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>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59002926
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O Pay Me
Pay me
Pay me my silver NOW!
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1st for 90%
do i get the gold today then?

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90% reporting in.
Based, just added about 50 face to my junk pile. I CANT GET ENOUGHT
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Why did the PMG threads on /bant/ die? I can't stand this 10 minutes of waiting before posting BS
they stopped getting replies so the threads would die
>I can't stand this 10 minutes of waiting before posting BS
You only have to do it once per IP address/session.
can someone pls inform me where to acquire nazzy shinys
Ebay or coin shows
any reputable sellers you've used before question mark
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i have a horsie
neigh neigh
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3/4oz coins are the best size
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How much longer until I no longer have to go into work
It's J*w o'clock in New York right now. Why is everything going up so fast?
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Few years tops, but defending yourself will still kinda be considered work.
fake shorting faggots that artifically crab the price get the rope, fuck you fuck you
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So whats the deal with Netanyahu saying he wants to ban Gold/Silver AND any bill of 55$or higher. Even the Bank of Israel told him to pound sand.
he knows everyone is moving from jewish currency into holy grail of gold/silver/btc/eth
>silver shoots up 80 cents 1st thing in the morning
Ids habbending?
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don't you try to sneak btc/eth into this
>holy grail of...btc/eth
Nice try cryptofag. Your computer code is not a safe haven. It was created by the Deep State to trick morons out of buying real gold and silver.
Too-eager early baker faggotry
Forgot "Edition"
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baking anytime after 300 replies is fine
that's how it is on /pmg/
maybe on your lgbtq board things are different, but not here
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You mean before the real work begins
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Bros When are the 2024 silver libertads coming out? I want to get some when they first drop because prices are lower, premiums on them tend to spike up after a few months. Been mirin and lusting after a 5 ounce libertad and the reverse proof for some time now.
i'm gonna say the niggerword.
did you miss the picture of them in the last thread, nigger?
honestly, why are you calling me a nigger? I did nothing but ask a simple and relevant question. I don't want any trouble. You are a very sad and pathetic little person. How dare you use the word nigger after 400 years of white on black slavery. You make me disgusted. I was at BLM rallies all of 2020 literally kissing the feet of black men and kneeling before them. Maybe you should have a little bit of self reflection. NEVER use that word again.
>I say so, it must be true
trying to convince
you don't feel it was deserved?
Fuck you nigger i dont shop at monument. Bunch of niggermonkeys over there. You dumb fucking nigger
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Anon asked about the 5 oz reverse proof. MM doesn't even have the regular (BU) versions in stock yet. Everything still pre-order. Rev proof not even listed yet.

I only see 1 person on the entire internetz with one for sale today:
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39 comes to what? Like 42 for a poverty level purchase?
hey nigger, libertads might be the currency of north america one day considering how many millions of spics are flooding in up here. Libertads might be a better investment then Silver eagles at this point
true, true
good point
Walking Liberties always been my favourite
>Satanyahu, Crime Minister of izraHell
His days are numbered and he knows it
He's in accelerated Panic mode scrambling for his grip on absolute control.
laughed. Legitimate point.
Gold and Silver spot rising towards stratospheric orbit.
Could this be it?
You'd rather barter with brown people who want to conquer you over local white farmers who want constitutional silver or ASEs?
Cliff High said for years you'd know the system was collapsing when we had 1 dollar a day moves, we just had a dollar move in 2 hours.
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Damn Silver is movin!
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Refer to the chart I posted last topic where gold formed the same triple top in 1920s Germany before the hyperinflation went full parabola
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Both made and controlled by british and american deep state scumbags in Diego Garcia.

