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Now that the pump has begun. How much of your initial stack do you have left faggots? I want to feel good about my mistake.
>25% left
why do we get farming scams like avi spammed here everyday for a year but real alpha gets deleted by jannies.
>another rubic thread
Fucking end your life anon. Stop shitting up the board
Also, why does pengo keep selling? Has he lost conviction in the project right before the bridge goes live? That’s very concerning that a team member would be doing that :(
V Sauce, Michael here.... Then why is it pumping?..
It's not pumping. ETH rose 5% and so did AVI.
Shitcoins are doing 20-30%+ and these baggies consider 8% a pump? Ayyyyy Maria
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Ever feel like making it?
Ever feel like your life of fud is cold and meaningless?
Do you want to be somebody?!
Join the Hell-Avivers today!
If this was real I would unironically join. I want to kill the bugs. Im not gonna buy your shitcoin though, sorry
>>58993070 kek at this baggie
Just ignoring pengo dumps and don't even try to debooonk it
Haven't sold any.
Skybridge release incoming due to market conditions.
Keked and checked
You all have been saying that for as long as I’ve known about this shitcoin, which is a year. Time to shit or get off the pot
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I'm not going to tell biz to buy anymore.
We've hit our limit of crazies, and we're about to leave this god forsaken hell hole.
I will miss some of you, though.
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I've heard Coffee and Pengo talking in the voice chat on Discord before at the same time.
They are two very different people with different wallets.
Your fud is weak, Anon.
I'm too powerful for you.
Before long, I shall transcend time and space.
*clicks into euphoria*
>Time to shit or get off the pot
TFM slop guzzler lol
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I am still in possession of 153,000,000 AVI
I don’t know what that means but you sound like a retarded zoomer
No you haven’t
You guys are becoming hated on this board for constantly having like 5 threads and whining and bitching.
I've seen this so many times.
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Diamond held for over a year and just sold 10% of my stack this past month to recoup my initial. It hurt to sell the local bottom but I'm still up 10x and feel better spreading that money out over some other projects. Still have a multi make-it stack and still believe in the fox.
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The day they launched on Testnet, they were both in the Discord chat talking. I was surprised because that was the first time I had seen Coffee communicate anywhere. Pengo sounds VERY German, Coffee not so much.
The lie has to stop Anon.
Accept it. Avi is salvation.
The only wrong doings in Aviator were the Pawpatrol goobers who are mad envious that they couldn't turn Avi into a scam.
I've had my share of investments, and this is the one that has legs. It takes networking and connections to be successful, and the team has this. I made a killing off of Gala and Axie, and I'll do the same with Avi.
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maybe I’m retarded (I definitely am) but when people say 5M make it/500K sui stack, what do they mean by making it and why would I suicide with 500K I don’t understand the suicide stack thing
>5M make it / 500k sui
KEK is this what baggies are coping with now? they wont tell you this but its ATLEAST 10M for a make it stack and that how it has always been. dunno what changed for people to say 5M.
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>need more than 5mil to make it
what groidhead one must be to still fail at live with these kind of gains
>It hurt to sell the local bottom
You’ll be better off by doing that, trust me. Diversifying your bag isn’t a meme like the fags in the TG want you to believe. I sold a few mil back in August and the shitcoin I bought is up nearly 50% today.

>coffee and pengo are 2 different people
No they’re not
>I heard them talking to each other
Let me go on the discord and change my name to any of the ens wallets we have. That should prove I’m them, right? You fell for the larp. Plain and simple
>Diversifying your bag isn’t a meme like the fags in the TG want you to believe.
The only fags in the TG who were all in became 4chan niggers like yourself.
>No they're not
Uhm ya they are retard, except you forgot that they're also actually stixil who was also in that channel talking but you weren't there because you're a 4chan nigger.
You know Coffee used to be on the team and left for personal reasons right? He and Pengo were listed on the OG site as two separate members of the team since pre-1M mc. The discord thing is true - Pengo is German and Coffee is not. They also write totally different in the TG. Why would they create some elaborate larp like that lol? The schizo theories have gotten so wild lately hahahaha. Also, look at the team allocations - they've been strict with those and you're implying they paid a MOD twice. You are also sayinf a MOD is one of the largest holders. Also, Coffee is super supportive of Aviator. None of it makes sense. I want to say put more effort into your fud, but also, it's pretty funny, so...carry on hahahahaha and make sure not to miss your appointment with the theravist.
2 more weeks for bridge guis!!!!
it means a stack of 5m coins newgen
Kek, how many team members has this project had?
>The only fags in the TG who were all in became 4chan niggers like yourself
Stop projecting you fucking retard. You trannys were talking about how diversifying was a meme just the other day. Anyone who takes financial advice from a bunch of limp wristed faggots deserves to lose everything
So coffee was in fact a team member after all, huh? It’s almost like the “schizo fudders” knew wtf they were talking about. All these months you faggots denied that coffee had ties to the team, and yet here we are. Ooops!
Got yourself a new ID, eh? You must've skipped your appointment with the theravist. I can't speak for the team, but Coffee was literally on their website? It's not some big conspiracy. As far as I know, the Aviator team never denied Coffee being a part of the team in the past, just in the present. He literally used to help with the game jam stuff in the Discord. Yet another reason no one should trust you - you clearly haven't been with the project that long and/or don't actually take the time to research the shit you say (though, that was already obvious hahahahahaha).
>everyone is jimmy
Yes yes we are all the same person
>go see therapist
After you, nigger

