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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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I've always wondered what it was like going to conventions with your friends in your younger years. Like early college-aged. I always see older pictures of moot or bailey jay at conventions and it looked like a really fun time. I never went during those years. Now I'm 30 and don't really go to conventions because I'd be that creepy old guy.

I just want to hear stories about how it was when you guys were younger going to these events to hear about what I missed out on because I missed my chance and can never go back
We were 15~16. My friend and I accidentally took the wrong entrance (main entrance of the hotel, we were supposed to go to the back entrance) to a tiny local convention and also could not find where we had to pay for day tickets. So we just walked around without the passes other people were wearing. We thought the convention was rather boring since that day there were no panels, karaoke, cosplay shows, etc. There was a dealer room but it was the size of a bedroom. We enjoyed the anime showings though, I particularly remember Big O and digi charat. I think this was in 1999 or 2000. This was the last day of the convention and the staff only noticed we didn't have passes an hour before closing time. He told us to get in line and pay at the booth we couldn't find before. We did what he said but the line was slow moving and we realised they would be closing soon so when the staff wasn't looking we left. I think the tickets were 30$ or something, so we avoided having to pay that. Very naughty of us. The biggest expense was the travel anyway. We missed the bus back to the station so we hitch hiked and the old lady who picked us up lectured us about the danger of hitch hiking. She was right of course, but we didn't want to hear that at that age.
We went to a different convention a bit further away 2 years later. This was held on a campus and organised by a student anime fan club. This was a lot more fun. You could get a discount for the entrance fee if you showed up in cosplay. My friend wore a Yuna cosplay her mom helped her with. This time there was a lot to do and it was a much bigger convention spread out over multiple buildings and had a huge auditorium where a cosplay contest was held. There was DDR, karaoke, several Japanese games and a large dealer room. We left very late and we were absolutely exhausted. I picked up a lot of manga there and although most of it didn't survive the several house cleanings and moves, I still have some to this day.
>Another nostalgiajerking / IT'S OVER thread
I think I'm good, thanks
You hear stories of shit like FF7 but mostly its just (less) degenerate nerds and geeks. Honestly the worst thing is getting food sickness and shitting the entire time for the entire evening
>because I missed my chance and can never go back
nobody, and I mean NOBODY misses their chance. there will always be some way to do these things, you just have to not be depressed about it.
Genuinely curious but what is there to the modern con experience that isn't just QOL improvements?
not much has changed. it's a lot more video games than anime from what I've seen nowadays, but that's legitimately the only difference. still a tonne of high quality cosplayers and people selling their wares.
First anon you replied to, and unironically, what did you mean by this? Quality of life at a convention?
>Now I'm 30 and don't really go to conventions etc
same, it got boring, times are changing too, people too. Anime conventions used to be a party event, we'd go back to someone's hotel to throw down, now it's a gay nigger safespace paywall. People are too sensitive, no one dares do anything crazy, and if they do, they just get cops called on them.
it was the most fun I've had all year at that time. You can still do cosplay even as a 30 year old dude. Just might wanna wear some that covers you head to toe like a plague doctor or something. Even awkward dudes dressed as such get people asking them pictures and stuff
Maybe it's bias but I feel like the main case for cons being the same is looking at all the stuff that remained the same rather than what became different. The experience, programming, and culture all feel like they've radically shifted IMO.

I mean stuff that isn't subjective. Management, technology, security, safety measures, etc.
It's like any other scene with young kids. Sucking and fucking and drama. Grow up you fucking incel faggot. No one cares that you were a loser 10 years ago. They hate you because you're a loser now.
nigga you sound like someone who's entire personality is just getting drunk. no faggot pannel or anti yaoi paddle rules are stopping you and your jeet friends from drinking it up in your hotel rooms

what, you cant say nigger around? or people will notice when you take 10 tabs of acid and FADC into a ditch? all the fun stuff to do at cons is still around the only thing is you've been embittered
>Unironically getting mad over a normal 4chan thread
>Calls other people losers

>inb4 tries to justify it
>shit up board with yet another doomer thread
>in a hobby where nothing ever happens
>gets mad and calls others mad when called out
the nigger calling the kettle black huh?
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Lel. I've been diplomatic for the most part, but sometimes ya gotta hit below the belt. The doomershit / idiots talking out their ass is getting ridiculous. And you ever notice something?
>I'll look creepy
Really, says who? Why? Large ponder.
Yeah but that doesn't make you any less of a loser for obviously having more emotional investment in this than OP ever did lmfao. It still makes you an even bigger one.
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>Caring is....le bad
Enjoy your irony, bro
Caring that others should have the same opinions informed strictly by a lack of self-control over browsing a 4chan board is bad, and still proves you're a loser. So yes it is bad in this case. Unless you somehow "care" to explain the way you could talk like this irl without rightfully being shamed for it.
not what youre asking, but for your own sake PLEASE stop fucking asking questions like this. distract yourself. finding the answers wont make you feel better 90% of the time and will usually make you feel much much worse.
t. a retard who keeps repeatedly making this exact mistake
im 30. Theres lots of older people at cons. You think these things are run by teenagers? If anything I have more fun now that I dont feel like I have to squeeze every second of fun out of a con. Just go, have a good time, enjoy yourself. You wont be the creepy old guy if you mostly stick with others your own age, which there's plenty of, and you'll probably have the best time doing it that way anyway.

people sperg’d out more in public, the cosplays were not as good, people casually hooked up more if you lowered your standards, people were a little more approachable
>If anything I have more fun now that I dont feel like I have to squeeze every second of fun out of a con.
At the same time, as you get older, you learn to roll with the punches. If something awful happens, you're old enough to recognize that it hasn't ruined anything. Oh well, your wig caught fire and somebody got body paint all over your outfit. It's a great story.
Look I told you that no one will even care about looking at your flabby butt
Not much.

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