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hodl me. am scare.
If this happens, I have one consolation.
The principal remaining balance on my home mortgage becomes insignificant compared to everything else.
I wonder if "they" will allow the commoners to such a benefit. Or will they force some revaluation/adjustment bullshit?
You have to comb through the terms of your mortgage. America is about the the only country that allows people to truly lock in their rates for like 30 years, but don't underestimate the power of banks to loophole your ass.
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It's finally happening bros
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What happened to mortgage owners in Weimar Germany?
Currently $32 going on $33.
If it went to near $40+ back in 2011 or whatever. It could easily go to $50 any day now I would think.
I'm betting oil & gas is going to go up too
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you celebrate nigger tier garbage... dont cry when the noose slips over your neck, you filthy kike. Think of it like your cpap except it fixes jewry not sleep apnea
Libertads are neat coins though. Specially the old ones
I ordered a one troy pound silver round last night.
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>Silver just broke $32 and /pmg/ is busy arguing over stupid niggermonkey shit.
Lol. Typical.
This general is dead for a reason.
It was all over the place. A lot of the loans got revalued then defaults and bankruptcies popped off.

Look at the revaluation section:

American laws are different and should offer more protection to home owners, but don't underestimate if someone like Kamala got elected and declared some BS emergency to attempt to nullify locked in rates.
Feds might not mess around with mortgages too much though when they can just try to fuck you with unrealized capital gains taxes.
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>hurr I complain about how the thread is going
>durr pmg dead
it's always been like this
lurk more, faggot
"Oh your home was worth $300,000 last year, now it's worth $2,000,000 this year because we fucked up the currency. Pay the taxes on your gains, wagie."
>Nigger tier garbage

Libertads are arguably the best silver government minted coin in the world right now. Also at least the mexican mint doesn't have nigger and womens rights coins they put out every year. Go buy another silver black pride coin you fucking boomer faggot.
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>Pay the taxes on your gains
was it this one?
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>muh meximutt shit is less pozzed than this other mutt shit that no one buys
literally kys, you don't own even a single merc
That's a big round
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Its their same old stupid low tier D&C tactics they've been pulling for centuries, its not working anymore, they have nothing else, we're winning and will win and theres nothing they can do to stop it now?
I like that they're topless.
I like that I'm taking bullion away from Mexico.
Gold to $3k by end of day.
Some get the popcorn
Dont mind that question mark, was looking for a full stop..................
Yes. Golden Eagle coins has one too but I like this one better. I was going to wait until Saturday to drive over there.
Cliff's channel got banned.
Will we see a new 52 week high for silver today?
checked and jelly. I've always wanted one of those too. 9Fine Mint makes great stuff.
They keep trying to tamp it.
I been way it soar up and up with occasional back down slightly
I think they're losing it
>unrealized capital gains taxes
This is probably how they will try to do it. Some combination of civil asset forfeiture with the survivors taxed out of ownership. I think they want to do it this way because it leads directly to civil war between the States, which they'll need, if they're to successfully flip the US as a whole to classical socialism.
>inb4 we're already there, because we're not
>new 52 week high for silver
It's at an 11 year high.
Dont know which one your on about but he posts on substack which is still up.
My PSLV is near the high for the year
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do you think gold prices will sink after the indian festival?
Its the Hezbollah festival thats making Gold go up right now, not Indians.
how can pajeets afford gold? Do they put all their savings into gold?
I see what ya done there.
Protip: the zionazis were asking for it.
there rich and poor people in every country with 1.4 billion some of them have to be able to buy some
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>Gold $2,666.66
um......bros I don't feel so good.
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you do not understand the value of poop to the everyday indian
His YouTube channel. I think this is the new one.
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have we started the fire?
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Do any of you guys chew your gold? ive been chewing on this 1 gram piece for like a week now.
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The fire rises
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Its better than chewing gum, it feels good on my k9s
anon, I....no.
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You're welcome guys, this pump is specifically because I sold 110oz this weekend.
is there any taste to it?
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there is definitely a slight metal taste but nothing strong its more of a undertone. mostly tastes like nothing. id say just lick one of you own and try it
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Its just better than gum!
Post some tier charts. I need to know if I have enough to make it.
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Your already too late, Silver going moon moon now.
ohhhh my my my. Im mirin the fuck out of that spic coin my friend. Just wait for me a little longer yet. I need to taste the sweet sweet nectar of the 2024 reverse proof libertad. Wait for me my sweet beautiful bosom senorita, daddys coming
You forgot your basedjack
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If only i stacked earlier 7 and half is all i have
is it too late to buy a 10th ounce of gold, bros?
>7 and half ozs
x $10k /oz you can do alright

