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It has a new location this year in Dayton OH.
Is anyone here going?
Panels you hope to see?
What will you be cosplaying as?
General meet up and discussion thread.
>Is anyone here going?
Why must you ask the monkeys paw this question? Are you trying to summon the worst group of gulls known?
>Panels you hope to see?
Hoping just to have fun avoid the petty infighting this year and stick largely to myself. Acen and Midwest were shit shows, and youma con was something I hope to forget as it was a giant waste of energy.

Aside from that, the schedule looks fine at best, Dayton convention center has very little to do around it if the con is a bust.

>Hoping for
Weather to not be dogshit(impossible), no drama fagging, staff to not be dogshit with the new layout, and that not 90% of cosplay is DanDaDan.
We are not going.
shit, I hope it's not a ghost town. I was hoping it'd it least be a bit enjoyable
Ohayou had some drama right before and during the convention last year that got some people pissy and screamed about it being joever. It also moved to dayton... for some reason despite a healthy amount of venue options and hotels in Colombus. I'm not sure how familiar you are with downtown Dayton or the convention center it's at but it's a fairly large run-down ghost town there. The place is being held at a desert for quick food or drinks so I am not exactly sure how well that is going to go over.

Luckily I'm close enough that it's a non-issue to get to but I feel bad for anyone coming down from Chicago or the like, expect severe disappointment.
getting ready for this weekend
Any anons here yet? I'm going to be hitting up all of nabeshin's panels.
I would have probably gone this year, drama and whatever bullshit be damned, for my first time had they not moved to fuckin Dayton
Going cause I had a dance dance revolution tournament 15 minutes away from there.

Nostalgia critic cosplayer from last year, I was the metokur cosplayer from last year...sorry for callin ya out, i didnt mean any harm by it. By the way im chris chan this year...dont worry I didnt buy the medallion from him.

Yea its p dead now...hopefully they move back to cbus...you cant really do that good anywhere else in Ohio
welp that was depressing and a waste of money, I'm never going to ohayocon again. I read more into the drama and I simply don't think it will be solved. It seems the CEO and volunteers just won't come to an agreement and it's a shame because it just means another fun convention is over and done with. I've heard good things about something called Sekaicon or something in newark OH.
yep I was the nostalgia critic from last year. I went but went in normie clothing. I didn't think anything of it. I knew by going as nostalgia critic, I was going to be in for one hell of a day that day. The man is a walking talking meme. I'm surprised you didn't get harrassed cosplaying as metokur though lol. My friend wants an actual sonichu medallion and has the money for it now
Shut the fuck up Cody
Im only going back if they move back to columbus. Yeah there arent as many people here but I will say it came at a major advantage when coonsooming...I got a shit ton of stuff that if scalpers were around this year wouldn't be there. Like I got a big deck of grand creators and the first volume of yotsuba&

Nah cosplaying as metokur was awesome. Believe it or not despite the amount of times he said the n word literally every single person who wanted a pic with me was black. In one server I was in someone said they saw someone on twitter call me a "literal nazi" but when I tried the keywords nothing showed up. I kinda wish I saw their copepost but nah.

The con drama seemed to scare away a lotta communists so it feels a lot less gay walking around desu. I promise next year im doing lightbringer...I will try my best

They are cursed. I made mine from scratch (but it may still be cursed who knows).

Ethan ralph wore it and a hurricane landed right on top of his house the day after, idubbz wore it and became a cuck, nick rekita wore it and got caught with cocaine posession and became an alcoholic, the list goes on...
Hey CWC, armyfag here, we were at a few panels together. I doubt they're going to move back to Columbus. I've seen two other cons move from Columbus to Dayton only to die out in a handful of years. It's a damn shame, I have a lot of history with Ohayocon, and it's always been my favorite convention. Still had a lot of fun this year, assuming I can still find a room for cheap somewhere, I'll probably go again. I doubt that hotel across from the convention centers ever going to reopen though, I managed to find my way in there on day zero just to see what was going on inside, and the whole inside of that place is ravaged.
I don't think you could move the con back to Columbus even if the sekai people patched it up with Ohayocon. Apparently the convention center downtown is either a raising prices or trying to rebrand itself. There's a record number of normie conventions and expos this year.
Modern /cgl/ threads, sad
What's up w/ the lawsuit between Sekaicon and Ohayocon? Been out of the loop since I'm moving out of Ohio this year, but I can't really find much beyond volunteer uprising, and Sekaicon getting DMCA'd to hell and back.
>Ohayou had some of the workers go UNION TIME
>ohayou said lol no
>workers/gophers at the con wanted to use the name
>owner said good luck I own the trademark/name/LLC thing
>autistic screeching intensifies

Both moved out of Columbus meaning they will both most likely go bankrupt in 1-2 years. Ohayou was a fucking ghost town this year I left early both days without feeling like I missed anything.
Even though the /cgl/ is le dead meme is a thing, Ohayou was actually fucking dead. There isn't anything worth talking about everyone I know who attended had about the same exp
>arrive friday actually fucking dead to where I had to do a double take if I was at the right place
>leave and come back overhearing staff say after 5PM should pick up
>it's no where near picked up, take shuttle to other hotel LMAO still dead but a bit more active
>decide to leave early due to lack of any people I know even doing hotel parties figure saturday will be the 'big day'
>con is dead figure must be lunch time head over to a bar for some beers since nothing to do on site
>come back still same old shit vendor hall was a huge turn off due to prices being absurd even for 'inflation'
>sit downstairs for an hour to people watch before realizing it's probably 200 people tops here
>take shuttle to hotel and while /slightly/ busier still a bust and con staff supposedly shutting down any party
>leave to go to some bar with friends and somehow have more fun there

This felt like one of those first year cons done by college kids trying to get their campus project on the map. If it wasn't for basically getting a free badge I wouldn't have bothered going, didn't even bother Sunday so I can't exactly speak for that day but from what I heard most vendors also left early.
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>Dead IP

The only thing keeping Columbus afloat are literally corpo cons from Florida. Jesus christ, I am so glad I am moving to Texas if anything to be fucking social again.
The seagulls dug their own grave, I'm willing to bet that most everyone here had a different home board.
Thats a shame. Its gotta be rough for them trying to recover from all the shit Ohayo has gone through and now seeing it reduced to that.

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