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Geiger squares edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs




>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58997828
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anyone else is going to add the Trump coin to their meme stack ?
I remember the first time I brought any silver I still lived with my parents, I showed it to my mum and she was disappointed and said it was stupid. I never forgave her for that
My dunmer queen.
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reminds me of my parents
I started getting into pm last year or so and spend half of my savings on a 100g gold bar and a 5Kg Silver bar my parents thought it was good of me to look into the future but said I shouldn't spend so much
No i have all my Money in pm and barely anything in my account
lol no
Peak cringe to buy trinkets from this zog grifter
Same for me, since 2009.

I remember when I was at BNP, I had a big inflow of money, they bothered me with their stupid savings accounts, I told them to fuck off, and as soon as they saw my purchases from precious metal sellers (in Germany), I received a letter from them 15 days later informing me that I had to look for another bank.

The guy at the agency had understood that he would never make money with me. :D
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Already got my fist pump trump tube of 20 rounds.
The most staged shooting in history. Female secret service agents stumbling around and dudes walking around roofs with rifles unhindered. Sure thing.
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Yep, some people are dumb.
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You mean this one?
Lcs had these ones for 35....
I fucking knew you shiny rock jeets were just trying to scam retarded hillbillies.
Now I have proof directly from the government.

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>trusting the government
Definitely buy gold.
I'm just going to keep doing what they are, simple as.
We don't buy gold, we exchange counterfeit money that destroys the value of our work, for something that, on the contrary, maintains it.

You're the stupid one for not understanding that.
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>Geiger squares edition.
Looks like another /pmg full of vapid and obnoxious mid wits. Enjoy the circle jerk, i think i'm done with this board for good.
see you tomorrow Anon
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>buys a roll of trump rounds
>calls others midwits
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Five hours twenty minutes before the market opens. What's going to happen this week?
>mid wits
>worships zion don
nice info
I haven't had a beer yet and I'm already seeing double.
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Don't fall for the trap. Just buy a broad ETF or portfolio of stocks. Researching stonks is actually fun if you know how. One thing I do is I have a python script loop every stocks in the US market and screen dump various valuation sites' pages for that ticker. I then scroll through the folder and find tiny stocks with phat profits and ROICs. Everyone else is buying meme stocks and overpriced junk.
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>buy a broad ETF or portfolio of stocks
Buy rope instead.
>Cede owns 83% of all issued stocks in the United States
You can't own stocks lol. You own Bitcoin w/ self custody (not advocating for it, just an example), but not stocks.
Ah oh, a schizo retard.
>you can't arrest me bro, I'm technically an admiral at sea journeying the highway in my boat
beginner question is there an actual reason why the market closes on weekends and doesnt open until 9 30 eastern time?
>muh graphs that go back to 1802
you know they're desperate when they show you shit that is meaningless unless you happen to live for 200+ years kek
You're the one advocating for stocks in Precious Metals General. Who's retarded now?
it's an artifact of history from when people actually had to show up in person to trade stocks
they keep it around because it allows for lots of off hours shenanigans
Gold might not be as good a ROI as stocks but its impossible to FAIL with Metals which is the important thing
You can make a bunch of Money if you get lucky and bought Miocrosoft or Apple stocks back in the day before anyone knew it was gonna rise like crazy but you can also lose a bunch of Money that way
With Metals at Worst you will break even at at best You will make money back
Also you dont buy Metals to make money but to shield against Inflation
funny, my gold has made me a lot of money
>Also you dont buy Metals to make money but to shield against Inflation
You get better protection against inflation by holding assets that produce value for you. See chart again and compare stocks to the dollar.
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we can't have them all die now

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even if you're right (you're not), past performance does not indicate future results
this is end game
no, we're not buying the pico top of your boomer stocks
now get out
>fiat currency
Dude, where do you think you are?
>exiting our ponzi scheme and protecting your wealth is actually a scam, bigot! Keep going into debt forever!
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Gentlemen happy Sunday
>97 Apurand so far
>Pirate rounds expected to finish by Oct 11 due to gold plate processing
Buying at the top of the stock market actually produces superior returns to trying to time the market. There are many studies on this.

