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It's that time of year again! Ready to break out the shawls, comfy layers and long skirts? General thread to discuss all things relating to Mori Kei, Natural Kei, Yama Kei etc etc.
Some prompt questions for the thread:
-Do you have a favourite mori brand?
-Do you see mori having more of a revival like other jfashions have seen? Is that something you want?
-Any staple pieces you use in all your coordinates?
-Favourite colour scheme to wear?
-Do you DIY mori pieces? Share them here!
its officially fall
it is time
>its officially autumn
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I want for mori to come back so badly, im such a noob when it comes to it though. Looking for suggestions for cute oversized cardigans and other layers made of natural materials.
>Do you have a favourite mori brand?
i never got into mori but im curious about mori brands. Ive always imagined that mori was mostly handmade and thrift because that fits the "girl living in the forest" image and because the girl who invented mori thrifted most of her own clothes. i can definitely see the need for mori brands though. its hard to find regular clothes with lace and drapery. but I rarely see mori girls discuss brands as much as other people into jfashion

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