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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>59008760

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Friday RRP: 339.316B, 65P = 5.220B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 380.372B, 71P = 5.357B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 388.977B, 65P = 5.984B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
everyone below this post is a bagholding faggot checkem
just kidding check these
no but for real this time
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>price has no commas
I sleep
More dilutions is good goys. Picrel is a shill.
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Why does it have extra decimals though??
Please, we need another dilution, ryan!!! Please, think of your shareholders and please dilute another 100m shares!!! Please ryan!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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saved thanks shillbro
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And what did the hedgies do with all those shares Cohen offered?
Did they buy them in order to close their positions?
Or did they short the stock EVEN HARDER to delay the inevitable because they are trapped and can't get out?

If you're in this play, it would behoove you to understand the mechanics of the market at play.

Pic related.
why do fucking redditors love calling buying a stock a 'play' lmfao
go back
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What wallet and dex to used for the buying of Solana meme coins?
I want to do liked the bastille on X he yeated his Portillo trading shitcoins but Coinbase don’t have them. Wat do?
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
every dilution is ending up being used to short the company. meanwhile ff7 rebirth is fucking awesome.
That's why reddit fags are insufferable. Each new share offered is serving as 10 new locates.

Ryan is getting more cash while also digging the MOASS hole deeper.
Sirs could you do the needful and help me redeem?
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October is almost here.
And ff7 is gaaayyy cloud is a borderline personality crybaby beta cuck chasing coalfax tifa while the sweet church girl is still to hung up on her ex to give him the time of day. Final fantasy 8 is forever the goat.
the sharty is a cia honeypot site that posts embedded cp and "pro right wing memes" to entrap people.
That doesnt make his post less of a gem
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sharty cia nigger meme
wondering if we'll keep up with inflation? though i imagine, like a coil, inflation + shorting will put even more pressure on our bounce up. we see the $ printers have been officially turned on, rrp is climbing as well as gold, even silver as seen a few points in gains. seems like crash theory is moass. coming up on the horizon, port strike that affects 43% of cargo capacity in usa. i see gme make a huge move after the election. both canidates wanna take us to war for israel, war is the best way to hide and excuse $$ printing.
fuck outta here. aryan white man teams up with other races to take down the jews and corporation to save the planet and multiverse. based.
Anons here's a pretty scary insight into digital phone security. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVyu7NB7W6Y

Basically SS7 is the modern implementation of old turn style telephones. Problem is it's adding modern technology to an old system. Anyone with $3,000/mo or who can hire someone with that kind of money can do crazy things. Built in protocols allow stealing call/text routing for a small period. Triangulation of specific geographic location. It seems like VOIP is going to be the real future of phones. Hopefully phones running phone line software can die in favor of VOIP.
That's the thing the show "Person of Interest" does. Force Pair cell phones.
great fucking show.
Sorry not gonna watch your CIA worship slop.
Kinda funny the plot implies that the US government has had LLM AI since at least the 90s.
One of my favourite shows of all time.
The CIA isn't even the main focus of the story. It's about saving people and Artificial intelligence.
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CIA niggers glow in the dark. They'll never take my shares
[REDACTED] isnt pro war but I agree war is the perfect excuse for bailouts.

Fiat is dead if any more printing is done. Hyperinflation into currency reset
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I remember this site, any other sites good for people doing research? I am working on a writeup on the GME situation that I think will be good, just don't have much free time to actually do it.
>[Open offer to everyone really, not just you]

Don't you dare besmirch Person of Interest, was a good show before it got gay. The message still holds though.
During war? Price controls and rationing.
bullshit. both candidates are. both have the same points and both answer to central bankers. both answer to pissrael.
trump is already falsely blaming iran for the 2nd assassination attempt when we know it was glowniggers and jew hedgefucks and bankers, they put in shorts on his company again 4 a winfall. the cuntmela is blowing zelensky. war will be the perfect excuse to run up the printers into the new reset, the only question is who will be on top, brics or the west. wonder where gme falls into the madness?

This Coming Month Is Littered With Geopolitical and Market Risk. Interview with Simon Hunt.
The business is trending in a nice direction. I did not give a fuck about overpriced games or funko pops, but the pokemon cards and retro games are things I'd actually buy.
A Ryan Cohen SPAC is a stock I'd actually buy
>JD [redacted] is funded by [redacted] Thiel
>[redacted] wins then "dies suddenly"
>JD [redacted] gets to invade [redacted] on behalf of ((([redacted]))) for the RIA
Meh they need better screenplay writing.
Yeah yeah the CIA is super magical and patriotic foo foo and smart and saviors of the country while they sell crack to the blacks in the 80s or fentanyl today to fund black projects. KYS.
>while they sell crack to the blacks in the 80s
Hey man none of those witnesses ever testified. Innocent intil proven guilty, aeronautics is a complex business.
"Fidelity Cash Management Account Holding My Funds for Weeks – Here’s What Happened and What I’m Doing About It"

