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is this the next USA based L1 chain that will follow the trend of XLM, HBAR, XRP and ADA ?

if there will be taxcuts for gains on murican crypto, this thing is going to melt faces.
yes, this shit is going to blow up faster than biz is prepared for, and shoot WAY the fuck past 30 this time and stay there
also shoutout for the old logo and not anime posting
A true gem on a sea of shit, scams and rugs. It boggles my mind that this is not higher mcap than Cardano. A true scalable L1, proof of work to boot. Im suspicious of their "solved the trilemma" claims but all in all is orders of magnitude a better project than half the stuff out there claiming to be "revolutionary".
agreed on the whole solving the trilemma thing
its possible but lets see KDA get pushed to the point where its clear it has solved it
then it will be steady top 10
Im balls deep in algo. kda sucks.
congrats go start your own thread
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thanks for the top signal
are you vaccinated by chance? who did you vote for?
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Kadena has no future, you have no womb, you have no ovaries. Even your idol Kevin Murcko had the foresight to abandon your shitcoin and sell as he is not emotionally married to his bags like (You) are
It has been nearly 5 years since mainnet.
Kadena can only handle 0.01% of the acclaimed "480k tps"
Your chains haven't scaled for years (because it literally can't and will bottleneck which it currently does at times)
You also fell for the Stuart Haber meme.
0 dApps, wallets, smart contracts. Your community developers are constantly getting shafted and pointing out how incompetent Kadena dev team is, unable to build anything because the Kadena Tranny Foundation are greedy kikes and only want money
Imagine trusting the Kadena Tranny Foundation after they literally scammed $100M from the community, didn't pay the marketing agency in which they hired and have been trying & failing to do damage control ever since.
I remember when you retards were shilling Kaddex to be the most revolutionary dex in all of mankind, and now look at ye
Kadena's circulating supply increased by 5x over the last 3 years and is literally decades ahead of their cited token emmissions schedule (this should be very alarming to you niggers)
Thanos hates (You).
"Kadena themselves can't even release a functional multichain dapp. Data segregation between chains is painful. The complexity of using more than one chain is insane. Try to make something as simple as an oracle, you either serve only one chain or you spam the same data 20 times."
If you've been around crypto long enough, you would understand that 99% of shitcoins simply don't recover in the next bullrun.
I warned you with Kadena in 2021 (I took profits at $15-$20), I warned you with Kaddex, and now I'm warning you not to miss out on the upcoming bullrun
All the best xoxo
kevone..... solded??
anon.... i know of a secret lowcap blockdag with EVM support and subgraphs that went up 80% in the past 24 hours
>10 minute confirmation time even if it uses 10 chains at once vs kaspa 0.1 second confirmation time

i am not vaccinated
i did not vote for either jew
voting doesn't matter, i renounced my citizenship and remain in the USA so i don't have to pay taxes
suck my nuts
i literally have more rights than you
Man I hope no one falls for these threads. BTC pumps to ath, kda to a dollar because of bots and people are saying it's back lmao.
You had all year
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Swing profits into HBAR before its too late
>is a US citizen
>larps that he doesn't pay taxes
>has down syndrome moonboy mentality for the past 4 years and is most likely a bagolder from last cycle
>wants me to suck his nutsack
the absolute state of kadena trains
Why is Kadena pumping so steadily bros?
no i literally don't pay taxes
title 26 of the tax code has never been enacted
the IRS doesn't touch people like me
they don't want our knoweldge on a public court record
just look into it
the sources i would reccomend are
1: one stupid fuck dot com
2: VSOF channel on odysee (or rumble)
3: sedm dot org

i dont care if you look into it, remain a slave.
0 dapps, 0 wallets, 0 Chainlink integration, 5 new logos
Assuming all this is true, it can still giga pump again. Very few will dive so deep into the details.
They posted a picture of a cartoon dog on their twitter which means that Elon Musk might be invested in Kadena and incorporate the department of government efficiency possibly using Kadena to document and store data.
Based on this the expected value has gone up from $77 to$2000 and people are investing accordingly.
there are certainly dapps and wallets
no chainlink integration, which is really gay but so ite goes
but chainlink will integrate eventually
DIA is doing oracles on KDA rn, id wager wormhole will arrive on scene first

