superstonk. It’s certainly not weird at all that you have been enough to know their talking points while not even holding the stock.
Monday RRP: 239.386B, 44P = 5.441B per (roughly)
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It’s always been this? Hasn’t it? We moass when it zeroes out.
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Whew that's quite a drop
You heard it here first folks. GameStop will transition to an online only video game supplier. The goal is to close most stores and sell PC parts/retro games to worldwide customers, a similar model to
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
Oh my
>dude, RRP going way up is super bullish for gamestop, MOASS is imminent!
>dude, RRP going to zero is super bullish for gamestop, MOASS is imminent!
you are here
>uhhh RRP never mattered you stupid hedgie shill.
but I'm not there
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tell 'em bro
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>t. moass is imminent poster for 4 years
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>Be me
>Altmer supremacist
>Manipulate Imperial markets for profit
>Play the game mostly against other Altmer
>Devise strategy to win the Ruby Throne
>Acquire failing spice merchant in secret
>Fat Imperial speculators bet against it
>Save the merchant at the last moment
>Spice allies seize wealth from Imperials
>Spice allies buy East Empire Company
>Spice allies buy friends at court
>Now I control the Imperial economy
>Elven supremacy is the only truth
makes sense.
once the cash is rolling in they can open entertainment super-centers all across america.
I am of the mind RRP never mattered, just like LIBOR/SOFR, Bastille Day, Quad Witching Day, the Splividend, Wu Tang, DWAC, earnings, margin calls, etc never mattered
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Dead internet theory is real by the way. That's why they removed the unique ip count from 4chan. The only real niggers in here are (You), myself and Clint. The rest are bots and the reality is there are both pro and anti GameStop bots and for some reason neither side likes the logo
>you now have to wait 1-2 days for your game instead of being able to buy it in stores and play when you get home (for consoles)
Doesn't really make sense lol. Gamers are some of the most impatient people. That's why pre orders are still high despite so many day 1 fails or that retarded thing where you can buy the game 2 days before official release.

Chewy makes sense because people can have auto buys set for their pet foods, etc. Does GameStop have any products that would qualify as a reoccurring purchase? Not really
i was in a /redacted/ thread the other day and somebody (glowie probably) said that there are only 130 active real anons. it was a friday. you know the board but i can't mention it here.
If we do not squeeze in the next ten minutes I
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I've preordered multiple games online from gamestop and they've arrived the day of release.
flat-overlords can't stop winning.
I've preordered multiple games from GameStop and they ship the day before release and I get them 2-3 days afterwards. Chewy can get a 60 pound bag of dog food to me next day but video games I preorder months in advance can't be shipped a few days early?
I'm not saying pre orders will arrive late. I'm asking why would gamers buy already released games from an online only GameStop store vs physical location and be forced to wait another 1-2 days for delivery.

Which one?
doordash delivers mine the day of from gamestop
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I bought my dad a new Xbox for Christmas from GameStop. He just uses it to run Skyrim and only upgraded because all the mods were filling up his old console and slowing it down. Oh well, at least he's still gaming a bit.
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>why would gamers buy already released games from an online only GameStop store vs physical location
People are really fucking lazy. They'll spend extra money on food delivery apps because they can't be assed to get up and get it themselves. Plus people already order plenty of random things from amazon all the time.
Here's my two most recent orders as proof. SMT VV released on June 13th, I got it two days later. Infinite Wealth released on January 26th, I got it three days later
>I'm asking why would gamers buy already released games from an online only GameStop store vs physical location and be forced to wait another 1-2 days for delivery.
The real question is if they'd rather buy from GameStop and get reliable 2-day delivery vs. gambling with Amazon Not-So-Prime, and the answer is yes.
>check out GME for the first time in over a year
>The same shills are still here
jesus christ is this your life?
“Ryan cohen”????

More like “Ryan Goin’ Nowhere!”