>”It's not some big conspiracy”
lol this will be a nice surprise for the anon who has been posting transactions to prove that coffee was tied to the team while you guys kept passing it off as schizo theories
I bought a bad yesterday, I have no clue what this token even does.
It looks marketable though, so normies might buy it at some point.

I'll just refer back to my other post lol:

Coffee and Pengo are 100% two different people. When you leave the team, you lose your NDA privileges, so Coffee is just like anyone else at this point. There is nothing to prove lol. Again, clearly you haven't done your research or been with the project for a long time, because you'd already know all of this.

Theravist. Now.
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Anon. I think you need help. This is a stretch even for you.
It allows you to vote in their DAO, plus the ability to use Supersonic upon launch (near instant bridge transfers both ways vs. 7 day delay for most other tokens) which means arb opportunities and you save on fees. Plus, once the arcade drops, you'll be able to use it to play and get rewards as a player/dev. They've also said v2 of SkyBridge will have a single sided LP feature (i.e. possibly the only Aerodrome competitor on Base).
That is probably very good for someone who doesn't just want to hold and hope for a price increase.

Is the arcade like a casino? Or how do I spend tokens in it?
>how do I spend tokens in it?
You don’t. It doesn’t exist. It’s still in its alpha stages and we are a long way before it ever goes live. Don’t forget all the audits it will have to go through as well
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Nafo organized tranny coin pushes by jidf chat bots
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Death to all internationally organized WEF/ Sayanim assets
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>He and Pengo were listed on the OG site
no they werent
the OG site didnt even have a team list
on the current site, theres three obvious missing spots where max, sami, and defi kraken used to be listed

everyone needs to stop interacting with fuddies entirely for a while just to see what they come up with by playing off of each others blatant lies
The anon you’re replying to seems to be a shill…
I’m asking why a suicide stack is called a suicide stack you dumb drooling faggot
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My name has come up quite a few times in these threads.
I am not pengo, we are seperate people.
All my tokens in my wallet are brought on the fair market. I have personally put in approx 75-100k USD of my own hard earned money.

I was temporarily apart of the team as an organizer for the game jam.
The reason I took a step back was to focus on my IRL business and the fact that my ENS was directly put on the website without consulting me. I never once requested any type of mod, special previlage in the socials. I never spoke on behalf of the team and simply accumlated.
I was very much hands off the project as I would have like to sell the top but the fact is that my name was on the website, which my ENS shared the name. Hence I didnt sell as I didnt want fud to be caused, but deep in my heart I was low key fucken pissed about it.

I think there has been some confusion on the "coffee" wallet dumping the top, Maybe thats the coffeac wallet thats the #1 holder, but personally I put in like 7 eth shortly after the top as a support.
Money I earned from my own business and that wasn't allocated to me.

Any allocation I received was locked away for a year and will likly never be touched.

Any swings that I currently do, including what I dropped at the 3s always had the intention of supporting and creating floors.

Avi is going to go Brrr, its just a question of when.
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Holy based
>Any swings that I currently do, including what I dropped at the 3s always had the intention of supporting and creating floors
If the price goes up and you sell into that, how exactly does that support the floor?
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the guy posting "evidence" after talking it up for months and months and avoiding the topic every time he was asked to provide a transaction, boiled down to coffee spending ~$30 in eth to troll you fucks. and it still took you 7 months to catch on.

that's it. that's the whole shebang. a guy with $500k in the wallet you know about spent ~$25 as a joke to keep you schizos going around in circles, and you've played right into it because you can't imagine a world where a rich guy spends the cost of a hamburger for entertainment.

just $25 and you've made all these posts. it's got to be one of the most successful trolls in the crypto space at this point. fuck you autists are so easy to wind up. your broken brain can't fathom a world where a guy spends less than the average gas fee on eth to troll you.

why aren't you guys talking about jay being 5ft3 anymore??????!!!!
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>how do i support the floor
Picrel nigga.
Now kiss the ring.

