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J.P. Morgan edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59280745
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Found this specimen that had slipped me while shifting through my old coin pile.
Cleaned it up with a wooden stick and added to my stack.
>Why do stackers celebrate when they lose money is that self hating mental illness or just cope for losing money? Pmg is the only place you see that phenomena

Losing money how exactly? What is better to save value in, fiat or precious metals?
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Posting in a real thread
sexy coins
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Remember to just ignore all cryptoshills.
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crypto nerds will seethe
blessed OP makes a real thread
these are copper and this expensive?...
>inb4 shill
APMEX black friday sale will have 1g gold bars with 100% off premium, though they limit the sale to 1 per customer (fags). Sky is the limit though for generic silver rounds at 77% off premium, libertads 27% off premium...not too shabby.

I'm always buying Au/Ag when I can but, as a poorfag, appreciate these sales.

Any other small stacks in the room? Growers, not showers?

> What is better to save value in, fiat or precious metals?
Obviously metals. I do own some crypto, but historically just use any profit to buy more metal. My savings account is essentially just PMs. I won't fault anyone for throwing some money into crypto, but holy shit that should only come after a healthy percentage of your savings/net worth into real assets like property, PMs, etc. Fiat -* IS *- debt.
Lol, you actually bought that thing?
Everybody knows that the US Mint secretly hates you and they especially hate silver stackers.
There's a reason why the silver flowing hair was made into a ((((medal)))) just to spite their customers meanwhile the gold flowing hair was given a real $20 FV.
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thanks for the bake
keep on stackin'
Holy moly... made me look.
I'm guessing $42 of that is going to the show's (movie's? Book's?) royalty fee.
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>it would be fun to have a neat little button/chunky bar of personally refined silver
Don't bet on it.
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I wouldn't buy it. All my 1 oz silver coins were less than that. I even have a couple colorized ones.
I'm already a prospectorfag and have been wanting to get some refining/smelting equipment for some time, more as a hobby than anything else.
Awesome! Sounds like you have your answer - it's smart (for you) to refine at home. For my part, I don't have the resources.
thanks for making a new thread
This dealer tried to order gold but his supplier said there is a shortage of 1oz gold bars because of costco buying up all the inventory. The guy is a goof and a heeb but still it's interesting if true.
Hang on though... It says 1 ADVP OZ 999 PURE COPPER. I'm guessing the ADVP means avoirdupois, so in that case you're not even getting a full 31.1 g troy oz. Even bigger rip-off!
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I love the holiday shitcoin shills now!
>jannie is trannie, won’t give obvious shills bannie
Do your job jannie faggot!
Kill jannies
Kill trannies
Kill shit coin shills
Simple as…
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Gold has always been valuable. The more civilized the society the more it is valued.
Finally. A good thread.
30mm lighthouse capsules for gold maples are also vastly superior to the black ring air-tites
for me, only holiday deals i do are spot ones
they will come
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What colour is gold?
that's what i'm waiting for too. hope they have something at spot.
Never buy copper bullion - the cost of minting and production far, far exceeds the melt value - you will never break even. 1 oz of copper is about 30 cents worth. If you want to stack copper you can find it all over, if you want a copper round to look at just realize it's a total financial loss.
That's a gold alloy.
A thousand bucks?! That's like a dollar a gram.

Anyways I was listening to Greg Mannerino this morning. He was talking about how Trump is going to be the crypto king. How money is going to be flowing from commodities to crypto during his presidency.
>Looks like cheapies are back on the menu boys
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Cryptovah witnesses aren't here yet?
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Too busy freaking out over the crypto crash right now
they had three ounces of gold airdropped out of their possession today.
Me and all the cryptobros are celebrating the cheapies, i hope it drops back to my cost basis of $300 so i can buy more. We all feel that way, high prices for bitcoin suck balls
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>there's a shortage of gold that's why the price is crashing

Lmao, pmgtards will believe anything the merchants say
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I haven't bought any gold since last August.
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They're all circle jerking each other in the other troll thread

let them be
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It's funny to realize that none of these retard stackers have ever made a profit on their junk metal. Most have 80% losses
>30c worth of copper sold $41
Ponder the premium %
If he was alive today he would say "bitcoin and gold are money"
Yeah but when the zombie apocalypse happens they can buy virgins with that copper and maybe get a free house thrown in.

