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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>59005518

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 311.777B, 52P = 5.996B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 339.316B, 65P = 5.220B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 380.372B, 71P = 5.357B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
Imagine stacking up billions like a fucking retard and just sitting around with stacks of cash doing absolutely fuck all with it! Imagine!!!
the 400 mil is Ryans high risk high reward gambling yolo money i guarantee it
he ran out of toilet paper pls understand sirs
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
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Based bankrupting poster. 10/10 every time.
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i need to buy more shares before the floor raises to another permanent floor.
im eggcelent
Filed name kek
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You will shit your pants in 8 hours.
>muh raising the floor because of cash on hand
>ignoring the fact that the now gigantic float makes it that much fucking harder for the price to actually go up

reminder that GME's all time high marketcap was around 20 billion
GME's current marketcap after all the giga dilution is around 10 billion
to hit a measly 50 dollars per share today would be like a MOASS 2.0 level happening
thanks ryan

I am shitting them RIGHT NOW!
Is xir bogged or just toxoplasmosis?
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you tell me
diddy isnt white and doesnt have gray hair
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this is a Nation of Islam board
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You guys noticed any fishy incidents lately?

checked also tricknology
Bro you don't understand, it's a war chest bro.
maybe ryan should consider an nft marketplace or an ftx partnership
okay how about a crypto wallet then
i don't.
At what price is the next share offering
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>market crashes
>companies worth billions default on debt
>sold at auction so banks can recoup liquidity
>GME has all the cash
>buys entire S&P500 for $14.88
>still has $4,599,999,985.12
>you're still a nigger

all is well with the world
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I've been here since 2021 and I still don't understand this smug watermelon meme. But I know it pisses off shills, so I'm all for it.
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I do support the Nation of Islam. Thanks for the reminder. The fake Jews should not call themselves Jews!
I have made a handful of Watamelon memes and did not know her name was Watame.
Phoenix is right about the complexities of Watamelon. It takes a high IQ to appreciate watemelon and low IQ people get easily filtered.
Can i just confirm, so they’ve already finished selling the 20m shares and can now dilute 100m anytime they want? Isn’t any dilution news bearish? Why is the stock going up?
>market crashes
le 2 weeks baggerino
IDK there must be something countering basic supply and demand economics. Like dark pools being used to dampen the blow of market moves then options leveraging (completely legally) to keep things suppressed.
can't stop (diluting) won't stop (diluting) gamestop
It's bullish because the floor keeps getting raised l ol, they are patching the infinite money glitch
>>59009064 see >>59008905
The 100m thing was a shop. Nobody has linked to the filing. Only to the 20m one, showing it is complete
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>they’ve already finished selling the 20m shares
>can now dilute 100m anytime they want?
>Isn’t any dilution news bearish?
>Why is the stock going up?
100 million shares is a drop in the ocean of fabricated shares that have been created, so it has about the same effect
>he thinks it's shopped
oh nonono
>100 million shares is a drop in the ocean of fabricated shares that have been created, so it has about the same effect
>source: reddit
Then short it
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>ricerino got his check today so he is extra stupid
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does swingchadding options count or are you just a redditor faggot
dude they are coping so hard its insane.
can we get a DRS update after the dilution kek
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>does not opening a short position count as opening a short position?
>puts dont count as shorting a stock because uhhh i said so
>no you have to short the shares of a stock that barely fucking moves most days while you pay interest
not everyone is retarded like you dawg
dawg that 100m shares kills gme its fuckin over
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>This company is going to zero fast
>I'm not going to short it, are you insane!?
Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal.
This times for real tho
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Step aside avocado
41% chance of infinite riches huh? What happens if I miss? Nothing? Oh ok then fuck it we ball
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replace ken with the gme shareholders and you got yourself a good meme.