its going to 3200 next year, at least. so you can still buy more.
what good will 10K be if bread costs 9k?
Im imaging that if Weimar Rebuplic really happens and Gold and Silver will really become the preffered currency one of those 1/5 of an ounce coins will be barely enough to get 1 or 2 months of grocerys while everyone else just starves
>one of those 1/5 of an ounce coins will be barely enough to get 1 or 2 months of grocerys while everyone else just starves
And which end of that would you rather be on?
What would you buy now if you had a choice. 100 american silver eagles or 1.5 ounces of gold
>Mentions Weimar, where an ounce or two of gold would buy you a house
>Somehow he's only feeding himself for a few months with that
Sounds like your model doesn't line up. Also, better to have a few months of food than starve like everyone else, all for the cost of a night or two of drinking now.
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Probably the eagles
I GSR is pretty high right now all things considerd so i assume its gonna fall eventually
Also the Silver Eagle just looks pretty
maybe im just a bit to pessimistic but its overall better to be overcautios than be to cocky
i think the premiums on fractional gold are going to go up as demand goes up. More people are being priced out of full ounces so 1/10th and quarter gold ounces will be preferred
always thought 1/10th gold coins were a waste of money but they will ironically be the most desired in the future
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Sir, if you like Eagles then buy a real one, not some fake antiqued novelty version.
>its overall better to be overcautios than be to cocky
This is true, but even if you're focusing on the worst case keeping the probable case in mind as well is wise. Either way the answer is to stack more though.

There's a thought. I think the same one points to people buying silver (or, dare I say it? Copper!) instead.
We've been over this in a previous thread it's a real eagle anon
>what good will 10K be if bread costs 9k?
>Huurrrrrdurrrr loaf of bread yurrrrr
Yeah. You're right. No one will ever find a way to find an advantage with this. Might as well flush your gold down the toilet right now.
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That could have been anything you tested, pmg requires more proof than that.
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Unfortunately yeah but it was for a good cause. I bought a little 1931 home on an acre and it needed some repairs that were out of my skill set. Nobody is ready to start trading ounces for labor yet but they knocked 10% off for cash.
In the Great Depression people burned down their homes and lived in tents on the property to avoid the taxes. My bet is the houses "value" will skyrocket only to have the property taxes shoot higher to compensate. You'll be able to afford the mortgage, but the property taxes will be what sinks you.
>You'll be able to afford the mortgage, but the property taxes will be what sinks you.
Nobody will be paying any of that shit in the future, main street banks and central banks will be getting wiped out along with all the debt, why do you think these parasites literally are trying to wipe billions of people off the planet with the genocide jab? Because they are desperate to hang on to control, which that are about to lose, all these illegal taxes will disappear like a fart in the wind.
>Maintenance on a house with some land
That must be worthy of the /pmg/ seal of approval. I just wish you'd actually been able to get the place for that much.
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The triangles are in the wrong position.
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>but the property taxes will be what sinks you

Property taxes to who?

My Nigga where we're going there likely isn't going to be a federal government
uh oh niggers
acquired 10, I will have a 20 mile long line of formerly well to do housewives waiting to service my every need when silver moons
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>400 Dollars
Thats over 200 dollars premium whats going in with those coins
Boomer rocks are a scam, stop wasting your money.
i think it's lower than what i was seeing last year's sell for
>I just wish you'd actually been able to get the place for that much.
Would be interesting to see silver hit $4400/oz but we're at least 2 weeks away from that.
We won
>why do you think these parasites literally are trying to wipe billions of people off the planet with the genocide jab?
I never understood why people think the jab itself will kill people, if you think about it from their perspective why would you want to kill the people that follow orders and keep the schizos alive? I believe it was more of a test run for the actual "happening" either way I agree with the rest of what you said. (And add a little bit of AI and crypto for instant settlement and shit)
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Every dollar over spot represents a synagogue of satan taken out by Basedbollah.
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>I never understood why people think the jab itself will kill people

Hello Mr 1pbtid, welcome to the thread.

