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Ok jokes aside, where is the correction.
it corrected from 73k to 72k. let me guess, you want more?
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Just try to relax Bobo, everything is under control.
Sideways for a few days to cool off, pump next early weekly open due to trigger of momentum based strategies. Get ready, Bobo. Your anus will be open, and you will be penetrated deep.
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Bobro, its stalled out at 72.4k, whenever it stalls it means a big correction is coming.

Have some faith, I hope you kept your shorts going because we're about to make a lot of money when it goes to 60k.
It is time
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>9u alway from getting liq
will i make it ser
uhh do you not realize what time of year it is?
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Be strong Bobro, I know hindsight is 20/20 but you must always account for the fluctuations when dealing with Bitcoin.

Afterall, it is a shitty speculative asset.
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We're on a new trend line, there will be no more heavy pullbacks. JFC how many times do I need to post this.
Maybe my survival in 9u away from liquidation is a top signal.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
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checked and kekd
buy wojak
>there will be no more heavy pullbacks.
You must be new...
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Calm down, Bobos. There is a massive sell wall above 73k that isn't breaking any time soon. Once the buy pressure stops the only direction is down.
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Holy shit look at those rejections every time it touches the wall.
Consolidation is a good thing, the longer we stay at these levels, the stronger the support becomes. There will be some resistance at ATH and then again at 100k, but then we'll enter price discovery

Kek wills it, trips confirm it. The bull is on.
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There won't be until next year, for now just enjoy watching dogs like Kendu turn green all christmas long
Money flow looks bad around the hourly. I know this may sound like a cop out but if we don't giga pump this morning we're gonna correct either this afternoon or we'll go sideways then dump tomorrow. Yea it could go up or it could go down anyway if it pumps I'm fomoing in if it goes down or does nothing I'm buying at 69k.
Dude if there are no more pullbacks that means you can literally buy in any time, except the last time.
Could just be institutions who'll drop it as soon as they're willing to pump the price no?
inside your ass
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It's new moon tomorrow.
i'm should be replying to a billionaire right now if market work the way you put random emoji in the chart like that
>Ok jokes aside, where is the correction.
The correction in this statement is that there needs to be a question mark after correction, and not a period. That is your correction Bobo.
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“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.”
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is it time yet?
Damn new moon on halloween? We may see 80k in a day.
Q4 2025, you're a year early bobo. Look at the chart and zoom out and you'll see it.
77,777.77 next target
Looking at the last month, stalls have preceded both pumps and dumps. 100% you're talking out your ass
It’s been correcting since March you fucking retard
>Saylor announces plan to raise 42 billions
>Btc pumps
>Correction dump the following days
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Literally right now.
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I tried to warn you guys in multiple threads but you didn't listen. At least I'm rolling in money now.
lmao I love this image
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Looks like I was right, now apologize.
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should've used all that extra ETH to get more ILM, longing BTC was a mistake
You could have waited for the upcoming Peaq listing for better options instead of going all in on BTC.
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czech ze chartz
I fucking hate how you pajeets shill your bullshit now to avoid the spam filters. Fuck off.
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longs liquidated, what's next?

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