Lmao that's what these clowns believe
reasonable enough
first one i've seen so far
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Begone (((you)))
eagles at spot
Lmao, remember 3 years ago you retards were bragging you paid $45 for ASEs?
If you didn’t have any precious metals and you woke up tomorrow with $10M cash how much of that would you allocate to pm and which ones and why?
9 million to PMs, 1 million to high class Ukrainian hookers.
they already sold out
Do you guys stack 10 oz silver bars? I suppose they’re less liquid than sticking to single ounces
Less liquid but but they have the smallest premium so if you're already diversified with 1oz coins/rounds and you're stacking for weight, they make sense.
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Ten ozt is not a lot of silver in the grand scheme of things. If you want to transfer a consequential amount of wealth without dinking around with penny-ante bean counters, these are a good medium-sized option.
none of the people that bought $45 ASE's three years ago are still here

hell, they probably left within a month. Stupid redditors like you didn't last long in the stacking game. You followed the crowd and took months to realize how dumb you were.
It's easy moving from crypto to gold and silver. But what about the other way around? 4 years ago I moved into metals but if I ever wanted to get some crypto what's the path for that? Metal -> Fiat -> Crypto?
Are you talking about those special anniversary Morgan's from the US mint? I bought those. Haven't been back on /pmg/ since then. Used to be here daily but stopped stacking once I literally ran out of space in my room.
>suppose they’re less liquid than sticking to single ounces

Lmao, this question illustrates the absolute poverty tier situation of stackers. Liquidity dries up at $300.

Lmao investing for poor retards, when do poor retards make good decisions about anything?
when buying gold does it matter what the image is on the gold & what year it is? Or will it always just match the price gold is at
Im thinking of buying this 2024 lunar new year 1/4 oz for $900
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Paying a higher price means you are getting a higher quality of gold and it pays off when you sell
If you're buying retail or want a particular piece for it's asthetics, then you're typically going to pay more. I regularly see 60 year old pieces that people paid hefty premiums for at the time go for 50% of spot. This is why it's best to have an actual strategy when stacking, and not just doing whatever you're told to by jewtubers or feel like at the time. Same for any investment strategy.

For gold, Eagles, Maples, Britannias, Sovereigns are the patricians coin of choice. Bars are gay unless they're fat. Jewelry is high IQ, but also high effort.
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>There's a reason why the silver flowing hair was made into a ((((medal)))) just to spite their customers meanwhile the gold flowing hair was given a real $20 FV.
The silver will be shiny and they will seethe about it.
What's up with the gold price this week? So eerie flat after mondays crash.
I can't wait for Black Friday sales. I hope there are some good spot-deals. I need 30oz to break 2,000 and once that goal is completed I can work on other things.
>1,970 ounces
nice work, fren.
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It took a lot of hard work - working two jobs, budgeting, and making the most of the $18-22 price point. The accumulation strategy truly paid off and I am not free to do other things given I have a solid hedge against economic collapse.
naked shorting silver into a long weekend—the great American tradition
precious metals take to long to go up
bro you've made it like 5 times over lmao
The political nature of money is what keeps them crabbing. When they revalue it happens overnight. PMs revaluing will pass through everyone, stackers and nonstackers, like a cold front moving through the atmosphere. And in that single instant your net worth will revalue. Not even having access to the internet at your fingertips will you be quick enough to FOMO.
History shows us this: They allowed a depression to squeeze your balls for 3.5 years before they revalued gold overnight. It was abrupt and you either had the real deal or you ate the losses. It is black and white.
I made $40,000 this year on GME alone and if it reaches the all time high of last May I'll make another $60,000.
Grinding out your life for cash to buy PMs is all well and good. But making leveraged trading gains to bolster your wealth will always be the faster way to wealth accumulation.
I made $75,000 randomly one morning in May when GME spiked from $20 to $80 for no reason at all and that should tell you everything you need to know about what it is you need to be doing. Once you got the suicide stack stashed away you should not fear putting some money on the table to take profits.
The entire world is trying to kick the can and when they inflate you'll want as many avenues to soak up the free money as possible. They'll keep silver suppressed as part of the can-kicking and it is the go-to means to cash out your credit investments.
Also, given the systemic-naked-short-sold nature of GME, it is a capital investment as it has already been over-sold. It is not going to crash but squeeze - hence why it is a safe investment. NVIDIA and BTC are credit investments because they are over-bought.
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>I need 30oz to break 2,000 and once that goal is completed I can work on other things.
Coinvivor tier and above is basically the rich kids club. Nobody can shit on you for not having enough silver.
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What's crazy is not even being rich. I picked up a second job three years ago and worked/budgeted my ass off and kept stacking. I almost felt like I lost track of time and before you know it I'm sitting pretty.
I hardly even noticed because the price was always declining from 2021 onwards. The price runup this year suddenly shows all that hard work paying off.
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Plumber repairing a house discovered 33 kg of gold from the basement