looks like liquidity issues. drs is the only way.
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Watamelon get
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This is the fate of all meltdownies, follow your queen
>why have you got lube
>why have you got a thousand bottles of lube
I gotta finish the original ff7, it was so good. Are the remakes worth playing afterward? I heard that ff7 remake part 1 was pretty bad because of fucking Nomura.
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its pozzed.
companies are not mentally capable of not fucking with a story. they just throw endless excuses at why the fucked with something that wasn't broken and call you a piece of shit for not liking it.
if your playing the OG and loving it, savor the feels and let it die.
Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal and theres nothing you faggot [REDACTED] can do about it
Word. I'd rather enjoy the original than spend $150 getting berated for not going along with the "creative liberties" these hack frauds take.
So they add bad metadata to a normal image?
$tep aside peanut.
>They'll never take my shares
Why would someone want to take your shares? They are worthless lmao.
checked. loved the og. the sequels are great so far, and rebirth gameplay is epic, looking forward to the conclusion of the series.
ff7 sequel is polarizing. oldfags want a remaster untouched, new fags have never played the og so they dont have a connection/nostalgia to the sequel.

none of you guys were ever gonna be pleased no matter what they did with the ff7 franchise. they could have done soooo much worst with the series, sooo much. the sequel is fuckin awesome, best ff game in a long time.
She's just going to have more sex anyway
she'll have to pay for it like every other dude.
In jail it's free...

Just like my losses in GME
Fitting that a meltdownie will get tranny dicked in a so called "female" prison
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>POV it's 2025 and you're in your backyard
Is everyone ready for the dock worker strike? Seems like it's going to pop off October 1st . Get your toilet paper and your Christmas shopping. Supposedly Biden won't block it.

I'm curious if Cohen is ready for it. Would be a good move if he's got q4 merchandise in CONUS already.
Love that Ryan Cohen utterly despise his shareholders lol. What a based gent
MOASS would be a lot scarier without RC at the helm. I'm glad we have RC leading the company because he only gets paid when the shareprice does well. His success is our success. He has great advisors behind him in Larry Chang. And most of all, he has shareholders who are all dedicated to the company. And the least unappreciative is Bill Pulte, who has been winking and nodding to the shareholders that big things are looming while RC is behind the wall sealing the M&A.
This makes the shills seethe. They want us to feel worried that our $9BN market cap is now backed by $6M worth of cash. That is over 2/3s of every dollar you put into GME is backed by CASH with infinite upside of business growth and the moonshot of MOASS all tucked into one. It's like buying a winning lottery ticket. You don't need anything else in life. You don't need a pension, 401k. a house, a gf, or even AIR. All you need is GME DRSed and in your broker and you will partake in the confiscatory price adjustment as the shorts get blown open like one of the Polandball comics.
Do you recommend I finish OG FF7, then play other FF games before I play the Remake, or should I jump straight to Remake after?
Don't touch the remake. That poster is a salty leftoid.
It’s crazy how similar the year chart looks to the original sneeze. Are there people still doubting fractal theory in here? I feel like I can look at the chart and see an algorithm trappped with no where to go.
>feel like I can look at the chart and see an algorithm trappped with no where to go.
And that trap? It was Tupperware
It's even better because the circumstances are drastically better for gme now compared to 2021. I think things will remain flat in the $20-$25 range until it breaks out and does another huge pump like in May.
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If RC is ready for this it'll be a big deal. Wait times for products will be high but not for gme if they have taken measures to have everything in warehouses. Might actually be set up to sell out this Christmas season if other retailers fucked up.
ff7 og> ff7 crisis core>ff7 advent children(animated film)> ff7 remake> ff7 rebirth

the only thing left about me is the angle my dick curves when im balls deep in your mom.
I remember when a certain somebody in these threads tried to paint flat law as a psyop.
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I like GameStop (Ticker: GME).

Enjoy this new frog I added to my collection of rare and exquisite amphibians.








bro you have shares
We ALL got shares!
Why is he sniffing parrot?
Why not?
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I've never sniffed a parrot before, so who am I to question if they smell good or not?
some parrots smell really good but it's subjective
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
wtf is going on with baba's 30 min chart for the past 2 months?
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and we're green
kek hedgies
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do you feel it?
Birds don’t have sweat glands so I believe it.
Baggies can't get it up anymore. Too much dilution?
not enough short baggies to take money from, sacrifice yourself and go short
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kenny just keeps digging his hole.
this but in a heavily forested area in the midwest. Waterfront is a meme
It’s the only play he has. He literally strapped an explosive vest on to himself.
Kenny going jihad at his nearest Gamestop store
Beachlets do not understand the power of the homestead chad.
for the glory of the Umadmayo empire
72 meltdownies are waiting for him
big kek
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FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
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I should have bought when it was $11
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gme will never go below $20 ever again
(and if I'm wrong I will slurp)
win win
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The downtrend turned into an uptrend at 12 yesterday. Let’s see what happens today
The cringelord is back at it again I see