>want to buy Libertads
>they are 41 fucking dollars a pop

wrong link...
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Thank you. Everyone has a first post.
they have low mintage compared to other coins
also, in mexico you can spend them as cash for an amount equal to spot. which is pretty neat.
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>we will never see below 30 for silver again
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what is this?
>in mexico you can spend them as cash for an amount equal to spot
thats cool
Does thos work for other Silver Coins or only Mexican ones?
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manufacturing is getting ridiculous. There will be a squeeze in a few short months, I havent heard of liquidity inssues from the supply side, People are still buying as much as they are selling
Property taxes are local govt, usually county
The June 2014 issue of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club’s electronic newsletter, The E-Gobrecht has a lot of great articles. With permission, here is Len Augsburger's article about an interesting 1864 Masonic Engraved Half Dollar. -Editor
Coins are boring. I mean the coins you’ve seen a million times that aren’t interesting anymore. Turn them all into eBay junk lots, because this month we have something much more interesting to consider. I’m sure quite a few of us are constantly surfing the Internet checking out the latest dealer listings, and once in a great awhile you find something which grabs the attention - like this offering from John Kraljevich Americana:

1864 Masonic Engraved Half Dollar
What we have here is an 1864 half dollar. It is nicely toned, and the surfaces appear to be relatively mark free – aside from the engraving, which has quite a tale to tell. The story starts with the reverse, which is inscribed “Taken from the ruins of Masonic Temple / April 6th 1864.” This refers to the fire which destroyed the Boston Masonic Temple in 1864. Masonry was quite the thing in the early days of our country, more popular than now, and these cathedral-like buildings popped up in the large cities. If you’ve walked around downtown Philadelphia, you’ll get an idea – that Masonic temple, at Penn Square, remains in its original glory.

In Boston, there was nothing left to do but rebuild, and a new temple was raised several years later. But relics were taken from the charred remains in 1864, including ceremonial silver implements which were delivered to the Mint in Philadelphia to be coined into half dollars. (An intrepid researcher is currently searching for the deposit record in the Mint Archives, and we eagerly await his results.)
This coin thus falls into the category of relic coin, a situation where the source of the bullion for a particular coin is well-known. There are other examples in the American series, such as the 1848 CAL. GOLD quarter eagles (coined from the first gold shipment from California to the US Mint), or the 1794 silver dollars, for which the bullion was deposited by the Mint Director David Rittenhouse.

Then there is the mythology of George Washington supplying the bullion for the 1792 half dismes, for which some, but not definitive, evidence exists. Do you sense a theme – all these coins are really expensive! The current coin is somewhat less pricey, but not cheap. Mr. Kraljevich always does his best to separate me from my money, and I am trying to hold out, but this coin is making it very hard. Relic coins represent something more than just a coin – what we have here is a high degree of historicity, and if the dealer happens to have academic training as a historian, the asking price will be set accordingly.