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Well I'm already up 80k on my gold, and 25k on my silver since I bought them. But it doesn't matter. 3.5 years is nothing to me. I got into this expecting to hold for 20+ years.
Not my pic, but it's an inspiration for me to stack moar cheap junk!
As far as stonks, etc. Nah, I don't need that shit.
I think we're in the same boat, though my stack is lighter. For me, peace of mind is commensurate with stack size.
>I have a solid hedge against economic collapse.

Lmao, whis going yo tell him? where do these clowns get their retarded ideas?
>$5000 is making it

How poor are you that you can't come up with $5000 lmao that's like one month of income at minimum wage
>1 month income at minimum wage
I think this guy might be retarded
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Easy come, easy go. We will live to see that maxim burned into the land as what was once thought to be wealth is sucked into a giant sink hole of debt. Stacking isn't for those with a tik-tok attention span.
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hard to photograph but looks neat in person
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That took a while to set up!
I bet that feels good, too.
Protip: take another pic/video, but with a newspaper showing date. In case you get robbed, you'll have photo evidence of what you had to provide your insurance company.
That's not my stack, but that would be a good.
I am not exactly sure, but precious metals may require an endorsement on your renters/homeowners insurance as all kinds of luxury goods have very minimal maximum payouts outlined in the policy.
Lmao, not for etfs, stacktards take another loss. Anywho 23,000 ounces of silver just airdropped as Bitcoin is up $5000 today. Keep stacking frens (in etfs)
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Wheres the best place for Southern Germs to buy some Silber?
I wann buy something will the prices are still low
usually i get all my stuff from Degussa but they are competly out of stock for anything Silber related
I'm watching youtube videos and APMEX commercials keep popping up trying to sell Coca Cola rounds as if that isn't shittiest, most disgusting brand of goyshit there is. They don't even have the common decency to make it out of sugar anymore. Absolute trash brand.
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how about one of these
I see copper rounds/bars and kek at the prices and shake my head. So damned silly.
>maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt it
50% in PM the rest in rental properties spread in some citys
As to how i would spend the 5M on PM i would put most of it in Silver according to the currens GSR and mostly get regular Bullion pieces
>Not differenzbesteuert
Idk anything else?
>The luxury and extravagance of the currency gamblers and their families form one of the most significant features in any picture of the social condition of that period. 77
>A few years before this the leading women in French society showed a nobility of character and a simplicity in dress worthy of Roman matrons. Of these were Madame Boland and Madame Desmoulins; but now all was changed. At the head of society stood Madame Tallien and others like her, wild in extravagance, daily seeking new refinements in luxury, and demanding of their husbands and lovers vast sums to array them and to feed their whims. If such sums could not be obtained honestly they must be had dishonestly. The more closely one examines that period, the more clearly he sees that the pictures, given by Thibaudeau and Challamel and De Goncourt are not at all exaggerated. 78
>The contrast between these gay creatures of the Directory period and the people at large was striking. Indeed much as the vast majority of the wealthy classes suffered from impoverishment, the laboring classes, salaried employees of all sorts, and people of fixed income and of small means, especially in the cities, underwent yet greater distress.

From Fiat Money Inflation in France (1789-1796) Hoeflation it seems is endemic to all inflations.

I hit 600oz Ag + 5oz Au and suddenly I am not so concerned with stacking anymore. What do now? Just more?
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>stupidity ensues
Once again, great job jannies…
boomers love that shit… kek
>only redeeming factor, is it’s made out of silver
If I ever want one, I’ll get it second hand at an estate/garage sale. Minus the premium
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Oopsie poopsie, the supply inflated again... Well hopefully they won't find another giant stash of Roman gold that was so valuable to the Romans that they buried them in caches all over Europe... and never came back for...
did they ban a lot of posters in the last day or so? seems slower than normal with a lot more spam than normal
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>30 million ounces
That's about how much the Aztecs paid the Conquistadors to not kill them for their gold. Apparently wasn't quite enough. Still, gold is the best bet for a lawless WW3 type situation, right? Just need to stack a bit more gold than what the Aztecs had.
Did you realize that it was pointless unless you have $500,000 or just a scam to keep you a wagie?