Even so, you don't have to buy the stocks with crazy valuations (some of the megacaps are 100+ p/e)

+ gold itself is ATH. Unlike stocks, you could have dead money for DECADES from this point out.
everyone has their own reason for stacking up on Metals and no one is really wrong as long as they keep on stacking
I stack because in a few years when im old and the pension system has crumbled to death because there are no young people around to care for the old people one of those will pay for my monthly rent and groceries
Ownership in businesses isn't fiat. It can be denominated in anything. I could sell you stocks for a business for a cartload of manure, it doesn't mean that stocks are manure.

Honestly guys, I'm seeing extremely low IQ and ignorant takes in this general.
the only stocks that keep going up are the stupid mega 7 or whatever it is
buying midcap companies is a great way to lose money

and you think gold won't go up from here for decades huh. we'll just see about that, sweetie
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>oy gevalt don't exchange your precious paper for precious metals, it's a SCAM
KEK, the desperation from the tiny hats is palpable. Glad to see none of the comments are taking it anymore.

I never thought i'd finally see the day where the trust of people in government's authorities drop below fucking zero. Hilarious.
businesses can at any time decide to dilute your stock by creating and dumping a million extra shares on your ass
sounds like fiat to me
>we'll just see about that, sweetie
perfect note to end this on. I belly laughed.

Enjoy your piles of nonproducing assets, greyhaired rednecks
>muh numbers on a screen
What a dork.
>+ gold itself is ATH. Unlike stocks, you could have dead money for DECADES from this point out.
oh, so you mean from this point on fiat will finally and magically stop to be constantly debased & devalued?
Do you pinky promise? No more money printing? No more deficit spending? No more mass T-bonds emitting? No more extra trillion USD in federal debt added every few months? No more inflation?

I'm so, so happy anon! At this point i thought the course couldn't be reversed anymore. But if you tell me it's cancelled, that our dollar purchasing power will always remain the same from now on, then we should all rejoice. Fuck gold indeed!
>Ownership in businesses isn't fiat.
Please tell me you aren't dumb enough to believe you actually "own" a chunk of the businesses you buy digitalized paper coupons from...
You write like a Q believer. Exact same attitude, worldview, and white trash demographic as well.
That's funny becuz if you check the Q archives you'll see my post in 10th or so position from his very first thread where i call his larp fake & gay.

But it requires beyond Qtard delusion -or desperate glowniggery lying- to believe fiat will magically stop to be devalued.
>perfect note to end this on
>keeps on replying
you just rekt yourself
seethe more
Of course fiat will continue to devalue. And it's a little petty but I'm enjoying the fact that you're converting it to dead rocks instead of producing assets.

You come from a toxic culture and only 1 in a million of you make it even to upper middle class. It's largely genetic, unfortunately.
Appalachian + Q believer + old + crying

>using appalachian as an insult
well now we know you're jewish
The only producing asset you'll ever own is uncle's old still after he passes away from diabeetus at 45

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>t. seething brownoid baboon
You will never be White. You'll never achieve White greatness. You'll always have you feces and skin the same color.
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You got your nose wrong.
>transparent attempt to leverage racism to have someone to look down upon even though the median "brownoid" earns 10x as much
Another classic meth-american trait
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Sadly for you, no amount of monies will ever make you white. Not even in your next reincarnations.
kys OP and never bake again.
Nigger thread.
No metals posted.
Low iq bait posting.
Do not post here, you have been warned,