Gregory Brunk, in his reference on counterstamped coins, argued that this coin is correctly called a commemorative coin. After thinking about this, it occurred to me that the coin collector’s lexicon is not always so precise. What exactly is a proof coin? Some of the Liberty Seated issues are deceptive – proof dies were used for circulation strikes. If the coiner ran off a few hundred coins and set them aside as proofs, how are those coins any different from the very next coin that came off the die?
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I used to be able to afford $1,000/month of silver. Now I can only afford $200.
I'm already cutting expenses as it is and I'm at risk for being unemployed in a few months.
yup same here
luckily i already have a pretty big war chest. but i try to buy minimum $200-300 a month of silver out of principle.
I am able to get silver straight from the refinery, but at these prices, I am worried about the rug being pulled back under 30. The longer I wait to buy in bulk for resale, the higher the price gets. I just want a 24 dollar per ounce of silver, like earlier this year!!!!
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>big war chest. but i try to buy minimum $200-300 a month of silver out of principle.
Yeah same, fren. We're possibly moving into uncharted territory if silver doesn't come back down.
>electronics will cost more
That's the big one.
Get a pass if its that frustrating
$45 for 3 years just skip some meals if you are on a budget so you don't dip into your weekly stack budget
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im getting sad pilled because despite investing in the right thing, its almost meaningless. its basically just a free car. i will still be a slave for the rest of my life
>1 post
>"get a pass"
fuck off janny
sar pleas buy dapass i get refferal 20 rupees
Silver and gold will both come down significantly if we get a nasty recession. China and US are both slashing rates. Good for metals but also signalling economic weakness
You do realize countries are buying gold/silver massively right?
nothing out of the ordinary. its just a hedge against increased global instability
>signalling economic weakness
It's signaling the weakness of fiat currencies.
((((US bankers)))) made it known that they will financially shut off anyone who opposes them. They banned russian oil exports to the west, cut them off from SWIFT, made it impossible to make commercial payments between firms in different countries, and cut off their ability to trade equities in dollars. This alerted all of the BRICS countries to start stockpiling gold as an insurance policy
>2 weeks
if it does, it'll only be the paper derivatives
physical will simply go up in premium to compensate
why can't you just put $3500 on a 0% APR credit card, that's what I'd do
I bought all the silver I will ever need back when it was cheap with low premiums and refuse to buy anything other than the /pmg/ coins as paying extra premiums because the dealers bought with bad timing and want to pass the cost onto you is one of the most cuckolded things I can think of that isn't sexual
well that's stupid
silver is still a great buy and will be until $100 at least
>silver is still a great buy and will be until $100 at least
This guy gets it.
>until $100 at least
At this rate, $200+
I am okay with this, 90 and 80% were my favorite ways to buy and have silver so silver going up will force me to buy it almost exclusively now. Every now and then Ill get a 10 ounce bar
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The blood moon rises
are you the legendary midnyte? dude kills it on whatnot
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Check out my sweet stack,
Nice stack Satan.
Silver will 6x within the next 6 years.
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99.9999% have no gold other than fractional grams used in phones/ computers chips.
people are more likely to pile into silver than to start driving up 1/10th oz gold premiums
The BIS is working with most of the brics.
they all look like pretty prime choices anon
>70 ounces of Silver
>or an Ounce of gold
I can only do one
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Physical Silver.
Gold. It's only going higher.
>>59011845 (wrong!)
Definitely silver. The closer the GSR gets to 1, the more silver you'll be able to trade for gold in the future.
>GSR 1:20, trade for 1toz of gold, still have 50toz silver
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>as low as $82/oz
uh ok
>in mexico you can spend them as cash for an amount equal to spot
This isn't true.

It's just that certain Mexican banks will automatically trade a libertad (both gold and silver) for its spot price on demand.
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My wife
>trade for gold in the future.
your doing it wrong
is 200oz enough to make it
I hope so because I have 1000
I'm sorry but you're simply wrong.

Silver is going to crab along forever. Gold will only appreciate.

I stack both and my gold has far better unrealized returns than my silver. A newbie choosing between their first ounce of gold and some silver will ALWAYS be happier with the single ounce of gold.