Edit: fixed it.
I'll break every synthetic share in your portfolio with only 1 gme drs share.
hows that dilution going for drs btw?
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You bitches aren't evolving fast enough. The red queen is about to eat your ass and im gonna get that shit on camera
I hope they do a 500m tomorrow. It raises the floor. Try harder and do a flip.
I quit my job in January 2021 and I haven't been employed since. It's been almost four years and MOASS still hasn't happened yet. I'm running out of savings, job market is awful, inflation and cost of living is high. I now need a job but it will be extremely difficult as there is a gap in my resume. Thank you Ryan Cohen and GameStop for ruining my life.
lol me too fuck ryan
Add a LiveLeak to the top left corner
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In what world is a company having more cash a bad thing? Only a retard would try to fud gamestop having more cash.
the company could have a warchest of fucking 100 quadrillion but it means shit all if all of us are dead and the company doesn't spend any of it.
They have a smaller brain
permission to treat the anon as hostile
>I’ll allow it
Anon, in the 4 years of holding GME on a slow week, do you think it’s retail that just dropped 400 million dollars on GME this fast without any run up from DFV or any hype news.
yould you mind stopping it with the ai slpo?
you tried
no one likes it
time to stop
>nooooooooooo you must take on billions of debt to pay bad actors from BCG to tank your company, it's economics 101
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China waking up?
You won't do shit peasant
>China going to buy 500 billion cheapies
Icahn has been closing his shorts during all of the GME ATMs
So now that the latest dilution is complete when is the next one? If it reaches $25?
My money would be the next earnings date
New Dick video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLkBCj4XqV0
>theres always something happening with GameStop
>ha ha ha
Oh Richard, you are so back baby
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he’s diluting the whole market.
the fuck is hkd doin
kek Kenny
trump media sure is doing a familiar pattern..
Why isn't it pumping
The whole market must pay for GameStop completing the offering. $30 floor soon.
Stop fucking selling, stock should be at 30 right now at a minimum!!
Again? Are they on subscription?
Buy the dip for the love of god buy the fucking dip
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i like ai slop. get with the times.
Jeez i don't know, why is the obvious market speculation that popped months ago not pumping? I truly have no idea.
checked, was gonna argue but you have jackpot digits
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strong together

>am I HODLing?
you betcha

>ever selling?
heckin no!


>where we going?
to the moon

burning up

based as fuck

this is

Bots just mad because we figured out a way to make literal infinite money. That's why everyone is trying to shut us down. The government knows that once we figure this out, their tyrannical hold on society is over. We'll be able to buy anything we want. This is far bigger than any of you can comprehend. You know how the FED has been printing pretty much limitless money? We're going to be doing that, and we won't need the government to sign off on it.

Free healthcare? Covered. Student Loan Forgiveness? Even better: paying people to go to college instead. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Where we're going, we don't need fiat.

You all need to remember this. Us gamers know that when you keep on finding new opponents in your path, you're going the right way. This was never about the money. It's about making a statement to the evil rich elite of wallstreet and ethics in financial journalism.

When we reach the moon, you paperhands are going to be REEEing. But even you faggots can get your redemption arc if you act now, when the moment is darkest and all hope is lost. Remember when Finn was trying to run away in Last Jedi? Well like him, you have your chance to show your bravery and BUY THE FUCKING DIP. We're in this together, and you can be the hero just like all of us too if you're willing to take a stand for justice and the little guys.

Tomorrow is the fucking day bros. We're all in this together. Remember, the moment we realized that there's more of us than them is the moment we won. This is Occupy Wallstreet 2 and the rats festering in those big pretty buildings know we mean business this time.
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Another bad day to be a crypto baggie. Too poor to afford BTC, ETH and LTC you get rugged on shit coins lmaoooo
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My turn
my coins are doing pretty well right now actually, ICP chads rise up
Any minute now it's going to rip to $30. HOLD!
>Boohoo! Wahwah! Blublublub! I'm a whiny faggot bitch!

That's you. That's what you sound like.
This. All fellow baggies in this situation we should organize a mass suicide in protest.. it’s literally our only option at this point
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I hope you die soon so nobody has to hear you talk. I'll think about this occasionally today amidst my tasks. You're pointless to me. It's completely irrelevant if you live or die. You don't even exist if I'm not currently looking at you.
Offering is done guys. To the moon!
>Hoping someone dies

