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File: doctor pepe.png (40 KB, 200x200)
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Literally just study, get all A's, and then go to med school and then you can make $500,000 a year lmao. That easy
also near 100% job security
That’s way too big of an ask and you know it.
then you get taxed 45% have to pay another 10% for malpractice insurance and now your 500k a salary you get robbed like 60% of it. Oh and you have to pay off that 400k in debt you accrued haha.

If you are actually smart you become a quant and make 5x the dr salary without the debt.
but i fucked up and bought the stem meme so now I have a 3.4 even though I've passed diffeq
Military pill
>OCS because only retards and dropouts need to do the plebe entry
>get to be responsible for 3rd worlders dying
>retire at 40 off of military retirement
>everyone salutes you on a daily basis
>millions in the bank
Takes too long.

The person who maximizes income now and goes all in on bitcoin will probably outperform you. By the time you're earning 500k you might not be able to afford a single bitcoin.
It's not all just about the amount of money, anon
That won’t be true in the future. Question is, what is the next bitcoin?
Start a business and don't fail, it's that easy.
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Alternatively your can:
>Use tuition money to buy Bitcoin ($1 million)
>Sit back and do nothing for 10 years (a neurosurgeon earning $500k takes 12 years to train after college)
>Sell Bitcoin (now worth 10 mil) for boomer funds
>$500k per year

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