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Is it actually possible for LINK to $150 sometime next year?
I don't see it happening unless staking v1.0 is released.
Yes and I will dropping a nice suicide stack of 10k on your nigger heads an keeping a couple more staked
If Luna can do it. Link can.
1k is a suicide stack
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150 is fud
>Link $150 EoY
Link is market rejected for 8 years now, and it won't change, no matter how much hopium you baggies inhale
Wait and see.
you haven't been watching LINK slowly climb while all other coins dump and stay steady with much lower dumps than other coins? You don't find that interesting?
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We are in the final moments of link ever being under 20 dollars. Once this 18-20 dollar resistance breaks we shoot right back to ath, and because of the higher lows, it will be passing ath. And Because of the hiding strategy, it will have an abnormally violent shot up.

Fuddies are unironically about to get trampled by normies.
Do you guys think the singularity will be slow and steady +3% everyday forever or a single godcandle on the 1 day chart?
That’s dust, poortard
what are girls that look like this like?
Anxious and likely daddy issues
Token not needed.
ok, 1k is still a suicide stack.
No, it isn't. You can't adjust the stack size based only on the current price. You have to respect the og stacks. 10k is and always will be the sui stack for LINK, the same way 21 BTC or 320 ETH are the sui stacks for BTC and ETH.
10k was the make it stack, hotly debated but if you were here you would know. 10k sui stack was one of the first fud narratives on this board to keep people from buying.

>t. bought 50k explicitly because I wanted 5 make it stacks
50/50 chance she's actually funny or the most annoying person you've ever met. 100% chance of daddy issues.
Yeah, it is. Unadjusted its simply always been the case.
No. how smooth brained are you? LINK probably won't go past $20
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I'd cum on her eyes
2017 anon here. It is indeed 1k sui, 10k make it.

Nothing will stop what is coming.
>shadow fork
>computes on every city
>booth next to toilets
>Sergey betray
>fud sisters
>XRP is banker coin
Fucking why lol
Look at all the turbo ass from the top 10 that's been pumping lately.
You gotta be trolling, no way after the horrendous price action all these years you're this delusional.
The bullrun is almost over and Link is 70% down from ATH.
Wake up.

Yeah, that turbo ass can easily be pumped. Not Link.
i would fuck her so bad bros
Link can be pumped extremely easily. Any crypto can.
Tyrone on SOL---I've made good money so far off this bullshit

Hard to tell with the shaved eyebrows and dyed blonde hair, but some kind of French and German?
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Those previous years didn't have swift live on chain. Conversation over.
It's the worst performing asset in the top 20 in 2024.

Doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, but Link isn't new. It will never perform as well as it did when it first was hyped up.
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>It's the worst performing asset in the top 20 in 2024.
It's also the most suppressed asset in the top 20 in 2024
Can be both in my experience.
Good in bed too.
Not easy to end the situationship cleanly though.
Not financial advice.
Let's assume you're right and it's supressed, why would you hold it then? Wouldn't it be smarter to hold something that isn't supressed?
>Let's assume you're right and it's supressed, why would you hold it then?
Because at some point it might correct to rank 3 overnight.
Nigger it hit 50 years ago before usd purchase power was halfed meaning that would be the equivalent of 1 million suicide stacks means liw 6 figure payout. 10k is absolutely a make it stack anything more is just different tiers of wealth. Also, the sui/make it tiers shift with time one day they will be 10/100
If you understood what link will be used for you’d know why it’s being suppressed.

>it will power end times prophecy.
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No way the simulation would let me have 15M dollars by the end of this year.
>has million dollar worth of crypto
>still in crypto
Either lying, greedy, or retarded. Most likely all three
based anon

i wouldn't sell at this point desu. he def needs to start thinking about it, but i dont think he's greedy or retarded. i'd shoot for $60 with a stack like that.
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>wears the mask unironically
These miseryguts cunts will remove themselves from the genepool soon enough. She's not even super ugly or anything but her personality makes her lethally unattractive.
>Is it actually possible for LINK to $150 sometime next year?
$20 at best
I've screencapped this, it will be funny to see how close to zero Link is next Thanksgiving. Let's enjoy this again next year!
I'm sick of seeing you stupid fud niggers trying to push this retarded 10k suicide stack meme. Get some new material idiot
Spoken like a true greedy retard. When you reach certain net worth it’s about maintaining it. You and him will lose it all at some point
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>The bullrun is almost over
Fucking retard.
I don't think you realize how severely it's being suppressed
No it's 10k for a sui
XRP holders spew the same 'suppression' rheotoric. What I learn is you holders are all the same, just a different tribe.
yes absolutely. you should keep holding, don't sell, please
In 2019 they were known as 'art hoes'. It's not a big style these days. I'd guess this girl is now sporting a shag mullet with baggy jeans, sambas, and a World Cup 98 baby crop tee.
>When you reach certain net worth it’s about maintaining it
Yeah, and that's at 8figs.
My greedy retard ass will either truly make it or join you at McDonalds sir.
Spoken like a greedy retard
if it hits 3rd highest mcap right now it does. I dont even see it surpassing doge. If it doesn't then btc would have to pump to some insane level like $500k, but then everyone made it then. Not everyone can make it
How does $00.00 EOY of 2025 sound?
I'm more interested in EOS hitting $10
I don't care. I'm buying SUPRA.
Its hilarious how people who were late to the party are trying to convince everyone that 1k is a sui. Its ALWAYS been 10k and trying to claim 1k sui is just sad and shows how new you are.
These anons know whats up, 1k LINK will set you up

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