Brokies are brokies for a reason.
>>58995784 nice photoshop.. at least remove the meta data, and you forgot to add your balance under avi...
So that you don't kys if it moons for not buying
>my sells help support the floor
every time. To the retards itt thinking this will hit 1b, let alone 30m, pay close attention to what the baggies type
Day 6 of the 2 week special bridge release operation

Happy 1 month audit anniversary!!! LFG
We’re no closer to a product release now than we were 14 months ago. They kept telling you
>the ball is in their court! The bridge is being held back by Hack-ACK!
Now that the audits have been done, they’re telling you that they can’t release the bridge until they finish rebranding the rebranded design. We’re currently on v4.5 of the UX. In the meantime, you have baggies trying to convince people that whales selling into pumps is helping to build a stronger floor LOL
Kek, and baggies seem to believe css changes on a few page website actually takes weeks and not hours.
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release it now
release it right now, i am done asking
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>my sells help support the floor
and not selling helps ensure there is a floor
oh holy shit are you that retarded you actually think tokens are supposed to go up and to the right?
go buy neiro you fucking inbred.

>deflect deflect deflect
oh it's the mindbroken guy who sold in april apparently and has spent the last 5 months working for free 24/7 to spread the word about AVI lmfao.

imagine listening to an IQ 80 literal schizo try to speak about a coin with authority. I would say it's funny but frankly it's just sad that he's still here, day after day, month after month and he still has no talking point.
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"guys why is nobody is talking to me"
Recently some top members of the community were invited to a private testnet of the new UX V2 which was created by the team directly from valuable feedback of the community.

In this test, one of the community deployed and bridged a brand new ERC20 contract from Ethereum to Base in a handful of seconds, without having to write a single line of code.

This is what sets apart Skybridge and Aviator as Coinbase pivot towards supporting and growing utility based projects that will help them to onboard 1 billion crypto users.

Whilst there are other bridges out there, none of them allow projects to deploy their existing token to a new network without the help of a dev.
Base is the first target due to the team's close relationship with Coinbase, but more chains will be supported in the future including from Base to ETH and other EVM chains.

Don't take my word for it, you can find the transactions here:

1. Create new contract on ETH:

2. Deploy contract from ETH to Base:

3. Bridge token from ETH to Base:

4. Withdraw token from Base back to ETH:

As you can see, the tech is very real and there is a proven need for the utility and Coinbase involvement has been confirmed.
Despite this, you can clearly see the same fudder with the same fake conversations and talking styling in every thread.

Price is beginning to rise and it's a small cap about to work alongside CB so it only requires a very little amount of buy volume to catapult through ATH and go back to price discovery. Don't get fudded out of life changing money.
release it now.
>private testnet
why do some people get alpha but not other holders? doesnt seem very fair to other baggies
>why do some people get alpha but not other holders?
not everyone is created equally.
what background do you have apart from soft-fud/being funny on 4chan, that would provide actual actionable value to the team?
can the team trust you to sign an NDA and actually avoid dumping videos and screenshots of the things they are working on?
are you a technical user?
have you shown some sort of engagement or investment into the development process in the past that provided value?

answers to all of those, and you get your answer:
not everyone is valuable.
not everyone is trustworthy.
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imagine accidentally inviting the 60+pbtid froggy faggot to a test session lmfao.
look how much he seethes knowing he didn't get an invite, and he's not in the super secret whale chat.
no sir, not everyone is valuable.
i get that but isnt it unfair to other holders who may want to increase / decrease their stack after seeing full skybridge? i thought they wanted to run things like a real company ? seems like some people get insider info but not others?
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team has given you plenty of info about skybridge.
you either believe it exists or it doesn't.
a technical demo and feedback session is unlikely to change that.
and if it is, then imagine a red apple in your mind and, using picrel, tell me which number you are.
it COULD change it though. the people who got to see it early now have insider information that the average tg baggie does not. they have given info but not as much as private testnet baggies got. i know it exists but the fact that some people have more info than the rest isnt very ethical
also let me walk it back a tiny bit because i realise withot context i sound like a massive dick:
- a technical interrogation of a product is a specific exercise where you try to break things, rate UX, rate a process, provide clear feedback and suggestions.
- the team would then collect that feedback, consider actions at the next step etc.