>the absolute state of /pmg
are you able to post a position balance yet?
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If the two Anons are done arguing i have a question related to precious metals
How can i exchange my 5kg silver bar to 160 ounces of Silver?
I bought it when i just started and when it was the cheapest option for Bulk silver in Germany at the time for my but now isee the problems with it
If im ever gonna sell it i have to sell 5KG all at once when mist transaction with silver you could realistically make would only be .5 or 1 ounce like your weekly grocery trip for example
it's not OP's fault some stockfag showed up
why is this lady boiling in a pot of shit?
Then why are you posting here? Go make another
And show us how lame we are ;)
>I had to look for another bank.
Whut. How can it be legal. What country?
You're not going to get a 1:1 exchange because smaller amounts of PMs will always carry a higher premium. Call around to various coin shops and ask what they'd give you in cash for your bar, if they even accept it. Then after you sell it, call around again and ask for the prices on 1 ounce rounds or coins, or whatever else you're after. 1 oz generic rounds will be cheaper but recognizable coins like Philharmonics or Britannias will have a higher premium.
why would you expect to trade a bar for the exact weight in 1 oz coins. lol
you bought the bar because it had lower premium. if you trade it for coins you're gonna take a hit on weight
can i atleast get a 1:1 if i exchange it for 1Kg or 500Gramm bars
It even be okay with something like 150 ounces of silver
This is true but the important part is to call around to various coin shops if you have them in your area. And keep in mind every shop might have differing ideas of both buying and selling, so you need to call around again to get the best price when you buy.
It's escalating quickly, isn't it?
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>mfw I realized JUST that 2001 1/4 oz coin is retailing for over $1100 now.
trading it for 150 oz should be doable i think
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should i go for it?
I would only lose out on 10 Ounces which isnt all that much but if Silver really Moons in the coming months then those 10 ounces could be 20 or 30 ounces whcih would suck
This crypto nerd sethe makes me grin :)
> I need internet people to think for me.

Average nu-pmg poster logic.
This anon never stated that he was holding xrp you midwit.
>I don't understand the purpose of forums
angry autist logic
Yeah you can change you id as much you like on you mommys lap top op. you wail always be a moron.
Well there are no Coin shops in my area and im never getting a fair exchange for it so im just gonna keep it
It was my first real purchase and it does have some sentimental value to me even though its a bit impracticall
Im just gonna trade it for a new Car one day when the need arises or when i get a fair deal for it
1.) It's obviously implied
2.) If I'm a midwit, you still live with your parents and need a state appointed care taker when you go to school. What are you in now pal, 7th or 8th grade?
>no Coin shops in my area
Have you considered saving up those fiat cash bucks and going on a road trip?
930 eastern is when the New York futures market opens. Gold actually starts the trading week on Monday, 930 Sydney time. Because it's on the forex desk and forex only closes on Sunday.
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Americans are getting priced out of gold already. They're comin for that silver soon.
yup, that's how it works
gold goes up, people get FOMO, but it's too expensive, so they go for silver
When is the cut-off date for ordering Apurrands?
Similarly to the Pirate round, presales will continue until the production sample is ready which I predict should be some time in November
Cool, thanks.
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Markets are opening soon lads.
China's been trying to stealth stack without driving the western prices up much more in the last few months, so I wouldn't expect explosions or anything just yet.
china's been stealth stackin for years
At what time do they open exactly?
I bid on a numismatic gold piece and thought I was going to win it but some fag outbid me :(

It’s only .2411ozt 90% but I really wanted it. The next bid would make it $933 after fees but before tax when my last bid was only going to be $880. That’s a bit much and I don’t think going farther would be worth it anymore.

I really thought I’d win it. Part of me feels like the guy is a shill bidder because the piece hasn’t historically sold this high except to eBay assholes. Even if he’s not, he can be the retard who pays almost $1,000 for less than a quarter ounce of gold.
Yeah though they're getting extra sneaky about it now, probably try to ramp it up even more before October.
only i can have silver