Good idea.
You do that.
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What’s the reason why we’re down even though the dilution is done?
China stimulus is bullish for Gme let's pump it
>price action has a reason
what are you new here?
This can't be happening
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Need some poompa
Where's chart anon ? Haven't seen a chart in a while
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>he doesn't know about the algo
the entire chart now repeats in just a month's length and it's not just flattening but also shortening.
We were waiting for your damage-limit quads.
How are bulls going to pump it to 24 after hours but then struggle to keep it above 22? This is complete bullshit!!
shortin' nigger behaviour
normal market mechanics do not apply here
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When hkd does silly things, gme does silly things too
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Basically, WAGMI. It really is as simple as that. If you can't see through the shit that gets thrown around in these threads and see the big picture here, you're NGMI. I've seen the outcome of all this and it's incredible.
it's got potential, keep riffing
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holy shit this post really did NOT age well LMAO
zoom out shigger
nice meltdown
>Imagine apes are happy with 50% dilution

I just can't
gamestop has made more money selling it's shares in the past year than it has selling products in the past 15 years
and that's based
based redditdestroyer cohen
can't stop (diluting) won't stop (diluting) gamestop
Wait… what happens when GameStops cash on hand from dilution becomes worth more than the stock price? Isn’t that the inevitable future of continued dilution?
Cool it with the antishortism
>OFF id
>cash on hand increases
>float also increases by the same amount
>no change in share price = marketcap went up
>just way fucking harder to move the price higher now due to the float/market cap increase

daily reminder that hitting $50 per share would quite literally be a new all-time high now in terms of the actual value of the company (something that has never fucking happened since moass)

baggies simply cannot math
Can I sell you this one for a chance to buy Vesta?
>the midwit midsplains the economy
aha. ok. sure. whatever you say pal. aha. yep. totally. sure. right on. aha.
it would be like if the battle for $180 suddenly became the battle for $500 but you're still at $160 kek
anybody who didn't very aggressively lower their cost basis at $10 just got fucking annihilated
How many years of your life have you wasted on this shit?
>you will never be green
>you will never touch $320 pre-split
>you will never receive a dividend
>gets blown the fuck out on all accounts
get fucked canada bitch, kek dumbfuck throat sisters too
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>t. some redditor faggot baggying a stock for 4 years with (0) gains to show
schrödinger's midwit
wow that's one bad gamtranny baggot!
one must ask himself
>why did intel not go lower?
>do they hold cash, or is their floor price determined by assets/quantity of shares supposedly existing?
go back
that's king baggot to you
>one must
no thanks
stocks trade below book value all the time. you have no idea how any of this works baggot.
in the RC extended universe they don't
sorry sweaty
Communism doesn't work
If you guys have proof, submit it to the SEC, FBI, DOJ
I just looked it up. Apparently all it means would that be GameStop would be a prime acquisition target since you could just buy all their shares then make a profit since they have so much cash. Fuck… bagbros… Cohens finna sell the company…
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I should have never expected anything different
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3 and a half
bad news for you redditfaggot
mainstream narratives have been incredibly bearish on GameStop for 10+ years, The company has diluted a good amount in the last 6 months, and the base price has only increased.

LMAO there are billions of shares circulating.
they always talk about dilution raising the floor but not dilution lowering the ceiling
>redditor projecting this hard
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Heh, trillions my dear anon, trillions... Like Mr Newton pointed out, theres loads trapped in the $5 dollar range that will never get out.
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struck a nerve with that last one.
>imagine a trash company taken over and ran into the ground, shitting all over consumers still follows the fundamentals of the undefiled market principals of supply/demand.
yet here on the mongolian throat singing forums a shrimple vidya game store is doing some cool things, fixing its balance sheets and looking to the future and wanting to be good to its customers
and all these paid stock bashers pop out of left field generally being unfriendly and disingenuous.

