Do you usually cosplay for all days during cons, or do you keep one day without any cosplay/cosplay only for a single day ?
One day only and only if im attending 2days or more
>>10946177i cosplay friday and saturday but keep it casual sunday to shop the artist alley and also im usually hungover
>Costume before it starts>Costume after it ends>Likely costume while I'm asleepThat's the norm. If I'm not in costume at any point, it means I well and truly feel like shit
Always on Fri and Sat, typically only one cos for each and all day. Sometimes Thursday depending on if there's some Day 0 stuff or badge pick-up that evening, and if I have time before traveling or in the room to change. Sunday is a toss-up depending on when I'm leaving, I'll save a really easy or casual cos for it if I decide I am. Cosplaying is one of my favorite parts of a con and I'll be one foot in the grave before I stop.