Do you think we can, uh, try again... and bring it back, but uhhh.. do it right this time?
>>59766715Yes I think so
>>59766733This. Dev was a bitch but hes out now and enough time has passed to give this another run.
>>59766715Is that sub really enough to fill someone? I'd probably get a whole 12" sub, and then also have a bag of Lays and a large coke for lunch.
I remember this from a couple months ago, aped in
>>59766766probably not
>>59766715>>59766715Fuck it I'm in. Not going to miss out on some GOLD/CHUNK situation again
>>59766733>>59766766>>59766833>checkedBased or blessed thread?
>>59766833>that IDYO, my Asss!
this can easily break last ATH
>>59766715Absolutely, aped. We all need a win in this red market.
Man I'm hungry
>>59766938Its only 5k mcap grab a bite anon
>>59766944Is this a cto? What's the tg
>>59766715Kek I never sold
threw some lunch money inplease save me
what the fuck is it?
>>59766715I demand info from (You) on what the fuck this is about
are we gonna send this? might ape in
>>59767214Yep only way is up from there
>>59766715I remember this, what happened?
this board is so pozzed lmao fuck you faggot ass jannies
>>59767256>not buying an insider coinNGMI
>>59766715Honest question: what are the chances of this hitting 100k mcap?
>>59767256let bro cook so the sisters can eat
Anyone here have any connections or skills who could lead a legit CTO? This seems dumb enough to work if there was a community formed around it.
in it to win it now
wtf is this the contract for this scam?
>>59766715This will moon on Valentine's Day. Don't ask why. It just will.
>>59766715Let's go. Anyone able to update dex and get this rolling?
this is so cringe
>>59767452This.>>59766757>>59766733>>59766806>>59766833All these posts are from one single filthy Indian roach.
I airdropped millions of this token right before it rugged and now it can moon without me
>>59766715THATS A MAN
>>59767500There was an airdrop?
>>59767516Yes, three of them, in November
>>59767539Well shit that was a while ago.
>>59767444I just checked it out. Dex is already updated. I assume it’s the same dev running this again
>>59767444This. We need an updated one.>>59767582Lets do a CTO update so its not the same garbage as before.
>>59766715Feels good being early for once
>>59766715We march into greatness
Told myself I will never gamble on shitcoins again this is the last time so I just put 15$ into this shit. What even is this? What’s the story behind this subway footlong?
>>59767643Some shit from back in November apparently
>>59767652And what’s the plan here. We just put our lunch money into this shit and wait for what.
Me thinks this coin needs a sir dev
This board needs flags ASAP.fucking solana 1pbtid shitskins gtfo, not buying your rug
>>59767665Trust the plan. We need marketing and a dex update as step 1, we're early here
>>59767665It's like other solana shitters except we are the cabal
>>59767753This but we have to get some tg together and have some heavy hitters jump in and hold the floor if we ever want to get past 100k. Golden Bullrun and Chunk both had similar starts before a decent run. We need to do better here
>>59766757BS, that’s the line they say when they want to double rug>“he is out now” , “dev will be forced to buy back in” etc.make a better scam>>59766715
>>59767764>he doesn't know
>>59766715biz is full of paper handed broke bald men. better off asking X for help
>>59767773Buy my rape sandwich or stay poor forever
>>59767764>what is a cto?>>59767745I’m telling you the dex is already updated with a new tg
>>59767820get fucked, ima be watching to see how many poor saps get rugged twice.
>>59767706It doesn’t help that if you reply on your real ip you get banned from all boards for a week, so everyone VPNs when talking about shitcoins
>>59767827well deserved. shitcoiners are scum
>>59767835Yeah we need that space on the board for 4 more Chainlink threads or maybe 7 Bobo threads at the same time
>>59767821It's the same banner and logo. Same website/x/tg someone just made a new tg with the previous url because it was available, there's been no cto dex update. Yet.
How do I buy
>>59766715Ok real talk here. Does anyone have the interest and funds to update dex and lead the way to make this great? If not it is pointless to continue. There needs to be a leader and a direction for a community to build upon. We need to do raids on x, and shilling on reddit/biz. There is currently no initiative. Fucks sake.
>>59766715>Do you think we can, uh, try again... and bring it back, but uhhh.. do it right this time?we are trying
where the hell is thesius or whatever the fuck his name is that pushed chunk to 300k he should get his ass in here and take over
>>59767898Nice fud jew, i am NEVER selling
>>59767940You will hold to zero
>>59767943I'm pming a janitor to have this thread stickied so you should probably stop making death threats nigger
>>59767953All jokes aside they are already in on it
>>59767953t. schizo general
Aped in
>>59766715This is going to moon for no reason at all isn't it
>>59766715Fuck it I'll drop 1000$ if this doubles its cap by 12pm est.
>>59768083I'll do the same if I see this hit 30k
>>59768083you mean 12am
kek i fomoed in $5 worth. fuck you op. worse case scenario you get $5 with is worthless. best case scenario it 10x and i get $50 from your broke ass. either way i win and hopefully you kys.
Fuck it I'm in
>>59766715Dropped some monies in don't let me down again biz
>>59768239this, immediately sir
>>59766715Yep, this time we'll be doing it in style anon
Already up 2X
I sold right before the rug, big win for me
>>59768534congrats on making 20 bucks
jeets are mental for real.. why rug for $20 income? I just sold, with 0 loss, but it's funny how they suck for $1
>>59768550>>59768564Hey that's a lot for a villager
So is anyone pumping this shit?
Holy FUCK i can't believe that actually worked lmfao 1k in 6 hours now my real life can begin
>>59768624he didnt he bought it all on diffferent wallets and then moved it to one and sold it. he probably lost money
>>59768602Probably not the guy deleted tg
>>59766715see mods these kinds of garbage obvious shill threads would not exist if we were allowed to have a memecoin general to contain trash like this
>>59768631Kek yeah he lost over 100 because people bought and sold between him
Ohnonononononononononononono baggies
OP just made a new token if you check their wallet, it might bond
>>59768113I know what I said
Good morning sirs