you're not allowed
Be me. Over at moms. Trying to watch a movie. Cable doesnt work. Mom calls. They ask Mom for her security code.
I love mom
50 bings
I'm interested to exchange it for a 1:1 ratio equivalent in fractional silver if you want to. I live in the EU.
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Dubs checked... a lot of whining with a touch of persecution complex.
Its the Saudi's that are stealth buying right now, the chinks are taking a break, I think the brics countries are taking turns buying loads of gold as not to collapse the system (yet)
When silver eventually moons to thousands of dollars, do you think things with 50 or 100% premiums will still be worth 50 or 100% more than spot? Why not just stack silver that's still appealing to refineries for as cheap as possible right now instead of playing around with high premium semi-numismatics?
probably not. whole reason premium is so high is to compensate for the amount silver is suppressed. so if silver is allowed to increase in price, premiums won't be needed as much. yes, it's the overwhelming consensus here that weight is king.
When the Hunt brothers tried the corner the silver market back in the 80's there was bullion coin stores with queue's around the block with people who were buying silver at $100 with the spot at $50 all because of panic buying.
God, and with debt-to-GDP ratio being like 4x worse than it was back then, that whole mercury dime meme will be true.
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>but now isee the problems with it
He fell for the "Im going to buy a big Silber bar so i can be better than the 1 Ouncers" meme
>mercury dime meme will be true
Probably 1, 90% silver dollar when coin shops sill have inventory.
When coin shops need bank-tier levels of infrastructure is when the merc dime meme will come to fruition.
true. the bar people always mocked us coiners
who's laughing now
wtf bros i havnt been following metal prices for a while. are cheapies truly gone forever?
>Total Weight: 60 carats
>Sizes: Under 1 carat to 3 carats
>Dimension: 4mm to 11 mm
>Treatment: No treatment applied
>Variety: Corundum
>Color: Purplish pink with bewitch color shift in various lights (white, warm, yellow, and daylight)
>Origin: Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
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It is a ballsy move, but fractionals are always needed in every stack.
And yes, it is legal, banks are private companies, they can tell you to leave if they want, you have 2 or 3 weeks to find another bank.
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It's legal in France? May not fly in the US at this time.
>When silver eventually moons to thousands of dollars
I heard it's going to $1,5 million per oz within 2 years. I've taken up credit card debt to buy more. The nice bearded man in the youtube wouldn't lie to us. What are you doing to do with your trillions? I'll give half of mine to Q for keeping Trumf safe against the underground Hillary Clinton armies in the DUMBs.
I remember BTC was supposed to hit 1 million a few years ago.
You have to be an idiot to listen to influencers.
I have a nice healthy range with a small portion of kilos, a medium selection of 5 - 10 oz bars, most of my stack being 1 ozs and I've been focusing more on mercs and half dollars this last year.
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Nice photos fren.
Thanks fren :)
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Going through old pics to see about re-editing, I realize some could use a whole newreshoot.
Aaaaand that's a new all time high right?
so looks like i invested in the right stuff, but i am realizing it doesnt actually matter. you cant make money off investments unless you are already rich
I ended up getting it. Still under previous sales. Based.
True. And if you're rich, you're only really buying gold and silver to have some cool stack of treasure to leave to your kids.

t. wealthy.
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or to massively increase your purchasing power during the coming great depression / monetary reset. either one
If society ever falls (SHTF), precious metals will be worthwhile for about six months before psychopaths start the cycle of murder and plundering.
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In terms of marketing, this is true. But the initial clickbait still stands against the principles of metals stacking.
>muh mad max fantasies
yawn. not gonna happen
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Been a while since the FUDites changed up their strat. IQDELET was gettin stale.
how is withdraw money and buy gold bars a scam? lol. it's just sound advice
I paused my stacking for a few months bros…is it actually habbening?
probably. i'm on pause until october so hopefully we get a fake out dump then
how would you work if you don't find another country?
Is it necessary to own a bank account there?
That's exactly what I'm saying. SHTF will never happen. Gold and silver will never "massively incrase your purchasing power" because there won't be a great depression/great reset.

The wealthy will remain wealthy and the poor will remain poor. The poor buying metals will not save them from their place in the universe.
>there will never be a great depression/great reset
lol. keep your head in the sand
>dipshit boomer who has never lived through a depression OR some subhuman zoomer who thinks it's inevitable.
Yeah okay bud.
>35 trillion in debt doesn't matter
>we'll just pay trillions in interest every month bro
Your personal debt gives you no information on any given country's debt. Moron poors have been parroting what you're suggesting since I've been alive and it's never been true. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy life.
Normalcy bias such a boring DDIQ argument
i never mentioned personal debt dolt
Okay moron!