They got demoralized because real e_gold bitcoin is the new hotness
Good news metaltards your junk metal went down. More cheapies

Bad news cryptobosses your real e_gold soared 5%< lmao no cheapies for you

Metalturds win again
Go back discord tranny.
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Almost time to slurp sub-30.
thinking the same. list the spot deals please
Now that's what i call a stack!
I own more semeuses than him, but nowhere near that many 5F LMU/50F hercules, and all the rest for that matter...
I can only dream of a silver pile that big.
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very nice one photoanon
I just did did all the bullionexchange ones
do you own a nicely performing one?
I got myself the 2nd cheapest machine on amazon and returned it after a day. Not efficient enough for my tastes, but i really would have some use of an efficient one (under $120 preferably).
Yeah, we love losing money so we can buy more junkmetal and lose more money and cekebrate again, we are very Le Smart wagies
Digital ethereum e_silver breaking out today up 8%. Gosh it sucks to make such huge profits i wanted to be smart like dem silber stacktards and lose bigly.
>2400yo silber windmill of peace
damn it's tempting
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Thank you to whoever recommended this. Very beautiful 10 oz bar, just came today.
You're welcome.
PM's always moon around Christmas FYI
>jew whipping jews
>Silver bar relief of Jesus clearing the temple

There an irony in there somewhere.
You must be new around here
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Wow, the 1/2 Marks are tiny and cute. I guess they're the German equivalent to dimes. 2.5g silver, 20mm, 5RM for reference.
just turned 300 into 850 with live roulette. I know I dont deserve this money but what should I buy
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New crypto etf if you want to turn 850 into $3000

Silver if you want to turn $850srwwk into <$300
Don't you have the day off?
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Money never sleeps fren. Looking at some silver mines today have a few prospects. Been studying you tards and your greed and naivety are off the charts. Just doing this for fun as I'm already rich but looking to shear some sheep.
Gives a warm feeling thinking about all the boomers at Thanksgiving dinner today who will casually mention buying into bitcoin ETFs this year and making 200% (riskfree) gains as their millennial kids seethe and tell them the world is gonna collapse and you should be buying funkopops and magic rocks
lmao yeah they actually didn't listen again, surprisingly...
all this spam over this lmao
Happy Thanksgiving!
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happy thanksgiving pmg!
>J.P. Morgan edition
Happy Thanksgiving frens!
just wanted to say how thankful I am for you all!
back to my slave cave /pol/ now, maybe drop in and say what ur thankful 4.
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iqdelete will never have a white son
thank i havent heard of them before
thinking of Buying 100 german Silver marks
They are 7g of Silver but have an incredibly low purity only 62,5% silver
Is it worth gettin them?
They are on for spot price but im thinking id rather buy some more traditional bullion pices
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Finally pulled my first silver coin off the ground this week and it's a nice sestertius from around 122 BC
gold.de is the place to look at.
You can buy the 10DM instead which is sterling/925/92.5% silver. It usually sells for spot.
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Are you metal detector anon? How deep down was that?
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Fucking Amazing Anon
Imagine all the storys this coin coulf tell
Some guy lost it thousands of years ago probably never even noticed he lost it but now its one of the only relics of an era that doesnt even exist anymore
But keep quit about it or else some fed guy will take it and put it in the museum
i dont have that much money right now atmost i can spend 800 for Silver this month
They're sold by the coin for around spot, no need to buy a 100 pack. You're not getting any discounts either way.
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ur blessed fren, share some of the haul as gifts for the close frens
advice needed... story incoming
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>b me
>buy some PMs from SGB
>get PMs
>one month later they say the payment didn't go thru (I will not confirm nor deny this ITT)
>they say they need to process the payment again
>always change my banking password after using e-check system out of paranoia
>they try to process payment today
>it does not work
>they send email asking me to help make payment
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wat do?
respond by asking them why they would send a product they did not receive payment for. Then report the emails as phishing scams
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THEORETICALLY if one knew that they had fucked up and never processed the payment, would your advice be the same?
Would the best course of action change at all if they had previously sent an email several weeks ago confirming payment?
do they have a store nearby you or do they only sell online?
if they have a store go there and talk with them in person and try to get this sorted out if not block them its most likely a phisihing scam like this Anon said>>59307459
Why else would they just give you the Metals if they havent verifed the bank transactuion
If the payment didn't work then it's probably legit. Call them.
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Yes this summer I posted a few gold rings I found. I mostly hunt during that time on the beach, I started to go on land a consistently only by a couple of months. Found a few interesting stuff but this one is the best by far. Next objective I guess is finding a gold coin, or maybe a pot of them!

