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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>59013010

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy holdin' and waitin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Monday RRP: 380.372B, 71P = 5.357B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 388.977B, 65P = 5.984B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 416.193B, 72P = 5.780B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
Crypto baggies sure are raging in the troll thread
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I hate to say it but this stock is doomed unless DFV returns
Love the smell of non shill bread
Thursday RRP: 424.916B, 70P = 6.070B per (roughly)
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Something is happening.
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wgami w/ my frens















RRP rugpull? Final pump?
Checked and it certainly feels like it. This more then ever feels like they know the game of musical chairs is about to end.
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The days of sub 20 gme are over. I hope you slurped.
you said this last time and it broke below 20 a week later dumbfuck baggot
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>He shorted the stock at 20
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>he longed the stock at 400
It’s even worse, anon. Melties shorted the stock at 10.
What is it with reddit and sticking things up their arses?
You bought the dip right baggies? Oh you didnt? Kek dumbfuck baggies will never make it
>throaties getting uppity again
Oh so your anus has recovered
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Caroline is locked up.
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
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The weasel is in the burrow.
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This shit still has me in stitches from an episode of Arthur. You know what’s scary? PRISON ahahahah

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Surely they're teasing
When you are weak appear strong.
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The fire rises brother
thats just sad, you can tell she was smart and eloquent even as a kid
Can you provide a link? I cannot find it
Let's have a proper discussion about potential M&A targets instead of the same old stale lines in each GME thread.

TakeTwo - $26.53B
Ubisoft - 1.44B EUR
Unity - $8.91B
Corsair Gaming - $696.74M
Devolver Digital - 146.28M GBP
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i slurped
Keiretesu !
charts looking mighty flat
What did BBBY bros mean by this?
It seems like it would be a massive inconvenience to certain people if BBBY came back to life due to fraud.
>chart goes from -50 to +50 to make it look like GME didnt go up 100%
cant make this up
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Thank you fren.
Holy shit. The fire rises!!
Fuckin’ MAXN. Just declare bankruptcy already holy shit lol
Dedicated thread now.

I’ll be waiting
>you won’t
Silofags, your response?
>Inb4 I'll answer it in the other thread
Too bad faggot, I'm not moving
Explain how this will uncancel your stock (you won't)
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they should have been maxxing GME
Go fuck yourself with your dishes
No. How about you fight him here? So that we can all watch.
I don’t shit on holy ground
It's like being on the ground floor of Arasaka.
>is up 950% since entering the expert markets (because it's for expert traders only)
>has assets
>has IP
>assets sold off
>only has debnts
>is for retards
You really are slippery.
[REDACTED] is selling watches for $100k but what's interesting is the quantity.
My wife just broke down the P Diddy financials on how it goes from Britney Spears to kris kardashian to kylie to victims of the p diddy sex parties, guys I didnt’t think GameStop was even this elaborate, WAGMI
>they fear bbby
>but push tupperware
Very interesting
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Easy now fellas. Nobody wants to break a hip while getting up from the couch.
TVPPERWARE blows the lid off of market fraud and corruption
TVP holders get new equity in the Teddy Keiretsu
>malding because he brought the wrong other idiosyncratic stock
How's your BBBYQ? May I see them?
so flat.
flatter than a salt lake desert plane.
the flattening has flattened into the flatopocalypse.
Where there is smoke, there is fire
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its over hedgies
Maybe u should have just bought some b4 they were recalled. It was only $.07 per share brokie. Dont rope when it comes back
insider here
in 25 minutes I will shit you're pants
Sorry, I just bought GME and TVP
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lmao you’re gonna kill yourself lol
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What's gonna happen?
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If nothing happens I will break every dish that you have.
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i cant shit my pants to this!
i've been bamboozled.
Hedgies short all day, then cover last minute.
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gme go up
Volume is still objectively low despite all the dilution? What gives?
If nothing happens, you will eat glass tonight.
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>What gives?
Bagshit can't pump
i would like to direct everyone's (especially that fucking faggot clint) attention to the fact that ICP is up 220% in a year while GME is only up 30% in a year
fucking icy piss is dunking on you
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I shit you're pants
We’re so fuckin rick bros. Everything we said would happen did and everyone is so freakin jelly it’s not even funny. My family respects me again and I do too for once. Thanks God
If you didn’t spend so much time in the thread for a stock you don’t hold Clint wouldn’t make you seethe this much. You’re literally coming here to get trolled. Who would do that? For free?
pickle rick
>>59019151 see >>59019150
I just bought a lambo for my cat
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Which one of you did this?
DFV is a nigger
OMG. Imagine. I’m rock hard right not

t. Republican
We mean, we green but my pants are clean.