I stack both gold and silver and you're still wrong. No precious metal will ever help you get wealthy or advance your social station.

Sorry, not sorry.
The amount of debt doesn't technically matter in a system where infinite QE exists. What does matter is deficit spending and debt to GDP ratio which are also in the toilet right now while Keynesian shitdicks look the other way while their system gets looted the fuck out from within and without.
It won't just be the US dollar that eventually collapses. All currencies trading inside the eurodollar / SWIFT system are backed by the US dollar and they'll get burned in the same pyre all together. This is a globally systemic group of shacks all supporting each, and they'll all fall together.
>No precious metal will ever help you get wealthy or advance your social station.
actually it will
we can agree to disagree
infinite QE will just lead to hyperinflation which will require a monetary reset. wonder why central banks are accumulating so much gold
You reek of working class idiocy so I am done with you. Have a good one and keep on stackin'!
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And you reek of judaism. I do work for a living and will keep on stacking though.
>calls a Christian man a jew
>stacks some foreign Australian bullshit
Yeah, okay faggot. Any pride you get from working was instilled in you by people who work for wealthy men like me. Fuck off.
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real wealthy men don't feel the need to brag about it constantly on 4chan, sir.
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Damn I love that bar, never get sick of seeing it.
>No precious metal will ever help you get wealthy or advance your social station.
>Saving money will never help you get wealthy or advance your social station
what happened to bant?
>posts some gross 20oz bar.
Not bragging like you, just calling you a gigantic plebeian faggot.
Who sent this annoying boomer jew here? Who the fuck talks about Q anymore, can you keep the farce that is american culture out of these threads of culture? I'm so fucking sick of globohomo shit, can you keep it on facebook?

I have 200k usd in gold and silver and it makes me sleep good at night because it can't be raped by any central bank.
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SO lads I have 500k. how much should I invest in silver in gold respectively? also how the fuck are you storing it all? surely just buying a receipt that says you own precious metals defeats the entire purpose right? whats the point if I don't physically have it?
He's been coming here for a while. He usually posts something along the lines of "Poor people shouldn't buy PM's... and you're all poor"
>poofag cant even keep up with user IDs.
I know I will one day become an oldfag boomer, but I pray to God almighty that I'll have more sense and dignity than you do.
100 ounces of gold
the rest in silvet
That’s a lot of money if true! Others will have opinions counter to mine; but I believe that buying silver is the better purchase right now. My reasoning is solely because the gold silver ratio (GSR) is so darn high (historically speaking). The spot price doesn’t reflect the usage or relatively small mining output when compared to gold. I don’t think you’ll lose on gold, but I think you could win on silver if that makes sense?

I don’t collect bills, but I had to buy these at a show when I saw them. Millionen means million, and Milliarden means billion. The top note was issues in Weimar germany on September 1st, 1923 while the bottom note was issued on October 26th, 1923. Hyperinflation seems like such a far away thing, but here are a 50 million and 50 billion mark note issued less than two months apart. Not pictured is my 500 mark aluminum coin from the same year - a 100,000,000 increase in “value” in less than 11 months.
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>US market starts to open on a Monday
>spot prices tank
Every time. Audit the fucking COMEX.
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Id probably buy a cheap house and rent it out
I feel like 500K is enough to buy a decent size Appartment in a descently sized city and become a landlord
Having a source of passive income is always a good think to have regardless of inflation since the rent you get from your tenants naturally increases by the same margin as inflation so you don't lose out on anything
I just checked and yeah it's crazy how the spot just dropped 5% when it made another plus just before
I assume everyone is selling then my question is what are they planning to buy exactly at the moment?
also interestingly the spot pricer increased in Euros it only decreased measured by dollars
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20toz bars are awesome.
Real men don’t spam the same piece of bullion in every general and then have their butt buddy tell them how amazing it is every time.
Real men don't whine like you do.
>21 pbtid
You could have fooled me with all the whining you’ve been doing.
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>all the whining you’ve been doing
You’re doing it right now. Learn some self-awareness.
>just parroting what I've told to you in the past
You're clearly incapable of original thoughts lmao.
Projection. Oh dear anon I didn’t know you were this ass backwards.
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Stay mad :)
>24 seething pbtid
>”stay mad!”
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Genuine question, what's the point of buying really high premium "collectable" silver coins/rounds? How can you be certain that it'll retain its value over the decades?
some people like to waste money on cool things, anon
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1st ounce out of 5 expected today
>Utah only in above average
>Guam higher then New Hampshire or Kansas

