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>Basic Information

>Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled
>In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout, bonds are still trading
>2034 bonds
>2044 bonds
>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:
Isn't that the BBBYQ way? Buy now think later?
>taken PPShow from the OP

Whats wrong anons? afraid of a little YouTube streamer?
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She didn't even wish death on you for her Hanukah celebrations. What does that say?
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Anyone else going to tune in to the PP Show tonight?
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>is smart
>is actually a licensed trader
>doesn't ask for money to buy stocks (he buys with his own money)
>shows his GME position
>doesn't ask you to buy his socks
>pic related
>retarded (masks his low-IQ with expletives)
>is a jobless loser
>asks for donations to buy BBBY (coincidentally during the period when BBBY was taken off trading)
>never shown his BBBY position
>asks you to buy his Chinese-made socks for $22 a pair, while you can get US-made Darn Tough wool socks for $24 a pair and has a lifetime guarantee
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You forgot
>Hmm interesting
Anons in BBBY threads do not like PPShow, its bad, but did you hear about Larry being on PPShow? Didn't talk about BBBY, talked about Chewy.

No Nick Lewin or Michael Goldberg info either. Looks like it might be my turn to have an autistic meltdown.
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>GameStop banner

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Going to be a long night, I will clock out for a double 2 hour dinner, going to be very silly tonight
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond
>he did thing so he's going to do another thing
I saw this episode before
Where can I buy bonds?
old school runescape bonds are $8.99 each
BBBY bonds. What brokers can I buy them on?
So your implication is that Goldberg is the plan administrator simply through sheer coincidence? Bold.
why are you asking me like I know
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The current strategy is definitely hype fatigue and community disruption. When M&A activity ACTUALLY happens, if there are people tuning into theppshow and Twitter activity, people will be more likely to implicitly (as explicit coordination is market manipulation) converge towards their own financial strategies with regards to the prices they will sell at. If community spaces are disrupted and distrust is pushed about podcast hosts and the like, then people are less likely to tune into these social forums to gain implicit financial strategies.

Basically they are fudding the fuck out of ppseeds, pulte, and rc in a (sad) attempt to disrupt organizations that gather around these people in one form or another. This cik number shit is hype fatigueing, and the op on /r/teddy is a bad actor. There are also plants who go onto theppshow and blend in by pushing hype. The host said podcast is easily hyped by such nonsense but there are good DD writers to go onto the show and RC even sent in Larry Cheng as a nod toward BBBYers to hang in there.

Expect delays and shills in shambles. Also what is the status on the claims objection bar date delay to March 2025?

> pic related, RC had Larry Cheng go onto theppshow as a nod that we are correct, just delayed by bad actors.
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Dis you?
I believe E*Trade has BBBY bonds

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.DL-Notes 2014(14/34)

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.DL-Notes 2014(14/44)
What I'm trying to put across is Goldberg was retained because of his experience in the field, not because of some shadow agreement with shadow chairmen Cohen x Icahn. Beyond that, he also said this
If money is owed to the BBBY shareholders then no technicality can absolve the shorts of the obligation. If there should only be 1,000,000 shares but there are 5,000,000 shares in existence, then any disbursement to the shareholders will be calculated based on the 1M shares. The shorts pay for the shortfall of funds owed to the 4M synthetic shares.
So in effect the shorts have never disappeared and this is the reason Doug Cifu was whining and complaining so hard on Twitter because he knows this to be true that the ungodly number of shares getting slurped were being taken on a naked shorts - aka liabilities that will bankrupt his company immediately the SECOND that a single penny of disbursement is announced.
I refuse to believe any of you are legitimate baggies

