Kill linkies. Behead linkies. Roundhouse kick a linkie into the concrete. Slamdunk a linkie baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy linkies. Defecate in a linkie'sfood. Launch linkies into the sun. Stir fry linkies in a wok. Toss linkies into activevolcanoes. Urinate into a linkie's gas tank. Judo throw linkies into a wood chipper.Twist linkies' heads off. Report linkies to the IRS. Karate chop linkies in half. Curbstomp pregnant linkies. Trap linkies in quicksand. Crush linkies in the trashcompactor. Liquefy linkies in a vat of acid. Eat linkies. Dissect linkies. Exterminatelinkies in the gas chamber. Stomp linkies' skulls with steel toed boots. Crematelinkies in the oven. Lobotomize linkies. Mandatory abortions for linkies. Grindlinkies fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown linkies in fried chicken grease.Vaporize linkies with a ray gun. Kick old linkies down the stairs. Feed linkies toalligators. Slice linkies with a katana. Obliterate linkies. Drown linkies. Run overlinkies in trucks. Crack a bottle open over a linkie's head. Use linkies as shootingpractice. Toss linkies babies off bridges. Snap frail linkies legs. Crush linkie'shead in a hydraulic press. Watch linkies kill their children and eat them. Watchlinkies stay stuck in the stone age for 60,000 years.