i want to transfer money into checking to buy gold
Great series. Pretty awesome we got 2 releases this year to get back up to date
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And the other 4 just arrived
>it'll retain its value over the decades?
Say you have a really nice and fancy 1toz silver piece, something absolutely immaculate. And someone is selling something you want for 1toz of silver. And you go to exchange and another person is offering a generic 1toz piece, say an Asahi round. No one in the process wants to overpay, but the seller will be more likely to take the nicer piece over the generic silver.
That's the way I see it.
Are silver coins worth the extra premium compared to rounds? Wasn't sure since it's a lot cheaper than gold
>gold ath
>still stacking
Silver is silver if you ask me and I keep a healthy balance of coins and rounds
>bought in May 2023 for $1367
>worth $1700 melt now
look into buying “junk silver”.

The premiums won’t matter in the long run but if I have a choice between 5 silver eagles or 6 silver rounds I’m gonna go with the 6 silver rounds.
Silver not keeping up with gold constantly pumping is pissing me off
be glad it gives you a chance to buy some more ounces before everything goes to shit
US 90% and Canadian 80% is the best
Hell yeah brother. Every ounce counts. Never stop stacking.
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this guy gets it
how many troy pounds now?
Why do you like these bars? Kinda uggo imo. Zero premium?
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You know you want one
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Yep, there are so many people here showing us their overvalued coins, that it can only disconcert and even discourage visitors, because it becomes difficult to take stakers seriously, when we see the coins they buy.
says the guy with the name libertad?

>2 releases this year
?? Cutty Sark and... ???
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What is this? Stupid question day?
Depends. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
i thought he was already at at least 1 troy pound a couple 4 ounces ago
>gold is up a bit, that must mean silver is down
>Yup, silver is down
Can't wait for this ponzi scheme to end
This has been going on for decades why will the short ever end? Can't they do this forever I'm not convinced they won't keep it up until the singularity unfolds I'll be dead in 50 years.
Stop complaining about silver, its gold you need to keep your eye on, the analysts for years always said gold will be the one to break down the door then silver will run through it.

We're just at the start of the breaking down the door part.
“Great Eastern” dated 2023 but came out this spring, they skipped a year back during Covid, but were backdating the releases to keep the years consecutive
Not everyone here is a “silver ends the fed” capital S stacker bro. Some are collectors and even those two categories aren’t mutually exclusive, quit trying to shit on people posting nice things
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transferred. gonna do the 2025 elephant
>gold will be the one to break down the door then silver will run through it.
That's the first time I've heard that analogy. It's very good.
I forget who came up with it but you can see its true, gold at ath, silver nowhere near its ath, but since March/April its been getting pulled up with gold.
I had two and I sold them cus they are ugly to me
Alternate source, but no case:
I see - thanks!
Somali elephant?
Where do you see the 2025 for sale?
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You are wrong. You are also a faggot.
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Might have been thinking of me? I have 1 Troy Pound right now of the $100, 4toz silver bars.
Yeah, Somali Elephant. It's already up at BGASC, so it should be up on Bold and the others soon too.