It's because I'm in the wrong timezone so it's bullying me all week.
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>I think the video game store stock and everyone who holds it is cringe
>That's why I came to the video game store stock thread
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How funny would it be if she was accidentally sent to the male prison and she was railed out 24/7 by uncircumcised BBC for two years straight.
>im only mad because the video game store stock people are green because they bought when it was $11-$19 per share and im down over 80% on my imaginary internet money investments because they exchanges I keep using keep getting shut down and their leaders end up in jail
She'd probably love that
I think the bbby thread has been taken over by jannies and glowniggers.
They are seething because DK Butterfly has the same CIK as BBBY and the ticker is being preserved. Meaning towelchads are going to get muffuggin paid and shorts will no doubt try to close GME shorts before that happens
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i feel it in my peepee, we are about to level up:
the sneeze chart is primed to repeat again but on an even smaller and shorter scale which means we'll see a mini pump probably around early october and then an even flatter chart trading around the new floor of 30.
because of dilution the ceiling has been lowered to 50.
the channel is getting more narrow and i wonder what will happen when the ceiling and the floor meet.
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Your days are numbered, crab
The end is in sight, for sure. Although the journey seemed to have taken forever, RC has righted the ship and is now headed in the right direction. Everything about this company is now bullish and on its face the investment is a compelling safety trade. Not just because the stock is literally backed 50% by cash, but because the core business is getting an aggressive new overhaul as well as a literal moon-shot ticket via a short squeeze.
It's the perfect investment. Amazing balance sheet. No debt. Profitable income statement. Visionary leadership at the helm. Dedicated consumer base and shareholders. $5BN in the bank with looming M&A aspirations. And the best part of it all? The stock is so heavily shorted it is 100% crash-proof. This stock is going to have the opposite of a crash (which is a cascade of selling) and will skyrocket in price with a cascade of forced-buying. This stock is a one-stop shop to early retirement and anyone and everyone can participate. Shorts need to buy what I own and I am not selling for anything less than SIX MILLION DOLLARS.
Anon, if the cash on hand becomes worth more than the stock because ruggin Cohen decides to diloot the rest of the billion shares on a whim all it means is that GameStop will be swooped up by some outside party/firm for a quick profit. This is probably their end goal for shutting down the MOASS completely.
so sell it all if GME gets acquired?
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Cool story bro
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>bro the gamestop bear thesis will come true FOR SURE THIS TIME
The problem here is that the price stability is only provided because the shorts are providing the shares to the longs. The second that buy orders start hitting the lit market the price just melts up.
We also don't have any clue where these new shares are going and they are likely being sold to underwriters involved in the M&A being put together. So no outsider is going to have access to these shares and the shorts will still be on the hook.
>bro the gamestop MOASS thesis will come true FOR SURE THIS TIME

