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Sweet Stack Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59009386
reminder that silver will never moon
>but 4% pump
Post some tier charts. I need to know if I have enough to make it.
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That would explain why acheter-or-argent.fr seem to be the cheapest i can find.
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my chest goes jingle jangle jingle
as i go stackin' merrily along
the jews can't steal all my shekels
'cos they're in a cool wooden treasure chest
Reminder to filter the ones trying to corrupt the general with their fag images.
it's been over 20 years since 2 launched. i haven't really played games regularly for about a decade. kinda want to try this
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Do you know where you are?
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Do you?
Eh yeah, the one about precious metals, not video games.
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is now the time to scout out old mines around the state and see which ones have visible metal?
not buying that game and not selling (my gold and silver)
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2024 Libertads in stock now at monument, bold and jm
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Damn man we gotta break this $32.50 barrier! LETS GO!!!!!
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*Mercury dime jingling intensifies*
When do you guys think Gold will hit its 2700 goal?
I think its possible it might reach it at the end of the Month if everytging goes alrigiht
Women are more likely to spend money on dumb shit and not save/invest.
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wtf is this crypto bot comment about some random vidya?

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Will Merc pussy even be worth it?
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We're heading back up
probably. if word gets out that a bunch of depraved rich dweebs are exchanging silver for satisfaction, fags will up the ante. women will have to compete against gay blowjobs and male energy. no more starfish.
Gold up another $10 this morning, maybe even end of the week at this rate.
copper is even at $4.50. if we actually see stable $5/lb copper, wew.
> tfw only a half ounce of gold
Listen, uh, I'm not gonna make it
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yes you will fren, if you cant afford to stack gold right now then switch to silver
>hes not buying fraction gold and 90%
>he only has a half ounce
my guy you are going to make it so much you dont even know. 99% of these goofy ass niggas on Earth dont have anything but 10k of debt
I have 200 oz of silver but I'm saying i shoulda got more gold
I could've got more...
oh shut up. when the GSR corrects you will buy more gold with it than you could have now
>in before muh silver will always lag behind gold foreeverrrrr
you're dumb
I have 2oz and feel the same. Fact of the matter is we will always lust for more shiny rocks
I feel the same way bros. All that stupid silver I was getting at $10 over spot during the pandemic, should have bought gold instead. Gold is blowing away silver in this current bull market. Gold won, its the most desired metal. Maybe if it goes to 5k an ounce people will dabble with silver but I just don't see silver ever going past $100 an ounce. Gold will keep rising to 10k plus an ounce. I think fractional gold is the way to go because it will be easier to sell/trade than full ounces
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why don't you just try to buy a 1/10th ounce gold brittania every month or every other month. They are low premium and easy to liquidate. Its a good way to stack if you don't have a lot of disposable income. 24kt and have good security features
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Ignore the gold versus silver arguments. Both are solid, historically stable assets with tremendous upside potential and no counter party risk. You will not go wrong either way.
I would but I've been unemployed since December. It's rough out there.
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1.3 gold oz here and I feel the same. Somewhere around 250 oz silver.
keep trying anon. Doesn't matter if you are selling ice cream. Its important to Get some income coming in
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Anyone else waiting for these gorgeous BBW coins? I mean really, what the fuck was the mint thinking?
is the hair at least high relief?
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>Fact of the matter is we will always lust for more shiny rocks
I hate this so much. I know I'm doing okay but it never feels like it.
Well I wasn't before
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the pirates blood flows strong in these ones.
Keep in mind that almost all the gold gains have been largely from just central banks buying it. The demand for gold at the public level has barely even started. We're still in the early stages here.
Once the public catches on at full awareness, gold will already be out of their reach for the most part. They will flood into silver and you see silver catch up and even shoot past gold in terms of percentage.
>Trump blaming Iran for the assassination attempts

Greg Mannarino was right about him, the guy is controlled opposition and a complete zio banker puppet.
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thats a theory, gold will ALWAYS be desired, at any price.... but I think silver really needs to get over $50 an ounce in price and hold the gain for people to get fomo. We need to see steady and constant gains over time for silver to catch on
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mates seriously, get yourself a treasure chest or wooden box for your coins. it hits different in the best way.
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>once the public catches on to Gold....