Very nice - I overlooked this site.
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Based YouTube title even if he has to weasel word his actual video
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Been thinking of moving into precious gems on the side. Still gonna buy gold and silver (and platinum when I see a good deal) but I'll be looking for gems more than before.
If you think the PM market is manipulated, the gem market is even worse: the overvalue.
wtf is that portrait, looks retarded
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coin collectors are the gayest tho ngl
ever had your mouth washed out with bar soap?
You can't break these pm salesmen.
I see a bubble in relation to the presidential election.
They see our money.
You post this shit >>59006860 and call others gay?
Before you get into gems, try and sell any gem you may already have and can find a similar one for quality for sale. Compare what you would have to pay vs, what you'd be offered.
It's very educational.
Oh he's just stoned
>I'll be looking for gems more than before.
Good luck with all that.
what a gaybo
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The euro seems to be taking a shit today, the dollar and pound have been crabbing most of the day while the euro is going to new "highs"
You have to be over 18 to post here, kid.
i'm well in profit on it thanks
fuck we are about to have a market crash aren't we
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What's heavier, a pound of silver or a pound of copper?
Same gravitational weight. The real question is: what's less abundant? That dictates overall value.
>same gravitational weight
>pound of copper
>poind of silver
Same weight. 1 pound = 1 pound.
I'm not responding to you anymore. Get filtered idiot.
If anyone here doesn't know it copper is always weighed by imperial ounces and pounds and silver is weighed by troy ounces and pounds. A pound of copper is about 450 grams and a pound of silver is about 375 grams.
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Now the narcissist baker is filtering other anons who know more than he does.
silver is now available too
Then filter me if you think I'm dumb.
It's a bit of a trick question but you are wrong
Prove it, guide me. Show me how I'm wrong. Please ;)
Aww you have a little obsession with me. It's so cute :)
if you care about how well somebody "bakes" a thread on 4chan, you might be a loser
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I don't think you're dumb I think you're an actual narcissist because you're unwilling to listen to others and won't accept being wrong about even little things that don't matter much.

>Prove it, guide me. Show me how I'm wrong. Please ;)
The anon you called an idiot gave you the answer but you might have already filtered them. Pic related and link related:
>a Troy pound isn't equal to a pound
No shit. 1 pound = 1 pound. 1 Troy pound = 1 Troy pound. 1 pound =/= 1 Troy pound.
the more important thing to note is that silver and copper use different units of weight, but it's not that difficult to mix up because nobody uses the Troy pound when discussing the price or amount of silver
Then why wasn't the appropriate unit denoted when asked? 1 pound = 1 pound...
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>Then why wasn't the appropriate unit denoted when asked?
Because it was a bit of a trick question as the other anon said. All in good fun.
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>All in good fun
Alright. Fair response, Kind Friend ;)
well it's time we start bringing it back
12 troy ounces is a fine weight unit
I just realized a one pound silver round is a thing.
I know where I'm going this weekend.
I wonder If I could buy a bunch of one troy pound silver rounds and sell them to people who think they are getting a really good deal even though I'm ass raping them because they don't know what a troy pound is.
Even former CIA spooks telling you how important physical is
>Even former CIA spooks telling you how important physical is
Now I know it's time to sell everything.
should i buy online or through a local dealer? I have cash, if that helps take some of the price down.
My local coin shop only takes cash for junk silver and charges no tax on it, which is cool for my state. It really depends on your state. If you're somewhere with sales tax on PMs under a certain purchase amount then taking the effort to purchase in person will save you a bunch. But if the online retailer doesn't have to collect tax from you anyway then it's often the easiest way to stack.
Im mainly interested in .999, ill take the mixed-bag ones. you know, the non-fresh mint non-series ones. I figured not doing the whole 3% transaction fee for card would help. Yeah sales tax in my state is xrazy but uhh looks like there is an exemption for metal. whatever is cheaper.
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Look at how gold formed a triple top in the 5 years of the Weimar Republic's currency vs gold value. Now look at the USD forming that same triple top over a much longer span of decades forming that same triple top before going parabolic. This could be the big one. Next few years are going to be fucking insane.
oh geez, oh man
Now show us what happened to silver in the wiener republic.
Pretty much the same thing
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Look this anon, 300k for house or apartment, 100k for debt state, 50k for gold, 50k for silver....
How much more should I expect to pay for local coins?
What do you mean? ASE's are overpriced because 'murica but most everything else that's common is about the same.
>Its a scam we are just going to take it from you
depends on how much he charges for it.
I feel like he might go overboard with the price where it dwarfs even the cost of /pmg/ small batch coins