Did you type enter twice or once?
a very gen-x type of comment.
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Pls respond, I sent you my penis
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Volume died, time for them to pretend everyone left GME and it's donezo.
i'm looking at the pic right now but i can't see it?
>I deliberately created a general on fucking /biz/ about a stock i've been wrong about for 4 years, and now i'm getting laughed at for being a redditor. How could this be happening to me???
Because I'm more important than you
I bought more, try not to be too upset
I sold more, try not to be too upset
I’m going to repeat everything you say, try not to be too upset
my gme position is still green faggots short harder
And try not to be upset about it
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>I was wrong to double down on gme at $10-$11
How is the stock not at $30 yet?! The offering fucking closed!!!!!! Helloooo?!!! Pump this piece of shit already.
I saved up cash alllll winter long. And when we were dipping into almost depressing levels I thought to myself: "What would a bold man do?".
And with that, my actions became clear. I bought SIX MILLION shares of GME and withing just a few short months my investment not only gave me returns, but literally spiked 800% in the span of 2 weeks.
GME is the investment of a lifetime. This is like finding the fountain of youth and watching all of your scars and burns heal when the water touches your skin. The time to finally imbibe the fruits of GME are before us. Don't get scared now, king, you destiny... awaits...
kek dumbfuck baggies
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Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
There's a lot of pathetic threads on /biz/ but this one is always the most pathetic.
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Ryan Cohen won't survive the next shareholder meeting unless he comes up with a plan for what he's going to do with all my money.
If it get to 30 he'll jjust do another offering. Ryan has made it clear what window he'll allow the stock price to be in
Bagshits can’t pump nigga. How many times we gotta tell yo bitch ass. Dumb ass yt boi.
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The important thing about gamestop's offerings, and share offerings in general is that it's not only about the price, volume matters too. Just because a company decides to sell shares, doesn't mean that there are immediate buyers at that price. This is why dilutions cause the price to drop, they need buyers for new shares. So why did gamestop choose to dilute when it did? Because RC must be able to anticipate spikes in volume. Remember last year all of the months with record low volume which lead up to this May which saw the most volume the stock has ever seen? This must be the key to the algo. Crab with low volume for a long period of time, and then settle with big volume in a short period of time. Gamestop doing the offerings punishes the algo for fake pumps and dumps. The big volume spikes end up being money straight into gamestop's pocket.
>TLDR: Volume is key to share offerings. RC must have anticipated this because whenever the algo is forced to pump the volume on gme, the share offerings capitalize on it.
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Why would RK tweet a dog and leave? Is he actually doing anything?
He is a grifter just like pp
Why did you expect him tweeting a dog would have anything to do with the stock market?
RK is a messiah! He’s totally gonna become a quadrillionaire! The MOASS is right around the corner! That’s why he’s a billionaire who swing traded the stock constantly and is now on an island somewhere while I cope that I too will totally make it someday just holding !
I should have sold when it was $60...
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>is smart
>is actually a licensed trader
>doesn't ask for money to buy stocks (he buys with his own money)
>shows his GME position
>doesn't ask you to buy his socks
>pic related
>retarded (masks his low-IQ with expletives)
>is a jobless loser
>asks for donations to buy BBBY (coincidentally during the period when BBBY was taken off trading)
>never shown his BBBY position
>asks you to buy his Chinese-made socks for $22 a pair, while you can get US-made Darn Tough wool socks for $24 a pair and has a lifetime guarantee
>DFV is just like PP
i wonder how many shares that massive faggot richard newton has
he seems desperate
his name is alexander zarac
reminder that the emotional damage guy has fat stacks of GME
Why do you know his real name?
rrp is so weird
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It’s not even the end of the month and it’s been slowly rising ever since the offering started. Something is happening.
He signed up for the PP OnlyFans
>AMC: Original Recipe is decoooopling further from GME
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>b-b-but it's cheaper...
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>guess we will see
The whole market is decoupling from gme.
Or something happened and it's going back to a level they're comfortable with.
I have seen a lot of basketball stock shilled recently. But to start to beat the that horse to death again seems like either they are going to June 2021 it or we are going to jan 2021 in October
(((You're))) fixed for you.
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I just checked, AMC is down 92% since I took that screenshot back in June 2022
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Look at that nose and you nee d to ask no other questions.
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Compare his nose to Cohen's and you will ask some questions regarding the usurpation of Jews by """Jews"""
Kino meme
Can you still buy BBBY bonds? How do I do that.
i'm feeling feelings right now. it's happening.
Wednesday RRP: 416.193B, 72P = 5.780B per (roughly)
is it going up again? i lost track. wasn't it down to 2b per participant?
it's ogre
It’s joegun
Yid defends gaymc with this. Jews hate other jews and you know that better than I. You yids killed his dad and tried to kill chewy. He hates you.
>wasn't it down to 2b per participant?
Nah. Most of September was down in the 200 billions until last Wednesday.
mommy's teeth check?
Clint, how's this weeks crumbl lineup? I've got family coming into town, and I'm not sure if i want to roll the dice on some cookies, or if i should just grab a cake from a local bakery
Still can’t believe bankman pulled that piece of tail , wood bury nuts 9/10
Always go local when you can. Fuck small cakes. Also if you have a Publix, go with them. Crumbl is fun and all and their lineup this week is ok, but you’ll get better product for your money going local.
I know feeling, would fuck it just for the experience
Make sure to check out your Boss Doug Cifu’s early life section on wikipedia. What you will find may surprise you
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brace for impact!
>he still thinks the Ashkenazi """Jews""" are the same as biblical jews
Has this been posted yet?

No publix :/ aight thanks for the pastry 411
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Let's see what the new floor is
How is MOASS going, baggies?
more like SLOASS
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>5 million volume with 20 million more shares circulating
She's drier than the sawdust remains from Kenny's bedpost
it's crazy. what's crazier is getting 3 captcha countdowns. why are they so afraid of GME shitposters?
>Can you still bbbuy BBBY bbbonds?
are you crazy?
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more like NOASS
I was told to wait to post as well. I think they are test running censoring 4chan once MOASS kicks off. They will shut down communication but they still want you to go online to pay your bills and buy shit online.
Who’s they?
shrekli just destroyed GME thesis, the book value for say $100 invested into GME will only get you $43 back whereas if you invest that $100 in VC/hedge funds/S&P you will get $100+ within the first year.

you know who
BBBY chairman Harriet Edelman who contributed in bankrupting BBBY is found to be the cousin of a billionaire.