Hahahahahahah baggies loyal to a CEO who keeps dunking on them lmao, lol, even.
what's the price hedgies are getting margin called? how high does the floor have to be raised?
$40? $60? higher?
Hahahahahah he thinks the shorts haven’t closed despite 4 dunkings
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Almost like they're getting paid huh?
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No wonder shills and downies used to push TUP
>Hahahahahah he thinks the shorts haven’t closed despite 4 dunkings

I have it on good authority(trust me bros) that there are billions of shorts.
ffie pumped when tup dumped too
>Hahahahahah he thinks the shorts haven’t closed despite 4 dunkings
this post was typed by very sweaty nervous hands.
Good thing I invested in a certain video game store stock that is not at risk of going bankrupt
time for gme to get their patents and copyrights

It's still going down after the merger with Liberty
>but but DFV tweeted a microphone!!!
Redditards ngmi
>oh, nice red portfolio, baggie

Post short position.

>Hahahahahah he thinks the shorts haven’t closed despite 4 dunkings

Still invested in a stock he doesn't own.
Hahahahaha baggies projecting. RC is releasing a shitty gaming platform. THEY WILL CONTINUE MANIPULATING THE PRICE FOREVER!!!!
I'm okay with this.
Best get ready to wait 15 years lmao!! There’s a reason the CEO has gone radio silent post nft marketplace failure
That's nice. If they can pull off same day delivery then I can see it GameStop online only scenario working out. I think its an extremely low probability that RC abandons physical stores 100% tho
Nice. T b h i haven't bought anything from GameStop other than some hoodies and the yearly membership. Im a pc gamer and get everything from steam.

I'll keep saying that GME needs to get into the game developer or game publisher space. GameStop sales are highly dependent on quality games and all the average gamer doesn't wanna play woke slop. Just make/publish non woke games
>if you're laughing at me itt then you must be getting paid to do so
can anyone itt link me to where i can get paid, wouldn't mind the extra income to do what i love

Emotionally invested in a stock he doesn't own. Bizarre,
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Lmao! Nice deflection baggot!
>>if you're laughing at me itt then you must be getting paid to do so
>can anyone itt link me to where i can get paid, wouldn't mind the extra income to do what i love

I want in too!
Damn. I was hoping they would pivot to board games and Arduino parts.
>Arduino parts
>board games
good idea. what about a gameboard lounge? or offering raspberry pies and courses on how to use them?
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Imagine trying to cope in your "lolcow" meltdowie circlejerk, then the price finaly reach a new low of, let me check 40$ before split, uh ?
And now imagine not buying at this price despite 4 fucking year of lurking at this "cult" to laugh at them, i would litteraly off myself at this right moment, kek shillie
you bought at 400 though LMAO
Every GME holder bought at $10 post split. Every BBBY holder bought at $0.01. Face it you missed out
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don't try to outsmart the market... try to outdumb it.
well yes ? how would i drop the price to 40 in 2 hour without buying 1 (one) single share at 300 first ?
the fact this worked out is all you need to know about how stock market is a scam
Are the baggies in the room with us?
moass monday second week of october
What year?
The gol seems to be to destroy as many legacy Americam businesses. They know that a history is the greatest source of resiliency, so they're robbing us of ours. Not necessarily the biggest companies, but ones that are foundational to American commercial culture and hegemony. Sears, Tupperware, any number of legacy entertainment companies, US Steel... They're constantly seething that they tried for Amtrak and USPS and the car companies too early and they survived.
Kek schizophrenic meltdownies
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>drops 20% on earnings
I hate the stock.
>They're constantly seething that they tried for Amtrak
Amtrak is the *result* of them doing that in the 60s. They killed private sector passenger rail with overregulation of railroads and subsidies of cars+highways, which killed most of the American locomotive+railcar manufacturers and forced a round of mass consolidation of the Class 1 railroads, who all transferred their passenger services to newly created Amtrak.
>Feds: obey these new bullshit regulations or we're nationalizing your passenger services
>Class 1 RRs: lol fuck you then, this is completely unprofitable, have fun suckers
kek dumbfuck baggies
Are they in the room with us?
Jabba calling in some chits
>somebody (glowie probably) said that there are only 130 active real anons
This is true. There are much fewer anons than they'd like us to believe. And one of those 130 is DFV
The plan was to completely kill passenger rail through that consolidation and freight supremacy, but they could never quite get ridership low enough. Amtrak was their heads-up that they couldn't be hands-off, they had to get someone into the c-suite who could actively sabotage operations, whether that be an executive or consultant.
I like the idea of it being a small knit community of retards WAGMI' better than dealing with 130k retards asking "is today the day?"
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The good news is that Union Pacific and CSX are publicly traded divvy stocks with a combined mcap of under $300B so post MOASS it's easy enough for anons to buy a stake in both of them and be activists against further chicanery. BNSF became part of Berkshire Hathaway and so that one's a much tougher nut to crack.
I’ve always wondered this. I’ve lurked/shit posted/casually sought general input for like 3 1/2 fucking years now. During that time I accumulated 7000 shares. I wonder how many there are like me.
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>shills and downies
I'm neither
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you know what they say; what goes TUP must come down
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whats weird?
They were pushing QH the other day. It was at 4 dollars, now its 90 cents.