Stop trying to sucker new people into silver. Silver is fine to stack, but its fundamentals and valuation are decided in a far different way than gold.
Bullshit. People will use sections of links of their 14k gold necklaces before they start using your 1/10th toz coins.
you need something that can be used to pay on internet
gold/silver cant
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You sound like Bix Weirs evil twin.
>you need something that can be used to pay on internet
i have these things called credit cards
crypto is a solution looking for a problem
sorry but you're just a dummy
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Please explain.
See picrel. Even if it manages to crab, it's buying power will still increase.
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cope, XAU/BTC is the most stable chart since 3 years
>See picrel. Even if it manages to crab, it's buying power will still increase.
This is a complete fantasy. Only hardcore silver stackers think its great and will accept it in barter situations.
What is this shit? How much 'XAU/BTC' was used to make your computer or phone? None? It's useless garbage.
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>Only hardcore silver stackers think
Yep! You said it.
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calm down rabbi
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>1 gold ounce costs the same as 1 ethereum coin
its happening
This is somewhat correct now. I'm seeing 1 grams bars going for over $100 fucking USD right now, while 1/10 oz is nowhere near that premium.
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I can touch silver thank you very much.
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This is not a fantasy, it's a nightmare that most people are going to live through (or die) unfortunately.
whats the favorite online PMs dealer here?
Ive been using Silvergoldbull.com since they are usually the cheapest. but I havent shopped around in awhile
>inb4 LCS
my coin shops suck ass
Is this the happening? I hear 5% today and 35% YTD. What do I do? Are we still never selling or is there a /pmg/ price now?
id say gold. if you can only do one, itll be awhile before you can get enough for more gold. but you can get the gold now and get more silver anytime
Monument Metals is slightly cheaper than SGB, and I tend to use them. If you live in a place that accommodates their shipping and are ok with a higher $300 min, then Pimbex is even cheaper still.
I bought and sold today. You do you, dont look to these degenerates for advice
>bought and sold
What did you buy and what did you sell?
>dont look to these degenerates for advice
But good sir, I am one of them.
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I plan on buying my 100th oz of silver on October 7. That seems appropriate enough.
I also keep an eye on SD Bullion. They're on the mid range side of pricing, but not as bad as APMEX or JM usually, and have good sales sometimes. I like their more Christian themed selection too and I'll buy from them sometimes.
>day trader
>calling us degenerates
We're saving money, you're a gambler.
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I love when traders roll up in here sounding like this
Based Aqua Teen reference.
Why are you buying and selling and not stacking?
This is what you get for paying those high premiums back then
yeah Ive used Monumental a few times. They even sent a few free copper coins with my order each time
>thinking in fiat debt receipts still
This is your brain on government education.
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hi frens
I stumbled upon a very strange fake today.
This is a mexican 8 Reales GoRR 1885.
The fact there were so many variations & mints isn't helping with the identification, but to me it's clearly a fake because of some missing details -especially on the cactus & eagle claws- and because of the striated edge, whereas 8 reales back then had some kind of serrated edge.
Plus i find the ping to be too high pitched for .900 silver. And just my guts telling me something's wrong.

I got refunded for the coin, and the seller let me keep it.
But what's curious is the dimensions are matching a real one. Weights slightly heavier than a normal one (27.6g instead of 27.1) but it wasn't so uncommon back then, correct diameter (39mm), and very slightly thicker (2.8mm instead of 2.7mm), once again not too surprising, especially considering it's a slightly heavier one. And i've never heard about a fake being heavier than the real deal lol.

How is this possible? The ping remind me of cupronickel, but with those dimensions, the coin should weight something around 20g, 21g at best...
Any idea?
I'll post few pics.
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For ref, it was in a lot of 100+ coin, it was the only fake, and the seller is a good guy, not the scammer type.
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correct diam.
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0.1mm thicker than the numista's one, so pretty much nothing.
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Looks fake to me imo
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For comparison, here's a MS65 8R GoRR 1885, so the same year & mint.
Jews mad.
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That's a bad cast. Look at the cactus. And the rim. See how it bulges up at the bottom, higher than the indentations would seem to be even if it was in pristine condition. Have you stuck it on a sigma? It could be a cast silver fake.
I was just fucking with you anon lol.
I thought about a weak strike at first, since as you said the indentation are all blurred out, as well as the missing details on the cactus + the lettering half effaced on the "MEXICANA".
But it doesn't explain the non-matching reeded edge, that's what get my noggin' joggin'.
Unless few late minted years got differents edge? I couldn't find any literatture about the 1885's edge from the Guanajuato mint. Would help a lot if some fren itt owned an eagle & cap 8Rs to compare with.

But it IS a fake, unless i'm mistaken. :o
>But it IS a fake, unless i'm mistaken. :o
It's not......................................
you are mistaken -.-
Ok, then how do you explain the completely different edge? Pic rel is a real reales. Mine looks like the one you'd expect to see on modern silver peso.
I'd love to be proven wrong, so i could give the seller his money back.


