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The year is 2025, and our HOMURA THREADS ARE BACK!

With one month down, the new year is well under way. Have you made each moment count so far, anon? If not, you’d better change your ways! Unlike a certain special magical girl, we can’t put sand back in the top of our hourglasses. You get one timeline, and ONLY ONE, so make sure you reach out, and take your dreams by the hand - especially if it's scary to do so.

No matter how timid she may have seemed, Homura always strove for the tomorrow she wanted the most - even if she was scared out of her wits while she did so.

Be brave like Homura, and bring forth the reality you want the most!


Previous Thread:
Behold; the infinite Homu
Armed with the greatest of megucas and machinery
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A smug, tired Homu
Moemura is love. Moemura is life.
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Homura supporting the visually impaired by being a guide dog puppy walker!
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Hooray for another Homura thread!
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Skate on, Homura!
Thread 143 has been added to the archive! Get it while it's hot!

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Maid in heaven!!!
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edgy Homura art
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<3 Mio's art
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Homu in the rain
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The gang's all here
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I'd like to thank OP again for the kind and inspiring words! They really do give a strong moral boost.
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You've very welcome, anon. Keep on grooving, and GANBATTE!
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Protect that smile.
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how did captcha manage to get worse?
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It's an AI countermeasure. The easier it gets to make bots and spam places like 4chan, the more annoying captcha will get.

In about a month I'll be able to buy you a 4chan pass.

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