this isn't "hey guys here's a secret unveiling of the bridge haha fuck those other guys hey".
the screenshots the team posted were more than enough.
>the fact that some people have more info than the rest isnt very ethical
what info would that be? that there's a bridge?
you've seen screenshots of it. it's a bridge.
the contracts are on the testnet for you to see.
the audit is there too.

again, if you need minute detail down to the color of buttons to decide if this is "for you" then that is probably why you were not invited, apart from the fact that it's a technical exercise much like the testnet launch was.

have you provided a hacken testing feedback report yet? what's that you ask? well, exactly my point.
well it must be at least a bit critical of info since they signed an NDA. invitees got to evaluate the teams technical prowess in a setting that others did not. maybe there is something about the technical exercise they did that would or would not instill more confidence in their ability as a dev team. those testers now have that information while others do not.
Thats literally every project in crypto though lmao.
sure, but aviator team prides itself on being different than other crypto projects
>whales dumping on you helps support the project
>you should be thankful
Kek baggies
>I thought they wanted to run things like a real company
Do you think that when a new tech product releases that everyone in the market are the first to use it? There are always and will always be testers to get feedback
yes, they had a public testnet. but now other holders get into a private testing environment where they received additional information compared to the average baggie. what if 5 baggies from the tg were allowed to evaluate the kerasu plan prior to its launch?
NDAs are standard for pretty much everything you do with a company that is doing the right things. i went to the google offices and part of the sign in process is an NDA.

>evaluate the teams technical prowess in a setting that others did not
i think you just want things spelt out for you in 100% certainty, which is not how a low cap highly speculative investment works, and never how it will work.
you bought an iphone/android phone that you never got to test-drive for a week before you bought right? oh you got a 3 minute play with a display model and watched a few reviews on youtube? yeah that's what i mean.


>quick the topic is moving on without me reeeeeee
nice new ID. stuck in home on a friday again eh, tough luck. i hear after 30 you get magic wizard powers for staying a virgin.
>what if
your neuroticism is leaking again there sir
sir what if kerasu plan private evaluation was enacted and some members from the tg got to see the full marketing schedule / potential listings , and other baggies did not? would that be fair ?
>arguing about insiders to the insiders
Anon… the people farming you don’t give a fuck about your feelings. Have some self respect
yeah it just hurts to realize after trusting these people and being jerked around for months. oh well i guess there is always another coin
>kerasu private plan
lol nice bait.
CbDQ/byT you need to learn from this anon - he is way better at your job.

>the people farming you don’t give a fuck about your feelings
yes please listen to this anon he has been working so hard since he sold back in february or april or whatever to remind you 60 times per thread, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to buy more PAW!
no he doesn't know you.
no he doesn't own any avi.
no, he's never been right with anything he says.
but can't you see he CARES about you?!
he's definitely not a swingie who needs a better entry no sir.
>i guess there is always another coin
yup. see you!

AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Hacken have now completed their SECOND audit of AVI's bridge including a 60+ page report outlining a huge number of contracts and features as well as some very important security fixes in place that help make it one of the only truly audited (no Certik) bridges in the space.

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped; they've been at it for months just check the archives for some of the dumbest shit you've seen in a long time. Congratulations, you've meet the Rajeeshes.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

>What happens then?
- AVI deploy their token to BASE which gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- Token holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees for tokens
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing due to the team's proven connections
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 feature

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at /biz/ midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing. Screenshot this.

kek im not going anywhere
avi to $1
avi to $0.00001
i dont care. i will always be here
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yes i know but i love your bait. it's actually enjoyable. thank you for giving me a laugh.