Wtf? Did you lie? That's just rude.
Any public company won't be a M&A target because gamestop would be paying unnecessary high premiums. And Ryan knows the meme stock pumpers could completely ruin any target by raising the stock price too high once rumors or official announcements are known.

Potential targets would be players in the digital or ecommerce space as that are the expertises of Ryan and would fit nicely to diversify the operations away from the dying retail sector. But it's hard finding profitable players in the NFT/crypto space and most game developers are also targeted by Microsoft or Sony.

Think of the Chewy or buybuy Babys of the world. Now look for the electronics or media industry versions, those are good targets
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The pressure is building like a MASSIVE, GARGANTUAN prison BBC pressing up against a hedgies' turd cutter
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I wish to announce to the thread to become public knowledge that I am not going anywhere and I am not suicidal. Your move PPSeeds
Oh yeah well baggies helped make Cohen millions by diluting their own shares. What do you have to say about that?
If GameStop buys shares at Sony and Microsoft, it's over.
>copy 100+pbtid
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RC is going to go do a big shopping spree and giga slurp the coming crash. We'll probably end up owning Microsoft, Apple and NVIDIA once this is all said and done.
lmao you are going to rope so fast it will break the sound barrier lol
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>We’re so fuckin rick bros.
What will happen first:
Jesus will return to earth
Doesn’t matter, either way, I win. MOASS happening before Christ’s return is just a cherry on top of my eternal treasure in Heaven.
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Sounds interesting, can you explain why I would rope when I am invested in GME?
mostly just who you are as a person
That seems oddly specific... I just wanted to be your fren :(
Odin willing this will not take much longer
The guy who has a prediction of the financial crash said its coming and he was right about [REDACTED] so unless they fired up the Hardon Collider to readjust the markets, its less than 3 months away.
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Gamestop should buy epic and make it more enticing than steam. Steam charges 30% flat per sale. Epic tried to do the same so nobody jumped on board. But they were just being greedy, unreal engine is bigger than ever and they charge up to 30% license on the engine. That’s like Epic taking a 60% cut when Steam is a vastly superior platform. There’s no reason. Wave the fee for games using UE and lower it across the board to compete. Improve the feature-set to get as close to Steam as possible, but allow the trading of keys within the platform. IE you buy on Epic and can gift your key to a friend or trade it in a virtual marketplace. They’re still involved with IMX in some way, and could integrate that as a backend that is borderline invisible to the user unless they request the NFT tied to their key to hold offline. That NFT key would stay valid and anyone with a copy of the game can use said key to validate the game even if the service goes offline.

If they found a way to integrate with Discord better, to where Discord could function like party chat on the Xbox, that would be huge. That’s the main thing I miss going from Xbox to PC. MSoft nailed the social features and gamebar on PC is trash in comparison. I also hate having to juggle Discord and Steam overlays/windows. Imagine being able to follow an invite from Discord chat and immediately join a party inside a game seamlessly.

Gabe is on his way out and we all know what’s gonna happen to Steam when he’s gone. Now is the best opportunity to build up a competitor.
how is gamestop dealing with this
Is xbox giving up in the console wars?
by realizing fucking nobody uses the Fire app store?
Damn... Can't argue with that, thankfully GameStop is in the business of selling shares to hedgefunds, its very profitable
All of their attempts at exclusives have failed harshly and they started just releasing on everything PC simultaneously several years ago. I think they saw the writing on the wall for a long time which was why they started pushing GamePass heavily. I am curious if they’ll consider releasing one last console though. It’s ironic because the Xbox Series S is the lightweight of the generation and has basically held every single multi platform game back.
Game streaming is still in the early stages. Look how big Steam and GOG are. There will always be a demand for games you “own.” A storefront is much easier to set up than a dedicated streaming service. Look how many have come and gone already over the past decade. Hell, even fucking GOOGLE couldn’t make it work.

Last I head Msoft is working towards making it so as many games as possible in a customer’s purchase library can be streamed. This is a very smart move. Nvidia basically already does this with their streaming service, but Xbox Cloud Gaming is in a whole other level in terms of stability. I’ve used bot and even with the highest tier of Geforce NOW, the bitrate is way too low, the latency is way too high, and paying for the higher tiers is pointless because the connection is always so shit that its borderline unplayable.

I don’t know how Gamestop could go toe to toe with the black magic that is XCG, but 5ish billion dollars is NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH to pull it off. It would have to be something they tackle down the road when the company is actually making money off their business strategy and not from earning interest on T-bills.