Tupperware is entering bankruptcy and we don't have a TUPGeneral. That's very interesting and weird.
Did Ryan cohen try to buy the Tupperware company but their board chose to instead speedrun bankruptcy? If so that would be very interesting and really weird.
He made a tweet about an all american company. That has to be tupperware.
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Don't even joke around like that
So where’s the announcement that the dilution is done? Did Ryan not take a hot steamy dump down my throat as was promised? wtf?!?
This also concerns me.
>Richard Newton just dropped a Tupperware Special
>Every company contacted by Ryan speedrun bankruptcy
They all visited the island and can't go against their master, i don't see any other explanation ?
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Wedge update. We're still surfing the top.
>Did Ryan cohen try to buy the Tupperware company
No he alluded to an american company and shills pushed it as Tupperware.

It was most likely BBBY
Digits is percent chance of moass tomorrow, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal
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Cap'n Cohen be priming the cannon to sink the scalawags on the next broadside.
why would he dilute at low price ? btw i just made it happen by posting this message
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I was being sarcastic to fuck with the disingenuous poster.
What’s shakin’ tonight, fellas?
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TUPBBY? that would be one hell of a magic trick
Really weird how sharty was astroturfing on /mlp/ of all places. Your government dollars at work!
These people can't help themselves.
accelerate *shakes head and smiles*
Reminder anyone from the sharty who uses terms like "gme chuds" is a government paid employee astroturfing online.
I just ran a few miles, worked on a website, now I wanna do weights. What do you got going on?
>he doesn't know
Spoonfeeding time is over nigger
What happened to the diagonal line dude, btw?
Watching jeopardy with the kid, picked up the wife’s rental car today going to watch the baggies beat up on bowling green this weekend
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The next saga:
>TUPfags vs BBBBaggies
TUPfags win by default (the stock still exists)
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Kek made me chuckle
Lmao i see what you did there, this board is making me autistic
For now. If you guys are smart you’ll try and maintain a tup thread to try and make bbby seem less like the obvious shiv that Ryan will be stabbing you with. What happened to spamming Homer? I liked that motif.
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It will be extremely painful (for BBBaggies) if it turned out Chobane saved Tupperware from bankruptcy for its plastic manufacturing capabilities.
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How many distractions have gone bankrupt now? Is it just the two or is there another? Surely amsneed is on its way there soon.
Oh I’m still here, I’ve been in your general asking very basic questions to my surprise your people don’t want to answer as if you don’t know:
It is already extremely painful for you to have to live in two threads for stocks you don’t hold to try and control a narrative.
What questions?
Where is Ryan’s dumpy? Where big fat juicy dumpo? Why no stinky loggerino in my moutherino? Debate that.
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>regurgitating the same tired lines
>can't even change it a little bit
kek IQ BBBankrupt BBBaggie
Don’t be a homo, there’s 30 posts in there out of 70 for you to go through and reply.
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Those days were fun.
is Gabe regarded as a distraction or as entertainment?
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You know I guess Melvin could be considered a distraction, since msm pushed the whole "you killed the hedge fund, good job, now forget gamestop it's over" nonsense way back then.
>gabe plotkin looks like my old director
>equally slimy
>The Tea Party movement was popularly launched following a February 19, 2009, call by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for a "tea party"
It's all entangled. Inflation is a policy, not an act of god
CERN is running right now.
think of MOASS.
manifest it.
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I would be very surprised if the share offering isn't completed this week.
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It was exchanged for TUP shares.
I have. It’s tomorrow. You’re welcome.
>Tanks your share price
>refuses to elaborate
>still revered by baggies
Where are the diluted shares, lebowski?
perfect. thanks anon.
i imagined all of us unfathomably wealthy with giant estates and huge happy families.
and criminal hedgies dangling from the gallows.
I miss Publix dude. I need a family pack of chicken thighs.
>Barron [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] Jr shilling imaginary internet money crypto scams on X