checked and correct
Stop talking like 13 year olds. You cannot SOLVE a trilemma you illiterate monkeys. It's not a puzzle or task or some shit that you can solve. You can only prove or disprove a trilemma.
Dilemmas and Trilemmas aren't by definition unsolvable, it's a trilemmas because a solution isn't found yet.
There are dilemmas of the past that no longer "exist" because a solution was found and are a non-issue.
Anyways, crypto solved the being unattractive, a nerd, and getting laid trillemma by introducing lots of lots of money.
>There are dilemmas of the past that no longer "exist" because a solution was found and are a non-issue.
You are completely missing the point. You cannot SOLVE a logical expression.
>Dilemmas and Trilemmas aren't by definition unsolvable
You couldn't be more wrong. Besides you using the shitty term "unsolvable",
Di- and Trilemmas are by definition two or three logical statements that cannot be true at the same time.
Did you really need 4 posts of rage to rewrite this?

There may be a solution found one day.
Acting as if crypto is a mathematical trilemma is absolutely retarded considering we don't know the actual limitations of the technology in the universe. Humans have invented many things thought to be impossible, formerly unsolved mathematical problems have been solved.
Just remember that it's only a decade ago the Two Generals' Problem was solved using proof of work for Bitcoin. Until then the notion of decentralized money was thought to be impossible.
>Besides you using the shitty term "unsolvable",
Great argument.
>Di- and Trilemmas are by definition three logical statements that cannot be true at the same time.
Oh yes, the great amazing logical statements of "security, scalability and decentralization". Clearly an unsolvable mathematical expression and not just things we're currently limited by due to a lack of knowledge.
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>by definition two or three logical statements that cannot be true
Vitalik just applied the cap theorem to a temporary crypto issue, the whole concept of crypto having a trilemma is not even real.
Cute picture, that's my childhood fetish right there.
>Acting as if crypto is a mathematical trilemma is absolutely retarded
You are just incapable of abstract thought like a toddler.
>we don't know the actual limitations of the technology
Logic != technology you nigger
>Oh yes, the great amazing logical statements of "security, scalability and decentralization"
I never said that. Don't strawman me like a faggot.
>Di- and Trilemmas are by definition two or three logical statements that cannot be true at the same time.
Then there is no blockchain trilemma. It doesn't exist.
This guy gets it.
>You are just incapable of abstract thought like a toddler.
I am the one actually thinking outside the box. You read a definition and applied zero critical thinking.

I'm starting to think we actually agree and this is retarded.
What is your issue with the conversation really, using the word trilemma in itself? I literally wrote crypto isn't a trilemma in laymans words.
No, ignore the cat. Focus on the massive tongue.
A childs perspective is more is better. Clearly the concept of sex would be better if you're 1/100th the size of a woman and can enjoy the massive volume of her liquids.
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I tried out a giant vr fetish game, I couldn't really empathise with the concept. Stay safe out there.
I'm no longer a child and find it stupid.
I used to believe that sexual fluids tasted like sugar and you could drink it like soda if there was a lot of it.
Children are silly. If someone told me their penis was a lollipop and would shoot out candy I would have definitely fallen for it at an embarassingly old age.
It's possible with a healthy but high sugar diet.
I lied.
Are you making sure you're not left holding the bag again after this run, Anonussy?
i'm OP and i sold

this project is dead, i was disgusted when i saw their twitter promoters blowing smoke up our ass
>this thing is going to melt faces
>opens twitter
>i sold
lmao modern investing is so funny
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that Carl guy is the reason i sold.

he tweets like he don't even know who's pumping this failed project.

and now all of a sudden they are posting some teasing posts about upcoming secret partnerships LMFAO

the only reason i bought this shitcoin is because of the USA crypto taxcut speculation

but when i see the absolute state of this graveyard of a project, i'm realising that bigger whales won't touch it.
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This coin is the only chance you have to dump on institutional money. Yes, I also think long term (5y+) this project will be completely dead. But short term, there is A LOT of money to be made.