You do realize that just Costco is selling 200 million dollars in gold every month...I'd say that more people in the public are aware than what you assume
If you take 200 million and say 1 person is buying 1 oz at an average price of around $2500 in that month, that's only 80,000 people.
That's 80,000 people who will live a good future.
True but it's still only a very small portion of the population and nowhere near public mania yet.
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We did it Joe!
you better stop fucking around and redeem that top one soon
I have to wonder how many of the Costco gold buyers are really just Chinese and Indian shoppers buying them on the cheap on U.S. soil.
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Oh look Costco got stores in China too
This really makes me wish that the TV gold ads weren't blatant scams for separating old people from their money.
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OYYYY VEY DON'T BUY GOLD GOY!!!!! - Jerusalem post
I haven't seen them but I heard about them. Usually IRA type scams where they vault the gold for boomers and then charge them like 50% premiums on slabbed coins.
LMAO their suggestions are exactly the type of IRA scams I was just talking about
Boomers deserve to get scammed though. Greedy retards are the reason why the USA is in 35 trillion of debt and still spending.
>treasure chest or wooden box for your coins.
Horrible idea. That way someone could steal it easier. You want a heavy, fire resistant (nothing is fire proof. See thermite) safe that you can bolt down for extra security.
Because of chuck
better yet, put a couple of coins in a cereal box or in a wall somewhere. Lots of places Less obvious than a safe to hide an ounce or two
while I do agree with you, I don't want a monarch on my coin, however the low premiums and 24kt and security features make the 1/10 ounce a buy over anything else. Coins in 1/4 ounces or less should be 24kt in my opinion
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Subway's bread is so sugary that it is technically categorized as a pastry in some countries.
It is also a pajeet importation scheme to procure Visas to the poo train invading our countries.
... you put the chest inside the safe.
Same. Roughly 2oz AU, 180 AG. Still stacking, but no where near my goal (7 AU, 700 AG).

I think we have more time, and I think we'll see more dips before the chaos, but I'm having trouble shaking thoughts that I haven't done enough.

>>59015232 ha
Try to buy a minimum of 2 ounces AU a year anon. While it is still affordable (under 5k)
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sometimes i am reminded that people have forgotten that fun is not only allowed, but possible.
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Can't argue with that logic.
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>fun is not only allowed, but possible
Yeah but sometimes you can't always have the fun you want to :/
>Israel banning cash payments over 1500 shekels
>Getting rid of the 200 shekel bill
>Planning to outlaw gold ownership
Israel going full authoritarian shit

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>$10 over spot during the pandemic
Your typical APMEX customer, in the flesh!
fuck apmex. Everyone was getting raped for Eagles back then no matter who the dealer was
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Not today, cat. You get back in your goddamn box until Saturday.
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That's half an ounce more than the majority of the population. Society isn't ending any time soon, don't worry. It'll get worse of course, a lot worse, but they need their slave population so they'll keep bleeding us for a while longer. Just keep stacking.
If you can't afford full oz's then look at fractionals, but be wary of high premiums. Don't know what to do if you're from the US, but over the pond sovereigns are a great investment as the premium is usually around 2% for main dealers when they've got deals and with the rate gold is rising at the moment that's not an issue.
I only started stacking properly about 3 years ago, before that I was buying direct from mints and paying 3x spot price for silver. Just keep stacking, no matter how small the amount. It all adds up.

If someone has gained access to your house it won't matter whether your metals are in a safe or a wooden chest, either way they'll get access to it. The best way to protect yourself is camouflage. Don't live in a flashy house, don't talk about your stack, don't have a fancy car; don't make yourself a target. First thing a thief is going for is the safe, they're not checking the water tight bag in the toilet cistern, under the floor boards or inside the freezer.