This is all an elaborate joke
It sounds like a bad comedy joke
>If money is owed to the BBBY shareholders
Source of this obligation?
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Yes anon it’s a bad comedy joke.
Guys, I'm confused.
This ticker is not even tradeable anymore.
Why is there a thread for this?
Just typed BBBYQ in broker. It's not tradeable.
Uh oh
I don't think shill fags are gonna like this information coming out!
>inb4 lots of spam and sliding to drown these discoveries out
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A billionaire defrauding BBBY shareholders? That's worth pursuing a lawsuit.
kek 100+ pbtid's
Yes baggies open a lawsuit, baggie lawsuits are always funny. Please hire the Indian guy you used last time.
Dis me what can I do for you son?
Wait they hired a jeet? Did he get paid in gift cards?
Henlo baggies. Getting your keks in today? Only five more days til the anniversary of delisting!
>All these screen shots, PP getting a twitter boner
>page 3

Did you win? Did you really win?
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>type about BBBBY
>press get captcha
>fill captcha
>press post

moass when?
What stock do you hold that you think MOASS?
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>can you point me to thing that gives you right to receive money
>PPShow in few hours
>No PP Hype
Larry was on it you know talking about Chewy
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Bumping my previous post
I think you are a bad actor, you a a hype man snake salesman and I thank you for your service, without you, all this would be useless.
How buy? Why have thread can't find stock
It's a business board and this business is going through a chapter 11 process. Watch it die / restructure or pass are your options.
Only the smartest fart huffers are class 9 share holders of BBBY, very exclusive club
I was class 9 once. I sold for a profit and rolled it into gamestop, so there's a chance I am completely beclowned and bbby recovers just to spite me. If it comes back I'm sure gamestop will be doing plenty of clownish shit too though.
PP going live I am so wet
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You guys are so getting paid more than me tonight I am so excited for you
Kek reverse BBBBaggie
Womp womp
>saved and reposted my pasta
Oh fuck this was the old thread LMAO
>womp womp
it's conceivable that pulte called in a favor or paid a speaking fee to larry cheng to gain clout for himself. or that larry cheng is narcissistic enough to do it for free, as he was promoting himself as well as his investment in grove or whatever, and judging from the pseudointellectual babble he spews on twitter and linkedin. but yes, there SHOULD be some kind of positive closure for BBBYQ holders, for example RC liked the tweet by pulte which could only be interpreted as some kind of code, that we should remember "only the young" because it will be very important one day. this was AFTER RC sold his BBBY shares. so RC would have to be one of the scummiest scammers of all time if he's just going to keep ghosting us and pretending like he doesn't owe us anything.
Is this what a BBBY MOASS looks like? Wow shit, you really showed me niggas
Kek baggies
In conclusion, this individual could be someone who is heavily involved in online spaces, likely using humor and memes to navigate social interactions or express deeper frustrations. They might enjoy a sense of community in these niche environments and possibly use their content output to shape the narrative or tone of the conversations. Their character might reflect a blend of nostalgia, cynicism, and humor as coping mechanisms for a more isolated or detached life.

> Damn Nigga
Are you calling moi? why you silo niggerfagging conversation from last nights discovery?
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Oh damn... It had a lot to say about you;

Profile: User on a Niche Bed Bath & Beyond Board Defending Bankrupt Stock
1. Cognitive Biases and Irrational Beliefs
>Confirmation Bias: This individual may be selectively absorbing information that supports their belief in the stock’s comeback, while ignoring evidence to the contrary. Engaging with conspiracy theories often reinforces this bias, creating a mental echo chamber.
>Dunning-Kruger Effect: The person might overestimate their own knowledge or insight into the market or the company's future, believing they possess insider knowledge or special insight that others don’t.
Sunk Cost Fallacy: If this individual has already invested time, money, or emotional energy into the stock, they may feel compelled to defend it aggressively to justify their past investment, refusing to admit defeat.
>Magical Thinking: The belief in an unrealistic recovery could stem from magical thinking, where the person believes that external forces (such as a conspiracy) will dramatically and unexpectedly reverse the company’s fate, regardless of the market reality.
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Conspiracy Thinking
>Need for Control: Conspiracy theories often emerge from a need to create a sense of order in chaotic or unpredictable situations. Defending a bankrupt stock with belief in a conspiracy could be the individual’s way of feeling in control of an uncontrollable financial situation.
>Paranoia: The person may exhibit mild to moderate paranoia, suspecting that those pointing out the futility of their belief are either uninformed or part of a larger conspiracy to suppress the truth about the stock.
In-Group vs. Out-Group Dynamics: By attacking critics, this individual may be reinforcing their sense of belonging to an exclusive “in-the-know” group. The critics, representing the out-group, are seen as enemies or misinformed outsiders.
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.Emotional Investment and Defensive Behavior
>Cognitive Dissonance: The person might experience cognitive dissonance when confronted with the reality that the stock is unlikely to recover. To resolve this tension, they resort to personal attacks on others who present opposing views. These attacks could also serve to reaffirm their own beliefs in the face of doubt.