Alternatively: remember ages ago when it was hinted that GS was doing something with MSFT? Maybe GS is ALREADY working on their solution to this problem.
Also this is proof Amazon couldn’t make a competitive game streaming service either. I think it’s called Luna? And their selling point is that you can use XBCG INSTEAD of that garbage.

MSFT is pivoting the Xbox brand HARD into the “Netflix of Gaming.” I personally have cancelled all of my movie/TV streaming services aside from Amazon Prime, and that’s only because it’s included with Prime by default. I wouldn’t pay extra for it if/when it finally goes that way. I prefer to just buy digital copies of movies I want to watch on Prime Video so I can watch them whenever I want.
they definitely need to partner or become the "exclusive retailer" for something
Microsoft is smart to recognize exclusive gaming is dying. Pretty soon you will probably be able to install windows-lite on a PS5 and PCs will have full access to the Xbox exclusive library.
Every other streaming game service has failed, but surely this one will put gamestop out of business
144hz has ruined every monitor below that frequency forever

absolutely none of this matters if gamestop never delievers on absolutely anything.
>poorfag can't afford a 240hz 4k oled monitor
kek baggie
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Sneed hedgecucks
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Hedgies on life support
here's the latest video essay youtuber video absolutely slaughtering baggots
kek baggies
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There's been quite a bit of nipple posting that slides, but I got banned for posting a picture of nf's girlfriend. How peculiar.
>"GME is a cult!"
It's the only thing in my portfolio in the green today.
..I am in a cult? When do we get to the sex cult part of this?
>gme can't be a cult because it's up 0.4% today
it's actually down 0.2% after hours
kek culties
>made by James Jani
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>Too many people like the video game store stock so it's a cult
You have to be deranged to believe this, especially after seeing what happened in May and June of this year. The constant vilification of gamestop has really gotten old. It's a video game store stock for fuck's sake.
Anon you need to feel sorry for these retards being duped by RC and DFV. You need to feel sorry for these stupid retarded idiots ruining their lives.
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>double down on gme between $10-$11
>stock price currently $22
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>didn't receive his yearly pro member robe at the power up meetup

most of my money is in LLY which has done fuck all over the last 3 months. even though it receives nothing but good news, 80% buy ratings, and outperformed expected earnings by like 6 billion dollars in that time. yet somehow I still make more buying GME dips. color me culted
These documentaries are going to age very well.
sounds like hedgies are suppressing the real price of your LLY shares
meme magic is real, you also covered the market runup after moass, godspeed anon
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>didn't receive his yearly pro member robe at the power up meetup
Pro member robes?
Damn hedgies shorted our cult orgies!
$PDDDY shorted the fuck out of us.
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Do these fuckers have to make these videos an hour long? who the fuck is going to watch that, its the same thing with the Dan Olson video, just an hour of "gamestop bad"
Can your wife make a post? I would like qrd
>he doesn't know this is just part 1
qrd on part1?
>"gamestop bad"
got it
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you cant watch it or you'll have your entire worldview broken, baggie
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>there's people out there who unironically hate gamestop because it's never going bankrupt among other things
gamestop bad
Note the s*yjak from the sharty, a C*A honeypot website that posts embedded CP.
around 31:00
>there are winners and losers, all good investors need to know when to lose. These guys are losers because they don't know when to lose
>ex fiancee of a gamestop investor
>she googled "is gamestop is a cult?" found /r/gmemeltdown
>tranny sparkles hops in to tell us gme is bad
They really REALLY do not like it when you bring up the bankruptcy thing, they get very pissy, what ever you do, never mention 5 billion liquid cash.
yes but what are they doing with that cash????
If no one is doing the Scrooge McDuck I’d be dissapointed
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Whatever the fuck they want. My bet is that Gamestop is going to buy companies when the imminent market collapse hits.
nor should you ever allude to anything regarding the "blue star", this drives them over the edge
thank you for proving me right, as always
I won again
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just browsing around at random the talking points are like the exact same as the dan olson video

>Appeals to authority, the "experts" wouldn't lie
>Ryan Cohen Bad, (he even suggested that Ryan was behind the ramp up to BBBY)
>Everyone "against" gme is a shill because investors need a villian (not because they're actually scumbags teehee)
>Think about all the other poor memestock investors (lol bbby)

