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Does anyone here have a costume they wear to cons from Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc? I'd like to finally get a TNG uniform (the All Good Things type if I have the choice) and I'm wondering if this is the sort of thing you have to get a tailor for, learn to make yourself or buy outright from someone who knows what they're doing.
I have some Star Wars one because they were easy and I had some stuff already. I want to do a Star Trek one and am aiming to get a Romulan Star Emprie uniform made. I found the same pattern this person used and it looks to be the best out there. The belt and stuff most say to get it 3D printed.
Try the pajamas section of Carrefour or similar
God, sci-fi nerds are so gross, and their costumes are so ugly.
At least real cosplayers take care of their bodies and have aesthetic costumes.
poor quality bait

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