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What is this bullshit ass market?! AAAAAAAAAA
just whale games. Relax.
>aave still going up
you fucking niggers SELL ALREADY
Risk assets sell off first before recessions start
Delayed and basically trump keeps fueling the war, because he has no leverage in Ukraine and first fuck everybody else then murica losing face.
Is this war in the room with us right now?
No. It will be in two weeks. Unfortunately the markets just still news.
Bull market is over. 89k EOD.
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Its this. Link had bullish news. So market has to die.
>literally zero confirmation this has anything to do with Chainlink
Probably XRP
hes right though, he was expected to not care or stop the war which would make world trade better, expectations are ruined so now we know markets wont pump
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>No news on the horizon
>Deepseek fud
>tariff fud
>crypto meeting was a nothingburger

We're gonna crab for a while.
sounds like pure copium to me, why should it go up again? If even the US president being on it's side keeps it crabbing, what could possibly happen to make it go up from here?
The team hardly knows what the internet is, they ain't gonna pump a damn thing.
Trust the piss snake anon. He's just thirsty

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