Allah be righteous with his fury, but I hate this 900s timer.
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>Everyone was getting raped for Eagles back then
Yep. I only ever bought culls for $30 and under, taking a nice BU slurp when they dipped for $28 briefly.
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Just imagining the thousands lost to unnecessary premiums is making me lol.
Bad news for the rest of the world, all the sa*an worshippers will be fleeing pissrael and trying to get back into western Countries, someone needs to supply Hezbollah with a nuke to finish the job that should have been done centuries ago.
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so had to check the netherlands coins for that screenshot, and is there no regular bu strike ducaton rider for this year? i wish more shops carried their coins.
Now think about what the price of silver and gold were back in 2019 ;)
>$10 over spot during the pandemic
Don't sweat it. In hindsight it will have been worth it. The thing we have been preparing for is just getting started, finally.
fun fact: the silver in this coin is the EXACT silver found in a bugs bunny novelty round
is like like 3/4th a bugs silver? it's under an ounce
As much as I'd like to laugh and note karma biting them in the ass, this is likely coming for all of us. I wonder if that Pfizer agreement Netanyahu signed to allow experimentation on Israelis was actually real.
Plus ça change plus qui même
All the dealers were doing this.
I always thought that Israel would be last Country to implemend all this Dictatoril doctrines
I can see why they would to their best to bring this sort of stuff to us but to this to their own people makes no sense to me
Why would the Jews try to outjew the Jew?
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w-what kind of fun i-is that, anon? haha, ha ...
>Why would the Jews try to outjew the Jew?
Because none of them are jewish.
The kind where you go to ask a girl you really like out to coffee, but completely fuck it up and ruin your chances because you were too nervous and she essentially thinks she was asked if she wanted to be your GF :(
Wasn't what I was asking, but the delivery made it out to be that.
For reference, hyperinflation is commonly defined as 50% inflation/year.
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Alt season is starting, anons. I am up 2x on my bags in a few weeks.

There are times to be in PM, but now is not one of them. Ride the wave, then buy back 100x your shiny rocks later.
Who else bought an official Trump coin???
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>no silver
As one anon here brought to my attention: gold kicks the door down and silver runs through it.
crypto is dead, tard
all you're seeing is the final pump to draw in the stupidest of people
>Alt season is starting, anons
crypto is old news and the great rug is approaching
>I am up 2x on my bags in a few weeks.
After falling 80%.

It's not 2017. You're not early. Crypto is tamed and is in fact a government scam. Fuck off.
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I got some Slow Joe meme coins, I don't need more. And these little 1g pieces were way cheaper.
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>Quick! Buy my bags! They're ruining me!
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I'd be quite worried about ending up on some shit list they've created. IRS has been weaponized. Plus, it's $100/oz with unlimited mintage so fuck that.
nobody is putting trump supporters on a list
trump is just a basic bitch republican nowadays
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Our time is coming, brothers.
>paws instead of lady feet
When someone makes a really nice Halloween themed 999+ gold round I'm going to buy one. I'm going to buy the fuck out of it.
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the captcha
Has a witch on it but I don't like the idea of Disney getting money
someone posted a cute 1oz Halloween bar awhile ago, maybe he'll post it again now
They got half gram gold ghosts, but holy shit @$85 for a half when I remember full grams were like $80 not too long ago
The first time I saw that Korean gold crown coin, from the thumbnail I thought it was a vine covered haunted house with a full moon and a witch flying around on a broom
That's what I would want
I like silver as much as the next guy, but stackers who buy into this shit live outside of reality. It's low-IQ-grandpa-who-misunderstands-history-and-today rambling type shit.
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>public mania
There isn't enough silver for that to happen.
sure thing 1pbtid jew
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You're the one who doesn't understand history.
>isn't enough silver
Which makes it far, far more valuable.
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exactly my fren
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My 2020 Eagles won't be worth spot until $40/oz.
2pbtid and whiter/less semitic than you'll ever be.
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I believe this anon has postulated the correct theory…
>My 2020 Eagles
Pics or it didn't happen.
>W-Whiter than you

mintanon: when are we shipping?
holoanon & bfac: any new designs?
I really wanna stack more of your stuff
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Gotta have both.
>Simple as
And having at least one of these is definitely better than having neither!
1/10’s and gram bars (1, 2, 2.5, 5,10) etc. are still gold no shame in holding those
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>MFW days away from entire east coast supply chain shutting down
maybe, I doubt you'll somehow end up saving the woman of your dreams and the future mother of children, you'll just be taking advantage of destitute only fans thots.

If(when) this comes to pass I feel like half the anons here are going to blow their fortune on desperate pussy
I work as security as a backup when the economy takes multiple dumps since 07/08 Easy to do. Pays the bills. Many years in mfg/fab so I go back and forth as needed. Take any job. Convert as much as earned fiat to real money as you can. The grind is real. The payoff of is on the horizon
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Ayyyyy. They love DEI!
>what are you, a chud?
Keep stackin’
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Filthy tribesmen…
>blow their fortune on desperate pussy
It would be an unfortunate shame to not marry a truly honest woman and not have children.
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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose*
>how did you and dad meet mom?
>He purchased me for a mercury dime
>purchased me
No, there's going to be silver stackers only social clubs where the entrance fee is a merc dime and everyone admitted is part of 'new wealth' by then.
Or fund 10 new, different hobbies with social groups and meet someone there.
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Plus ça change, plus c'est pareil
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Hey everybody, this is James here. I love coming to this coin forum and seeing everyone’s cool “stacks!” Anyways, does anyone else feel like it’s never enough? I’ve got about 50 oz Au and I can’t wait to place my next order. I can even do it from my Apple iPhone. Here’s my latest pickup! Take care, everyone!