>give the seller his money back.
I had one of my Swiss 2 Francs get lost in the mail. After a month I contacted the seller (ebay), they opened a case with USPS and the seller issued me a refund 2 weeks after that. Another week or two goes by and the coin arrives at my place.
That's life.
>the seller issued me a refund 2 weeks after that
Did that come out of his pocket?
I believe it was insured. $18 delivered to me anyway.
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I think gold just hit another all time high again.
Gold futures market is $10 away from $2700
Its just about to hit 2000 in brit pounds for the first time ever.
>Please explain.
no LCS will trade silver for gold. So if you buy silver and sell it for gold you end up eating the premium. Just switch gears and purchase gold if thats what you want and keep your silver
I hate this timeline where metals are mooning for months on end…
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Jackpot checked
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BURN down the fed!
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Kek, wtf?
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Oh god I'm gonna, I'm gonna cooooorrect!
it's ogre for the financial system
Prices need to go down, not up, dammit!
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Turn on log
If they still write history books on the other side, they'll talk about how everyone walked right into what's coming
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>tfw it's almost happening
It feels so close
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Here it's different, it's me who asked for a refund, there is no 3rd party involved to blame like you with USPS. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal in current satanic clownworld, but it's simply not how i conduct my business nor how my dad teached me.

But ofc that's only if i was wrong and the coin is legit, thus why i'm asking for help. But until proven otherwise, i'll consider this coin a fake. I pinged enough .900 coins in my life to know when i'm not dealing with a legit one. And this is one is 100% fake in my book. I just can't explain how they did manage to fit the correct dimensions, it's driving me mad kek.
>I just can't explain how they did manage to fit the correct dimensions, it's driving me mad kek.
Because it's real.
>I pinged enough .900 coins in my life to know when i'm not dealing with a legit one.
What if its defects impact the acoustic resonance? What then?
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Fake like being made using real precious metal?
Or take some mystery metal?
I’m just trying to learn here
>All I know is chink copies are chink copies…
I hope you figure it out soon. Keep us in the loop fren.
I'd just throw it in a vinyl flip with a question sharpie'd on it until I could test it differently like with a Sigma, etc.
>What if its defects impact the acoustic resonance? What then?
When defaults impair coins' resonance, it usually just gives you a deaf *CLONK* when you ping them. Here it's a very long, very high pitched sound. Higher than anything containing silver i've heard before.

>Fake like being made using real precious metal?
Idk, maybe a low silver content? .500 silber tend to pitch higher than higher grade content for example.
>Or take some mystery metal?
Like a tungsten core you mean, then coated in something else? Not impossible i guess, but that'd be a lot of efforts for a relatively low value coin. Not so long ago those coins were priced at their silver content value..

