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Gulf War I era tech edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs




>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59014433
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>gun LARP
>shiny rocks LARP
10/10 on the boomer scale
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Friendly reminder it's going to be a long and steep staircase straight to the moon.
I honestly don't know if we'll see a Great Recession pump or a early 70s stagflation pump. The economy going into recession while inflation picks up led to gold pumping by 140% in just two years back in 1973
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>The anon who fell for the big bar meme
Did you find anyone willing to swap?
Thats it. Im convinced, Im selling all my metal and buying crypto
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Post firearms and PMs then. But we both know you won't lol
you wish you were a boomer
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i think i keep it
I think its kinda to have a 5kg bar to bash intruders with and work out with
>bash intruders with and work out with
Based metal lifter
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>The anon who fell for the big bar meme
You sound poor
Might aswell keep it, That can be the 1 trade bar you use to buy an entire New York residential skyscraper block.
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Poastin’ treasure chest time!
Muh gold fractionals chest as I don’t own Toz yet
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>Austrian Ducats
a man of refined taste i see
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Trump is now selling watches in addition to silver rounds.
>diamonds on a men's watch
That's some nig-tier shit.
it's gonna be fun watching the government seizing all your gold and silver kek
>inb4 muh guns
it's okay, a little but of blood on metals won't affect their prices
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Blessed to see this general pick back up
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>government seizing all your gold and silver
We couldn't even defeat the Taliban. What makes you think the government is capable of such a feat?
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>cool wooden boxes
see these guys get it
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Can't keep a good stacker down
Hillary hole
I haven't modded the spring, which is the most common reason for them to lock up. It's a good pocket cannon.
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our time has come, friends
keep up the pressure
keep on stackin
yeah once silver gets its first of many moonshots, people will be beggin for that bar
I don't know how even the build quality is across their models but this 642 has the smoothest action stock trigger I've felt on any revolver.
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The price of gold is going to go back down eventually, right? I only got 1oz
It will drop to weekly 50 ema during the bullrun before going to $5000. The question is, when is the drop? Next week? Or 4-5 months from now after it has already gone to $3400?
I did the math and as long as a kilo of silver is under $1200 next month I can buy one.
And I'm going to.
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is 100:1 a good ratio?
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We are called Boomers because big iron goes boom.
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>big iron
Precious metals are the asset MOST difficult to confiscate. Stocks, bonds, cars, houses, bank accounts, investment accounts, 401k, IRA, pensions - ALL much easier to confiscate than metals. No sane government agency is going to play tunnel rat in every stacker's personal booby-trapped ninja castle. There's no reason for it and the risk is too great.
Nice! A Buuuuuuuuntline Special.
>sane government
We're talking about the [current year] US federal government. They'll psyop the tax cattle into believing PM stackers are bad and have a "cash reward" for turning in your neighbors who own PMs.
By the time it gets to that, the only bad players in action will be fed employees, welfare recepitants and illegal immigrants who are allowed to illegitimately vote.
Once that scenario plays out, it'll be a nightmare, followed by the adults being in charge once business is taken care of.
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The American public is so divided now if the government says "It's morning" half the country says "Good night and fuck you". And, by the way, your neighbors shouldn't know you have PMs. Do you have dinner parties where you flex your stack? Or try to talk people into stacking? Or rave about the Federal Reserve to strangers? Might want to keep that on the downlow.
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Anybody else into silver nursing cups?
>your neighbors shouldn't know you have PMs. Do you have dinner parties where you flex your stack? Or try to talk people into stacking? Or rave about the Federal Reserve to strangers? Might want to keep that on the downlow.
Yeah no shit Sherlock. When it gets to the point where a fascist government is convincing morons to turn their neighbors in, bootlickers will be surrendering their jewelry and their family who owns jewelry.
i'm a fan
it won't work unless they have a good story... it'll be like, we discovered silver is a miracle cure for all diseases! please submit all silver to your local government so we can heal the sick! you wouldn't want to be a baddie would you?? don't you care about healing people? kek
It's always morning, even in the afternoon.
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FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote, Arm Yourself, Stock up on Food and Water, and Pray
Did you buy them used?
What's a nursing cup and why do they look like nipple covers?
>They are nipple covers
Oh. Nature is wild.
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So since I don't own any jewelry I have nothing to worry about under your nightmare scenario. I guess I misunderstood what you wrote. You agree that stackers have nothing to worry about unless they have loose lips. So all is well and we should keep stacking!
Nope. All brand new.
That's when I turn in my tellurium.
>Nope. All brand new.
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Price hasn't moved in 15 minutes
I'm going insane
i physically can't handle all this cringe
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He has to 'strike while the iron is hot,' meaning if he loses he'll be a nobody and no-one will want anything he puts his name to.
But while he's a candidate, his name is worth a lot more.
Remember: it's all about him, not the country. He has no idea how the country works.
>market opens
>prices immediately dip
Every time
how many of you would bet a kilo of silver that gold will go to $2750 before the month closes?
I don't have a kilo of silver to bet.

Because I'm 90/10 into gold and better off for it in the first place.
>betting gold and silver
I'll probably hold it all until the day I die
They can't seize what they don't know you have.
First rule of having physical PMs anon.
I would happily bet a silver kilo equivalent if i had one. Betting with real silver? No.
Paper and crypto are literally worthless. Gold and silver should, and hopefully will, destroy this joke we call an "economy"
Well Well Well...

How's your 3% gains going in this new bull market, physical chuds?
Don't mind me, just passing by from /cmmg/ with my 50% gains from mining stocks.

weak larp desu, miners are performing like shit this year.
what is the optimal gold and silver bullion weight?
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These little shits dont sound like gold at all, other coins have a really nice clear ring. These are like a piece of iron really dull sound. Had to take it to get tested because started wondering even though i bought it from a reputable vendor. Yes it was real after all
Yeah, yeah...i regret i stopped buying Silver a year back. Happy now?
Paranoid schizophrenia. Aren’t you always fussing over what’s fake or not here?
You got it tested from where? They could have been federal agents lying to you anon.
>Thinks its only 4 people posting here
I post in pmg maybe once every 3 months
Post only op's approved horse cock dildo metals in /pmg.
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>when you audit your stack and have twice as much as you thought
crypto is way harder to confiscate
im super pro metal, but this is just a fact. especially if you are going to start talking about confiscation of other fake assets like bank accounts
if you're talking real physical things, then yes metals are hardest to confiscate
but crypto isnt real
Its just Fiat with extra steps
I intentionally did not mention crypto because, frankly, I don't know enough about it to have an opinion. But the only way anyone is going to find my gold is by torturing me into revealing the location. I assume the same method will work with your crypto key. Yes? That makes them equal.
It's an excel spreadsheet with extra steps.
gold is just different electrons configuration
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>crypto is way harder to confiscate
crypto was invented by the 3 letter agencies and all of them have a back door, they are now all being centralised and controlled through Diego Garcia by british and american deep state military.

How much does a bitcoin weigh? How much bitcoin was used to make your computer?
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Really ?
Ask the Palestinians their opinion.

Destroying crypto is as simple as making a capital check of your bank accounts.
If the incoming and outgoing transfers, to crypto platforms are blocked, you are just fucked.
Why have not done it yet?
It's also simple, do not scare sheep, block the transfers now is to show the herd what will happen with the digital currencies of central banks.
oops It was for >>59021339, not you.

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