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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>mfw top happened on 18th of december and we thought it was a correction
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moar drumpf please.
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Redditards rape kids.
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yeah MAGAt /biz/ is new reddit
but the top happened on january 20th?
retarded MAGA goons can't help projecting. feds need to check this guys PC for CP and put him away before he hurts a kid
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Kill yourself, fat nigger.
Trying to hard, ywn belong here
But you're still a fat, gay nigger.
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People really thought he was going to be good for crypto? He's either gonna die, get removed from office or do something so utterly retarded that the price tanks forever.
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but...but...but the internet said the orange man was based lol
2 rug pulls and counting and the tariff bullshit
He’s playing 3d chess against the fucking cabal, dipshit. Grab your popcorn.
he's older and more demented than biden was going into the presidency 4 years ago, geriatric anus sucker.

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