This same billionaire owns the oldest private bank in america to which edelman is the vice president of.
Most of baggies have invested way more than $100 and received only dilutions in return which is not nice for them.
>inb4 seething about a bankrupt towel stock

There's a reason these faggots dont want anons digging in
I have built an alternative if that happens
nigga who
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no it's about opportunity cost, GME only has cash and assets from the store which equates to a book value of 33 out of 100.
Cry more bitch
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every single fucking time
listen bub, ill even give you a you, even the most retarded fucks know about the vote allowing the company to issue up-to 1 billion shares.
the company isn't half way there.
CUNT, defender of shills. You never fail to show your own hand. Not a sage.
>there is no such thing as a long squeeze therefore a short squeeze doesn’t exist
damn shrekli, is life after prison that tough you need to beg for donations on the internet and shill for short hedge funds? better make sure there are no traces of you interacting with hedge funds or being involved with any stock market manipulation. you know if you get locked up again your life isn’t over, right? you probably won’t even get a chance at parole. i feel bad for your parents for having their son grow up to be such a cunt.
So a youtube grifter that is a convicted felon and shitcoin shill is someone I should be listening to? How is he different than ur boy pp ur all so obsessed with

U guys are so desperate hahaha
Lol did you forget to change browsers faggot.
Kek [REDACTED] is going to buy infowars and give it back to [REDACTED]
Just because I did that doesn’t mean I did it. I was just trying to be funny
Qui? Qui?
Back peddle harder.
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The bathniggers have returned. I'd tell you to go back but your general doesn't even belong to you anymore. It belongs to /GME/. In fact all of /biz/ belongs to /GME/

Some dude called this last month
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Lololololololol Clint's a bathnigger.
Oh, I think I remember a bbby holder posting this in an older gme thread
Every time there's a share offering, the price goes up.
I never bought the shit and literally can’t buy the shit now
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uh oh, they're starting to notice
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>reddit redditors being more based than the biz redditors itt
it's ogre
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CLINT, going to be straight with you, going to need to release a statement on your stance for the bath niggers to set the record straight.
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Crab good, allows for stable acquisition
I get banned every time i say [REDACTED]
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I don't want stable acquisition, i want wild fluctuations and panic.
Careful Clint. First they want a statement and after they want you to convert to Islam.
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Funny how mad people get at gamestop of all things. Pick any other random stock and people won't bat an eye, but once gme gets mentioned suddenly you get a laundry list of why you shouldn't invest in gme and why [insert other investment] is much better. There genuinely is no reason to get mad that a stock has obsessed investors. But apparently that is one of the reasons why gme sucks and I should forget about it. Maybe I might have forgotten gme if it wasn't so blindly hated constantly. People really have been brainwashed to hate gme, or at the very least be skeptical of it. Oh well, not everyone deserves to make it.
Now replace gme with bbby
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It's just standard practice to issue a statement in support of GME and all false prophets will pay the Jizya
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You just rekt me, gamer, I kekked indeed!
Here’s my statement:

Christ is King
Only GME will WAGMI
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

That’s all.
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its because of how many people were burned by the "greatest investment ever". How long do you think people have been waiting for this to 'moass'. Its dead, shrimple as. Dead general during market hours and will never see ATH again due to all the dilution. By the time you see any real returns (no buying 10 shares when it was $15 and being up 5% is not a real return) gme will be a relic forgotten to all except those who knew it for what it was: a meme.
based x4
Clint never atoned for losing those faggots money on his faggot distraction.
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Sounds like copium and a skill issue to me
i made 6000% on tsla before rolling it into gme. nice try
U rlly have a RC dilute meme saved on ur computer tho?
yes, rc dunking on baggies is ultra based
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with a reddit filename. meltdownsyndromer confirmed
I personally think that Gamestop is a perfectly cromulent stock. Fight me.
buying at the end of last week would net you 20%.
btw a lot of bank would send their mom under the bus for 5% increase by doing nothing but pressing 2 button on a computer
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i love gamestop
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man i wish i could lose 427 Billions of $ and still come working in monday
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They lost $427B and I came. It's basically the same thing.
What is the realistic moass price?
last 4 digits of my id
still waiting for it to dip to 16 dollars before I buy in.

Any of y'all have good ideas for where to dump my money in the meantime?
whatever price you are able to negotiate with the glowies holding a gun to your head.
kek the glowie will never have my share
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This photo will be Ryan Cohen’s next tweet.

Hard to be Antsy after this long. Stopped caring, it will happen when it happens. Too many angry yids to quit.
You can on E*trade and IBKR. On IBKR, they only let you make an order during market hours
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I want a keep, a title, lands, a sturdy plump wife, a mistress to make my sturdy plump wife jealous, a kitchen wench to make my mistress jealous, and thousands of retainers.

I will trade one (1) share of GameStop (Ticker: GME).
>cocks gun
>what about three fiddy?
Looks like a lot of shares are going into the infinity pool then
these dubs
Kek baggies are dumping on each other left and right after hours. Only the dumbest baggots are left
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I've had worse.
sorry for the noise, there was a rat in here.
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I'm sick and tired of shills trying to divide MOASS holders and long term holders... The truth is, and RC/RK know this... Both are true. GME WILL MOASS, and once investors like me sell the top, we will buy into GME again and swallow the market whole.
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their presence betrays their rhetoric
>43.22% short volume.
>37.60% off exchange.
I was perma banned back in 2021 for trying to get people to notice kek
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>sell the top
>the top
He still doesn't get it
I need a hit of hopium
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thank you, fren
The same thing happens in the 2011's MW3 campaign intro, Scorched Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3s5rJmK3KA
When does it get gay?
I'll probably have to move my phone number to a VOIP service then not use data plan's phone number for anything.
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Are you calling it by it's name or willing it into existence anon?