fuck em
If they were shilling GME I'd be worried
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>Far out, man. Far fucking out!
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It already happened in the future, what we're experiencing right now are the ripples moving backwards in time from the chronological epicenter of MOASS
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So what you're saying is
>TUP will win
>BBBY stays bankrupt
So Ryan cohen is secretly working to merge with tup and no one itt seems to hate discussion of that? Guess I’m not buying it then, sorry.
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>ignoring the seething BBBaggies who chose the wrong distractionstock
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>37.96% short volume.
>34.39% off exchange.
You forgot
>plays Burnout Paradise and fills his belly with diet soda
On pee esh twooo
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>quiet thread
that's weird... it's quiet on twitter and superstonk too.
Because no one knows where the shares are.
Exchanged for Tupperware equity.
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I keep a tab open on my phone while I'm at work, but there wasn't much to talk about. It's 6:30 in israel right now, so the morning shift might be getting a debrief on the new narrative.
kek baggies
kek brainslopies
kek dilooties
kek faggies
kek baggies
I hope the new narrative is Tupperware (again)
Ben is so horrible, truly insane how awful he is. Matt has his moments but is a normie. Jordan was completely buck broken.
I would prefer if both stay quiet. DFV tweets, Ryan dilutes. Or, Ryan tweets some bullshit and then dilutes
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You seem to be... upset about the dilution? Aren't you on the short side? There might be something to unpack here...
Rate cut announcement on Wednesday.
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No. 2007 repeat. Take it or leave it.
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Also Jesus what a shit thread. Why was everyone here and not defending Kumswalla on pol?
>politics bs Bingo
Are you human?
I keep telling them to try not to be so upset.
They dont listen :(
I love we're here every night, its like we're soulmates
You seem to be....a dumbfuck baggot deep in the red?
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Gay, but I'm here for it
yeah no. I'm not a dumbfuck baggot
Even Trafalgar has her down in PA+GA. It's ogre, orangeman returns.
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>Ryan Cohen, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Gamestop
thats exactly what my soul-cumslut would say <3
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Your impotent rage can be felt through text. You are a failure
It’s still overvalued which is why they are diluting it. None of the board is buying in either except for The Chink. I think we are gonna see $10 soon. Prepare to load up boys.
20 bucks all day
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Sorry I fixed it guys.
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Nancy Pelosi just bought GameStop
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I'm making one, let it bake.
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How's this?
these FUCKING patches made the river BORING BUT THAT'S FINe I guess
Ow I cut my gooch shaving my asshole.
ai vids are dumb and dont make anyone kek
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was this from the ryan cohen disposition?
So can hedge funds even survive the new dem's tax policy? It's going to be way harder to marry a losing assets to a positive one dip out of taxes with it I would think.
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You better give me my rate cut or I am fucking tearing your face off. Does make sense that it's fucking retarded mumu's who are shills in /GME/ but can't even make 1 good argument why rate cut will NOT cause recession besides "it just won't!"

