Post ideas and references for the ugly
like 70% of souls games characters
Goblin Slayer, the armor doesn't even have to be super good you can cover the flaws up with battle damage/blood.
woah what is this based off of?
Most chara designers tend away from obscuring the face, for obvious reasons it is just not an ensemble that makes it rememorableJust own up to your insecurities and roll with what you have
Ascians from FFXIV
>step 1. buy black morph suit>step 2. print out image of the flavour of the month waifu>step 3. staple that bitch on>step 4. enjoy your photos and popularity and virality Rinse and repeat
I wish video games still did midnight releases at retailers I’d love to show this off at a Silent Hill 2 remake event
>>10936342Attention whore
>>10936532fuck off I think its cool>>10936342show me more you whore