Japanese GF that loves Undertale
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>O F
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this song is fucking unreal
Twilight Sparkle sex robot
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Lady Liberty holy fuck
shills cant defeat unfettered optimism
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18:55 in the links fren?
I don't understand the watamelon meme, but I enjoy it nonetheless, and i but makes the shills/bootlickers seethe. Just imagine being on the side of banks and hedge funds like some sort of huge faggot.
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I've just had an autistic vision into the future and I foresaw us wagmi'ing it. the price didn't go to the meme numbers that the retards at reddit keep talking about, but everyone did quite well, like prices going into the upper hundreds. I can see it so clearly, it's definitely going to happen.
The price is already confirmed to be 2.7 million in darkpool trades. It's only going to go up from there.
Show me a screenshot.i want to show someone
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dumping a few funny numbers
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What does this mean lol?

Where can I make ai slop porn?
kek dumbfuck baggies
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I was asked how is this possible and why is it legal for the price to be 20 here and 1m there.
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>Just imagine being on the side of banks and hedge funds like some sort of huge faggot.
They're ontologically evil. Every melon poster is morally justified and righteous in their actions
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Lmao watamelon
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how was it legal for hitler to gas the jews when it was illegal for hitler to gas the jews?
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It's a private trade between two individuals, not an open market offering, so it doesn't affect the price on the stock market. Normally, the price difference between public and private trades is close to 0, but Gamestop is not a normal stock.
There should be some sort of law that private stock trades must be similar to market rates to prevent money laundering.
It's questionable if shares of publicly traded companies should be allowed to trade privately at all.
meme magic IS real
it CAN be harnessed
we ARE going to make it

look into German Wings flight 4U9525
look into PS5 Pro and the reunification of Linkin Park and their song The Emptiness Machine
Oh I get it, there is no top, but the IS a bottom for the rest of the market, and RC and I are going in.
BBBY chads are bringing the company back from the dead
I was told that if they bought at 1m and not 20 someone somewhere has a need.
An order was sent for 600$
The emptiness machine is awesome. I don't know how I missed this song.
Yeah, they have a dire need for the actual shares, not the promise of shares that normally goes on in the public market. Whoever needed those shares was willing to pay millions in order to get their hands on one.
It's pretty new. Their other new song Heavy is the Crown isn't bad either, though the riff at the start reminds me of that part from I will survive.
Also the new singer chick's connections to Scientology.
I hope when moass happens the fags in this general will get some musical taste, for fucks sake.
What is even happening with market anymore?

>Historically this is a bad week for markets
>50 bepis when was 25 for months
>Nikkei shwinging to the heavens
>Jpy/USD $145 and rising

It's all so tiresome.
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Yeah so basically I'm gonna trade shares privately. Unless of course there's a better method to achieve the outcome
And how are you going to do that?
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it's all spinning plates at this point, forgetting even the gme shenanigans, the entire market is fit to burst
if it was a sci-fi movie this is when they show that reality is bending and non euclidean madness is about to begin
I want a violent squeeze to 30k
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That seems like a decent start, but I'm looking forward to that same degree of squeeze in the 6:29:59 that make up the rest of the trading day.
a violent squeeze is somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion 300 million billion dollars per share
It's been this way for years and it's even worse now

I could sell 16% of my shares and have 15 mil after tax.
The moass anthem is upon us.
It would be funny if women would have a new filter:
>-Girl, did you hear that John's dick is huge?
>-Yeah, babe, but I heard Dave is a GameStop investor.
>-Omg really? What's his number?
Everyone instantly becomes your friend, and not being able to spot true friends from actual leeches.
You can tell from my statement that I am poor.
I could sell 40 shares at 30k and leave everything untouched, but if GameStop becomes Berkshire it will probably hunt me for the rest of my life.
You fool.

Now I know you have 595 shares
Please Mr Kenneth do not bed post him
Even the family of Ryan Cohen are grifters.
Strong signal there is no secret plan by the board to fight naked shorting or make some M&A move. No 4D chess, just ATM offerings and treasuries
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bbby ;)
Why do the meltdownies want Ryan in jails so bad? What did he do?
it's projection. like caroline the weasel shill they themselves are the ones who belong into jail for market manipulation.
Wait is Jared telling me to buckle up or it’s safe to unbuckle now. I hate looping gifs.
Expectations are created for this Friday on ss.
>It's important to remember such an event does not have to occur. If the gamma squeeze play isn't telegraphed to the properly interested, properly disposed parties in the game or big players are not interested in committing capital to such a gamble, then the most likely outcome is some ping-ponging in the mid-low twenties before a Friday slip sub-$22 as Charm sets in and Dealers slip their hedges late in the day driving all that accumulated Call OI at $22 and up to expire 100% worthless.
Yeah, show me someone who doesn't like making money.