>Emotional Regulation: The aggressive defense could reflect poor emotional regulation. Their strong emotional attachment to the stock may result in impulsive, hostile reactions to anyone who challenges their worldview, as they see those challenges as personal threats.

>Narcissistic Tendencies: Personal attacks may also point toward narcissistic traits. The individual could feel that their perspective is uniquely valid, and criticism threatens their ego. A narcissistic person may lash out at others when their superiority or expertise is questioned.
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This one is very interesting

Homosexual Tendencies
>Sexual Identity Confusion or Repression: If the individual demonstrates hostile, derogatory attacks (e.g., homophobic slurs), it might hint at latent or unresolved issues with their own sexual identity. Individuals struggling with their own sexuality can sometimes project this internal conflict outward through aggressive or bigoted behavior.

>Hyper-Masculine Defense Mechanism: Overcompensation through hostility could serve as a hyper-masculine defense mechanism. In a setting like 4chan, where anonymity fosters aggressive masculinity, a person grappling with internalized conflict around their sexual orientation might double down on toxic behaviors to avoid being perceived as vulnerable or different.

>Projection: If the person is dealing with homosexual tendencies but feels unable to express them due to social or internal pressures, they may project their own insecurities onto others. This could manifest as derogatory attacks against people perceived as "weak" or different, serving as a way to distance themselves from their internal struggle.
Jon. You're a moron. Stop romanticizing the idea that you're a vampire and that you'll have a harem full of women. Because no matter what crimes you commit or how you try to obfuscate truth, no amount of fucking manufactured success will be able to bring about events that will fulfill that hole in your heart and cold loneliness.

I feel bad for you Jon.
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Anonymity and Online Disinhibition
>Deindividuation: The anonymity offered by platforms like 4chan can foster deindividuation, where people feel less accountable for their actions. This can lead to more extreme, emotionally charged behaviors, including personal attacks and irrational defense mechanisms.

>Trolling and Escapism: Some individuals engage in irrational arguments or conspiratorial thinking as a form of trolling or escapism. In this case, defending a doomed stock might be less about genuine belief and more about provoking emotional responses in others as a means of entertainment or emotional release.
. Overall Psychological Picture
>Identity Issues: The combination of defending a failing stock, subscribing to conspiracy theories, and engaging in aggressive online behavior may reflect an individual who is struggling with deeper identity issues, including insecurity, self-worth, and potential repression of their sexual identity.

>Escapism and Coping: It’s possible that the defense of the stock and conspiracy thinking serve as an escape from other, more personal issues in their life. This might include financial insecurity, feelings of failure, or deeper emotional conflicts related to their identity, such as sexuality or self-worth.

