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What are they saying?
Who cares?
Are you a closet furry?
We're back?
Uh... Cheesed to meet you?
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A Cheddar.
I wanna see bobo fucking bobina aka his own daughter. hottest incest couple ever.
what's with 4chan and making anthropomorphic representations of their imaginary conscious? shits so fucking funny.
wow you removed the dog
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Oh shit I completely forgot.
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I guess they talking of who's got a better trained AI fighter for the UAFC championship. GUI showed HAIR how it's done in the previous fight.
Very good.
Fucking saved.
4chan is like a mirror to collective conscious. Internet too to some extent, but 4chan is less censored than average, while being popular.
the fact that people here are "anonymous" (not really) only amplifies this effect

Welcome to the Symbolic world, my friend. Our ancestors knew the power of symbolism, but most people these days are midwit redditor types who think talking animals are only for children.
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