really gets the noggin joggin.
>Mr Newton
may he rest in piss
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QRD on the latest? I've been busy edging myself while Kenny edges towards the ledge
You just admitted to being a midwit.
>it can go more than 2x from here before Ruggin Ryan has to come hat in hand to ask to allow more shares to be issued
Come to think of it, retail will probably own so little proportion by then that it won't matter even if they vote no. What is the difference between Cohen and Aron?
>empties his /pol/der in his fit of rage
>filter two retards
>half the thread vanishes
allegedly they do it for free
the only difference i can think of is aron isn't a jew lmfao
>t. midwit
>lying about filtering in 2024
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>the only difference i can think of is aron isn't a jew lmfao
RC thinks the stock is overvalued at $20 per share hence the dilution and zero buys in a fucking year
quite literally bailing out any le "over shorted hedgies" by throwing more and more shares at them
cohen fucked you outta your heckin 'real' moass
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RC diluted at $22 a share because he believe that’s what it’s worth. Stop overthinking it. This was always a 7-9 year hold. There’s absolutely no reason why this can’t be around $56 a share by 2028. It’s literally free money at this point, stop complaining.
U are very desperate arent u.
How bout ill let u suck my cock and maybe ill sell one
>just 4 more heckin years to double your money provided you never bought until it went down to 10-20
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lmao the seething in this thread
Sucking on dicks is his favorite pass time
did my comment upset you?
>TVPchads and that one MVP poster dunked on BBBaggies so hard they stop posting both here and in their designated shitting thread
>regular shills appear
Hmm interesting
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>did my comment upset you?
I'm here watching movies and playing games while hedgies are about to fold. I'm mad as hell.
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>buy more gme below $20
>gme now over $22 and company has $400 million more in cash
smells like curry in here
Crypto baggies will die soon. I hope that’s based. I know it’s based for me.
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Moass started today that was your final dip!!!! PUMP IT!!!!
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>reverse cuppa
If you know it’s based to you then it’s based.
I have more GME than you
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They sure are quiet after talking all of that shit
They always are. This stock thrives on pure, distilled Haterade.
But the company is now in a much better fundamental position because of the 4.6 billion in cash it has so it isn't at all comparable
Is MOASS supposed to come from the fundamental position being hecking healthy and strong or from hedgies not closing shorts or whatever? I can’t keep up with the narrative here
>meltdownies stop posting
not surprising
Por que no las dos?
It was never about the financials, as long as GME didn't go bankrupt. It was the small float and massive retail ownership that were the keys of moass, neither of which exists anymore. This kike dilutes over a weekend what took a year to drs. Even if there are still multiple floats worth of shorts, the massive liquidity hes providing them gives them an out they didn't have before.
I am still here, anon
>muh moass
>muh I never said gme would go to 0
>muh what's the narrative
slit your wrists
>what's the narrative
>robbing the boomers pension funds
with us as scapegoats
always has been
Why so mad? I am a fellow bagbro discussing the realities of the stock..
>admitting to being a downie
Enjoy your trisomy.
my bad dawg, I thought you were the seething green id I just like to argue
hes completely broken
he needs a hug
wheres bj anon?
>being happy after 50% dilution, $22.6 per share and a double momentum kill.

I will just wait for another dilutions and your tears
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just like gatorade the original green flavor is the best
Just sold
This is just a bit sad, no energy, no passion
That dumb faggot is from bant and was convincing other retards to short gme to $18 and $15, he's a fucking retard
Looking back on it, maybe authorizing up to one billion shares was a bad idea.
I kek the hardest at meltdowns that not only got sucked into that hellhole, but decided to get financially involved by shorting the stock. It is one of life’s little joys.
I kek the hardest at superstinkies that not only got sucked into that hellhole, but decided to get financially involved by longing the stock. It is one of life’s little joys.
Struck a nerve, did I?
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kek weasels
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What a wretched and foul creature
You just know
It’s crazy how ugly she is. She must be one of the ugliest not-actually-deformed people ever.
I feel you shouldn’t be allowed to be a cruel person when you’re this ugly. Money really throws off natures balance.
I kinda wanna fuck with, just to see what noises it makes.

anon no
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>3 years supervised probation
just throw the bitch and everyone else in jail what the fuck
How is MOASS going btw?
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I imagine it shrieks like gollum would
>mmm yeah just there just like repyament... 176.4% APR
you just know she's going to fuck her supervisor along with dogs
China would execute her. America thinks its too immoral to kill child molesters.
if we close above $23 I will suck every dick in this thread
You have to go back
kek hedgies mad that RC played them like a fiddle with the recent offering, he saw volume would pick up due to short sellers needing to cover and sold them shares while raising GameStops book value
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Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel.
>how it feels to hold gamestop
are you finally green GMEBros?
$ ipfs pin add -r $(ipfs add -r ./weasel)

My average is about 17 so yeah.
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Try and post in the bbby thread. Somethings up.
Guess who's back, back again
3pUyGEP6's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who got banned,
Guess who's banned. Guess who's banned, again?
A grade copium at tranny central: www.resetera.com/threads/gamestop-8-k-filed-4bn-in-cash-and-virtually-no-debt.990198/
rules for thee but not for me
>I put hecking in my post BTFO
The stronger the financials the higher the floor and the stronger the guarantee against bankruptcy putting more shorts under water and guarantee they stay there.
>Short Interest 36,551,732 shares
>Short Interest % Float 9.41 %
AMC completely decoupled.