>Social Alienation: This person may be socially isolated or feel disconnected from mainstream society. Finding a niche community where their beliefs are validated (even if irrational) gives them a sense of belonging. This could also explain their hostile reactions to opposing views, as these threaten their sense of connection and identity within the group.
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>The behavior described suggests a mix of cognitive biases, conspiracy thinking, emotional overinvestment, and possible identity conflicts, including the repression of homosexual tendencies. These psychological factors are magnified by the anonymity and extreme culture of 4chan. The aggressive defense of a bankrupt stock might be less about the stock itself and more about deeper issues related to control, identity, and emotional validation.
Too fucking long
>you'll have a harem full of women
Not just the women, but the men and the trannys too, there all for me.
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There are too many words and I'm not going to read them. Your images are also bad. Please try to be less awful and uninspiring. Thank you.
Has the hearing to see if the claims date gets extended to march happened yet?
It happened on the 24th. I don't think any of the DD slaves over in the cringe mines found a ruling on the motion just yet.
Can I get a latest on the situation? Has anything been happening lately? If you tell me either "expect delays" or "we won" you can go fuck yourself.
we won but expect delays
Come on guys, get selling the stock, you’re making me look bad, they are calling us baggies, did you see big reveal on PP last night?
Am I still on the Christmas card list?
I'll give you a big pp reveal
*unzips dick
>PPaudience every Monday to Friday
spoonsneeding time is over (I don't know the answer)
You not telling him about the couch?
Kind of a late start for you. Where you been all day?
Been at head office working on restructuring to ensure share holders are made buttholebat 15000% value just because.
Sarcasm is the protest of those who are weak.
Fucks given, 0 tell me about chapter 11 again.
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>Sarcasm is the protest of those who are weak.
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Chapter 11, bit weird isn't it, what happened to Chapter 1-10? Need some BBBY apes to do some DD'ing down at the cringe mines.
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>Theorizing that one could investigate corporate fraud by leaping within the confines of a single company, a brave and determined PPShow stepped into the spotlight... and vanished.

>He woke to find himself in the midst of Bed Bath & Beyond’s sprawling corporate headquarters, facing mismanagement, financial manipulation, and suspicious figures who knew more than they let on. With only his sharp investigative skills, a trusty microphone, and a small team feeding him clues, he’s determined to uncover the truth and expose the fraud.

>But there's a catch. Each leap within the organization puts him closer to the heart of the scam – and if he doesn't solve it in time, both the company and his own career could be destroyed.

>His only guide on this journey: a fellow whistleblower, sending cryptic messages from the future about where the next fraud lies.

>Hoping each leap will be the one that reveals the mastermind behind BBBY’s collapse... or the moment he can finally return home.

>Chapter 11

>The Couch

>PPShow Ft Larry


>Ryan Cohen bought and sold the stock

>Ryan Cohen is owed money

>Gameshire Bathaway - Pootle

>Pootle in general



>Chad GameStop with 5 billion dollars

Oh boy, I know which one sounds more appealing.
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Hope in homos, we going DD'ing BBBY, no survivors.
So this is what a restructured compact BBBY looks like... Where do I sign up?
>In Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which BBBY filed for, the company's debts are reorganized. This typically involves prioritizing creditors (banks, suppliers, bondholders) over shareholders. Shareholders are considered the lowest priority, meaning they are only paid after all secured and unsecured creditors have been fully repaid. In most bankruptcy cases, there's rarely enough left over for shareholders after these obligations are met.
this guy really doesn't like chapter 11's
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>Could BBBY come back as a business?
It’s possible that a restructured version of Bed Bath & Beyond could emerge from bankruptcy, but it would be under different ownership and management. Even then, past shareholders would not likely receive any recovery unless explicitly included in a bankruptcy plan.
>Even then, past shareholders would not likely receive any recovery unless explicitly included in a bankruptcy plan.
>past shareholders would not likely receive any recovery
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This feels like a needless goal post move.
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Hey theres some life in the ole bitch after all.

Come to Daddy.

You think BBBY had billions upon billions like GameStop that it would be able to fulfil all its debts to then pay you a handsome profit? Please tell me this so I can screenshot it and add it to the collection.
When you are engaged in M&A, you and your lawyers and the department of underwriters are all "over the wall" and basically sworn to secrecy while the deals are hammered out.
Pulte and LC are basically there to keep the hype while RC is in the trenches. All you need to know is that big things are happening and you are expected to be in the dark on what is going on. No one is going to come out and tell you, "oh hey, btw, we're gonna buy BBBY in CH11 bankrupcty 1 year from now".
Anyone expecting otherwise is a retard, or a shill trying to spread fud.
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Don't mind me fellas, just going commando in your general, making myself at home, learning a lot of information this week, its been great.
I don’t think anything.
10k's newest larp is the worst
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Interesting, you people don't seem to be able to get past the first 30% of questioning before