I think he was kidding

Lord don't give me hope
I'll let you go deep in my red if you keep being mean like that, baby
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i imagine gme would operate like a credit union. gme holders get access to favorable borrow and lend rates while also letting us put up our gme shares as collateral directly. along with other exclusives. small business loans will be awesome.

or maybe its related to sports, is dfv a baseball fan? end of season finals championship game shit?
expecting it to be a sell the news event.

13-20 weeks before it zeros out. then QE officially to save this shit.

should start shorting all the companies the shills
recommend, their master do it.

look at limitedrungames.com buy them out or copy their business model. maybe bring in some Japanese imports as well?

burnout revenge was better, the destruction game where you had to rack up as much financial damage as possible was awesome.

what games are you guys looking foward to the rest of the year?

looks like itll be fun.
ff7 rebirth is fuckin awesome and ff16 was great as well.
hoping to pick up black myth wukon, looks solid and stellar blade as well.

never forget wagmi.
I have a little cash waiting to slurp up cheapies but I don't think we're going to drop below $15 anytime soon.
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My schizo theory is that were going to dip to 9.99 for the final time before MOASS. Be ready to slurp
stopped reading after wagmi.
I put all my spare cash into VIXY, so gme can tank down to $10 now that I have no money and will miss the final dip (again)
Larry Cheng went onto theppshow.
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>RC:YO Larry, will you do this faggots show to fuck with BBBY baggies?
>LC:Yeah, fuck it why not it's a quiet week
>RC: Love you bro
Ryan Cohen AND Larry Cheng both have used Tupperware products in the past. Therefore, they exchanged GME shares for Tupperware equity.
They both use toilet paper. I'm not even gonna follow your logic.
Larry and Ryan have never before used towels. They’re known air dryers. Also you’re a flailing faggot.
>He had a dream.
>Air Dryers
>Air Fryers
>100% doubling in 1 year
When is Ryan in court for this manipulation?
>they really work in pairs
I take dividends from your tears.
In both threads
They can’t help but acknowledge that a post is about them even when it’s not explicit.
You guys finished your circle jerking yet or you still fighting who gets the soggy biscuit?
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I hate reruns
I stopped coming to these threads because the no lifers in every single one of them are so obnoxious. Im back because it’s fun to watch cohen sell more shares to hedge funds that have no choice but to trade 200 million shares of this stock out of nowhere. He has figured out the cheat code. Shorts have no choice but to have these crazy volume periods to roll their obfuscated positions, and each and every time they do it Cohen makes a few hundred more million. It’s pretty fucking brilliant, and it appears there is nothing they can do about it. It also seems like this time they are trying to push their roll back further.
Also, holy shit is that one anon absolutely buck broken by losing all his money on bbby. Still coming to GameStop threads to cry about it. Part of the reason I stopped coming here, a bunch of 100 share plebs and bbby losers pontificating and felating themselves.
I now have over 11 thousand shares of GameStop and I have never once bought a stupid distraction (other than bbby puts that I made 50k on thanks Keith)
Gonna be a fun week
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>Ichan claims to sell $400 million worth of IEP
>Takes out loans against IEP
>Hedge Funds short IEP to the tune of -40% in a month
>Hedgies under the guise of investors sue Ichan because "Ichan Betray" to land the killshot
>Charges get dismissed
>Ichan comes out and says he actually didn't sell 400m worth of shares at all
>Stock up +30%
>Oodles of shorts on the hook completely baited
>Hedge funds rushing for the door to close
>Something about Ryan and Ichan in the same picture years ago
Kansas City Shuffle.
They've been here for over a year. They argue like that tranny in that tranny thread, now that I think about it.
It will be real awkward in here once it is revealed that Cohen saved Tupperware from bankruptcy by buying its children and pets IP. The proof is out there.
>we must save children and pets at all costs
>Tupperware is known as the food saver
>Tupperware has a baby brand (TupperKids)
>Tupperware has a pet brand (TupperPets)
>he doesn't know about TupperWatamelon
>he didn't receive the WaTup newsletter
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>there's even a newsletter
Buying $10k at open
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>even the """rebuttals""" are the same images over and over again
>hes here all night with his boyfriend arguing about bankrupt stocks
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>mad he bought the wrong distraction stock
Awkward indeed
Just like when someone calls you disingenuous. You’re still engaging in the same faggot behavior. The gif will never not apply.
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>you're a faggot if you dunk on me
Make le ironic Tupperware dd to try and delegitimize all the other real dd
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It's been a year since they threatened to kill Reverse Repo Rick live on CSPAN.
>if you dunk on me
You’ve never. Maybe you should watch the gif.
Just like how your AMC2 still exists.
Trademark meltdown at the end of the thread. Now give me an exquisite fake bake, chef.

