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I am from /tg/ but I am hoping people can help me with my questions about the Baird Center which has hosted anime conventions in the past. I go to a convention called Adepticon, and this year will be the first year at the Milwaukee Baird Center. I have some questions about the convention and I am hoping people here can help!
>How big is the parking garage?
>Are the rest rooms nice and clean?
>How is safety, do I have to worry about my car getting broke into, mugged near the con?
>Is the hall open 24-7 or does the whole building shut down at night?
>Any good restaurants in the area?
>Any important info I need to know about the convention center?

My wife and I will go two days and we plan to drive back and forth since we only live 90 minutes away. My concern is if the parking garage will fill up, last Adepticon in IL had 8K to 10K attendees. My other worry is safty, I know this center is about 3 minute walk from the bad part of town. And I am going to have a big case with with 40K models in it, so I am worried about car break ins, or people trying to steal models at the con. Any info is greatly appreciated!
Ment to say 35 minute walk from the bad part of the city.

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