The pump happened once, hopefully you made a nice profit. This is the start of the bigger re-pump.
Next big thing coming in the shape of Auradex
everyone knows that taxes are "voluntary" thanks to Aaron Russo
but if you don't voluntarily pay, you will be harassed relentlessly and outlawed from any government services like banks
you are larping like a tough guy on a transbender thread
I work at an OTC exchange (crypto & trad) and this is the only alt which my colleagues in the sales department (the guys with connections) all have.

I made the best trade of my life last cycle with this and have bought another bag for this run.
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Time to blogpost.
KDA is now ranked among their fellow Ghostchain friends, harmony, chia, terra 2. Despite the upwards price correction, it's now just "valued fairly in a bull market". The worst is behind us, BTC has yet to peak, and the market will be pro crypto for the next half decade at least.
The team seems to have completely given up on furthering the experiment of a multi chain PoW and just want to use KDA as an info dump for enterprise, that's why most of their hires are boomer bankers. There will not be any kind of economic activity happening on KDA to justify anything above 1B in market cap. The dream is dead.
That being said, none of my core opinions have changed, I still think a single chain PoS is retarded and prefer simplicity. Others might argue that KDA could have never been functional for dapps because of how multichain dapps would have to be built, but it's the same problem on the superchain ecosystem etc, ETH is now fragmented and having KDA be the PoW experiment of "many L2s but they are the same chain actually" would have been very interesting, undoubtedly a more valuable endeavor compared to things like DOT (12B) for example.
KDA now has a yearly inflation of 7.12% which is better than something like Celestia's 81%

Why would there be institutional money? Granted, as a team they have better chances to be the next R3, but this doesn't directly translate to them buying your bag. Furthermore, with the money they have printed, I doubt KDA will be dead, it could very well be successful in their niche, but again, it will probably not see any kind of DeFi, and therefore will be made obsolete by decentralized attempts at big blocks (TIA (pls buy my bags)).
failing bigly

Agreed, the chain is purely a proof of concept which they use to sell their consultancy service to institutions (banks).

However, there will almost certainly be institution money, in the form of HFs trading this, though not on the open market directly.

I wish I could share the execution reports of big players on the Taker/Buy side buying huge into the most dead and useless coins and memes, but would be too easy to track back to me if a colleague saw.

To further add to this, when a TradFi crypto LP (there are many) starts onboarding KDA as an offering, they will need to acquire a large qty either from other LPs or from the open market. The initial onboarding of LPs will result in a huge amount of KDA being bought slowly on the open market or from the devs themselves.
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My computer is breaking down, after almost 11 years of service.
I'm afraid it's either the disk starting to fail or bitrot this time.
Getting used to a fresh installation will not be easy.
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New distro is going to be BL.
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Nice LARP, why would there be institutions buying KDA out of all coins. Though the chain is closer to being abandonware than it is proof of concept.
And what do you mean selling consultancy? That's not what they do last I checked.
What do you mean. Why would any of the people you mention buy KDA at all? Dont blow false hopium here and then fuck off. Provide some tangible argument as to why, and how does KDA benefit from it, and in turn, us bagholders.

Also price target 2025.
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That's sad. I had an SSD die to bitrot before. I lost everything.

There's a boys love distro?
If I had to get a new distro I'd go with Debian Lesbian or Arch Pedo, but what's the BL distro?
I didn't have my browser wallet backed up, so I'm glad it's slow decay and no instant death.
There's many things I'm going to miss like scripts and shortcuts, but there should be some new cool stuff in the new release as well.

It's BunsenLabs, openbox + tint2 is very clean and functional.
Have you actually used Arch? It's awful.
I don't know what this is, but it says it's a community continuation of crunchbang so I like it already. Based on debian either way.
If I was more into boys love than yuri I would definitely pick BL, but it seems like I am a future debian user.
>Have you actually used Arch?
>It's awful
Probably not that bad after everything is set up which can be done automatically. I wouldn't actually know because Arch is for racist pedos and I'm not a pedo.