You are the only one engaging in faggot behaviour, you are coming to a heterosexual tavern and throwing a bitch fit because no one will not follow you into a gay leather daddy bar and suck dicks with you.

New Richard Newton dropped. Sad to see him so disheartened by Ryan's antics
Yea holy fuck, they know Icahn has taken loans using his IEP as collateral so they are trying to force a margin call against him. This is why Icahn is diluting at all time lows, he has to hold the loan against rapidly deteriorating collateral, and it is also why shorts are going extra hard, and it is also why the delays are being pushed by bad actors.

The times are uniquely bad in financial markets, even with Icahns ownership levels he cannot confirm how many shares are actually circulating of his majority owned stock. The only entity that has that information is a private entity under the umbrella of the DTC. The entire legal structure of the market was setup from the beginning to facilitate the siphoning of retail/retirement accounts and also to elicit total control by having the ability to raise or lower prices almost arbitrarily. It seems innocuous from the outside but this is a firework show taking place because shorty - and the system overall - knows it is game over if new equity is issued to bbbyq holders, which smells like is already going to happen but they want to delay is for as long as possible and also fuck up the other M&A activities rc & Icahn have planned.

How much dilution has IEP actually performed then in the last ~6 months?
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>no one will not
>I can not counter your example, I will nit-pick.

I accept your concession.
>Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
when will GME go back to $60 so I can buy a house?
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Where's the volume?
Where’s the shills?
Presplit, definitely
recalled for P. Diddy Duty
I’m bitch slapping one in the tranny thread, he will be over soon
You are literally gorilla meat and your effort to blend in is weird
>Israel detonates all of Hezbollah's pagers they were using to communicate

>one detonating injuring the Iranian ambassador

interesting week
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Why is the one true other idiosyncratic stock (TUP) halted at a volume of 363?
Ryan "the work is done" Cohen
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>one true other idiosyncratic stock
Lol. Spy all time high.
And you blend?
Yes. Whatever psyop you’re working on is obviously failing and it makes you mad. That’s why you don’t blend.
No but his effort is far less suspicious. Kek. Keep up anon. He has 51 posts in both threads and nearly all of them are about a cancelled towel stock. That’s without counting his pals/alts 24pbtid.
>gorilla meat
give me something for the cringe and let me die
>preddit meme
Where did all the logoniggers go?
Oh, Clint. Good ol Clitty McClintock. *tsk tsk*

Tell me, what are your BagStop bags worth now? Are you richer than you used to be or - I’m just going out on a limb here - would you have been better off dumping everything you own into Bitcoin 4 years ago? Of course, no need to answer. We all already know.
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Larry Cheng helped Ryan Cohen build chewy.

Larry Cheng is a current board member of GameStop.

Ryan Cohen, in October 2022, posts a now famous photo having a sit down meeting with Carl Icahn.

Ryan Cohen tried to buy Bed Bath & Beyond for 400 million in December 2022, 2 months after meeting with Icahn.

Theppshow is a podcast dedicated to discussing Bed Bath & Beyond.

Larry Cheng went onto the ppshow in December 2023.

Platinum Sparkles has had teleconference meetings with the head of the SEC (Gary Gensler) and, to this day,
willingly engages with bbby discussions in a sad attempt to debunk a possible restructuring, almost daily, on twitter.