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Greetings stackfren
>about 50 oz Au
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Current ETA is Oct 11, it is taking longer than I thought because of the gold plate outside processing. Possible it arrives sooner
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i want a john wick hotel. except instead of killing people, we exchange coins for quail, sex, and killing people.
Dankie sir
Gotta order one now...
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>a jew on the internet
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Hey! I was wondering where the 3toz Kzoo fren was.
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>use loans
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Me gusta.
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Picked up some Constitutional today.
10 Georges
5 Bens
5 Libertys
1 Morg
They had dimes, but I hate fdr and all they had was roosevelts.
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I love Franklins so very much.
Same fren. I think I have about 15 right now. I don't come across them too often. My LCS gets them in from time to time, but I mostly buy bullion from them. I picked these up from a consignment shop.
I am extremely bored in this life. Does anyone go to thrift stores to see if they can find sterling way under spot? Any tips?
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Ah yeee. I got at least 2 kilos of sterling for wayyy under melt.
Thrift stores are never the way to go especially goodwill because they've since been combating flippers by hiring appraisers to look at their shit before putting it out on the shelf.
Antique stores and estate sales are the way to go.
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>tfw no big tittie skinwalker to keep my company.
I did not know l wanted this.
I wish I had some Benbucks. I just never got around to getting any before things got out of hand.
>They had dimes, but I hate fdr and all they had was roosevelts.
I still can't believe we let a cripple be president. A CRIPPLE!
If Harris gets elected, she'll be the first retard president.
practicing the posts you'll be making for the next 8 years?
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>she'll be the first retard president.
You sure 'bout that?
How do I get rid of my gold fever without buying gold?
fuck it I'm gonna buy some gold
I bought a numismatic and now I don't want to buy any more gold and feel entirely satisfied. It gets here tomorrow I'll post a pic.
I won't have enough to be hyper wealthy when you richfags blow up economically but hopefully I can live a good life in your provinces.
you can live on my mega island
I have 200 mercs and 50 FAGDR dimes. Will you have the you know whose on your mega island for you know what?
all pedos get the rope
>merc dreamers are pedos
You must be extremely new around here.
what are the you know whose for the you know what?
A single Merc can buy you an of age gf within your age range in the distant future. Fucking newshit pedo, that's been the joke for like the past decade of /pmg/
I don't see the problem here
um, based?
it's crazy when people try to shit on trump they only make him look better, i wonder why?
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>crypto is dead
yeah, but only for people who didn't buy in nov '22.
currently funnelling my profits from that into silver. I am literally turning nothing into the most tangible form of currency and value. kneel before me and my mighty treasure chest, peasants.
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>If someone has gained access to your house it won't matter whether your metals are in a safe or a wooden chest, either way they'll get access to it. The best way to protect yourself is camouflage. Don't live in a flashy house, don't talk about your stack, don't have a fancy car; don't make yourself a target. First thing a thief is going for is the safe, they're not checking the water tight bag in the toilet cistern, under the floor boards or inside the freezer.
this bears repeating. I always think, if someone is willing to break into my house, they don't give a fuck about anything, so they'd be willing to rip out the entire safe and cut it open with an angle grinder.
You know what the other best defence is? don't live near niggers.
Where's the daily jew dump of silver price? It should be at most 30 usd right now.
Just fuck off already crypto is retarded and you should have sold in 2021
>gold $2670
Christ it just won't stop.
>$32.53 and rising!
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Wave goodbye to cheapies /pmg/
>goodbye cheapies! goodbye! *waves*
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Captcha = m00n0 kekekekek
>Gold reached 2400 Euros
This is a monumental height for every European stacker it never was this high before that's amazing and worrying at the same time
I really believe that rhe time of stacking full ounces every month is over
Fractionals will become much more popular now
Jews are seething right now.
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Jews literally don't care about the price of gold. Not even silver. It's a total nothingburger. There are many great assets they hold like stocks in quality American companies. Great companies with cash flow and IP. Jews aren't seething. I saw a jew once and he seemed very content. Many such cases.
What anon said. Antique stores, consignment shops, estate sales. Estate sales are especially good because half of them are run by "estate sale managers" thst are just dumb ass housewives who watched too much hgtv. They have no idea what they have or what they're doing. I once picked up a sweet 14k herringbone gold chain at an estate sale for $7. Instead of "14k", it was marked with the Euro style "585". The dumb bitch running the show thought it was costume. Slurp. Got a 320g sterling bowl for $6 at another one because the person running the show thought it was plate. They didn't understand the hallmarks. Anyway, long story short
Garage sales
Estate sales
Consignment shops
Antique shops
Best places to find deals
This isn't true. There are no deals to be found. Stay away, and save your time.
You can find them on the auction sites from time to time for under market. I paid about 21x face for that purchase. That's right at the lower end of market right now. Cons/junk is going for anywhere from
20-28x in my area at the moment. Shit, my LCS says he's payin' 22x face on his end.