Latino be like "she's so dreamy"
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>redeem ze distractions
>it's still decoopling further
Koss and chewy too.
kek dumbfuck baggies
i was in class you disgusting redditneeter
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kek ubisoft
I can't imagine how they could have issues remaking the same game for the 10th time
my neighborhood is being gentrified and they’re jacking up the rent. if this could start now, it would be greatly appreciated.
This is how you know it truly is interesting.
BERLIN (Reuters) -Deutsche Boerse and Nasdaq are being investigated as part of an European Union probe into possible antitrust violations in financial derivatives.

A spokesperson for Deutsche Boerse said on Tuesday the German stock exchange operator had been searched as part of the investigation, while a representative for Nasdaq said it had also been approached. Both companies said they were cooperating.

The European Commission said on Monday it had conducted unannounced inspections at financial services companies in two EU member states over possible breaches of antitrust regulations, but did not specify which firms or how many.
How do they always know the ones that are about to go bankrupt? Tupperware, Rite Aid, that one that started with an M... Like, always BUY IN IT'S GONNA RUN and then dead two weeks later. And by "they" I mean Clint.
Tuesday RRP: 388.977B, 65P = 5.984B per (roughly)
Another huge candle at close
More like hate-mongering has been turned into a viable business model by Youtube and Elon. It would be dumb of them to subject themselves to that before the game is even available for purchase. They only real hope after everything that's happened is that word-of-mouth from people who don't have that conflict of interest counteracts the deluge that's coming, and that can only happen if it gets into the former's hands beforehand.
Sorry, bro. That sucks.
>word of mouth
it's assassin's creed
I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, it's Assassin's Creed. And?
But if you talk about one in particular that is no longer even a distraction they will spin a yarn about market manipulation. Really scrabbles the board don't it?
what do they need word of mouth marketing for it's one of the most popular franchises
Anon just means that the word of mouth of people who aren’t losing their minds over a historical figure being included in an assassins creed game may counteract all the retards hoping that it fails because they hate niggers so much.
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She squealed
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She squealed about the time she stole from her sisters piggy bank this bitch gave it all up lmao thanks Caroline.
>no dead dog poster since she’s been caught up in court
inb4 she gets epsteined
kek weasellies
>still got 24 months
What's going to happen to the people she squealed on? What kind of sentence was she looking at for not squealing?
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>BUY IN IT'S GONNA RUN and then dead two weeks later.
The original Tvpperware DD is more than a year old.
Oh it’s all about to come crashing down
She already sang. It would just confirm her snitching.
>What kind of sentence was she looking at for not squealing?
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>it has got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...
What >>59011240 said.
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Pay up miss piggy
that's just cuckoo
mario if he real
That's worse. You do see how that's worse, right?
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Like a fucking rat lmao
These two have the opportunity to do at least one of SEVERAL of the funniest things possible.
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okay? nothing ever happens, sweaty. These redditors always post 14 pages of cope and the end result is always a big fucking nothingburger. why would you even post this?
I assume you're going to tell me why it is so?
I will, scout's honor, but now I'm curious as to what you think I'm going to say.
Go on?
I too, am curious
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I think you misunderstood. You're supposed to tell me first.
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He is literally telling you why nothing is happening. The worst case scenario for GME (once its allowed to begin unwinding billions and billions of naked shorts) is a TSLA style slow burn squeeze. The (best?) case is a violent squeeze that craters global markets and will take months to unwind because of the halting.
Patrician's taste. I was always partial toward the lemon flavor myself.
You’re literally talking to the anon that created the “tup” dd. He has a bizarre superiority because he bought tup but not bbby.
Ah, so you don't have an answer. Interesting.
>he bought the wrong other idiosyncratic stock
kek BBBaggie
This anon right here. Notice him.
Boeing killed 2 whistleblowers with no consequences, justice is a myth
Sounds like someone grumpy they didn't buy TUP