Paid stock bashers swarm over any and all discussions surrounding gme or bbby, and RC's adventures.
Is platinum sparkles a biological woman or a man? Biz has me confused.
When is the fed meeting? I thought it was today
they expect to kick the can some more. looking at the gme chart i know that we are in the ultra-flat crab phase after the algo repeated the sneeze on a smaller scale a few months ago. this is gonna flatten some more.
the stockmarket might become more volatile the closer it gets to the election. the election is the major turning point, after all bets are off, who tf knows.
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>more than one people dislike BBBY theory
>how can this be?
Looks like a pulse went flat on this company.
I’m down thousands and thousands of dollars in GME. What the fuck am I supposed to do now huh? What the FUCK huh??
>more than one people
Wait around like the rest of us. I feel trapped lol.
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You can imagine you're me, who is up thousands and thousands of dollars in gme.
Kek. That’s Ken’s ekg. Someone post the meme.
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Imagine not owning the stock with the best memes
You sound desperate, can you join me in the BBBY general please, this is not related to GME
The owner of the worlds largest Omni channel company had butterflies in his twitter banner and is now tweeting ryan Cohen's BBBY deposition.

How peculiar, what could this mean?
>what could this mean?
Absolutely nothing now please take this discussion to the bbby thread. 96oyfRgl and QDhXhDoS are obsessed and would like to talk to you there.
Kek dumbfuck baggies
>court case revealing nothing to GME but to another stock that has its own general
Holy kek, another bull run and baggots still sit @20
It’s still not at the $70k you bought it at you dumbfuck crypto baggie
Have you noticed what forms of schizophrenic dd are allowed and which aren’t?
>It’s still not at the $70k you bought it at you dumbfuck crypto baggie

Thinking that everybody not in gme has crypto. You should get your meds asap

oh i forgot, you probably dont have any money as you bought another dilution atm from ur beloved RCEO
Everyone has noticed
If only you had a general you could go to to discuss your “stock” in peace, would be amazing wouldn’t it, maybe you should give it ago
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>CEO of GameStop tweets that he’s looking for a strong head of Omni- engineering
>the head of the biggest Omni-channel company essentially confirms he is aware of Ryan and his deposition
You can’t be fucking serious? How is that not related to gme?
Well you see, it’s not related because of something called “he says so, baggot”. Hard to argue with such a well reasoned man who’s shown himself to have a level head.
Let me get this straight. Israel sent hezbollah pagers and then hacked them and blew them up LMAO

So what discussion surrounding gme and Ryan is allowed? Can you and your friend give me a chart?
Anyone who wants to discuss bbby will be better served by doing so in its own channel.

Nintendo was the last company to put out unique hardware and now they're following the crowd, especially with their bullshit tiered online membership stuff. Gaming is dead.
Hi Clint what does this have to do with gme? Why aren’t our thread police asking you to go and discuss it elsewhere?
it appears to me that gamestop cannot pump
>replying to me after being filtered

Shiggy diggy
Doesn’t say he is looking for a BBBYQ strong head of Omni- engineering
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I sure hope the Israeli sovereign wealth fund isn’t caught up in a naked short racketeering scheme that they can only hope to delay through endless war.
>lying about filtering
>in 2024
Go back to the discord for 10 spankings
Neither of those posts said anything about bbby?
Is Ryan Cohen the ceo, chairman and president of GameStop not gme related?
Things not related to gme may be talked about for a short period of time until it is clear that there is no connection. Bbby has been shilled in this thread for 2 years and there's never been any connection. Bbby has its own thread.

Did GME even sell the 20 million shares yet?
>More war crimes
Completely indiscriminate. You have no idea who was holding/wearing those pagers at that time. Were any of them malfunctioning (since, you know, they were bombs) and in the hands of some unwitting repairman? Being played with by someone's kid? Sitting next to something flammable in someone's home? You also can't use weapons that cause "superfluous injury." If you're aiming to kill an enemy combatant, your weapon has to be designed to kill them. It can't be tuned primarily to maim, leave people blind or with lost limbs or whatever.