Plus he was a worthless fuckin' commielover
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Welcome to the 2000 club brit shits
please explain how a man who died in the 18th century was a communist
I wonder if we break through $2700 or not. I'm starting to get a little nervous folks.
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Would you let the fineness of a coin stop you from buying it? The £475 ones are nearly at spot (£4 over or 1%) but I only ever buy his BU/AUNC when they're at spot or below.
If anything, Jews hold more gold than the average person.
This is crazy. Literally every day I check the prices and it just goes up and up. Gotta be a pullback eventually... Prob a big one.

14k is now over $50 a gram! Unbelievable!
And it will all be depleted trying to prop up their satanic fake state thats already crumbling.
And here’s your daily slam
>shoots to 32.70
>drops 90 cents already
The Jews did this
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My jewelry collection is now worth over 80k in just melt value alone :D
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Did someone say slam?
I wonder if people see the Fed lowering rates as a signal for everyone to get on the life rafts.

The way the system will implode will likely be the Fed stepping in to buy up as much of this shit as they fucking can. The big trick here is to not chase after dollars because they will be ruining the dollar as they buy up all of the bad debts that are in such massive quantities that the economy can not even afford to buy them all. To stop the price implosion of an illiquid market they will be buying it all up. And the trick is to not let them buy your assets with a toxic asset.
That might heave been me. No matter what time I wake up and check the price it always starts dropping the moment I personally look at it. I don't think I have ever looked at Kitco where the end of the line didn't look like this ^
Yeah... Idk what to do with my cash. Locked in a 5.3% T-bill that ends in November.
I hear depreciating assets are all the rage. Also consider an investment in modern 'semi-numismatic' meme silver. You will surely get the 100% premium back as these highly desirable silver rounds go up in value over the years.
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Man they are trying to keep a lid on this thing till after the election. Shit is like Mt St Helen and ready to blow!
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Just sold some silver to buy Ubisoft stock bros. I’m gmi when it shoots back up
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You little jokester!
I...I just need more time...
If someone here says buy French junk, that isn't what they're talking about.
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Time.......is on my side, yes it is!
Time is the most valuable resource
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Time Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time, again?
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What the fuck were you doing the last 5000 years?
I still haven't heard any good explanation for how can silver price be so low when its industrial use has increased greatly over the last few decades? It doesn't make any sense.
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I was stacking... as fast as I could, as much as I could afford... It...might not be enough
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Ted Butler (RIP) explained it before. Basically every top bank in the west is taking turns taking out massive shorts on silver via COMEX. No other commodity has such highly concentrated short positions over such extended periods of time. It's like they are desperate to tamp at almost any cost.
Though the price drops are not always pure tamp either, there's also a normal amount of profit-taking from the paper traders. The shorts are slowly losing their grip and when they do, silver is going to run away like a freight train.
>840toz silver
>6toz silver
>1toz platinum
Am I going to make it?
>6toz silver
Gold, 6toz gold...
Well, better invest in knee pads because soon you will only be able to stack one mercury dime at a time.
If you meant 6toz gold, yeah you're better off than me.
>1toz platinum
Sell that and use it to get to 1000 silbers
You are going to make it so much
Thank you for the link, I will check this out. I bought about 50 ounces of silver some years ago for cheap, and when I looked into this back then it seemed obvious there was strong market manipulation going on. I remember that US physical stores stopped selling silver for a bit because of high demand or something, but I haven't kept an eye on this since then.
How’s your 401k looking?
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how accurate is this?
1 Ounce of Gold and 2.5 in Silver are very realistic goals for people in this thread i think most of us already easily achieved this so what comes afterwards?
We are reapidily aproaching Weimar times so how good will you live with lets say 10 Ounces of Gold and 250 Ounces of Silver
Thats roughly 10 times whats available for the avarage person and a realistic stack for most of us
Will we be higher middle class living relatively easy with a nice house and a family of 4 but still have to do some work or are we super rich never having to lift a single finger?
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Gold gets heavily recycled but most of the silver that gets mined these days gets thrown away in military hardware and industrial products and it's not generally recovered. There's a lot less retail silver than people realize.
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I wonder if the silver used in missiles gets blown to tiny bits and spread out across the land, and then covered up by sediment over long periods of time. Then millions of years later some bug eyed alien digs it all up, refines it into a bar of silver and saves it for a rainy day. Then the alien world wars begin and the silver gets turned into a missile and....
Time to start metal detecting in Ukraine
how hard is it to recycle all the used up Silver?
Im sure there is a way to to do it on an Industrial scale if there is a big enough demand
there's no way you're going to dredge up millions of tons of dirt just to get military silver. People don't even do that to get platinum residue from catalytic converters on the side of the road.
Gold under $5,000 is still cheap and affordable for middle class people to own some. Skip the silver buys if you already have it. Start buying fractional gold. The gold will be easiest to trade/stack/sell in 1/10th ounce size. Don't buy full ounces if you want to be more liquid. Its going much higher from here. Gold will be the best performing asset of the 2030's. So Strap the fuck in lads. (Also dont forget to stack brass and lead)
The silver is likely burned up or obliterated in a blast and turned into microscopic dust particles that are too small to salvage
This is why I think desperate people are going to be ripping up solar panels and stealing them because of the silver content in them.
It really pisses me off that I graduated in 2017 and missed when silver was $10-$15 an oz because I wasn't working a job that could reasonably afford investing until 2020, and then I got fired from that job because of COVID so couldn't afford it until I got settled into another job...
And when I did start accumulating, I'm mad the price shot up before I was able to get a lot more.
My generation got the raw end of a bad deal...
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>an unfortunate son of history