Not false hopium at all. These LPs make money obscene money from from takers placing trades with them. They collect a huge fee per trade then also hedge a trade against what they just executed.

You ask why any of them want to buy it? Same reason why we do, to make money. I've seen 500m+ in volume (OTC) on shit like Doge and Pepe from HFs this past week, they don't give a shit if the chain is actually used or not. It's pure speculation/gambling.

Price target depends purely on how good the sales team are. If they have good connections and can get good LPs onboarded (XTX, Flow Traders, etc) then you could see $50. I'm just hoping we get 1 major LP and can make a good profit at $20.

Of course they offer consultancy, all TradFi ex VPs and C-suite go into consultancy after they've acquired enough experience, as that's where the real money is.

I literally work as a Quantitative Developer at a pod under BH.
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It's essentially a Debian reskin, same thing under the hood, Lesbian with some BL on top.

I didn't know you have to be racist as well to use Arch.
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I have been around enough LARPers to know when I read the words of one.
Sure GL anon, hope your life goes well :)
I just wanted to sneak in a joke about being racist.
SO LIVELY KDASISTERS. Please share your approaches to maintaining your femininity in Trumps KKKmerica. Post your bootleg hormone brewing protocols!
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>same thing under the hood, Lesbian with some BL on top.
I'm currently reading a yuri (for the...4th time?) about otaku who happen to have a BL interest although that's not all they have in interest and I can't help but notice that a lot of BLfags are actually lesbians according to my female homosexuality east asian comics.

I wonder what my life would be like if I was a BL obsessed maiden in the early 2000s going to 乙女ロード to buy boys love merchandise and talk about men having sex with men. Would I wish I was a ***ian neet with zero expectations? Life is a mysterious thing.

Kiss yourself fed. Not teaching you anything.
You were joking about being racist all this time?
That's a huge relief, now I can finally admit I'm black.

It's actually really easy, if the girls make other girls unavailable by dating them, the boys will have no other choice but to become gay.
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>That's a huge relief, now I can finally admit I'm black.
Hey there >/////<
Is it true your skin tastes sweet like chocolate?
>It's actually really easy, if the girls make other girls unavailable by dating them, the boys will have no other choice but to become gay.
Women truly rule the world. Impressive.
i unironically did the same thing
i worked for a contractor for BH Digital
those retards never had me sign an NDA
no longer work there

wrong, just stay reasonably quiet
>you're wrong
>i won't tell you how you're wrong with the same amount of effort
>but just know that you're wrong
>anyways, I love cock and balls and futa cum and kadena to the frickin MOOOOON and chainlink oracles are revolutionary broski!!
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>most likely a bagolder from last cycle

I am. For the most part it is as bad and pathetic as it sounds, but I learned some important things about life too. I’m not a boastful person by any means, but if a long time from now, I ever get to the point of what some would call making it, I would never look at someone much worse off than I would be in this hypothetical future scenario and think I am somehow better than them. I know how it is to have my guts ripped out by the world. I know too well how it feels to feel powerless in a helpless situation. I’m afraid that a slightly younger and more fortunate me, could have gotten a bigger head without this very large, much larger than needed dose of despair.

The bad part is, holding onto kadena all this time has made me a jaded person. I don’t talk to anyone anymore and I pushed everyone away. I stopped reading or watching anything crypto related. I couldnt deal with it. Once in a while I checked here to see if there were any threads under kadena or kda and whenever there was one I felt a sigh of relief. When walking through a crowd I would try to be very aware of everyone and try to move for people as much as possible. Now I just have a stern look on my face and walk to my destination with a purpose. I didn’t have the courage to act like this before. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
It sounds like you've changed a lot these past years, maybe it's time to take a new quiz to see if your harry potter house has changed.
If you're looking for the real L1 chain, then look no further than Peaq. It serves as the home of DePINs, and I'm not the only one who's bullish on it.
Sirs what’s the point of this when Kaspa exists?
SUPRA is an L1 with vertical integration of its own oracle. based

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