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Dates: January 24-26, 2025
Venue: Eagle Crest Resort
City: Ypsilanti, MI
Guests: Anairis QuiƱones, PAiDA, AJ Beckles, TC Carson, Jon St. John
Dead con.
Moonway is gay
also forgot to point out that the only way to get in if you haven't pre-registered is to get your badges at the door since pre reg is sold out.
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attention attendees: the McDonalds across the road from the Eagle Crest Resort may begin towing attendees.
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Dad con.
Uhhhhhh.... what's the plan negros?
That was fun yall. Post con depression is hitting me hard even though I was only there for a day.
alright which one of you fags did this?
When I was there at the con they were making announcements every 30 minutes about this blue ford fusion

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