Do you want a violin? Do you know how many millions of european men were born in the 1890's, and on their 17th birthday they were drafted and sent to front line trenches where they lived in the most abohrent and miserable rat, disease infested hell that mankind has ever known. They were systematically gassed, blown up, shot to pieces, murdered daily for years. Not to mention sleep deprived and starved, convulsing from shell shock, often their uniforms rotted off of them, literally eaten alive by rats in trenches. Skin disintegrated away from the trenchfoot. They had no idea about PTSD, they had no counselors or government aid. Our forefathers were cannon fodder, a blood sacrifice for elites. I'd say we have it pretty good. If you have air in your lungs, you can stack.
Silver should at least be like $45 right now
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>has trench owl
Based, I plan on only stacking 90% anytime silver goes over 30. I like it better then rounds and bars even if it is more of a pain to store. Gold and 90%/80% is my go too
>graduated in 2017 and missed when silver was $10-$15
Well. Here's my story:
>learn about silver in high school
>buy 30toz in 2009, 2 5toz and 2 10toz bars at $12-15/toz
>graduate in 2010
>price goes way up in 2011-12
>FOMO into more at $40-45
>buy rounds 3-5 at a time
>live paycheck to paycheck
>price drops
>realized I'm an idiot
>just spend money on hobbies, mostly buying guns and ammo
Fast forward
>seeing inflation at grocery stores
>realized I need to learn to invest outside my 401k
>study stocks
>learn about crypto
>get into crypto
I work in IT so I understand hardware
>realize you can't make a computer with bitcoin
>ultimately lose 10% in crypto
>understand real scarcity
>consolidate all crypto garbage into BTC
>spend BTC on gold
>realize that I wasted 10 years not buying silver
Feels bad man. I could have had way more :/
I would gladly die for the Kaiser though he and German Empire are Based and the world would have been better overall if Germany would have won
If only we could reach boomers. Activating their purchasing power would kickstart the inevitable mooning. The cabal closely guards all their influences to keep them brainwashed.
>gladly die for the Kaiser
No. No particular leader is worth dying for. Only family is worth killing for. Stop romanticizing the past, nostalgia is a form of depression. That's why you reel the way you do.
Silver is used in such tiny quantities that it is uneconomic to recover without having a system set up to recycle it. The only silver recycling I have seen was at 24 hour photos where the film from disposable cameras could be dropped in to little bins and the chemically separated from the rest of it. I bet the amount of recovery was minuscule.
Boomers care more about watching niggerball on sunday and posting to social media about politics. It doesn't even cross most boomers mind that they completely wrecked the global economy to enrich themselves and live life on easy mode. While all subsequent generations can hardly afford a starter home.
How dare I say my generation got a bad deal? Better stop being such a snowflake and pull myself up my bootstraps by walking in and giving that recruiter a firm handshake.
I didn't even say we had it worse than a particular generation, but ffs I make a top salary for my generation and I can get by okay. What about the rest that are struggling to make ends meet or find good spouses? Can't we even mention we have struggles without some contrarian offering a vapid deconstruction and dismissing us because other people have had struggles too?
Ouch, yeah, that foming in at $40-$45 is what I'm afraid of happening if I keep buying now, but the way things are going I could see it keep going up. Everything I buy is either an asset or an asset producer now - I'm trying to hedge as best as I can - but the markets are irrational and manipulated.
I get it fren, but these really are the good ol' days for the younger generations. Don't get stuck looking back as if you've missed out on everything; as all of us would do something different if we had the knowledge of today at our disposal in our youth. Instead, focus only on doing the next right thing. It can feel like you're embracing defeat sometimes, but simply buying what metal you can in regular intervals, chipping away at debt, storing up a little extra food and resources, will, over time, bring you the peace of mind you're likely missing.
Roughly two weeks at this pace.
happy go lucky boomers and x'ers seem like the biggest nostalgia enjoyers