This one was less than 10 cm deep, but on a plowed field. When they move the dirt it's easy for older stuff to often resurface.

I like to think to that whenever I found something old. Best part is on this field and around it I'm finding a lot of stuff from all periods.

People have definitely been there for centuries if not millennia, and now they are mostly empty farmlands in the middle of nowhere with only a tiny fraction of their history just beneath the ground.
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>wat do?
and this is just insane, I know, I know, but see if payment was made, and if not, keep your word and your end of the deal.
>THEORETICALLY if one knew that they had fucked up and never processed the payment, would your advice be the same?
Yes. I assumed that was the case before I responded. Also I would be prepared to never be able to do business with them again in the future, but that's a small price to pay. The fuck up is completely on them. If they had a problem with the bank then they never should have sent the order in the first place. I am aware this is a bit of jewy response but they should know better. I would report it as a scam and send the rest of their responses straight to the spam folder.

Out of curiosity, was the order a large one? Like over an toz gold?
This is the difference between high trust and low trust societies.
>I will not confirm nor deny this ITT
Then what we have to say is meaningless - we don't have all the information.
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>This is the difference between high trust and low trust societies.
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I'm grateful i listened to my big brain and invested in bitcoin. People who listened to greedy coin merchants and fell for an obvious scam can not be trusted.
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G_d bless Michael Saylor, Lord of the coin.
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sick and based.
I have a basic detector and tried taking it on the beach but got no signals other than the sand itself when i pressed it too close / had sensitivity to high. do you have any advice or guides on how to use a detector / go detecting?

happy harvest day anons
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welcome to the club
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>G_d bless Michael Saylor, Lord of the coin.
is the reason you leave the o out of god because it looks too much like the. Hebrew word for this?
Pic related
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The o gets added to your wealth when you 10x with bitcoin.
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Stop being a nigger and pay for what you purchased holy fuck. This shouldn't even require a second thought, that's the only right thing to do.

Spoken like a true jewish lawyer. Fuck ups happen, that's not a reason to steal from others. There is something called basic decency, you should try it one day.

I'm very disappointed to see this kind of reactions from pmg anons. If we value PMs it's because we value honesty and a just reward for the work of others, and PMs have forced men to keep it honest for millenias, until the tiny hat tribe transmuted paper into infinite drain of our workforce and took over the world this way. This is because (((they))) abused our trust that we are in such satanic dystopia. It's not by emulating them that we will make things better, we should prove we are better than them by our acts. Displaying honesty even when it doesn't favor you is one of those acts.
This. The karmic weight from cheating out on paying the company will be far heavier than the cost of paying them the money they're owed. Why put that on yourself?
>wat do?
email them that you have not yet received your order of "item" from "date" and that you've been unable to access your emails due to some sort of "technical glitch"
Tell them if they expect payment you expect the item.
I've got 32 UK gold soverigns, is that enough?
Experts say that in a shtf scenario an ounce of gold will buy one week of food with a 30% chance of robbery/death. So yes you will make it about 2 weeks. Congrats on throwing away your life for that. Lmao
when did PMG get a resident street shitter?
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Turkey night PUMP.
JP Morgan hires a bunch of them to pump silver above its real price of $3.60. Lmao how new are you not to know that. No wonder you are losing bigly
circa late 2021.
It's bullish to see $30 have been the unbreakable bottom for silber for quite some time now. We can consider it the foundation for the next leg up, like $22 was the bedrock who allowed to build momentum for most of 2023.

I wouldn't be surprised to see us back to $35 before EOY, since silver have some catch up to do to track gold's performances.
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right before the deals go live
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whatever happened to HoloCoinAnon?
ah, as a response to SETF in cica in early 2021, no doubt. Not that it's unreasonable or unexpected.
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who knows. im still waiting on fucking cunny coin
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maybe todd will make it
he's still making this one i think
The back should be the crying emoji
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Who's wrong more often? Zeihan or stacktards?

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By "basic detector" I suppose you mean a cheap chinese one paid 100$ or less. I guess they still detect metals but chances are it lacks stability, reliability and discrimination, and if you're near the sea salt water will drive it nuts. If you want to go there you should spend 300$ for a simplex or a vanquish. Jewelry in most cases is under the water or near the shoreline, so you want something decent in order to go there. I have an equinox 600.

Just remember it's a hobby. One day it will repay itself but that shouldn't be your primary objective.

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