Like, I'm actually disgusted.
I’ll take the stand, I’ve been doing this for few days now I would like it if you refer to me as sir I’ve earned it, I swear to tell the truth whole truth so help me kitty.

Yes Ryan Cohen is the leader and CEO of GameStop
No. That’s why they’re in here seething. They don’t know where the shares are.
Bbby has been shilled for 2 years. Go back.
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I'm not sure. The day after earnings saw the most volume but since then it's been pretty low. If there is no announcement of it being finished this week, I will be suspicious.
Ryan Cohens tweet looking for an Omni channel engineer didn’t explicitly say anything about bbby. The only thing that connects bbby to it is that the guy who happens to run the biggest Omni channel company tweeted Ryan’s depo. The fact that people aren’t allowed to discuss that and how that may relate to gme whether it includes bbby or not is bizarre.
you're about to get 3 for free-d but you're right and CUNT loves israel even though they're shorting his favorite stock and love his mortal enemy (crypto). Almostttt like he's a poorly executed psyop.
I'm already suspicious. I hope it delights the gme shareholders.
>still replying

I don’t love Israel, I just hate [REDACTED] sand [REDACTED] more
>still replying

i shiggy it. suck and fuck the nation of insider trading and naked shorting all you want. doesn't make you glow less.
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What's bbby? Tell me the whole story. Seems relevant.
They can't delete me from warosu. *shrug*
>Clint: brings it up
>No ban
>Me: responds
Same as it ever was.
Sorry I don’t know anything about that. I think you should go ask in the bbby thread. I would however love to discuss why the head of an Omni channel company is posting Ryan Cohen deposition screenshots.
What if the shares never get sold and they just keep them hanging over hedgies heads for weeks?
Ryan will annouce another dilution right in apes face and will sell twice as much shares

But it is bullish for apes
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Either way we will WAGMI and crypto baggies will suicide.

Enough said.
cope isn't a strong enough word for this
How many more shares does he have approval to sell, like 400 million right?
Up to 1B in total I think.

But it is fine, because every dilution raises the floor (according to apes)
Hello. I’m a reporter for the financial times writing a story about the continued meme stock status surrounding gme. Can I ask you some questions? You appear to know quite a lot about this stock, what would you say draws you to inform yourself on every minute detail of a stock you do not hold? Who are the apes? Are they in the room with us now?
Warning against the cult is a pleasure for me personally.
ummm clinties?
don't check the price of BTC or GME
somebody post the clint chart btw
>inb4 gameshit can't pump chart
>inb4 the compilation of me kekking baggies about the split doing fuck all (somehow this is an own according to baggies)
No one holds this stock, we all sold. The problem is that we all deeply regret selling, but we've spent all our money on Funko pops and can't buy back in. So we hang out in this thread and pretend to be shills.
>GME can’t even sell the shares they diluted from shareholders

Baggiebros… this is getting sad
>bro you can't laugh at us in /gme/ or /bbbyq/
>nobody would do that unless they're paid to
cohen baggies are honestly getting off easy on this board compared to the mass-kekking of icy piss, linkoids, and to a lesser extent, the xrp schizos
consider yourself lucky
>posted it in both threads award
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kek UBSissies
>doesn't even attach the image
baggies just aren't putting their back into it anymore
Wow fucking kek. In both threads. This nigga is pathetic.
>admitting to baggying both gme AND bbbyq
fucking kek
Gee they sure are mad over this one stock I hold
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>admitting to baggying both gme AND bbbyq
You’re in both threads does this apply to you. Kek.

Uh oh
>spy hits ath immediately crashes
It’s fucking over.
let's party like it's 19.99
Make a hedge fund employee kill himself for the low price of $19.99
I slurped at $19.98
Put me down for 6, I’m good for it.
Kek dumbfuck retard can't pump baggies
kek me harder please
does me not liking gme and bbby upset you?
Threaded, frens!
shes a mtf
there are full nudes of her but a well made silicone pussy looks just the same and smell isnt visible on pics or vids
once i realized most/all porn stars are mtf i went from goon to nopfap in a day.

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