Who is Jared?
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He’s Ryan’s brother in law. He’s been counting up to something with his follows on twitter. And he posted this gif.
Oh thank you
It certainly alligns with the trend of creating new expectations for this Friday.
Why would someone close to Ryan want to hype Friday up just to disappoint? Are you implying the hedgies got to him?
No. I am thinking maybe something really happens this Friday since there is so much hype in short time.
Is RC still invested in Alibaba?
If he knew something was gonna happen soon why would he hype it up? Couldn't this be seen as access to insider info?
If I wink at you, can you be accused of insider knowledge or being a bottom?
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New thread?
>Your honour, in my opening statement I would like to specify that my client did nothing wrong. He only winked at his brother in law. It was nothing sexual. A bug flew into his eye. As a result his brother in law and the online community thought that Friday a gamma squeeze was gonna happen. Even though it wasn't going to happen, it became a self fulfilling prophecy because everyone bought GameStop. The market crashed because of a bug. It sounds crazy, but its true,furthermore I would like to add that if you are what you eat, then my client is an innocent child.
The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.
i don't know anything about this guy and i don't go on twitter. what does the @1000quadrillion refer to? just curious.
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hes hyping up some crypto scam project BS, trying to use sctizo themes that the bbby/gme shills pick up on and will grift him as "omg its happening really soon buy OOTM options.
>your honor my client is just an overweight electrician who likes crumbl cookies and Publix subs and going to his lake house. He had no prior knowledge that the thousands of shares he owned of GameStop would crash the entire global economy. When it comes to the evidence of him photoing himself at the GameStop headquarters it was simply because he likes the stock and the company as a whole. Therefore he should not have to forfeit anything and we request the case to be dropped and citadel securities pay all court and attorney fees
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The countdown ends on Monday, September 30th. That also happens to be the claims objection bar date for the former stock that cannot be named without stirring up a curry slurry.

September 24th was the date of the hearing for the motion to extend the claims objection bar date from September 30th to March 31st. No one seems to know if the motion was approved.