I didnt watch the whole thing, but I didnt see him mention anything like:
>Evidence of corporate action to build anti-gamestop sentiment.
>DRS Numbers and legal writings
>Glitches and funny numbers
>How the price ran to 80 on no fucking news in premarket (when retails was otherwise locked out of the market)
>How the board takes on 0 compensation for their work
>Didnt see anything how gamestop has a 4.5 billion in the bank, is completely out of debt etc.
>Absolutely nothing on tokenized shares, andrew left, ken griffith lying under oath, bill hwang

Like with Dan Olson, its like his primary source is a meltdown subreddit thats 3% the size and activity of the cringemine. Oh and I guess there is a part 2.
so they're doing nothing then. awesome, i love this business model rc has built for his loyal investors!
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I haven't trusted Bretons since that fat drunk bastard from High Rock made a deal with the Thalmor to invade Skyrim, overthrow the High King, and install a puppet government which opened up the country to refugees from Orsinium. What does the Adoring Fan think?

fidelity is having issues with pplz $$ and accounts. mods deleted the post. got moved to a mega thread. DRS is the only way to keep your shares. these brokers will rob you.
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These people never like to bring up the unique circumstances surrounding gme. You'd think with so much going on with this stock, there would be more unbiased perspectives on gme instead of just purely negative. You genuinely won't find another stock with as much unwarranted hatred than gme.

megathread on fidelity robbing pplz.
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He mentioned the 4.8 billy in cash in a little, itty, bitty text when they were talking about the "1 billion" they had as cash on hand. It showed up on screen and quickly went away kek.
I blame the Falmer.
This is from 9 days ago.
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Is it really unwarranted if they're short?

Bobbert's revenge arc.
the fucking SNOW negroes
What up mah snow nigga?
LOL part 2 is even more retarded, james jani is a paid hack
The fucking SNOW, my nigga
Fah true, fah true
>What does the Adoring Fan think?
About the same
watched it. pretty lame. weird that Marantz came off looking more normal than the melties.
>"need some people to give their opinion on why these investors are disconnected from reality. can I interview you two over a video call?"
>YES! I'll wear a balaclava!
>and I'll wear my best cat head sweater
The fact his video doesn't even have the same depth of information as previous videos he made is hilarious. How did it even take that long to make?
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Yeaa im just going to buy more more GME tomorrow and patiently await merger with bbbyq

Seethe meltcucks. Ur hatred of my favorite stocks is so funny to me
>45.17% short volume.
>38.99% off exchange.
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25 eoy
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Can't put my finger on it...
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the final financial solution.
gamestop should just buy gog. i mean how much could it be? 10 million?
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Pelinal Whitestrake returns to deal with the bankers.
Who needs height or muscle? Bigger penis and fat.
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That's what homosexuals like, not women.
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why not both?
This is bullish for GME.
I aint clickin that
1 hour video and this is only part one, cherry picking statements and branding them as the collective opinion of everyone.
The company has raised $4.6 billion, closed unprofitable stores and will be profitable in the coming quarters from treasuries alone. This doesn't count DFV who came back after 3 years of radio silence with a $250 million YOLO update. He could have stayed quiet and retired but he came back with a bunch of memes and YOLO updates. Why?
It is over!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LPuXowifJ4
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Gtfo jani
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Mo's ass
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did these two girls ever smell each others stinkholes or were they just a fraud?
she's probably too busy being Kson to go back to hololive
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Hmmm not sure

Watch the full video it's only 2 minutes from RC mentor. To all the FUD about why RC is being quiet and why he isn't spending the $4 billion. If the market is good and you are able to raise cash easily then do as many offering as possible, this is exactly what DFV has said on his streams. Be quiet about it, you don't need competition or the attention when you are not ready to announce
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not my problem
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its only a brick and mortar video game store, why do they have to be so upset?
I just watched a whole 2 hour video on how gme holders are stupid retarded greedy evil delusional cultists who are objectively wrong. The people angry must be riled up from their documentary.
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Your service is appreciated but you might have to he put down
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But I did eat breakfast this morning.
The GME meltdowners remind me of Buttcoin subreddit. They had the opportunity to buy BTC when it was at sub 1k, 3k, 10k, etc and instead write FUD about something they are deeply invested in but don't actually buy said investment. Imagine going through all that time and effort for no monetary gain but hope to see people lose their money, that is some sociopath shit
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Basically it claims that gme holders are illogical greedy cultists. Openly mentions Robinhood turning off the buy button, mentions they did it due to their internal liquidity issues, and completely ignores this is the very definition of stock broker fraud. They mention Redditors complaining to the SEC like they are nagging karens.
Midpoint talks about DFV cultivating a cult and GME holders refusing to recognize that shorts closed, per "experts" and actual r/gmemeltdown ers.
RC is mentioned in the actual last 15 minutes. They claim he is making a cult of personality. Briefly mention he is taking no salary. Briefly mention his tweet talking about overpaid executives profiting off the backs of shareholders.
Probably the only point they had against RC was Chewy was never really profitable. It wasn't, but he still built it big enough to become a billionaire before selling.