It's chapter 11 you know.
Not long enough. Still not selling.
I literally posted my answer. It's just pixelated and blurred. Still waiting on your prediction. I can't post mine until you do yours or it won't be a prediction anymore.
*can't post the clear version of mine
>I literally posted my answer. It's just pixelated and blurred
So you didn't.
It's proof that the full version is waiting to be unlocked. All you have to do is pay me $PostWhatIAskedFor.
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This may sound crazy, but maybe buying stocks of bankrupt companies isn't the best idea.
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>the weasel is pinned
>gme successfully turned around
pretty sure caroline shilled against gamestop in this very general.
she is now in prison.
nervous yet shills?
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I'm convinced caroline was the dead dog/dad poster
caroline was dogshitanon
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Sneed hedgecucks. They can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel
>dat grift
Alexander Zarac is that you?
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I'm glad my largest hold is DRS BOOK shares of a profitable company that has zero debt and billions in cash.
Weak larp
But wait a second…. That would mean….. no…. It can’t be…
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Average meltdownie pic.rel
The only biologically female meltdownie, grim
2 years is not enough for a bitch that was celebrating suicides

That's why I agree with bankrupt [REDACTED] anon. Get rid of these fucking demons
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The law enforcement and justice systems exist to harass citizens, and protect corporate/wealthy peoples egos.
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>meltdownies in gaol
>GME up 1588% in past 5 years
>$4.5b in cash
And yet they still try to sneed. It's so pathetic
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It's 4.8 billion
>get found out
Every time.
You’re alone now, boy. Better watch them cheeks. Lest they get spread like some butter.
$4.8 buys a whole lotta whiskey
Sorry Alex, you will never make it.
even better
everyone posting itt except for me is honestly fucking gay
you know that's right
>t. tiny dong
yeah bro wanna hang out and do straight things together?
can i bring my baby oil?
wtf? didnt you see my bj anon posts? she fucking hot!!!!
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the mass hysteria that ensued in this general during my slam-pig posting era was truly a sight to behold
diddy? dis you?
we all zesty in here.
This is the most slippery of weasels. I think he’s only been pinned once.
who was the tunnels and trains dunk poster?
michael jordan probably.
And what a great pinning it was
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These are honestly so interesting. I present the Scroll of Arcana for new anons to obtain the same lore I did:
>https://archive dot ph/gYiTa
>Funny how the system thinks linking this is spam. ;)
My peepee gone hard
I need to see Ryan Cohens tweens from May 2022
I've been ignoring the people saying that you're schizo, but fuck, man...
Anyway, it's clearly worse that the Tupperware "DD" was talked about so long ago AND so close to the bankruptcy.
The whole PH TLD is blocked on 4chins because of spam and viruses.