>but these really are the good ol' days for the younger generations
>840toz silver

With that alone you've already made it
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nah he's right. imagine getting drafted to die in WW2 or vietnam. that sucks ass man
>these really are the good ol' days for the younger generations.
Yeah, that has me a bit worried.
I can definitely acknowledge we have it a lot better in many ways, and I'm very glad we have all the creature comforts to smooth over how fucked our social environment is right now.
I keep accumulating, slowly, but I've been focus these last 6 months on paying off debt. I put everything into paying off a car loan 2 years ahead of time, another 5 year loan 3 years ahead of time, and I've paid off several student loans, and will hopefully have the rest paid off early next year. If I spend my money wisely, I can also pay off a loan for a new AC unit mid next year.
>bring you the peace of mind you're likely missing.
Most of this discomfort comes from what the rest of my generation and the one after are facing. I can do well enough for myself, at least for now if I don't get replaced by AI. Most of my Gen Z friends have to rent with 2-3 roommates, quite a few can't find good women to marry, and many can't find full time work and have to work 2-3 part time jobs. Shit is fucked for them.
>Other, bigger bad thing happened, therefore bad thing you're experiencing is not valid.
I don't understand this dismissive logic. By that logic you could dismiss most problems faced by people because there's always a bigger fish. Never mind the fact that
1) we can't fight sacrificial wars as easily now because my generation is fed up with the government's bullshit are too likely to frag their commanding officers and
2) The elites want their next meal and we're probably going to get forced into a war with China/Russia sometime soon anyway.
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Is 1koz silver and 15oz gold gonna make it?
I quit counting the silver. It's got to be close to 1000 ounces now.
Along with 22 ounces of gold and 6.55 platinum.
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what's on the rmr? is that just for it to fit properly or some protective shroud type thing?
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Sweet stack and firearms, fren!
$2700 today probably
I'm afraid to look
touched $2698 then fell to $2688
Are you taking about the spot price or the futures price or the ((apmex spot price))
You fucking faggot, you were doing so well with the stack pics then you out yourself as another indoctrinated pedo, no point in having a stack that size when your mind is already gone.
It’s a foot fetish anime sticker on a 308 drum mag on a $7k rifle build with an absolutely atrocious Rhodesian camo paint job it’s meant to be inflammatory in every way I don’t actually like anime. Calm down
>calm down
In that case isn't the point of doing that to cause seethe?
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>It gets here tomorrow I'll post a pic.
Some like Third Reich coins. They aren't bad, but I prefer those from Dai Nihon Teikoku.
Yeah but like on arfcom lol read the room 4chan is an anime image board don’t get your panties twisted over a sticker.
I denounce the Talmud and by posting below this post you also agree to denounce the Talmud
who are you there?
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I wish I was in the market for a walk-through vault with front and side doors. Former bank in podunk town is for sale for $69,000
Won’t say for digital footprint reasons. Each community must be strictly segregated. I’ve already been visited by the JTTF for shitposts lol can’t have kikes or antifa faggots puzzling together who I am IRL
>I denounce the Talmud
The Turdmud and tranime are both satanic so sort your head out lad.
well i'm neither of those, but it's totally understandable. you should be erin or jaredgrey, that would be fun. the board was sure a lot more enjoyable a couple of years ago. it doesn't eve seem wroth the effort to make new accounts to fun around on these days.
mate, you must, that is fucking brilliant, almost as good as a wooden treasure chest.
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>Chud buys old bank for $69k
>Chud realizes the cost to restore the bank and retrofit it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
>One day Chud gets robbed by niggers and they steal all his stack.
>Chud has to put the bank up for sale but no one wants it because they aren't chuds.
>Recession ensues
>Commercial real estate values collapse
>Chud is underwater now, the bank is worth less than he paid for it
>Has to foreclose or claim bankruptcy
>Lawyer fees cost Chud thousands