>I hope you figure it out soon. Keep us in the loop fren.
Thanks fren, i'm hoping for scrapfren to show up, he will know what's going on here. In the meantime i'll try to upload tomorrow the ping sound of the coin, then do the same with a regular .900 coin this size like a peace dollar so you can hear the difference.
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platinum, you fools
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Please explain why exactly the russians are still allowed to trade platinum on the LPPM.
Reminder that crypto nerds will seethe. Good night.
I have a feeling that would change if the russians went from net sellers to buyers
This Monday might be th last tamp before it just explodes.
translation pls
The fundamental problem with currency is who gets to control issuing it. With gold and silver, the issuance is regulated by the fundamental structure of the known universe. This takes issuing power out of the hands of humans with their moral weakness. But CBDC does not solve this problem. This will prevent any kind of decentralized coalition. There will need to be either a single issuer, as with the USD, or a central authority, as with the Euro. Any attempt to have a currency that grants all the users unrestrained issuing power will run into the inherent instability of cartels. This is why the BRICS will either ultimately turn to PMs or use the Yuan on a floating conversion system. Only the former will be able to replace the USD. But the governments of the BRICS will resist it because it limits their power.
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Toyota has been steady on with hydrogen. They have been right so many times before, and have been right not to go all-in on BEVs, it would be imprudent to dismiss them. And even hydrogen ICE means platinum in the generating stage. I would not advise anyone to stack platinum until they have a nice stack of silver and gold. But variety is the spice of life.
Post tier charts to see who makes it and who doesn't
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idiots. Go procreate and give the treasure to your children so they can get your bloodline out of slavery.
The trick is to understand capital vs credit. It's the lens that clarifies everything and balloon-economics will not be returning after the crash. Real money. Real interest rates. Bankruptcies. Fire sales. Liquidations will be the norm. And it won't happen again in your lifetime that you just own a portfolio and rake in insane amounts of money doing nothing. People never trusted banks again as long as they lived after the great depression and it wasn't until the boomers that they could start the cycle over again.
I already told you, it's a cast.
My...my cheapies...gone...
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This is the danger zone. Back in 2021 I think we hit this level in silver and the proceeded to drop down to $18. It was a very bad year for stackers who were FOMOing. But then again, here we find ourselves with gold moving precipitously higher, with all sorts of trouble looming for the banks. What do you do? Sit on the sidelines while silver runs away to $50 or do you sit patiently and wait? Gold wasn't looking this strong in 2021 I can tell you that much.
>"Unhealthy fascination with Chinese"
Ha. I think they make plenty of money collecting each year and animal.
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I meant they (Perth) make plenty of money by selling to people who want to collect each year and animal
Thank you for the reassuring words, anon. I had forgotten that all silver under my price point was cheap. I shall resume stacking.
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Anything to do with the (((lunar calendar))) and animals and harry potter is cultist satanic black magic stupidity and lunacy, its the reason why they are subliminal with it and sneak it in everywhere.

They think putting their symbolism in everything that the average normie will want to convert to their satanic/lucerfarian cult and be an unhinged nutjob just like they are, after decades, even centuries it hasn't worked.
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Yeah my sweet little kitty is totally in league w/ the devil.
>harry potter
It's no different than Lord of the Rings or Dune. Just movies based on books.
i wish more mints did 2 oz gold. is it just australia pretty much?
They always try to keep things below their highs every Monday but I think too many people are slurping right now that they won't be able to control it and demand will skyrocket the price.
Im talking about (((chinese lunar))) animals, plus they hijack stuff like lord of the rings/harry potter and turn it into satanic promoting tool, basically the same thing as the freemasons, started off as a thing of good then got taken over by the elohim worship cult and turned into a tool to promote evil.

Its all failing and collapsing now so none of this shit matters anymore but it will still take normie npc's years/decades to get their head around what was happening and what they were being subjected to.
>lord of the rings
Orks are clearly melanin enriched individuals.
>harry potter
Bankers are goblins.
I see no problem there.

1. EU got VAT on silver (20ish % depending on country)
2. Norway, a EFTA (european free trade association) member, does NOT have VAT on silver(-coins)

how can i get my hands on some norwegian feinsilber? do i have to physically go there? will the fed come after me on the border? are there online stores? i'm austrian if it makes any difference

thamks in advance
based gold chewing wizard.
I for one am in favor of auditing the COMEX
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What's the deal with $32.50, why do they hate that number so much?
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the usual answer. mayer was even nice enough to send the box with this one
Why ppl always seems to ignore the fact France do not have VAT on silver either?
hey guys I just came here to tell you that my treasure chest feels heavy and jingles satisfyingly when i move it now.
Next One Up

It would be smuggling but if you can go by car or ship it should be possible but it's probably not worth it. Some other anon says France has no VAT either and in Germany you can get 925 for spot and lately bullion coins have been going for 10% over spot which is not terrible.
Works inside France but if you order online they charge VAT or should as far as I understand.
It's not about convert normies, they do this to taunt god, because god is supposed to be everywhere, so they do the same with their shitty symbolism.
The gold wizard thanks yuo
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Picked up some constitutional today
10 Georgies
5 Benny Franks
5 Struttin' Ladies
1 Morg
They had some dimes, but they were all roosevelts and I fuckibg hate fdr's guts.

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