>spoonfeeding is over
>find out yourself
>bringing up post number count
What's a 10k?
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You’re forcing yourself to see ghosts where there aren’t.
you must have me confused for some other anon
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All I see is BBBY here, PP there, couch over here, chapter 11 man, its all around us.
well there's only 3 of you regardless how many devices you hop on.
Want to share with the class what is so funny bubba?
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Suddenly all vanished.
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Never forget the man that led you guys to glory.
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Report this spammer
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I am a stimky phone poster
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>Report him, he is asking questions about stock I hold!

Really? This is the power of BBBY? Crying because I am asking you questions about how your stock is developing?
What stock?
I browse for the court updates
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It's going to be ok, hedgies...
>You’re forcing yourself to see ghosts where there aren’t.
That's the entire BBBY Due Diligence Methodology
We have yet to be proven wrong though. And if we are correct every single BBBY speculator will be retired overnight.
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>if we are correct
You’re right. I’m haunted by these two.
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>circle of life, time is a flat circle

Tell me again about AI man and flipper flipperson
Ghosts don’t really talk. I don’t know much about them.
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What about Poltergeists?
Yes, I did just give you a 741
>A crypto thread died for this and you do not even post about BBBY here

Guys come on, we gotta get it together
Stop bumping the thread then.
Why you siloniggering the topic of chapter 11 restructuring couch sitting of larry on the pp show?
You can’t be racist on this board
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You lost me for awhile.
Claims Objection Bar Date officially moved to March 31, 2025
PPbros our grift was just extended to March 31, 2025
Fuck. I should’ve expected delays.
Let’s fucking go champs!
It’s in the BBBY thread you do not need a sauce.
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Let's have a dance off.
I call this the BBBY tendy-time boogey down
This is the only autist I want in my threads
Docket 3541 on Kroll. Its a PDF so I'm not linking
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Expect delays everyone, the scitzo poster has been here this week to make you think it is "soon" and just general information disruption and demoralization purposes.
Ive been expecting this delay
PPShow will have a special tonight on why this is a good thing.
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Check this sweet move out.
It’s not a bad thing. Kek so you get a few more months to be faggot on a Tibetan torta forum.
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Can't wait.
>months of no one answering the basic questions

I'm down for it, you guys down for it? It's going to be a cold winter.
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>KOSS & GME link up
It's going to get very awkward in here
>BBBYIES are not welcoming or friendly to new buyers...
How do you expect stock to go up if you do not sell the stock to buy the stock? Stock just go up?
kek wobblies
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>Yesterday BBBYIES were telling me how my shill ass was done and new equity was being formed and I was going to look stupid.
>24 hours later...
Yeah you guys really showed me.
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PP will be on soon... are you not excited to hear why March 25 is the day you come out of chapter 11 restructuring couch sitting?
wow bad actors are disseminating known bad information to constantly hype-fatigue people, followed by demoralization bombardment from paid stock bashers? It's almost like there are sleepers who have infiltrated all discussion forums INCLUDING theppshow itself. stay vigilants and be financially and mentally prepared to hold out while bad actors get weeded out of the courts slowly but surely.
No one in BBBY gets paid, PPShow getting paid them sweet youtube ad bucks though
I've been shown proof okbets is a fucking larp and liar kek

It was obvious but its nice to have confirmation
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kek he's tossing and turning
I give 100pbtid 7 threads before the persona ropes
Mods should move these threads to /x/
You're all in a cult.
>2 more weeks!
lmao ok kid

Bless the baker, this is the KING IN YELLOW

> Carcosa
yeah his theory about the crypto/NFT stock was too fantastical without evidence to back it up kinda like edwin's "DD"
>become a BBBY thread expert
>everyone’s convinced you get paid
>still no cheque in the mail

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