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>What is the difference between Cohen and Aron?
Cohen only diluted like a third of the outstanding where AA diluted like 500%.
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RC diluted for the benefit of the company
AA diluted to fill his own pockets
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AA is going to acquire BBBY and save it.
Arons pants status
>Not worn
Another important factor.
Lol they put us right back at even for the day afterhours. I think they are trying to get ahead of something. Action was weird all day especially after the AH spike to 24 yday after dilution completed announcement. Dragged us all afternoon then this right crab in the last hour of trading. Oh and in the time it took for the stupid counter to wind down we went red. SPY is creeping up in the meantime. A lot of the day it also seemed we were moving counter to spy.
What in the world is happening in the bbby thread? 2 faggots are just blowing each other.
BBBane of BBBaggies, a genuine Autist.
Nothing about what’s happening in that thread is autism.
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>fake autist can't recognize genuine autism
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you made me check, and kek holy autismo
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Very sterile
Its the same fag on 2 IDs spamming the shit outta the thread
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WAGMI autistically
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I like ppshow
you simply do not understand. Couch.
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Whats happened in the last like 4 months? Haven't popped in here in a while.
A full couch?
Making billions of dollars and short hedge funds are paying for it without damaging shareholder value
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Rumplestiltskin Chobani did multiple ATM offerings and the price floor went up after each one because there are already billions of naked short shares out there so raising the book value of the company only hurts shorts. This has made shills confused and angry.
>51.63% short volume.
>41.14% off exchange.
If hedgefucks got the shares, they cant just put them into the swaps. The swaps have already been sold naked. You cant just magically put the shares in them.
>How do you think they would try to hide the crime?
>How do you think they would try to hide the crime?
By passing their positions onto the market maker to hide.
>there's a huge undisclosed short position
okay so ryan is bailing them out then via dilution? sick
>no bro there's even MORE short shares
fucking schrödinger's shorted float kek
>>no bro there's even MORE short shares
It's literally the only way to explain the price not tanking after each ATM. I was buying shares at about $10-12 not too long ago.
My theory is why they are fucking around buying and selling back and forth the dilation shares are getting stuffed down their throat unwillingly, there’s no way retail had 400 million dollars to spend on GameStop stock in a week without anything big happening
>It's literally the only way to explain the price not tanking after each ATM
>literally the only way
fucking lol
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>tfw high IQ and attractive (white)
I could accept being high IQ and ugly but I'm SO GLAD I'm not low IQ and ugly... (jewish)
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Don't you love it when they talk to each other to appear 'organic'
So broke ass retail is slurping up all those dilutions? Kek. Is that what you expect me to believe?
>unironically posting "i'm not low IQ" in /gme/
>what is hubris
no i expect you to believe that ryan fucking c o h e n is bailing out heckin hedge funds
sorry stinky
Bailing out hedge funds that you’ve spent years telling me already closed? The sec literally said they close didn’t they? Kek.
so nobody went massively fucking short to the tune of at least 400 million when the stock went to fucking $70 recently? kek. is that what you expect me to believe?
If they did it wasn't reported to Finra.
>hedgroids are breaking all the rules
>hedgroids are following all the rules
schrödinger's hedgroid
I have exactly two (2) GME shares. Now is that smart or dumb?
no dumber than buying $20 worth of lottery tickets
like winning the lottery, moass happening is about as likely as you getting struck by lightning twice kek
Yeah it's about as likely as a presidential candidate getting almost assassinated twice
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It bought me membership in this fine club of gme holders. We'll be around in 10 years. Whenever I need to hang around with familiar people, they'll be there.
back to /pol/
>Hedge funds are breaking the rules but not sitting on a collosal short position from before 2021.
Don't know why that wouldn't raise suspicion. Officially hedgies closed over 30 million shares over the run up.
this is a /pol/ colony, you know this
my first gme tip off was on pol
Only if you [REDACTED] everything
Fuck off kike
We are literally building a lightning rod
We? Nigga is you french??
dis is some funny shit right here
Bro, there is a way that retail had the cash.
Employer match contribution deadline for 401ks was September 15th. My employer paid 150k to Schwab for the people who elect their own investments. Lots of money just hit the market, and many plans let you purchase whatever stock you pleas, like mine.
I just bought 110 shares @ $20 this way.
>a historical figure being in
LOL. Good luck finding enough fags to pay for we wuz samuria assassins. The only reason ubisoft still exists is because of govment gibs.
I have 2000 shares, what am I in for?
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You guys think SBF has the good bussy?
Those 2000 shares being turned into the equivalent of 200 shares with more dilution.
Did Caroline Ellison mention to the judge an overly leveraged short position causing the collapse of their business?
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reminder that $50 per share is now the absolute all time high price... thanks to cohen's gigadilootion
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Comparing the two, It looks like there will be a third smaller cycle. A mini pump, maybe to around $60. Ending before 2025. The last cycle.
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mine too
If you zoom in the current smaller bump looks like the pre 2021 run up. The volume is even identical.
Looks like a shitcoin about to 1000x. Kek.
Threaded, frens!
Did a bunch of measurements because it's fun. Ill post math if anyone cares but assumed a linear ratio and measured the 2 cycles by pixels. 3rd one should be 8.1x2.1px or 19.19 days long, and a total value swing of $2.484.
If the 3rd cycle started today, it would end on Monday October 14th.
Perhaps the unexpected squeeze posters were right, if the algo is linear.
It is.
Boy haven't heard haterade in a long time.

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