Of course they never let an opportunity to fleece redditors out of options premium go to waste.
Why would you have to explain that to a judge in the first place? The shorts say they've covered and the company is doing a promising turn around. The stock is a good price.
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Countdown to tendy-time?
Sounds comfy womfy
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I'm so hungry anons. I think I might be stuck in the universe where the tendies are always 2 weeks away.
Where are they?
>former stock that cannot be named without stirring up a curry slurry.
>BBBuckbroken fat fuck BBBaggies finally learned to shut the fuck up
you da real MVP, 100+pbtid
>reeeeeee don’t talk about that other stock
>invokes it for him
You can talk about that stock (in its proper thread)
>reeeee thread police
It's like you crave thread police 100pbtid+ brutality
When MOASS kicks off I am going to go a sit-down restaurant and order three chicken tender appetizers. And when they ask me for what sauces I want I am going to order TWO of each sauce. I am going to eat so many baskets of fries and tendies and slurp down so many jack and cokes that I may very well die of a heart attack before the funds clear my bank account.
>ticker is spazzing back and forth from +1.44 to +.50
Interesting (I don't know what this means)
You type like you’re severely overweight
please sir, don't spread antisemitic ideas on the internet. that's bad.
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Sources tell me this is completely normal (it's not)
>When MOASS kicks off
Anon.. er ...I don't know how to tell you this?...
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Why do you type like that? Never mind, I know why.
your broker will privately trade your shares for you for the price negotiated between you and the short selling hedge fund.
keep in mind that the nominal share price must stay low or shrinking to deter normies from smelling blood and buying in.
another way for moass to happen would be for ryan and hedgefunds to work in tandem by closing a few shorts until the stock so the stock runs up to 100 and then ryan is going to do a 100:1 stocksplit so the visible share price stays in a low channel but the shares in people's brokerage accounts are multiplying x100 each time.
i think overstock just halted the entire thing and then did a private negotiation with holders as far as i remember.
Holy shit kek dumbfuck gamestop baggies
Ok clever but what if the holders do not want to sell for 1000x
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slurpy wurpy time
>market: green
>GME: red
>TVP: red
Interesting (I don't even know if it's related but I say Hmm Interesting in the hopes than someone may be able to find a link that's not there)
Executive order, Eminent domain, Nationalization.
For the Greater Public Good.
>SMCI investigated by DOJ
Isn't that stock related to NVDA?
Say goodbye to the American stock market all thanks to Kenny.
they won't do that. the show must go on and nothing can ever happen. this whole thing is going to be resolved behind closed doors.
You keep saying that but how if a moron like me won't sell?
I guess we will test that
It’s is really quiet in both threads.
Because it can't pump
yeah, where is everyone? did they bring down the ban hammer again?
What's the end goal with the melties? Are they shills? Are they holders that laugh at the cult mentality? Are they idiots that got burnt out on options? Are they people that believe the moass cannot and will not happen? They all just seem way more invested in the lore and content of the saga then even my self as a holder is invested into. Let's face it gme isn't going bankrupt anytime soon even at the most extreme bear case? Why are they so negative at the worse case scenario being the stock hovers around 15$-25$ a share for the next 5 years? You really aren't gonna lose your money on this? Why are they soooo obsessed about this stock that they hate?
I think they’re all of the above. My initial belief when meltdown was formed after the sneeze was it was actually holders larping to make it easier for people to hold out of spite but they were overtaken by actual hedgies and disillusioned holders and now they only serve as megaphone for whatever hedgies want to fud.
I'm so busy with work shit I'm going to take the building and launch it into the sun off pure seethe alone
Their end goal is misery and if we're their Lady in Red, so be it.
>pink id
you know me so well 4chan
having a job is the gayest experience on earth
>falling for the distraction pulte
So Ryan’s brother in law is in league with hedgies?
It's usually alright, but I have definitely been getting fucked lately because of the downsize. I've already started applying again, just gotta keep putting out quality enough work that employers will want to pay for so I can keep stacking gme.
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It's about time
They are some gay marketing firm that is being paid to influence discussion around GME with the desperate attempt to capture some sort of "meme energy" that will catch on. You can deduce this to be true because they are disingenuous and oddly persistent for supposedly not having skin in the game. You will also notice that they desperately focus on price and basically none of the other facts we have been digging up surrounding PFOF and a systemic naked short thesis. Half of these people probably own GME themselves but maintain their employment while they wait along with the rest of us. Anyone who takes one look at GME and MOASS can see it is about as obvious as the sky being blue. And no compelling counter argument is even offered because it is readily refuted. Hence why they are phoning it in by repeating "kek baggies" over and over.
Also are you implying that gme is gonna moass if there is such a thing as a distraction from it?
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Empires only last so long.
the only thing motivating me to advance in a career is getting more money to throw into GME and crypto in the off chance either of them explode and I can retire, or at worst take an extended leave for several years.
Funding issue
They don’t fight back anymore, it’s sad, only took 5 days.
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You fun goofed.
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>one pig pump and then slow bleed to zero
the life of an empire looks like a shitcoin chart.
Lmao dumb fuck cope baggie we just like to laugh at you simple as kek
Where are we on RK timeline ?
it's flat, Jim
What happened?
Now the throaties are the ones getting throated.
rug pull. the fait of all stocks which are not gamestock.
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A shit ton of puts were bought before the news broke
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kek lummies
what a gay name
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>They don’t fight back anymore
Well pic related is their "alpha" after all so draw the appropriate conclusions.
>extra micro soft
i can think of worse names.
Why do they sound so upset all the time?
It's honestly weird. They need to chill out.
Why is the U.S. government so fucking gay all the time. Let me guess, a whistleblower "fingered" the perp?
Melties want him locked up with Ryan. He must be a real bad dude.
You're a micro soft super micro puter.
They hate him because he literally hosts a show of people who research and report on the bull thesis of a company that was being fraudulently sabotaged in a systemic-naked-shorting scheme.
Of course they hate him because they are implicitly honing in on a very serious and costly criminal conspiracy.
Imagine if pp is deep cover kek. Unironically Travis is though.
just like all those faggot redditor DD posts that never amount to anything right
Melties want to associate Ryan with a grifter, to make him appear as such.
>a show of people who research and report on the bull thesis of a company that was being fraudulently sabotaged in a systemic-naked-shorting scheme.
May I see said research?
I hate him because he's ugly
You haven’t seen any of the research on the hated stock (that doesn’t exist) but you know exactly who Alexander Xanax is? I shrimply don’t believe that.
His opsec is shit considering Niggerfaggot knows his entire life story. I imagine it’s far more likely he’s just a buffoon that Mr Beaned his way into something grand.
It's so funny once you articulate the context what where this CH11 is headed and the seethies immediately start sliding.
The criminal allegations are looming and makes them extra sensitive.
How do you know who pp even is kek. Why do you have multiple images of him saved on your hard drive?
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Threaded, frens!
>the context
May I see it?
>real stinky is late again
This weasel may never be pinned.
Normies will never understand the thrill.
I can’t decide which is funnier
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>every legitimate question pertaining to your knowledge of a subject and your motives are deflections
He’s not very good at this
>no answer
>no stock
I knew something was up when the people telling me not to talk about something literally couldn’t stop talking about it themselves. For free in 2 threads no less.
>hes running out of time
>he will keep getting more entertaining whether he likes it or not
I thought for sure he’d tell me to read Sun Tzu again.
Threaded, frens!
nice lets split the GME threads up when eventually one gets purged by jannies

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