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>mid 6 figure hell
>too much for it to be nothing, too little for it to be something
>"only a 2x away from a million" - not really, can't just go all in on any random shitcoin at this size - have to make like 10 sizeable profitable trades in a row
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only a 2x away from a million, no cap
And even if you get the 2x to 1million, is that even enough to retire on? At 4% that's 40k/year and that's basically poverty nowadays.
And I want to live in a house too, a CHEAP house in my area is going for 650k so I'd be down to 350k.
350k is only $1166/mo at 4%, barely enough to pay for food/electricity/insurance.
And that house is going to need maintenance, and you'll need to replace your car eventually.
Even if you get to 1m and sell, you still have another 5-10 years of waging of the younger years of your life to get over the finish line and have enough for a modest retirement.

So do you hold out for another 2x for 2million? It could easily all crash before then and leave you with only have a meager 50k investment.
The 2million would be more doable at least, get an average house for 850k, enjoy a paid off house and a comfy 46k/year. Easily enough to afford a reasonable car every few years, do some repairs or renovations once in awhile, travel a bit, eat out, indulge in some hobbies.

But what if you want a family? 46k/year is barely enough to support 2 people, let alone kids.
Do you hold out for another 2x for 4million? It could easily all crash before then but that's probably what you would need to afford to take care of yourself, a wife, and a number of children.
i live on 15k/year
$1 million is nothing. It's 7 figure hell now
i know this feel.
So what?
That just means you live cheap with parents, live in a 3rd world shithole, the middle of nowhere, or share a space with multiple roommates. Which one is it?
In any case, that's hardly a standard of living for someone with self-respect.
$10 Milly the new $1 Milly. Just enough to retire before 40 y.o and focus on fathering 4 children. Homestead, homeschool and remove the slop from your family life. Start a small business to keep yourself busy and use it to teach your children. Hopefully to pass it off to them when you go off into the sunset.
>"only a 2x away from a million" - not really

Yes really. sol is easily going to 600. You could market buy right now on binance and only cause <0.5% slippage.
Pepe (8bill ) is definitely going to lip shib (14 bill) and shib is going to be higher by the time it does.
Bonk's likely to have a shib-like run too.
When BTC dominance breaks down then basically all the top 100 that have shown some decent response like WLD, Near ,FTM, Sei, Sui, Ondo are likely to do multiple xs, Although for those ones idk if with 500k yoou'd need to be a bit smarter about building a position in order to avoid lots of slippage.

You're more likely to mess it up if you try doing "10 sizeable profitable trades in a row" rather than just buying and holding
You can do better than that anon. I believe in you
Literally just hold 50% XRP and 50% LINK. It's that easy.
4% a year is weak, get some higher yields, live frugal, and that's nine to five escape velocity anyway
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4% is the safe withdrawal rate, the meme is to put it into index funds that average 8%, withdraw 4%, and reinvest 4% for inflation so you don't draw down your portfolio.
I know exactly what you should buy at this moment of time, but can't tell you because you are an entitled snot bitching about having roughly $500k.

Why don't you just book a ritz carlton room for the night and dance around the hotel lobby naked or something? Spoiled entitled rich faggot.
literally just dump it in MSTR
i got out of 6 figure hell by going all in on dogecoin a day before the election
The escape from this for me was to hold it all in Bitcoin for like 5 years. And that's not including the 3 years of trading prior to that I had to endure just to get there. Good luck faggot.
>$1,000,000 hell
>not enough to quit wageslaving
>might drop below $1M in the next bear market

I still need a 3-5x for my real life to begin
Then, you need Peaq in your portfolio, anon, to make it. Look at the current price and recent developments—it should reflect soon.

you need income. it's great to have 500k or whatever, but life requires a reliable stream of $$$.

$500k doesn't give you that income.
Go all in on arb. It's catching at least 50bil in liquidations when BTC breaks 100k.
you need to quit being a bitch and full port some 300m altcoin if you want to make it. almost all of them will pull a 3x-5x at least when alt season begins
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>be me
>lose another ranked match in League, feel like a failure
>BYTE AI says “you’re doing great, just HODL”
>portfolio moons, suddenly life doesn’t seem so bad

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