Sounds like a spectacular investment
We still headed up soon?
imagine not being able to fix a house on your own.
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i still want this
i am still feeling too lazy to go to my bank to do a wire transfer
If gold has stable value, then it's price in usd would just be a measure of inflation, right?
2021's 7% seems okay. But this year's 2.5% seems a little.... little.
This one’s on my bucket list
>too lazy to go to my bank to do a wire transfer
Every banking mobile app and website has the ability to do wire transfers without going to the bank. You can also call your bank branch and do it over the phone.

Wires are NEET-friendly.
I'd like one of those too
I’ll fait pleur ici
Looking to buy austrian Ducats.
Where's some good places to acquire?
does anyone here think gold (and silver) will go down in the foreseeable future? not tomorrow, but maybe in a year or two? i have a wad of cash, maybe 4k lying around at home and i'd like to buy some precious metals, but it seems silly to buy big when gold is at an all time high ...

historically ofc it's always gone down eventually after peaks such as the current one, but then again the US is an unprecedented debt situation that seems super volatile, and if the US takes a fat steamy dump so does the world economy ... russia and china are buying tons of gold which is probably gonna drive PMs up for the time being ...

it's like 4d chess but my brain is more suited to 2d chess, someone pls financially advise me
> just dollar cost average
please no thats so gay

pic is some feingold my gramps gave me when i graduated, god rest his soul. never selling that one
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>but it seems silly to buy big when gold is at an all time high ...
Yeah wait for the dip, any day now.
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Ooooh! Scary!
>were in your walls anon
Start now buy fractional, either 1/10 or quarter ounce gold.
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Wheres all the brit lads today? I thought with the price hitting 2000 for the first time ever they'd be all over pmg? I guess im not the only one whos gone numb waiting for this shit to collapse.
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>If gold has stable value, then it's price in usd would just be a measure of inflation, right
Now you get it
Anon, what? FDR died in 1945.
I love this nigga so much
There is no reason for gold to go down. We're in a perfect storm for it to pump up to 3500

Look at the current situation
>U.S about to enter or already entered according to Sahm a recession while bonds are pricing in higher inflation
>Govt is running deficits of over 2 trillion a year which means they need more money from the FED
>Most Western economies are in a huge slowdown (Germany, China, UK) and are injecting or about to inject more QE to stimulate it
>Even with all the Covid money printed the FED will have to do some QE to stimulate growth next year

This is exactly what happened in 2008 and everyone flooded into gold to the point where it was increasing 20-40% annually.
>There is no reason for gold to go down. We're in a perfect storm for it to pump up to 3500
now is not the time to be waiting for le dip
the world is going to hell in a hand basket if u havent noticed
>still liking zion don
New thread:
>muh zion don
Dude. Most people don’t give a shit about semites (both jews and arabs) and their petty regional fights. Normal Americans care about important things like deporting browns and stacking metals/the economy. Get with the program.
Lil early there, champ. This thread isn’t even autosaging.
>308 posts is early
Wew lad.
He's right tho.
But it's pretty clear this is your life
so you need to jump right on it
that's okay you have issues
Lol stay poor, dumbass
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