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For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.

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>General archive:
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Hi reifrens
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hi ^^
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I guess The Third Impact could also be interpreted as The Third Reich. It's not all nonsencical. As "central" to everything that Evangelion is shown to be (religiously and politically). Though I could never imagine Rei as a "Führer", but rather as a wave of nature. Like a disaster that you can't overcome. The only way for it to not seem like a disaster is be a part of it. Accept it with open arms rather than quiver in fear. I guess it's how you live your life up until that point that defines how you view the rawrd for your suffering. From a third person perspective, that is.
It would be very creative if that swastika were to be changed to the NERV logo. Would fit the theme without breaking the traditional approach that the Nazi outfit gave off. Just remaining "Evangelion-related". We already have a german in EVA.
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>We already have a german in EVA.
About this, Rei is/should be quite fluent in German. When Asuka asks to Rei to become "friend", Rei was reading a (weird) book written in German.
Rei is really smart!
Ironically, Rei never uses this skill to communicate with the other pilot.
Regarding the pic i posted, of course i don't like see Rei slapped/hurt... it's to show the the difficulties in the relationship between the pilots. I'm sorry, to balance, Rei "protecting" Shinji (us)
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>When Asuka asks to Rei to become "friend"
Didn't Rei reply: "If I'm ordered to", which also caused a somewhat awkward introduction?
>I'm sorry, to balance, Rei "protecting" Shinji (us)
From what? From Asuka? I'd love an episode rovolving around that concept. You have to keep the children away from hazards if you want them growing up right.
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Both are radical solutions concocted to bring about an ideal form of human existence. Both require strong unity, instrumentality being literal merging of all souls, while NatSoc being unity in action, consecrating one's life wholy to the wellbeing of the collective.
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When there's a problem, humans will try to find a solution. Too bad that usually the "solution" is born from one's desire for personal gain rather than selflessness. Which would put all the followers in this sort of "bubble". A false reality. While the one behind that reality's wall conspires the next step. Those sort of "Messiahs" come when the people are most desperate. Most voulnerable.
Just shows what part Kaworu played in sabotaging the whole process. To keep on living would mean that there would be freedom for both good and evil. If there's no life. Evil cannot be born. No one to birth it.
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>From what? From Asuka
>ikari-kun, please stay away from Unit 2 pilot, she'll affect your mental health
Looking at Rei smiling listening this soundtrack "B-20 il tuo sorriso" is heartwarming.


From the title (your smile) to the remix of Rei II it is a dedication. When the flute plays Rei II, it gives me the feeling of something fairy-like. I love it. Also, i think there is a bit of Rei III too
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Just noticed that Rei has an Angel skull on Her headband that resembles Sachiel. Something EVA Unit 01 also has, but protruding from it's forehead. Both were created from the flesh of Lilith directly. And I'm guessing the Angels and every other "Alien" that the world had all share the "flesh". Since in EVA humans came from Lilith and Angels came from Adam.
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I can't still belive how the lore of the angels is explained ONLY in PS2 game, exclusive for japan market.
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It's good business. You give people more information about the lore while they buy and consume your product. Now there are fandoms and you can just find everything you need on the internet. It lasted long enough to make money. That's all that mattered to them. One has to look from the creator's perspective. To him it's nothing more than a product, even if he did put his soul and passion in it, the only reason behind it's creation was business. Just to make money and be something other than an ordinary japanese salary man that he encourages others to become.
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Yeah it's just funny they don't explain that in rebuilds (IIRC). Another funny thing is they don't explain anywhere the details about rei (how Rei is created, how the memories are conveyed to a Rei from another).
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Interesting that Rei has black eyelashes. I guess it was an artistic choice. Usually albinos have every body hair the same color. I guess Rei's case is special.
Yeah even if i never seen rei as an albino. She is just different due to her origins. Btw is nice that nobody seems to think her as a "monster".
Toji and kensuke in the episode rei I basically say rei is beautiful (Ayanami bobs! Ayanami tighs!...Ayanami's calves!).
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>i never seen rei as an albino.
Well, She has albinism. Since Her eyes are red, Her skin is pale and Her hair color isn't really "normal" by human standards. Same with Kaworu. They both have some type of albinism.
>Btw is nice that nobody seems to think her as a "monster".
Saya no Uta always comes to mind. Rei would be the one that anyone would cling to when everything goes to hell in one's life. It doesn't always have to be a meat world that proves it. She has everything that a man could ever want. Seen through the eyes of Shinji yet not explored completely.
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Agree but teenagers can be pretty mean. I got kinda bullied for much less than a particular form of albinism. Not that Rei would care probably lol
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I drunk too much coffe and now my heart is too fast. I'll post some Rei
I dont think its albinism as a human would experience it. more like human dna not really working inside the weird protohuman Lilith body, since Lilith has inhumanly white, opaque skin
Kinda agree with this opinion. Let's say albinism is the closest human condition closest to Rei and Kaworu. Maybe some downsides of albinism on Rei are reduced by the medicines she takes. (Or the fact she takes medicines is a manga exclusive,?)
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Btw albinism or not albinism she is beautiful in an unique way. She has something magnetic...
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