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>new etf filing for LINK, xrp, ada etc
>no threads on biz yet
Biz is fucking worthless now
Why are they trying to recreate Enron?
is that dust left in their wallet?
Does it fucking matter you worthless retard?
It does. If I buy $100 worth of this ETF, thag would only contribute $0.39 of buying power on LINK, right? Seems kind of worthless.
>fucking polkadot instead of DOGE
literally the spx of crypto, boring ass flatcoins. we need the nas200 equivalent
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seems kind of a good idea.
you're holding an unrealized loss bag, I don't think they proposed this allocation because they like to lose money
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my linkies so stinky
LINKcels trying to ride the XRP/ADA alliance coattails
Not everyone is like you poorfag
ETFs are a way for someone to own something, without physically owning it.
Boomers normally wouldn't touch crypto with a 10 foot pole.
The same boomers possess most of the wealth in Western countries.
ETFs are a way for them to buy crypto, without having to deal with any of the complexities of crypto.
ETFs reach an buyers they would never reach otherwise.
Imagine Boomers investing into crypto, through their 401K, through an ETF.
In short, ETFs will pump the bags of every crypto that is a part of that ETF.
>Cardano more important than link
Kek, ouch
Is this sell the news gonna trigger a mini crash?
>its got XRP in it
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>Is this sell the news gonna trigger a mini crash?
what are the net fees?
and who buys a crypto index? I don't want to hold half that trash
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>another top signal
max cringe boomer picks. now you know why they only make <5% per year and celebrate it
It's an index so they just track relative by mcap for their list of eligible chains
It's pathetic
even if the etf is like 10 billion that is still only 30 millions worth of link
thats nothing lol
Hey I hold most of these coins
t. 2020 ancient oldfag
Sh-shut up adem
We won!!!!
is this just an index based on mcap? for example lets say link flips avax and ada, would link then get .66%? or are these percentages permanent for each token
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>.39% - Chainlink
>.38% - BitcoinCash
.01% higher, wew that's sad.
its by market cap
so in essence this etf will be a gains multiplier
every eom it gets rebalanced so when altseason happens that auto buys from boomer btc into the alt the rises most
i'll leave it to you to figure out the implications here
is this what they meant by singularity? every index etf that has btc at some insanely high percent, once flipped by a certain hexagon will automatically.... omg.
That's way too much LINK.
read the room, no one gives a shit.

I hold ADA and DOT based on the sole premise that /biz/ hates them
>and who buys a crypto index
people that want to put this in their retirement account so they get a drastic tax reduction when they eventually cash it out at retirement. This is more for long term holding rather than trading.
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