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can we stop pretending bitcoin is a store of value? everyone is literally waiting for a crash
And they will be waiting forever because they are stupid
Stores of value fluctuate in price. They just hold value better than the dollar, which btc does...
Historically it has been. Even if you bought the gigatop in 2021 you have gotten a 20% return per year since then
The point is that its the same amount of bitcoin every time. With dollars there are always more in existence.
store of value can only go so far. how many people value store of value in the first place? now how many people care about cash? exactly they rather have cash than store of value. zenon will turn bitcoin to cash, otherwise there is a hardcap. I'm in crypto and even i don't give a fuck a about storing value let's be real.
>everyone is literally waiting for a crash
Just go ahead and think about what you're saying, OP.

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