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For vivikos punks lolitas etc.
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any of you have pics of someone wearing bondage pants?
hell yeah
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thx 4 the bondage pics :)
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>OMG le ORB!! So punk desu, must consoom!!
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good stuff
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I have to admit, I share that impression. How many of these individuals are genuinely motivated by a love for the design and appreciation of the brand, and how many are also doing it partly for clout—to signal status within the community?

It's no secret that some people consider these factors when making purchasing decisions, opting for items they like (but may not love the most) for clout, rather than choosing something they truly love that lacks significance for the group.

I have no problem with people showing off or even spending a significant amount of money on it as long as it's genuine. Buying and wearing things for clout goes against everything I think alternative fashion stands for.
the boots are kinda killing the vibe but the rest is amazing, just fucking shoes, tall shoes? maybe, boots? fucking no
boots are goated with lolita
I've seen some good coords with it, but it is not often that I see them, good or bad that is

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