the autistic fuck who spergs out (picrel) over finkle coin or whenever a convo appears that isn't directly replying to him, is not even playing, he's actually that sapeshul.
They are literal jews. It’s in their dna to steal and lie, but not many people know about how jews are born schizophrenics. Why else do you think avi threads are full of them?
now i just need you to denounce the talmud.
just kidding we all know you're sri lankan.
hi raj. sucked the piss out of any cute cows lately?
On top of all that, jews are also a bunch of filthy degenerates. Besides brainwashed christcucks, nobody likes them
alright mine is just an act anon but you actually sound crazy.
>Besides brainwashed christcucks, nobody likes them
You’re mostly right but don’t forget the street shitters. jews have an obsession for piss and shit which is part of why the jeets love them so much
Checked and based. Calling them schizophrenic jews seems to trigger them kek
All you newfags who keep asking about price predictions, pay attention because I'm going to give you the most accurate prediction yet. Here is what will happen by EoY. A date for the skybridge will be announced, the jewish team will cause a mini fake pump to hype it up. At most, this will peak at .005. After the bridge gets released, the jews will dump their bags the same way they did after the first audit. This will cause a ripple effect because baggies will start giving up hope at that point. The price will drop to the low-mid .000s where it will crab for another 9 months while the team makes excuses for why the arcade is being delayed. Ultimately, the bridge will be a failure, there will be no arcade, and everyone slowly sells their bags. While all this is going on, the jews will spend less time in the tg and it will be an echo chamber for the retards who are left holding the bags. Screencap this
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You're a newfag. Go back to fudding Rubic son
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>sold way too early, couldn't hold
>shits his pantaloons when thinking he might have played it wrong
>too proud to rebuy
>tries to drag avichads into the pit with him with random fud
ngmi my main man

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No one cares to refute your retarded claims anymore, it's been done a thousand times by now and proves you're an attention seeking retard everytime. It's just fun to cyberbully you at this point.
>gEt oFF My BoaRd
Yeahhhhh... you're going to be a loser until you inevitably die from the blood clots in your fat fucking legs clogging your barely functioning mostly clogged up heart valves.
>deflect, deflect, deflect
if you're going to larp as the fuddie at least do a good job you retard.
you should know by now that avi is filled with pattern recognition experts that can spot a pajeet and a sri lankan samefagging from miles away
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tell us more about your religion then anon.
funny how they always talk shit about your beliefs, but they can never tell you about theirs.. and they can NEVER ever EVER post hand.
>peak 0.005
>less than the ath that pumped on an audit announcement and good market conditions
>second half of the bullrun just started
>powell going to pump our bags
i'm sorry anon it was a nice attempt but you need to make it more believable.
something about coinbase getting sued or losing their license might be more believable. maybe sec sueing jesse for making bagholders.
heck find some shit about them not being able to accept us clients anymore.
i believe in you.


>believes in god
>believes in Jesus, the son of god
>believes that Jesus is also god
>believes that god allowed his creation to kill his son/self in order to forgive your sins
>rises from the dead anyways
>will sit next to himself in heaven
>believes that jews are gods chosen people
>jews believe that Jesus’s mom is a whore

>make the fud more believable
we can’t break .003. The only way we will get to 005 is if eth carries us there, but then pengo and the rest of the team will keep selling into those pumps dropping us back down again.
bridge announcement this week
-still can't larp accurately
r-efuses to elaborate on his religious beliefs and doesn't post hand
-pegged once again by AVI holder's unwavering pattern recognition as a dirty digusting smelly 8 armed cow god worshipping street shitter.

i give you a score:
i bought when you all panic sold over the fuddie and now i have a double make it stack and am up more than 10x before we even launch on coinbase.
lmfao i'm going to make it so hard.
the fuddie will still be here crying i'm sure while the lime green lambo pulls up to the front of my house from the dealer.
love you stackie, love you penguin man, love you gandalf.
I have 1.1 million out of my original ~4 million.. I didn’t want to sell several months ago but kind of had to at the time…
Why are you here then? Lol
What the fuck? Give me 1 million of that
Thanks in advance.
Why am I on biz? Same reason as everyone else. If you want to discuss this shitcoin in an echo chamber go back to the tg you fucking tourist
>Why am i on biz?
to fud your own bags?
kek yes we know.
no, you're not very good at it
andd yes, i'm not selling.
what's the sui and MI stack in dollar terms ?
$5k? $10k?
$0.002513 per token
$2513 sui (1m tokens)
$25,130 make it (10m tokens)
$12,565 cope make it (5m tokens)
Thx anon i migh buy some more until the cope make it stack.
I only have 2m Avi
good luck sir. i believe in the finkle coin.
also it seems the bottom was just around 0.002 so you're not far off but also i don't think we're coming back to it.
chat is filled with not financial advice that they should probably charge us for. i have no idea what a fucking bond is but the tg was live streaming the cuties and then everything turned green so i will let the big brain carry us to victory.
chart looking juicy
this is when it dumps right ?
Pengo will run a /vote campaign then dump it since he knows nothing is coming for the next 6 weeks.
yup there it is, the 4-hourly team member dump right on schedule, wouldn't wanna get too close to .003!

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