well of course it's staged you idiot. Why do you think they had the most inadequate secret service members there? The feds wanted a fall guy to be pissed at and the shooter would have been killed either way as a soon end. That team plus the leader of the secret service were perfect. The leader even had to resign.
Luckily he missed and Trump is still here with us and the other two attempts failed
>depends on how much he charges for it.
$100 plus an unspecified amount for shipping.
Sounds about right with a $25 shipping fee that isn't overnight
The chart prices are literally just not real, people have simply become complacent/fraud apologists.
All the more reason to keep holding and never sell
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I like gold and silver but i can't stop thinking that the current bull run is unjustified. What exactly is driving the rapid growth of gold price? And don't say inflation, it's not that high. I feel like there are big entities artificially pumping the prices. I'm more inclined to believe we are close to 2010 where it stayed almost 10 year crabbing to make up for the rally.
Don't get me wrong, I love the asset and i have 30k worth of gold, but I think it might be the time to sell and buy again when it gets corrected to a sane price.
>Can't they do this forever
No. They can do it for as long as they remain solvent. It could end next month.
It's got to correct at some point. Too high a jump to continue to be "the new normal."

Because it's so high, bought some slabbed numismatics instead of bullion. Their price hasn't been impacted, so I'm technically getting them at a discount over spot compared to previous years lol.
No one is pumping the prices. People and central banks are buying metal at the same time, foreign markets are dedollarizing, BRICS is making people nervous, Israel is trying to astroturf WWIII, and we can all see the writing on the wall, the market is fucked, and we don’t want to deal with counterparty risk.
>I like gold and silver but i can't stop thinking that the current bull run is unjustified.
what's unjustified is the current equity and real estate bubbles, buddy
Not sure about india and s.a, but China, Russia and Brazil aren't doing so hot. On fx alone Brazil is shitting itself, compared to gold their currency is -50% just this year. Internally it's in shambles.
Russia is at war and suffering economic sanctions.
China just literally crashed.
I agree with the idea of 'nobody wants to deal with the unstable economy of US and Europe' but is it that unstable? US is poised for recession. Not sure about Europe.
And what makes it impossible for them to do the same here...? Exactly, nothing. All they have to do is leverage on low interest in some random country and buy gold.
>What exactly is driving the rapid growth of gold price?
Unironically the hating of jews and redpilling of normies
But seriously it was because China and Russia are investing heavily in Gold and if Kamala cheats the election gold might hit 3k before Christmas as everyone will know that the era of American leadership is over
I might sell my house and build a decent sized one in the Midwest while buying the gold with the rest of my money and starting a ranch
By the time my old home has been BLACKED and destroyed Gold will be so high I can buy miles of that barren wasteland and have them all moved out as the government will no longer listen to Kamala and cops are nonexistant
>Unironically the hating of jews and redpilling of normies
Most of the people all of us buy gold from are jews. Rofl.
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Trump coin, the price could be 100 USD.
It's such an awful looking coin and the price is absurd. The FIGHT coins are way more affordable and cooler.
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where's a guy supposed to get a Reichsmark around here?
The fact that the BRICS have their own economic challenges is exactly why they are likely to remonetize gold. If they were doing great with their fiat and expanding it into the role of world trade and reserve currency, they would not even consider gold. But it turns out that gold is the one asset they have plenty of and that has historically been the life blood of commerce. Gold is the way for them to enter into the incredibly lucrative international currency market now dominated by the USD. It is exactly because they need some way out of their problems that they are likely to turn to gold. And that will be a very good thing for individuals holding gold.
>But it turns out that gold is the one asset they have plenty of
If they have it and flood the market for cash they dump it.
If they don't have it and wanna buy it, they money is worthless and it's hard to purchase. So i don't quite get it... unless you are implying they aren't in the commodity market...?
Nothing former about cia, once a cultist nutjob always a cultist nutjob.
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