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Do you store your Link on ethereum or an L2 chain? Any big risks of storing it on an L2? Any way to make money off my stack why the pool is filled?
link can be stored on any chain, including ethereal, non-block based ones (like inside poetry, for example)
L2s are much more centralised than Eth so are less safe. They are more centralised than Solana.

The only type of l2 that inherits the security and decentralisation of eth are zk based ones
So store it on Ethereum, got it.

What're some ways I can get yield with my stack while the pool is full?
i'm paranoid so keep it on ethereum
the only yield i trust is official staking
at the moment have to either watch the pool like a hawk or use stake.link
stake.link is good but more risk (have to trust no issues but have been solid for two years) but watch out for taxes, link -> stlink may be a taxable event for you
L1 for long term, L2 for assets that will be transferred often (daily transactions etc.)
I have 89k LINK tokens on Binance since 2018

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