Classic tortoise and the hair. Gold is needed for modern computing, where as modern computing gets along just fine without BTC.
>>59242062Precious metal investing is retard bait. kys
>>59242062>Gold is needed for modern computingso is sandArgumentum ad Boomerumnext he will complain Bitcoin has no weight LOLyou in pic
>>59242062>it's fucking nothing>posts something
>>59242062This is why bitcoin needs to be utilized as a state machine for artificial intelligence. This would give ai an incentive to keep us alive for our transaction activity to, preferably in the form of micropayments. The fees from this activity would ensure new blocks were mined and each new block would allow for a state change which would be like a heartbeat for the ai.
>>59242062Ironically, gold having intrinsic value is the reason why it makes for shit money. The fact Bitcoin is useless for anything other than wealth is a reason why it makes it a better store of value
>>59242162>crypto investing is retard bait. kysftfy>>59242167It's just C++ computer code. Why should it be worth more than a copy of Microsoft Excel?>>59242535Bitcoin isn't just useless it's a parasite on modern energy infrastructure; stealing precious energy just to survive and continually reconfirm arbitrary mathematical calculations.
>>59242062>Classic tortoise and the hair.Ah yes, Aesop's first draft, where the tortoise swings by the wig shop and gets a sweet updo.
>>59242062Wow each of those fingers have a few milligrams of gold on them
get in your retard containment general precious metal fag
Crypto marketers are on here 20 hours a day.
>>59242557>all computer code is worth the same>buying into climate hysteria>costanza.jpg
>>59242557Funny you mention MS, MS mcap is still more than btc. And all they do is write code
>>59242062A fixed supply of money to pay for infinite goods. Look into it.
>>59242557this reek of horsheshit from a retarded fuck 1 BTC = $90,000+ it's at that price for a reason you retard You can stake BTC on ExSat or Solv and earn rewards, what exactly can you do with gold?
>>59242644>buying into climate hysteriawat?>>59242682>MS mcap is still more than btcI was talking about Excel not the company. You shot yourself here tho because Microsoft has utility while Bitcoin has none.>>59242854>1 BTC = $90,000+ it's at that price for a reason you retardBecause BlackRock and Feds keep buying, retard subhuman dead fed walking
>>59242854>1 BTC = $90,000+ it's at that price for a reasonWhat's the reason? What specifically makes it so valuable?