I don't care though. Never been my problem.
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>tfw no georgina gf
why live
cuts deep, king
Ay, who brought the koolaid? Anybody brought the damn koolaid? C’mon already, I’m friggin dyin’ a thirst over here. Ay, why’s this shit all milky, anyway? AH-ugh. Christ this stuff is awful—AY—WHO MADE THIS CRAP EH!? Don’t let that guy make this stuff again I feel like I’m gonna puke.
They were a fraud. Personally I don't get because they look 12, but they are cute, I'm just not sexually interested.
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They are the truest lesbians. Understanding it isn't as deep as a normal relationship.
POV it's 2025 and you're on a chair in your backyard with an ice cold soft drink
more like 2025 fantasy when all of wall st, all antifa marxists, and the cia are trying to kill you.
I was disgusted after I watched it. I think it was sponsored by mayoman. Why would he portray gme investors in a bad way? What's his gain?
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and how are they going to pay 400 thousand hitmen when I have all their money?
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>Only three stories
Is this the doghouse in my backyard?
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>that gap
is it warm in there
nigga she shaped like a mofongo
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Who do I need to thank for killing the spearfish in the swimming pool?
Digita is percent chance if moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal
The Great DEBUNKENING of the Holohoax.
any interesting games at tgs so far?

chinas moving. it will shake the world.
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your personal spearfish killing japanese maid of course
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Wake up babe, new P Diddy documentary just dropped
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i would litteraly do nothing different in my mansion, but imagine the comfyness after seing hedgie taking the ledgie
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Nah bruh being gangstalked is lit. Let's cut a deal eh? We quiet quit each other jobs and spend the bare minimum making sure the other's position is justified. I'm already doing my part so why not cash in early?
But I am a lesbian
Literally all I want is to be able to be in a nice, quiet, comfy home with a big backyard for my dog with at least a mile between me and another living person and not worry about a single fucking thing. Let the queers in new york do their gay little wine tastings and modern art gallery tours, I want to sleep in the middle of the day and play video games.
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is she gonna rope post-moass
They are lesbians while they cum on a bbc
I have a camel to sell you
I think this is kinda dumb since a sufficiently monied person can do this in a city, or a sufficiently connected exurb, so that if you want to do something (e.g., fly out to Boston for PAX East), it's not a massive pain.

But thank you, the first thing I thought when I saw this post was, "I fucking hate having to go long distances to get groceries," which reminded me that half-cows exist, and now getting one every 6 months is on my post-moass wishlist. Grass fed, grass finished. No more poisoning myself with Harris Teeter chicken.
You're still thinking like a poor. I'm going to have a ranch on my property, and they will harvest cow meat any time I want it.
I could only live in a place like this if I had a constant stream of friends and family visiting. Too big and lonely otherwise. People make the mistake of thinking that mansions are for never having to see other people; they're really for if you want to be The Guy. I'm not 6'2" with a raucous belly laugh, an athletic background, ostrich-egg balls, and a love of fine Cuban cigars, so I don't know if I ever could be The Guy.
I've been hearing china's on the brink of economic collapse for the last 4 years. The China man just patches everything up with duct tape and says "everting, bettah now!" And the economy continues to somehow work.
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my problem with this video and Dan Olson's is that every time they are released some new development happens that they either have to address post production like >>59020121 points out. it's almost as if this is an ongoing story. also, i skimmed through the video and i have these points to make:
>why no mention of andrew left, a known basher of gme being investigated?
>steve cohen stepping down from trading to "mentor talent" shortly after Lefts' investigation became public
>why no mention of the run up to $80 on no news?
there was also no mention of the weird glitches with GME and other stocks like Berkshire that we saw back in May, absolutely no mention of DFV not only returning but increasing his position, the back to back halts on GME while DFV did his return live stream. he also only shows the loser holders and none of the decent youtubers that are normal people like richard newton. that he did not address these points means that he either missed all of it during his research or he saw all of this and refused to report on it.
i'm off to the wage cage but im sure you guys can think of many other things to ask that he missed.
It gives you away
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Based gooks
Based and pikkipikkidancepilled
I don't want to be in a situation where I might be tempted to get to know my food.

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